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View Full Version : Vincent Young might be as dumb as a sack of hammers; so says ESPN!

sooner n houston
3/2/2006, 12:56 PM
By Bomani Jones
Special to Page 2

Vincent Young might be as dumb as a sack of hammers. That's what most people took from the rumor of his subliterate score on the Wonderlic test at the NFL combine.

You know what? Those people are probably right -- though not for that reason.

A low score on that test would mean a lot more if quarterbacks were asked to calculate the dimensions of a vat of water while in the pocket. Perhaps the NFL could personalize its Wonderlic questions to ask things like, "If your team wears white and the opponent wears red, who are the guys in stripes?"

But it doesn't.

That the Wonderlic means diddly-poo about football is probably why an old buddy of mine from graduate school, McDonald Mirabile, found that Wonderlic scores have no statistical link to a quarterback's earnings.

No, the real problem is that Young had no one on his payroll show him the test before the combine.

Whole article -- http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=jones/060301&lpos=spotlight&lid=tab5pos2

Herr Scholz
3/2/2006, 01:03 PM
Yeah, 'Team Vince' has been an abject failure so far. Bad choices. This made me chortle out loud though. Couldn't help it.

So for a couple of days, Young was subjected to the embarrassment of people questioning whether he was literally retarded.

3/2/2006, 01:20 PM

So I see it's still pretty much whornlove.com around here.

Herr Scholz
3/2/2006, 01:27 PM

So I see it's still pretty much whornlove.com around here.
That's really insightful. Please tell us more.

3/2/2006, 01:42 PM
On a test on which a score of 10 is deemed "literate," Young was rumored to have scored a 6. So for a couple of days, Young was subjected to the embarrassment of people questioning whether he was literally retarded.

Anyone need a sig?

3/2/2006, 02:03 PM
After hearing his 'we brangin' it back to Owstin, baybah' crap after the NC Game made me think he was weetoddid.

3/2/2006, 02:36 PM
Anyone need a sig?

Ill borrow that one octavian, thanks!! I feel so much better about myself because of vince young

3/2/2006, 02:39 PM
heh. It looks good! :D

Herr Scholz
3/2/2006, 02:51 PM
Ill borrow that one octavian, thanks!! I feel so much better about myself because of vince young
You have a national championship and are about to be a multi-millionaire?

3/2/2006, 03:14 PM
There is not a single whorn poster who provides anything remotely funny, interesting, or relevant enough to justify their existence on this board.

3/2/2006, 03:21 PM
Wonderlic might not have anything to do with football success, but it does tie to the ability to learn complex offenses and to more quickly ascertain patterns. Defenses are going to feast off of VY early on. I am not saying he won't be a success. He is one of the best QBs of his type (run-pass) that I have ever seen play college football. I want to see how he does when there is not such a disparity in the talent on the field (i.e. wide receivers who will have a couple of feet of separation rather than yards).

3/2/2006, 03:28 PM
Anyone need a sig?

I'll use it for a while!!!:D

3/2/2006, 03:57 PM
You have a national championship and are about to be a multi-millionaire?

No but I will have a college education from OU and im not retarded so I win!!

3/2/2006, 04:03 PM
You know I hate to say this but here goes. You do realize that ESPN is very pro Pac-10 and East Coast....Flyover country is never it's big deal. I don't know how many times I have heard that Bush is the next Gayle Sayers. The fact of the matter is they love Lineart and now they are on the Jay Cutler bandwagon. I guarentee at least 2 Jay Cutler stories during the NFL draft. We always gripe about ESPN's bias towards OU(with some validity at times) Let's face it Vince Young isn't as well spoken and soft around the edges as the people ESPN is hyping. If Lineart made a 6 that was graded wrong, they would be attacking the source and demanding apologies...I am just saying.

3/2/2006, 04:22 PM
You know I hate to say this but here goes. You do realize that ESPN is very pro Pac-10 and East Coast....Flyover country is never it's big deal. I don't know how many times I have heard that Bush is the next Gayle Sayers. The fact of the matter is they love Lineart and now they are on the Jay Cutler bandwagon. I guarentee at least 2 Jay Cutler stories during the NFL draft. We always gripe about ESPN's bias towards OU(with some validity at times) Let's face it Vince Young isn't as well spoken and soft around the edges as the people ESPN is hyping. If Lineart made a 6 that was graded wrong, they would be attacking the source and demanding apologies...I am just saying.

I see your point but I disagree.

If Matt would've scored a 6 I think the media would've gone w/ the "from bad to worse" angle. Nothing sells quite like a car crash and media outlets continually benefit from the downfall of athletes. The media excels at kicking someone while they're down...no matter who it is.

Vince was pumped like a mofo in 05..as was AD the year before....in 03 ESPN proclaimed OU bigger than Jesus. And Jay Cutler...Vandy's not exactly Orange County. I think they like giving more attention to the players in the media centers but they're not exclusive.

What makes the Wonderlic affair so interesting is the fall Vince has taken inbetween the amazing RB performance and the draft (or, at least, that's how its being spun).

Cheers! ;)

3/2/2006, 04:35 PM
My question is how did a barely literate athlete not only obtain access to the University of Texas but also stay eligibal? Those high academic standards are really paying off in Austin.

3/2/2006, 04:36 PM
Showing up on some gimmicky qb challenge, meeting the president and forgetting your suit, scoring a 6 on the Wonderlic exam... Either Reggie Bush's people are running a great smear campaign to prevent him from going #1, or Vince's agent scored a 3 on the Wonderlic. Either way, VY is in trouble.

3/2/2006, 04:39 PM
he is a longhorn....anything else you need to know???

3/2/2006, 04:40 PM
actually im really surprised that coach mack didnt demand to sit with vince during the wonderlic..."um, ill answer that one for vince, and that one, and all of those also"

3/2/2006, 06:23 PM
Well I assume that Vince would take his 6 over what Mack would do...:) First good decision by Vince's management team ;)

actually im really surprised that coach mack didnt demand to sit with vince during the wonderlic..."um, ill answer that one for vince, and that one, and all of those also"

Big Red Ron
3/2/2006, 10:07 PM
God I hope Vince doesn't end up on my Niners.

3/2/2006, 10:53 PM
I just love it when someone finds fault with another's IQ and has spelling errors in his own message.

Big Red Ron
3/2/2006, 10:57 PM
I just love it when someone finds fault with another's IQ and has spelling errors in his own message.IQ and spelling/grammer don't jive on a chat board. Hell, half the time I post here I'm drunk.

Have a taste of the hammer horn.

3/2/2006, 11:41 PM
You know I hate to say this but here goes. You do realize that ESPN is very pro Pac-10 and East Coast....Flyover country is never it's big deal. I don't know how many times I have heard that Bush is the next Gayle Sayers. The fact of the matter is they love Lineart and now they are on the Jay Cutler bandwagon. I guarentee at least 2 Jay Cutler stories during the NFL draft. We always gripe about ESPN's bias towards OU(with some validity at times) Let's face it Vince Young isn't as well spoken and soft around the edges as the people ESPN is hyping. If Lineart made a 6 that was graded wrong, they would be attacking the source and demanding apologies...I am just saying.
Your wrong he probably is the next Gayle Sayers , but not-- the next... GALE Sayer's.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/3/2006, 12:48 AM
There is not a single whorn poster who provides anything remotely funny, interesting, or relevant enough to justify their existence on this board.My gawd, you really DON'T like those guys, do you? They just don't want to go home. Looks like we can't (so far) make them, either.:mack:

3/3/2006, 01:32 AM
Hell, half the time I post here I'm drunk.

ditto. :eddie:

3/3/2006, 01:35 AM
You have a national championship and are about to be a multi-millionaire?

Ernest Hemingway won a writing championship (pulitzer) and was a multi-millionaire and blew his brains out in Ketchum, Idaho.

3/3/2006, 02:22 AM
You have a national championship and are about to be a multi-millionaire?

You have 7?

Oh you don't? Well we do.

3/3/2006, 02:45 AM
Texas....Champions: a Third of the Century in a Making...I can see the video now ;)

3/3/2006, 02:58 AM
It would be interesting to see Vince's course load over his academic career.

3/3/2006, 03:00 AM
I don't know how to spell Brian Picalo either ;)

3/3/2006, 05:24 AM
Ernest Hemingway won a writing championship (pulitzer) and was a multi-millionaire and blew his brains out in Ketchum, Idaho.No worries about Vinnie there. He's not that good a shot.:D ;) :D

3/3/2006, 08:58 AM
Texas....Champions: a Third of the Century in a Making...I can see the video now ;)

Yes, I'll watch the next one on the television in my room at the nursing home.:texan: :D

Tear Down This Wall
3/3/2006, 10:14 AM
Another Dallas Morning News writers was covering for Vince again today. Once again, the writer dredged up Dan Marino as an example of a QB with a Wunderlick score lower than 20 who succeeded in the NFL.

I think it's funny. Out of all the QBs who have ever tried to make it in the NFL and Dan Marino is the only example of a good one with a low Wunderlick score. So, we're supposed to believe that because Dan Marino, who could throw with precision, scored low on the test and succeeded while hundreds of others didn't, Vince is just fine.

Yeah, it's a ridiculous defense, but the Dallas Morning Horn is falling all over themselves to make it.

3/3/2006, 10:21 AM
Marino threw for a lot of yards but he never won anything.

3/3/2006, 10:31 AM
Hmmm, when looking for a Super Bowl win, stay way from quarterbacks whose names are Dan or rhyme with Dan.

3/3/2006, 10:46 AM
Hmmm, when looking for a Super Bowl win, stay way from quarterbacks whose names are Dan or rhyme with Dan.

cough....McMahon rhymes.

Herr Scholz
3/3/2006, 11:13 AM
I think it's funny. Out of all the QBs who have ever tried to make it in the NFL and Dan Marino is the only example of a good one with a low Wunderlick score.
Donovan McNabb scored a 12. He's not a good QB? I believe he took his team to the Super Bowl last year.

Herr Scholz
3/3/2006, 11:19 AM
Neil O'Donnell scored a 13. Another Super Bowl QB. Daunte Culpepper scored a 15. Kordell Stewart scored a 12. Jeff George scored a 10. Randall Cunningham - 15, Dan Marino - 14.

My point is, this test doesn't necessarily correlate to NFL success.


3/3/2006, 11:47 AM
I wonder if Herr, ATX, and Lid are subsidized by the UT athletic department for all the long, hard hours of research and pro-UT spinnage they inform and regale us with here at SF.com.

Herr Scholz
3/3/2006, 12:10 PM
I wonder if Herr, ATX, and Lid are subsidized by the UT athletic department for all the long, hard hours of research and pro-UT spinnage they inform and regale us with here at SF.com.
Excuse me if I like to talk sports and politics, especially with those with different viewpoints.

3/3/2006, 12:37 PM
In the words of the ATHF chicken-resurrecting shaman, Vince is Sofa King We Todd Ed.

NTTAWWT. I guess.

3/3/2006, 12:37 PM
Blah blah blah Mack and Vince. Here is what their future holds:


3/3/2006, 12:40 PM
cough....McMahon rhymes.

snort....first names.

3/3/2006, 01:42 PM
Every QB you named I wouldn't want unless I was a sex boat in Minnesota. The funny thing about everyone you named...is that they all had trouble with the mental parts of the game..Kordell, O'Donnell, Culpepper, Randall, and the dumbest of all...Jeff George. Bringing Jeff George in on your side of an argument is like taking a diabetic to a Sweet Tart Convention....not a good idea. Even McNabb gets questioned because of his mental toughness in tight situations. I really don't see how Marino scored that low. Have you noticed where all of these guys went to college too....None of these guys went to schools that claimed to be so academically refined.

3/3/2006, 05:30 PM
Neil O'Donnell scored a 13. Another Super Bowl QB. Daunte Culpepper scored a 15. Kordell Stewart scored a 12. Jeff George scored a 10. Randall Cunningham - 15, Dan Marino - 14.

My point is, this test doesn't necessarily correlate to NFL success.


Seems like it does. None of them won a Superbowl.:mack:

Herr Scholz
3/3/2006, 06:06 PM
Seems like it does. None of them won a Superbowl.:mack:
Marino, O'Donnell and McNabb all played in one. Not too shabby if you ask me. A lot of the QBs who scored really high on that test (Peyton Manning comes to mind) have never sniffed a Super Bowl.

I know I'll take Vince whatever his score over Alex Smith and his score of 40. Anyone here take Alex Smith over Vince? Never mind, bad question.

3/3/2006, 06:43 PM
If Vince's first season is any better than Alex Smith, I will be massively shocked.

3/4/2006, 03:21 AM
Do they really administer the test with a pencil and paper? or do they make you throw a football through a tire while you answer?

I don't think anyone ever accused Vince Young of being anything but an athlete, the sad part is I guess they are right.

Hook 'Em Horns
3/4/2006, 08:43 AM
Great thread since it has yet to be proven that he actually scored a 6. But you guys are pretty well known for atking rumor and turning it into fact.

Don't forget, Vince should be a wide receiver and Paul Thompson will be a better college QB than Vince.

sooner n houston
3/4/2006, 08:55 AM
Great thread since it has yet to be proven that he actually scored a 6. But you guys are pretty well known for atking rumor and turning it into fact.
Yea, and we all know nothing like that would ever happen on a Horn's board! :eek: :rolleyes: :P

3/4/2006, 09:38 AM
Anyone need a sig?

No, I'm happy with what I said before he even took the test... There was a thread on here wondering what his score would be, and I said, quote, "I'd lay odds on the chance that he's so dumb he tries to eat the test rather than take it."

Go me.


Big Red Ron
3/4/2006, 03:29 PM
If Vince's first season is any better than Alex Smith, I will be massively shocked.Only a Niner fan can truely appreciate how low this blow is. God, Donovan Woods and now Alex Smith. I doubt my Niners will ever recover.:mad:

3/4/2006, 09:30 PM
Neil O'Donnell scored a 13. Another Super Bowl QB. Daunte Culpepper scored a 15. Kordell Stewart scored a 12. Jeff George scored a 10. Randall Cunningham - 15, Dan Marino - 14.

My point is, this test doesn't necessarily correlate to NFL success.


True. Well before the Wonderlic was used by the NFL, scouts worried Terry Bradshaw was too stupid to be able to play qb in the NFL. The rest is history. It just shows being an NFL qb requires a type of intelligence not necessarily validly measured by the Wonderlic or other intelligence tests. That is, the Wonderlic seems to have questionable validity when you consider how many qbs with low scores have succeeded in the NFL. Foobow smarts just are not the same as book smarts.