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3/5/2006, 08:15 PM
I was just grossed out beyond belief when they were spraying the german cockroaches. claimed that house had over 70k of them..
I can take him sticking a hand up a horses arse and cleaning the San Fransisco sewer sump pump but cockroaches are the worst.

3/5/2006, 08:18 PM
70k? Whoa.

3/5/2006, 08:23 PM
The show that get me is the one where Mike helps clean out the public water works, aka, sewer...the mountains of poo kinda got me. I think the grossest one is where he went to clean out the basement the neighborhood sewer backed up in.

Of course the cockroaches kinda made my skin crawl too.

He needs to do a show about being a rig hand...not that I get really dirty or anything but those ruff necks are covered head to toe in mud every day.

3/5/2006, 08:30 PM
yeah, that one with the San Fransisco sewer where he is spraying off the sump pump motor without a face shield on and gets poo on his face

3/5/2006, 08:35 PM
Any show where he has to take a ahem, "lil juice" from a stud farm animal just grosses me out!
But the show with the pigs was funny as hell.