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View Full Version : I now have a new least favorite sports radio personality.

3/17/2006, 01:25 PM
Has anyone gone from likeable to being a absolute joke more quickly than Mark Rodgers? When he was just doing radio he was polite, calm and intelligent sounding.
Since he got a television gig he has gotten arrogant, loud and just plain annoying.

He's ripping anybody that is questioning the basketball style OU plays.

3/17/2006, 02:15 PM
I just had it out with him...he didn't call me an idiot, but I nailed them on a few issues.

3/17/2006, 03:26 PM
I have a least favorite personality now too.

The entire Sports Animal "cast". What a waste of radio space.

3/17/2006, 03:29 PM
so, what did you tell him when you called in?

I had turned it down cuz he annoys me. I only listen to it anymore because its all I got out here. It beats country music.

3/17/2006, 03:39 PM
I've said it before, I'll say it again...

Hello, my name is RacerX and I've been sports animal free for more than 3 years.

Come on guys, just say no to dopes.

3/17/2006, 03:54 PM
The SportsAnimal is the Mtv of sports radio. They used to talk sports a long time ago, now they just sit and giggle at each other's bodily noises.

As for Mark Rodgers, his neck appears to have been missing for some time. Besides, he is too close to the program to remotely allow criticism of Kelvin.