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View Full Version : Smoking ban update?

3/22/2006, 09:58 AM
Just curious if anyone's got any info on which way the "establishments" in Norman (or OKC) have gone. Particularly wondering if the Library, Vista, or O'connells have gone non-smoking (those three used to have the worst haze). I know that Champions went 21-to-enter and is allowing smoking, though how they get around the food sales cap is beyond me.

If there's any other places anyone knows about, please speak up.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
3/22/2006, 10:07 AM
VZD's is smoke free, at least at lunch.
Mickey Mantle's bar is smoke free

I was at Vista a few weeks ago, but it was the non smoking side anyway.

3/22/2006, 11:04 AM

Norm In Norman
3/22/2006, 11:08 AM
Cattlemen's has a glassed off room. That's the only one I've seen.

3/22/2006, 11:17 AM
No smoking in Chelino's.
No smoking in Othello's.


3/22/2006, 11:21 AM
Get used to it folks! The public in many states is starting to speak up about smoking. There tired of dealing with it and having it forced down their throats (literally and figurativly) and many state gov't are listening. Thank god!
Columbus has been smoke free for about a year and a half now.

3/22/2006, 11:21 AM
No smoking in Chelino's.
No smoking in Othello's.


Coolness. Which Othellos? Or Both? I haven't been there in ages. It may be time for another visit. :D

3/22/2006, 11:29 AM
Coolness. Which Othellos? Or Both? I haven't been there in ages. It may be time for another visit. :D

We ate at the new one a couple weeks ago. Don't know about the one by campus, but I'm assuming it's non-smoking. Maybe they've put up a door between the bar and restaraunt or something and have smoking in the bar.

Anyhow, there's nothing nicer than going out for a few drinks and not getting smoked outta the joint.

Norm In Norman
3/22/2006, 11:33 AM
Damn straight.

We sat right by the door of the smokers room at cattlemens. I'll never do that again. Every time they opened the door I got a big whiff of it. When the door was closed it was allright though.

3/22/2006, 11:36 AM
Damn straight.

We sat right by the door of the smokers room at cattlemens. I'll never do that again. Every time they opened the door I got a big whiff of it. When the door was closed it was allright though.

Don't worry if Okla. follows suit like a lot of other states you won't have to worry about smoke at all before long.

3/22/2006, 11:40 AM
Why do you all hate Okla-homey?

3/22/2006, 11:48 AM
Why do you all hate Okla-homey?

Indeed. To be consistent, we must make illegal all stinky things immediately. I advocate citations for people who fart in bars. In fact, multiple public farters should be locked-up.:rolleyes:

3/22/2006, 11:52 AM
Indeed. To be consistent, we must make illegal all stinky things immediately. I advocate citations for people who fart in bars. In fact, multiple public farters should be locked-up.:rolleyes:

Its a health issue not a "stinky" things issue.

3/22/2006, 11:52 AM
Indeed. To be consistent, we must make illegal all stinky things immediately. I advocate citations for people who fart in bars. In fact, multiple public farters should be locked-up.:rolleyes:

Sorry amigo, but you're just plain wrong on this whole dealio.

Just because historically, bars were smokey, stinky places doesn't mean they should remain that way. You were in the military long enough to remember troop carriers full of smokers, no? Airplanes? Hospitals full of smokers? Training rooms, mess halls, etc.? Would you like to see those places go back to smoke?

I like a good drink (or 6). I like a good meal. I deplore smoke. Yes, I smoked for years, and everyone knows ex-smokers are the worst, but you must admit that going out for drinks/dinner, and coming home without your eyes burning, your chest aching, and having to leave your smelly clothes in the garage and showering before you can stand to go to bed with yourself is pretty danged nice. No?

3/22/2006, 11:58 AM
If O'Connell's is still all ages at any point, it's supposed to be non-smoking.

I heard The Mont built a wall by the bar - smoking in the bar, non-smoking in the restaurant.

Vista has smoking and non-smoking sides.

You can still smoke at Mr. Bills, from what I've heard.

Coach's is non-smoking on both sides.

Louie's on Campus Corner is non-smoking, but they have a patio for smoking. They're expanding to where Crimson Creamery used to be and will have another bar area for smokers.

3/22/2006, 12:02 PM
The fact is people are more health savy now days. Who wants to be around something that is a know carcinogen? It just isn't smart.

Another thing one has to keep in mind is that the words "smoking ban" are miss leading. If Okla. ban is like all the others it simply states you can't smoke indoors period. NO ONE is saying one can't smoke. Simply step outside for 5 min. if you have to. Is that such a bad thing?

3/22/2006, 12:07 PM
Its a health issue not a "stinky" things issue.

prove it.

3/22/2006, 12:09 PM
but you must admit that going out for drinks/dinner, and coming home without your eyes burning, your chest aching, and having to leave your smelly clothes in the garage and showering before you can stand to go to bed with yourself is pretty danged nice. No?

no I don't. Thats just being hyper-sensitive and borderline brokeback about it.


3/22/2006, 12:11 PM
We ate at the new one a couple weeks ago. Don't know about the one by campus, but I'm assuming it's non-smoking. Maybe they've put up a door between the bar and restaraunt or something and have smoking in the bar.

Anyhow, there's nothing nicer than going out for a few drinks and not getting smoked outta the joint.

Werd. It never really bothered me that much, but it really bothers my wife, and going out to dinner by yourself just ain't much fun.

So how is the new Othellos? Food as good? Are the prices the same?

3/22/2006, 12:16 PM
The fact is people are more health savy now days. Who wants to be around something that is a know carcinogen? It just isn't smart. So be sure to stay away from BBQ smoke and car exhaust too.

Another thing one has to keep in mind is that the words "smoking ban" are miss leading. If Okla. ban is like all the others it simply states you can't smoke indoors period. NO ONE is saying one can't smoke. Simply step outside for 5 min. if you have to. Is that such a bad thing? Newsflash, many jurisdictions are banning that too.

For the record, I don't smoke cigs. Just a couple cigars a week and I only patronize bars that allow me to smoke them like the good Lord intended. This is America and tobacco smoking, gun-toting men built her. Unfortunately, we're being supplanted by weenies who say they are scared of a little smoke, but in reality do not to wish to have their precious nostrils offended by a stinky thing. Stinky is a subjective criteria. Why do your rights exceed mine? I know, because I'm in the minoritywhich I thought we had gotten past back in 1964. Silly me.;)

3/22/2006, 12:17 PM
FWIW, I'm not a smoking Nazi or anything, but I think the law is a good one. I used to smoke back in the day, never really that much though. Cig smoke never really bothered me, I guess. My grandmother smoked her entire life and I used to stay with her after school and during summers while my parents worked. So I got used to the smell of it. It may or may not have contributed to my allergies. Somehow, I kinda think that the smog in L.A. was the main culprit there. Even though my grandma smoked, the air in her house was tons cleaner than the air outside it. :P

That having been said, cig smoke *does* kinda stink. I much prefer the smell of a good cigar. :D But not, of course, when I'm eating.

3/22/2006, 12:18 PM
no I don't. Thats just being hyper-sensitive and borderline brokeback about it.



I don't give a rip about the health issue, so I won't go there. It's just offensive. Farting is a normal bodily function that rarely impacts anybody except those sitting directly with the farter. One smoker in a 5,000 SF room gags out everybody.

It's nasty, and it's time for people to give it up.

3/22/2006, 12:19 PM
Cattlemen's has a glassed off room. That's the only one I've seen.

Buffalo Wild Wings in Edmond has a smoking bar closed off from the restaurant side.

3/22/2006, 12:24 PM
prove it.

Are you suggesting that smoking causes NO health problems?? hahaha Because if you are your just being naive and argumenative.

3/22/2006, 12:29 PM
And by the way.. by me saying its a health issue i'm just letting y'all know what front it will be fought on. The health issue part is the thing that is getting these bans passed.

And homey your taking it as a slap in the face of your personal freedoms correct? But what about the freedoms of non-smokers? Thats one thing that smoker DON'T consider. And by the way as i said earlier...NO ONE said you couldn't smoke!! So no personal freedoms are being attacked. All the law states is to take into consideration the freedoms of non-smokers.

3/22/2006, 12:33 PM
Are you suggesting that smoking causes NO health problems?? hahaha Because if you are your just being naive and argumenative.

No. Of course smoking can cause health problems in smokers. I refuse to accept however, the proposition that occasional/temporary exposure to 2d hand tobacco smoke by non-smokers is actually dangerous to anyone's health. If that were the case no one would have survived the mid-twentieth century.

3/22/2006, 12:35 PM
I think I'm going to take my bottle of coon urine cover scent to the bars with me from now on. When I walk past a smoker enjoying his 'right and freedom' to smoke and make my clothes smell like *** I'm going to exercise my 'right and freedom' to spray that ******* with coon urine. I'm sure that will give me the same enjoyment that a smoker gets from smoking.

Is there a difference between me spraying people with coon urine and smokers making everyone smell like an ashtray? I think not.

3/22/2006, 12:38 PM
No. Of course smoking can cause health problems in smokers. I refuse to accept however, the proposition that occasional/temporary exposure to 2d hand tobacco smoke by non-smokers is actually dangerous to anyone's health. If that were the case no one would have survived the mid-twentieth century.

Ok and i can respect your statement. But i will say that i have a good friend who suffers from serious asthma. The doctor told him that the reason his asthma is so bad is because his mom smoked around him when he was a baby.
Asthma can be a 2nd hand smoke health problem which in turn means 2nd hand smoke can cause health problems.

3/22/2006, 12:39 PM
I think I'm going to take my bottle of coon urine cover scent to the bars with me from now on. When I walk past a smoker enjoying his 'right and freedom' to smoke and make my clothes smell like *** I'm going to exercise my 'right and freedom' to spray that ******* with coon urine. I'm sure that will give me the same enjoyment that a smoker gets from smoking.

Is there a difference between me spraying people with coon urine and smokers making everyone smell like an ashtray? I think not.

Save money or time and just use your own..........

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
3/22/2006, 12:47 PM
Before the ban, I was having cocktails and appetizers in Mickey Mantle's bar. A guy across the room lit up the most nasty cigar evar. The fumes from that thing made my Guinness taste like an ashtray. Now I can go in there and really enjoy the taste of my liquor and my crab cakes. For that I am grateful.

3/22/2006, 12:50 PM
And by the way.. by me saying its a health issue i'm just letting y'all know what front it will be fought on. The health issue part is the thing that is getting these bans passed. yes, I agree. "Witch hunts" and public paranoia (whether or not grounded in fact) have historically been an effective tool for banning things a lot of people don't like

And homey your taking it as a slap in the face of your personal freedoms correct? But what about the freedoms of non-smokers? Thats one thing that smoker DON'T consider. Unfortunately, you are in fact elevating your rights above mine when you insist I must desist from doing something competely legal in the abstract that you find offensive when we are both on neutral ground. IOW, I won't smoke in your house, but why do you feel your rights are superior to mine when we are both someplace competely voluntarily? All I ask is that the State shouldn't be able to tell the property owner that one person's so-called rights must always trump someone else's pursuit of happiness.

And by the way as i said earlier...NO ONE said you couldn't smoke!! So no personal freedoms are being attacked. All the law states is to take into consideration the freedoms of non-smokers. With all due respect, I think you are wrong. I believe you are denying me access to personal enjoyment. Honestly, what you're really saying here is your "right" to your personal enjoyment exceeds mine. Finally, I also believe in the principle that the only rights anyone have are those granted by the Constitution and a careful search will not show a "right not to be offended." Unfortunately, that's where this is grounded and that's scary and does not bode well for the future. What's the next offensive thing to be banned by statute?

3/22/2006, 12:59 PM
So Homey, you're cool with me squirting you with coon urine cover scent when we are in the same bar and you are smoking?

3/22/2006, 01:01 PM
Well if you must know the next thing to be banned..... In cali they have pretty much banned colognes and perfumes in hospitals. uh......thats the only one that sticks out in my mind right now. :D

OH...... they're trying to ban anyone under 15 or 16 from using tanning salons. I heard that about a year ago. Along i can't remember what state it was? :D

3/22/2006, 01:04 PM
Finally, I also believe in the principle that the only rights anyone have are those granted by the Constitution and a careful search will not show a "right not to be offended."

Did you find a right to smoke in public places mentioned in there after your careful search? ;)

3/22/2006, 01:29 PM
I think I'm going to take my bottle of coon urine cover scent to the bars with me from now on. When I walk past a smoker enjoying his 'right and freedom' to smoke and make my clothes smell like *** I'm going to exercise my 'right and freedom' to spray that ******* with coon urine. I'm sure that will give me the same enjoyment that a smoker gets from smoking.

Is there a difference between me spraying people with coon urine and smokers making everyone smell like an ashtray? I think not.

Exactly. I dipped Copenhagen for many years. I wonder if most smokers would have joined me in my fight to dip in public places, like restaurants, and spit wherever I want. What is the harm? So you get splashed with a little dip spit on occasion. Who are they to tell me I have to use a designated spit cup?

Seriously though, my daughter is asthmatic, and being around cigarette smoke causes major problems. In fact, my mother smoked and when my daughter (who was 2 years old and did not smoke), would be around my mother's second hand smoke, she would get congested and cough for weeks. It got to the point that she was no longer allowed around my mother's house. I'm pretty sure that farts did not have that affect on her.

Norm In Norman
3/22/2006, 01:30 PM
Coach's is non-smoking on both sides.
last time I went to coach's (just for a beer mind you) we sat on the pool side cause it was after the other side was closed. I may as well lit up myself, because I smelt like an ash tray. I figured no matter how good the beer was I wasn't going back. Maybe i will now.

3/22/2006, 01:35 PM
I also enjoy peeing in public places, much like Eddie Sutton. Nobody can tell me that my urine poses a health problem to those around me. If they don't like the smell on their clothes then too bad! Who is the government to tell me that I can't pee?

3/22/2006, 02:31 PM
Please tell me that Border Crossing is smoke-free. It never made sense that you had to walk through the smoking section to get to the non-smoking section. We sat in their smoking section once and it was a table right next to the front door. Great food, stupid layout.

3/22/2006, 02:40 PM
Please tell me that Border Crossing is smoke-free. It never made sense that you had to walk through the smoking section to get to the non-smoking section. We sat in their smoking section once and it was a table right next to the front door. Great food, stupid layout.

that is the nastiest food I have ever tried to eat.

3/22/2006, 02:48 PM
that is the nastiest food I have ever tried to eat.
Probably got a little coon urine on it.

Jimminy Crimson
3/22/2006, 03:08 PM
that is the nastiest food I have ever tried to eat.

I live close to it and everyone has always talked about how good it is, so I finally tried it one time. Absolutely disgusting. Worst food evar.

Back on topic, though, it's weird going to listen to some live music at a now non-smoking establishment.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
3/22/2006, 03:32 PM
Put me on the "Border Crossing is nasty" VIP list.

3/22/2006, 03:57 PM
Add me to the table for 6 who ain't eating at TBC. I've had better Swanson Hungry Man Messican TV dinners than the crap they serve there.

And I love listening to live music - with no smoke.

3/22/2006, 04:17 PM
So Homey, you're cool with me squirting you with coon urine cover scent when we are in the same bar and you are smoking?


3/22/2006, 04:50 PM
Add me to the table for 6 who ain't eating at TBC. I've had better Swanson Hungry Man Messican TV dinners than the crap they serve there.

I thought TBC actually served Hungry Mans. When did they stop doing that?

3/22/2006, 04:52 PM

And on a smoking sidenote, I drove by Hitachi at lunch and laughed at the morons standing across the street shivering getting their smoke on. Way to go Hitachi.

3/22/2006, 04:56 PM

And on a smoking sidenote, I drove by Hitachi at lunch and laughed at the morons standing across the street shivering getting their smoke on. Way to go Hitachi.

Did any of them have a great ***?

3/22/2006, 04:57 PM
I've thought about taking up smoking just so I can get more breaks at work.

3/22/2006, 04:59 PM
Did any of them have a great ***?

No JB.

3/22/2006, 07:20 PM
Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits. -Mark Twain

3/22/2006, 08:36 PM
Ok and i can respect your statement. But i will say that i have a good friend who suffers from serious asthma. The doctor told him that the reason his asthma is so bad is because his mom smoked around him when he was a baby.Asthma can be a 2nd hand smoke health problem which in turn means 2nd hand smoke can cause health problems.

Just because some doc says something doesn't make it so. That's a patently absurd thing for a doctor to say IMHO.

Look, here's the bottomline of this "second-hand smoke is dangerous" myth.

We all know how litigious our society has become right? Now, just for a moment think about something for ol' Homey. Don't you think that if there was anything to this "second-hand smoke is hazardous" caca there would have been a lawsuit in which the plaintiff claimed some harm as a result of being temporarily exposed to second hand smoke and was awarded damages? No, not the airline stewardess who had to work the smoking section for 20 years, I'm talking someone who just often sat amid smokers in a bar or at a job in a building for 20 years.

Guess what? Nadda. Because, no one can prove to a jury by a preponderence of evidence (probability >50%) that any harm results from occasional/temporary exposure to 2d hand smoke. The "experts" all are careful to couch their warnings in words like "may be linked" or "might cause," etc.

Look, the full moon "may be linked" to my Aunt Tillie's stroke but dam difficult to prove. As my scientist buddy Ike will attest I'm sure, that also means its not science. It's "junk science" based on conjecture. Not "real science" based on demonstrable, repeatable results. BTW, before someone gets their back-up, I absolutely concede that smokers' health is hurt by smoking. Just not you folks who happen to get exposed to it in a bar.

Here's the dealio. I'm cool with you guys saying "don't smoke around me cuz it stinks." I generally respect my fellow humans and won't do it if they kindly ask me to desist. If they get all self-righteous about it and condescending, being the Okie I am, that just p1sses me off and encourages me to deliberately blow smoke in their direction.

What I refuse to respect are so-called authorities who invoke fear in the public based on a boogie-bear that simply doesn't exist. I'm for intellectual honesty my friends. Anti-smoking advocates gave up on talking people into quitting. Instead, they pulled this "that 2d hand smoke kills non-smokers" drivel out of their nether regions and it has worked GREAT because people who hated the smell, now had a legit "scientific" basis for their hatred of smoke.

Now, instead of complaining that 2d hand smoke stinks, they saddle-up their high horse and can claim we're "killing them softly with our smoke."

Wake-up America. Parents who let their kids get fat are next. Mark my words.

3/22/2006, 09:06 PM
So, are you saying that smoking is healthy?

3/22/2006, 09:09 PM
So, are you saying that smoking is healthy?

stop baiting me or I will find you and shove a Philly Blunt up each of your nostrils. ;)

3/22/2006, 09:11 PM
stop baiting me or I will find you and shove a Philly Blunt up each of your nostrils. ;)


I figured I'd just beat the next newb to the punch.

3/22/2006, 09:11 PM

I figured I'd just beat the next newb to the punch.

fair enough. I hate n00bs.

3/23/2006, 10:09 AM
Put me on the "Border Crossing is nasty" VIP list.

Actually, I always get their steak and enchilda dinner which is very good. Haven't tried anything else. Their salsa does suck compared to most restaurants.