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View Full Version : Stoopid car!

3/4/2006, 12:16 AM
So I'm driving to St. Louis on Sunday - I have an audition for the St. Louis Symphony on Monday. This bodes well, right? Thursday night I was up at school for several hours to sit through a dress rehearsal for an opera that I'm not playing or conducting. Fairly pointless. Plus, the chick that gets topless has her back to the audience the whole time, so it doesn't even have that going for it.

Anyway, I get back to my car about 11:00 and notice "Hey, that's weird, why is the A/C fan blowing even though the car is turned off?" Needless to say, the battery doesn't have enough juice to turn over the engine. I decide to call PG to come get me and I'll deal with it in the morning.

Morning arrives, I call AAA (PG's car doesn't have enough power to jump my car either) and have them come give me a boost. Once it's started, I drive around for about 15 minutes to at least charge the battery a bit and drive the car to the shop so they can figure out why the A/C fan didn't shut off.

So they call me around noon today and tell me the power control module on the A/C is fried, the battery is leaking acid, and it probably needs new cables to the battery. Grand total they quote me? $1100. Gotta have a car, though, so I tell them to do it.

They call me back at about 6:00 and tell me there's good news and bad news. Good news is that they didn't have to put new cables on the battery - they got the corrosion cleaned off. Also, they got the power control module for several hundred dollars cheaper than they thought it would be. Bad news - they figured out what fried the module in the first place. One of the a/c blowers pulls too high an amperage, so they have to replace it, too. Bottom line, it will cost probably quite a bit less than they originally told me, but they won't be done until Monday.

So I guess I'm driving PG's car to St. Louis, and Iggy gets to ferry her around on Sunday and Monday if she needs anything.

Jimminy Crimson
3/4/2006, 12:21 AM
You called iggy a fairy! ;)

Car trouble is the succ!

3/4/2006, 12:50 AM
Also, they got the power control module for several hundred dollars cheaper than they thought it would be.

Did they tell you it was used? :eek:

3/4/2006, 12:52 AM
Seriously, car trouble IS the succ. I put about $1K into my truck & the wife's car before I left for this job. Turns out I need to do about another $250 when I get home. :(

proud gonzo
3/4/2006, 12:55 AM
you forgot to mention the part where your sister, who has been barricading herself inside the house away from the allergens that have declared jihad upon her poor body, has been bravely venturing beyond her protective domicile to drive you to and from home, school and the car dealership. :D

3/4/2006, 01:10 AM
Dealership? Ouch!

3/4/2006, 01:12 AM
that's what you get for driving a caddy

3/4/2006, 01:52 AM
Shut up, you. And yes, I just take the damn thing to Bob Moore; they can usually take care of it quick and not rip me off too badly.

3/4/2006, 02:00 AM
Whew, I'm glad you didn't say Heitz...then would have had to tell you what I know. ;)

3/5/2006, 04:21 AM
[QUOTE=GottaHavePride]Thursday night I was up at school for several hours to sit through a dress rehearsal for an opera that I'm not playing or conducting. Fairly pointless. Plus, the chick that gets topless has her back to the audience the whole time, so it doesn't even have that going for it.

Was the opera entitled "A Florentine Tragedy" by any chance?

That one can get hawt!


3/5/2006, 08:43 AM
GHP,If it makes you feel better...I've gotta take my '98 camry to a shop tomorrow to get the transmission serviced. Oh and the night after I made plans to do that....and I think it was also the night after DEAN'S "Jeep Cherokees suck" thread...my wife was driving our '99 Grand cherokee on the highway and the transmission started acting up in it. She had the gas pedal down and the RPM's were going up, but it wouldn't go over 50mph (it wouldn't shift). I had her pull off the highway and turn the key off and start it back up and it's been fine ever since. I think it's got a computer issue.

3/5/2006, 09:20 AM
When I was up Oklahoma way my wife's brakes went out and I wasn't around to fix it.

Enter BRAKE CHECK.......the biggest rip off in South Texas. It's bad when you have to use known crooks to help you out.

3/5/2006, 10:07 AM
I need to put new brake pads and rotors on our car . . . then get new tires for the back and change the oil.


3/5/2006, 10:26 AM
I need to put new brake pads and rotors on our car . . . then get new tires for the back and change the oil.

Nah...there won't be time for that today, you've got a game to watch at 3pm :D Save all that for another weekend.

3/5/2006, 11:06 AM
Shameless plug: My father owns a mechanic shop in Tulsa, so if any of you suckers need car work done up there, let me know. Think about it, you will be indirectly contributing to Stanley's Christmas gifts for next year. Cool deal, huh? :D