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View Full Version : Don't tell me we were wrong for going into Iraq...OBL wanted to use Iraq with Saddam!

3/23/2006, 08:00 PM
Oh, and damn Russians...

And this isn't from a "Right Wing" media... (http://abcnews.go.com/International/IraqCoverage/story?id=1734490&page=1)

Looks like Bush was right and did the correct thing...

3/23/2006, 08:14 PM
Unfortunately, the leftists who hate Bush because he beat their guy (x2) will not be persuaded by such facts.

I no longer bother with trying to convince them. I just hope they nominate Hillary because she's the only Dem I'm certain we can beat pretty much no matter who we run in '08.

Don't let me dissuade you. Feel free to carry-on. I must admit its nice to see someone besides Tuba occasionally stand up for the side of right and justice.;)

3/23/2006, 08:17 PM
that other dude with the beard that we're trying to kill is running things out of Iraq right now isn't he?

3/23/2006, 08:17 PM

While I am strongly conservative, I do understand there is another side that can be just as correct, I try to let facts show the strength of my opinion.

I always figured that at some point we would find the connections. I would have had a hard time thinking we went in just because someone wanted to pull the military trigger.

3/23/2006, 08:38 PM
it bothers me that the russans had so much info about our forces and how we would proceed. But nice to see some links coming out

3/23/2006, 08:42 PM
Its called being "diplomatic", but yeah, it extremely bothers me as well. I think next time we spread around some false info and see who knows what and tells what...

3/23/2006, 08:44 PM
if there is anything I have learned from this whole mess it is to give the media at least a week with any new info....just in case they need to run a correction.*

*regardless of what side it supports. which is why you rarely see me immediately post in threads regarding media bombshells.

**but that info as presented is interesting.

3/23/2006, 08:44 PM
Hell, i think they will someday find WMD

3/23/2006, 08:51 PM
Hell, i think they will someday find WMD

As soon as we start looking under the rocks in Syria

Stoop Dawg
3/23/2006, 08:52 PM
Those documents were obviously contrived by the White House to bolster approval ratings. :rolleyes:

3/23/2006, 09:36 PM
Those documents were obviously contrived by the White House to bolster approval ratings. :rolleyes:

Exactly! Bush must do better if he is to have a chance in 2008!

3/23/2006, 09:40 PM
hmmmm.....bush in 2008

Frozen Sooner
3/23/2006, 09:43 PM
Er, so we invaded Iraq in 2002 (or was it 2003?) because Osama bin Laden met with an Iraqi operative in 1996?

I mean, if that's the standard for invasion, I expect the US Army to roll on Foggy Bottom pretty soon...

3/23/2006, 09:44 PM
hmmmm.....bush in 2008

Yes, we just have to amend the constitution, first. Don't underestimate Haliburton, Big Oil, and Cheney's intimidation tactics (like shooting lawyers)

The Man can create a hurricane and steer it towards a bunch of black people, and you think he can't twist a few arms in state government??

3/23/2006, 09:48 PM
Those documents were obviously contrived by the White House to bolster approval ratings. :rolleyes:

Wow so if the White House would plant some WMD's the rating would go thru the roof.... great ideal

3/23/2006, 09:53 PM
Yes, we just have to amend the constitution, first. Don't underestimate Haliburton, Big Oil, and Cheney's intimidation tactics (like shooting lawyers)

The Man can create a hurricane and steer it towards a bunch of black people, and you think he can't twist a few arms in state government??

LMAO! I'm just relieved that you understood what my comment implied. ;)

OKC Sooner
3/23/2006, 09:56 PM
hmmmm.....bush in 2008

Bartlett/Santos in 2008!!!

3/23/2006, 10:01 PM
I expect the US Army to roll on Foggy Bottom pretty soon...

We can only hope...

Bush was the first President I voted for in 2000 (just turned 18), and I did so with the expectation that he would invade Iraq. I was tired of these United States dancing around with Saddam over inspections, over them taking pop shots at our pilots enforcing the no-fly zone, and the threat he posed to the region.

Prior to 9/11 I figured as soon as Bush got an excuse to invade Iraq that he would. However afterward I really thought our best bet at reducing the threat of terrorism would have been to invade Iran rather than Iraq. I've thought that all along, but it doesn't mean that invading Iraq wasn't justified.

At the end of day however it's going to be such a huge major accomplishment if democracy manages to take hold in Iraq (and in the interest of honesty I'm not sure it's going to). I hope those who are against the war in later years when the success of Iraq is apparent will look at our job there with the same pride they do at other nations where we've successfully installed democracy.

3/23/2006, 10:05 PM
The document does not establish that the two parties did in fact enter into an operational relationship. Given that the document claims bin Laden was proposing to the Iraqis that they conduct "joint operations against foreign forces" in Saudi Arabia, it is worth noting that eight months after the meeting — on November 13, 1995 — terrorists attacked Saudi National Guard Headquarters in Riyadh, killing 5 U.S. military advisers. The militants later confessed on Saudi TV to having been trained by Osama bin Laden.)
Hmm. Do you guys just skim?

I do say "Phuck the russkies, tho"

A lot of good it did.

Stoop Dawg
3/23/2006, 10:33 PM
Wow so if the White House would plant some WMD's the rating would go thru the roof.... great ideal

Yes! Yes!

Stoop Dawg
3/23/2006, 10:35 PM
The Man can create a hurricane and steer it towards a bunch of black people, and you think he can't twist a few arms in state government??

Never underestimate the power of the dark side, errr, I mean, GWB!!!