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View Full Version : Final sporting event for my kids

3/5/2006, 11:12 PM
My daughter dropped soccer when she left for college. I miss seeing the people that we hung around for over 8 years. Getting together twice a year is the pits.

My sons played in their last hockey games this weekend - at least ones that we will see. They won their division and will go to Nationals next month. Unfortunately, neither my husband or I can go watch them at Nationals. Even though they play for their college team, most of the teammates and families have known each other for twelve years. Now I have another group of friends that I won't be seeing as often.

I think I need another dog. Seriously. From a rescue group.

3/5/2006, 11:33 PM
When I finished playing...it was pretty tough on my parents. All the players' parents followed us everywhere for years and became good friends. They all thought the same thing you are now...

They eventually realized they shared a lot more in common than just their kids' sporting events and still get together regularly. I'm still in contact w/ a lot of my ex-teammates b/c our p's remained good friends.

Your kids may be done w/ athletics but that doesn't mean that circle of friends died. You might give it a shot...beats potty training a puppy.

3/6/2006, 08:03 AM
I hear ya. mine aren't done yet, but the oldest is likely in her last opr next-to-last season. It's a big part of life that will be gone when they quit. On the good side, we still have close friends who are parents of kids our daughters haven't played with in several years. Still, the dog's not a bad idea. ;)

3/6/2006, 09:53 AM
Your kids may be done w/ athletics but that doesn't mean that circle of friends died. You might give it a shot...beats potty training a puppy.

It will be different - not in a good way. For my daughter's team, we saw each other at least three times a week, for 2 hours, year round. You find out the little things, know the entire family. Dinner and a movie won't be the same.
For my sons' team, it's almost the same, just better weather. :)

I am looking for a young adult dog. I found several, the hubby has yet to be convinced. I think it has something to do with the three we already have.... I've done the puppy thing, not particularly interested in that right now, though 2 of the rescue groups have puppies.......

3/6/2006, 10:17 AM
I sort of fear this eventuality. We have been carting 3-boys and their friends to football, baseball, basketball, track, golf and martial arts since we moved here in 1990. Due to the unusual gaps in ages of the kids we will be doing the track, football, baseball, basketball & golf thing until 2012. My wife participates in 4-car pools yearly as well as the school functions such as 8th grade dance and the 5th grade carnival, etc. Though it sounds like complaining it's not. We've met most of the friends and acquaintances here in way west Houston from our kids sports teams. I coached for 6-years until the parents wore me down. It's much more civil to watch the parental shenanigans now than participate. My wife and I have consciously begun to do things together in preparation for the end. We were sitting around one day and contemplating what life would be like when the last one headed off to college and it scared the crap out of us. I am fixin' to become the Ansel Adams of digital kid’s sports photography with my wife in a photo class. Next I think it's her turn to choose and I will likely have to learn some kind of dancing that I've spent my whole life avoiding. Oh well.