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View Full Version : Vince Young Scores a 6 on the wonderlic intelligence test?

2/25/2006, 07:58 PM

If true, we now know that UT pulled some 'magic' to get him through his classes.

Jimminy Crimson
2/25/2006, 08:01 PM
Aweeeestin, Teck-sas, bayyybeeee!


that's awesome, if its true

2/25/2006, 08:07 PM
wow, that's sack of nickles type intelligence, or perhaps a box of rocks.

2/25/2006, 08:15 PM
it's pretty easy to make it at UT

2/25/2006, 08:55 PM
http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/5082/vincegump9fh.th.jpg (http://img118.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vincegump9fh.jpg)

2/25/2006, 09:41 PM
lol how reputable is this website? will we ever know for sure?

Thats pretty hilarious if its true (but also kind of sad)

Apparently Jason WHite got a 21 and a 31 the second time he took it. Heupel got a 30
According to this site http://www.unc.edu/~mirabile/Wonderlic.htm

2/25/2006, 09:56 PM
I had friends at Madison HS when he was there. He really was dumber than dirt. Evidently he still is.

2/25/2006, 10:43 PM

2/25/2006, 10:48 PM
He must have given the "buncha drunks" site owners a "lil wiggle" when he called them "gangsta." And his examiners were "uh-hella-uh-team, ya-ow."

I'll bet he stands up to defend their "academic standards" as well...

2/25/2006, 10:58 PM
It seems pretty reliable, it is where I get my combine information and they usually match up pretty well with what the more cluttered NFL.com has on their site.

2/25/2006, 11:18 PM
has anyone ever taken this test before, i cant imagine how the hell someone could score that low (if true):confused: . he's like...inbred stupid

2/25/2006, 11:37 PM
I thought he wasn't participating in the combine. Does everybody have to take the test?

2/25/2006, 11:51 PM
I don't think it is an optional test, if you show up at the Combine you have to take it. I have never heard anyone refuse to do it, but lots of horns will from now on!!!

2/26/2006, 12:00 AM
This test is hard. I mean, damn hard. If I'd have taken it in 5th grade, I would have only gotten 15 out of the 15 on ESPNs page.


2/26/2006, 12:01 AM
I don't know about this. I'll wait until the mainstream media starts reporting on it.

2/26/2006, 12:04 AM
I don't know about this. I'll wait until the mainstream media starts reporting on it.
Like ESPN would report anything that would make Radio look human.

2/26/2006, 12:25 AM
ESPN wouldn't want everyone to know an idiot beat the greatest team in the history of EARTH!!!

2/26/2006, 12:45 AM
A poster on another site I think said it profoundly. "It's pretty bad when your shoe size is more than your Wonderlic score." LMAO:D :D :D

2/26/2006, 06:57 AM
Did anyone in Houston catch the story about Vince's dad on TV, Channel 11 I believe? The guys is in jail (a three time loser, burgulary, car theft and something else - drugs?). He has had nothing to do with Vince or should I say vice versa. He spoke of wanting a relationship...All I could think of is Water Boy and his Daddy wanting to be with him like Tiger Woods and his Daddy...

2/26/2006, 07:10 AM
stoopid is as stoopid does!


Jason White's Third Knee
2/26/2006, 08:24 AM
A poster on another site I think said it profoundly. "It's pretty bad when your shoe size is more than your Wonderlic score." LMAO:D :D :D\

What if you Wunderlic score is less than half of your shoe size?

2/26/2006, 09:14 AM
Darn... I always thought you could get a 7 by spelling your name right. No wonder he never gave up and could lead his team to victory, he was too damn dumb to know he was behind. It does however clear up why he didn't throw at the combine, he just didn't understand what they wanted him to do.:D :D :mack:

2/26/2006, 09:34 AM
Theres no mention of this story on the hornfans.com board. I guess they're in denial

2/26/2006, 10:14 AM

What if you Wunderlic score is less than half of your shoe size?
that means you're SUPER smart.

2/26/2006, 10:37 AM
No wonder he didn't choke in the MNC, all they said to him was Vince just keep scoring dude- don't think.

2/26/2006, 10:46 AM
No wonder he didn't choke in the MNC, all they said to him was Vince just keep scoring dude- don't think.

Haha, and all Leinart could think about was getting back to his Ballroom Dancing classes.

2/26/2006, 10:49 AM
especially since it wasn't his fault- and he could fluff it off on Defense.

2/26/2006, 10:55 AM
Tommie Harris scored a 28 blindfolded, writing with his left hand, using an imaginary pencil.

TRRW scored a 0 on the test - it seems that every time he went to write on it, the paper evaporated in fear of being hit.


Seriously, it's tragic that a junior in college couldn't pull off more that a 6, if that story is true. Maybe this child got "left behind".

They are STUDENT athletes, right?

2/26/2006, 11:06 AM
How can a qb score a 6? That is bag of hammers dumb!

2/26/2006, 11:34 AM
Theres no mention of this story on the hornfans.com board. I guess they're in denial

There were a couple of threads.... and then they magically dissappeared!:rolleyes:

2/26/2006, 11:35 AM

"what color was george washington's white horse?"

[vince] i got dis one coach... wait, what were the queschun?... oh, true dat... black... no, white with black spots... dat ain't right... AUSTIN!!!!!! yeah boy!!!![vince]

Sooner Eclipse
2/26/2006, 11:43 AM
Theres no mention of this story on the hornfans.com board. I guess they're in denial

That's the funny part of the whole thing - people keep posting asking about it and the hornazis keep deleting it. They've erased 4 or 5 different threads so far.

The kid has to have a learning disorder. It's hard work to be that dumb.:texan:

2/26/2006, 12:00 PM
I think Dexter Manley could have gotten a 7...

2/26/2006, 12:06 PM
surely that can't be true. if it is true there has got to be something illegal going on down in Austin.
Of course you all heard Mack on espn last night. He sounds only slightly smarter than vince.
The reporter should have asked about the test score.

2/26/2006, 12:08 PM
This could explain why Vince went to Texas. A Longhorn football helmet was as close as he could come to the dunce cap he wore all thru school.:D :D

2/26/2006, 01:13 PM
surely that can't be true. if it is true there has got to be something illegal going on down in Austin.
Of course you all heard Mack on espn last night. He sounds only slightly smarter than vince.
The reporter should have asked about the test score.
One thing is the Wonderlic is a timed test, with all of the academic support schools give student atheletes, I think it conciveable someone could pass their classes with their hand being held at all times, and then when there hand isn't being held anymore their real intellegence shows. I have seen some pretty dumb people get through college if they put forth any effort at all, so I don't think this means Texas is automatically doing anything worse than anyone else. Wouldn't put it past them though.

2/26/2006, 01:28 PM
Today it was confirmed via the Miami Herald:

Winston runs impressive 4.94 in 40
[email protected]

University of Miami left tackle Eric Winston put up an excellent time in the 40-yard dash Saturday at the NFL scouting combine in Indianapolis.

Winston, a former tight end, was timed in 4.94 seconds. It was the second-fastest time of the day among offensive linemen who ran, and Winston was one of only four offensive linemen at the combine to finish in under five seconds.

The time was particularly impressive considering Winston underwent reconstructive knee surgery in October 2004.

Winston's stock could now rise after some NFL personnel men had indicated he might be a late first- or even a second-round pick.

Chris Chester of Oklahoma ran the fastest time among offensive linemen at 4.88.


The stunning news of the day from the combine revolved around Texas quarterback and Rose Bowl hero Vince Young.

Young, who led the Longhorns to the national championship with a great performance against USC, scored only a 6 on the Wonderlich aptitude examination. The 50-question, 12-minute exam has a maximum score of 50 points. Although several players usually score in single-digits each year, it is highly unusual for quarterbacks to score that low.

Several NFL team executives confirmed Young's score, which could hurt his draft status.


2/26/2006, 01:49 PM
Charlie Wonderlic Jr., president of Wonderlic Inc., says, "A score of 10 is literacy, that's about all we can say."



2/26/2006, 01:50 PM
Today it was confirmed via the Miami Herald:


All you heard from Mack and Co. on the sidelines....."RUN VINCE RUN! THE COPS ARE AFTER YOU!!!!!!!!!!"

2/26/2006, 01:53 PM
This assessment roughly corresponds to the averages revealed, according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, by an NFL personnel man in Paul Zimmerman's "The New Thinking man's Guide to Pro Football," which are:

Offensive tackles: 26
Centers: 25
Quarterbacks: 24
Guards: 23
Tight Ends: 22
Safeties: 19
Middle linebackers: 19
Cornerbacks: 18
Wide receivers: 17
Fullbacks: 17
Halfbacks: 16

The average scores in other professions look like this:

Chemist: 31
Programmer: 29
Newswriter: 26
Sales: 24
Bank teller: 22
Clerical Worker: 21
Security Guard: 17
Warehouse: 15

Spartan(Sooner at Heart)
2/26/2006, 01:59 PM
A six is absolutely pathetic. At the same time, let's not overlook the fact that no one here would give a damn (be honest) if he were winning a MNC for our team.

2/26/2006, 02:14 PM
It's becoming clear why Mack had to ditch the playbook with Vince.......

2/26/2006, 02:50 PM
I thought texass was the Harvard of the Southwest?

2/26/2006, 03:23 PM
This test is hard. I mean, damn hard. If I'd have taken it in 5th grade, I would have only gotten 15 out of the 15 on ESPNs page.


When you were in 5th grade you may have. However, after aTm finished with you I wouldn't get ahead of myself...

2/26/2006, 04:17 PM
When you were in 5th grade you may have. However, after aTm finished with you I wouldn't get ahead of myself...


2/26/2006, 04:24 PM
Vince is retarded- if he tries that run n gun in the NFL he is going to get bent in half and snapped like a tooth pick. I dare anyone to say he has the passing ability of Mcnab or Vick.

2/26/2006, 04:38 PM
"He must be the stupidest sonofabitch alive..but he sure is fast..."

http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/815/a8au.th.jpg (http://img47.imageshack.us/my.php?image=a8au.jpg)

http://img496.imageshack.us/img496/3157/b4pe.th.jpg (http://img496.imageshack.us/my.php?image=b4pe.jpg)

Duke o Brewery
2/26/2006, 05:05 PM
"He must be the stupidest sonofabitch alive..but he sure is fast..."

http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/815/a8au.th.jpg (http://img47.imageshack.us/my.php?image=a8au.jpg)

http://img496.imageshack.us/img496/3157/b4pe.th.jpg (http://img496.imageshack.us/my.php?image=b4pe.jpg)

:D Much Spek.

2/26/2006, 05:31 PM
it's pretty easy to make it at UT

While it is pretty easy to make it at UT, and while I never want to stand in the way of anyone from slamming Texas or anyone affiliated with Texas for any reason, intelligence and education are not the same.

Intelligence is measured in may ways; college education is not.

There are many kinds of intelligence; there is only one kind of education measured at universities. It is singularly measured by your performance at an academic institution.

Education can be used as almost a sub-set of intelligence measuring.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled slamming of VY.


Big Red Ron
2/26/2006, 06:34 PM
heh...from hornfans...

Here is what I heard and I will combine the info from both sources into one piece of info:

The person who leaked VY's score was wrong. The test had not been graded at that time. That same person was fired. Apparantly Mack Brown raised holy hell about the entire situation as he was furious that VY's score had been leaked in the first place.

The person who leaked the info had to apologize to Mack Brown and a number of people. I have heard what VY's score is but I must keep it quiet as I was given the info "off the record". The info I have is supposedly rock-solid and will be released publically when the teams get all of the player's Wunderlich scores. I can say that his score is still considered " a concern" for some NFL teams but it should also be noted that the score is higher than Hall of Fame QB Dan Marino scored on his Wunderlich test and higher than Super Bowl QBs Neil O'Donnell and Steve McNair.


2/26/2006, 06:54 PM
I think the real Radio deserves an apology.

2/26/2006, 06:59 PM
I guess I believe it.

I'm sure there will be some damage control.

2/26/2006, 07:07 PM
I've said from the moment he signed, that he seemed dumber than a box of hair.

Big Red Ron
2/26/2006, 07:18 PM
Honestly, I can see this leak as a way to make his score of 12-16 not seem so bad.

2/26/2006, 07:29 PM

We've confirmed that Texas quarterback Vince Young has indeed scored a measly six on the Wonderlic test, administered annually to the potential members of the draft class at the scouting combine.
Said one league insider, "It's also the number of the round he'll be drafted in."
There's a significant buzz in Indy regarding the ridiculously low marks. Though we're not quite sure that there's much of a correlation between book smarts and football ability, we've got a feeling that, of all positions, quarterback is the one that requires at least some basic cognitive ability.
Unless, of course, the offense consists of making one read and then pulling the ball down and running -- which is the very approach the team that drafts Young might have to employ.
Though the suggestion that Young will last until round six is an exaggeration, the thinking is that he lost millions of dollars via his poor performance on the test, and that it's now a virtual certainty that Vanderbilt quarterback Jay Cutler will pass him in round one.

2/26/2006, 07:36 PM
Captain Obvious asked me why anyone would apologize to Mack Brown for leaking something from a combine? What the hell does Mack have to do with VY now?

Catch 22
2/26/2006, 07:54 PM
That's what I was thinking...

2/26/2006, 08:03 PM
Yep, that whorn post is BS - Mack has ZERO to do with VY now.
VY is no longer a UT man, he's an NFL-wannabe.

If Brodie Croyle only scored a 10, do you think the NFL would call Mike Shula?

Young is a few bricks short of a load, that's it.

Plane and simpull. :D

2/26/2006, 08:05 PM
Good Lord. Can he even read?

My guess is that he's illiterate or dyslexic. If true, how the hell do you go to college?

Stitch Face
2/26/2006, 08:34 PM
No wonder he didn't choke in the MNC, all they said to him was Vince just keep scoring dude- don't think.

It worked. :(

2/26/2006, 09:53 PM
Texans | Casserly comments about Young's Wonderlic test
Sun, 26 Feb 2006 15:14:44 -0800

Houston Texans general manager Charley Casserly said at the NFL Combine Sunday, Feb. 26, he had heard about Texas QB Vince Young's score on the Wonderlic test. He also said he heard from a good source that the test results were inaccurate. "Yes, I have been told it was inaccurate, by a source good enough for me to stand up here and quote it. Otherwise I wouldn't get up here and just say it," said Casserly. He was asked how the test would impact the Texans opinion of Young and he replied, "Well, I can only speak for the Houston Texans. I can't speak for 31 other teams. I just said how we evaluate it. It doesn't make any difference what the test score is to us. We're going to go through the same evaluation. I could point to players that have high test scores but couldn't necessarily learn football. So you go through that process, and then we'll evaluate that player's ability to learn our system at the end of it."

2/26/2006, 10:52 PM
Well that sounds very official...

and vague

King Crimson
2/26/2006, 11:02 PM
the Houston Texans have a system?

2/26/2006, 11:06 PM
IF the results of the test are true, then how the heck did he get into UT? Don't you have to have at least a 25 on your ACT?

King Crimson
2/26/2006, 11:17 PM
IF the results of the test are true, then how the heck did he get into UT? Don't you have to have at least a 825 on your ACT?

i fixed that fer ya.

2/26/2006, 11:30 PM
the Houston Texans have a system?

I hope they do now with the new coach.

2/26/2006, 11:43 PM
I'm going to have sooooo much fun with this tomorrow. Thank you VY!

2/26/2006, 11:52 PM
heh...from hornfans...
heh...from hornfans...

Here is what I heard and I will combine the info from both sources into one piece of info:

The person who leaked VY's score was wrong. The test had not been graded at that time. That same person was fired. Apparantly Mack Brown raised holy hell about the entire situation as he was furious that VY's score had been leaked in the first place.

The person who leaked the info had to apologize to Mack Brown and a number of people. I have heard what VY's score is but I must keep it quiet as I was given the info "off the record". The info I have is supposedly rock-solid and will be released publically when the teams get all of the player's Wunderlich scores. I can say that his score is still considered " a concern" for some NFL teams but it should also be noted that the score is higher than Hall of Fame QB Dan Marino scored on his Wunderlich test and higher than Super Bowl QBs Neil O'Donnell and Steve McNair.


Um, maybe just me, but I think you lose credibility points with incorrect spelling.

Big Red Ron
2/26/2006, 11:56 PM

Half a Hundred
2/27/2006, 03:46 AM
You know, even if this turns out to be completely false, the funny part is that NO ONE outside the burnt-orange cult was surprised by that score at all.

2/27/2006, 09:38 AM
he can play hella football though.

2/27/2006, 09:56 AM
Ell Robeson- 11
Seneca Wallace- 12
VY- 6

These guys are making Big XII Qb's look great!

2/27/2006, 10:10 AM
Did anyone in Houston catch the story about Vince's dad on TV, Channel 11 I believe? The guys is in jail (a three time loser, burgulary, car theft and something else - drugs?). He has had nothing to do with Vince or should I say vice versa. He spoke of wanting a relationship...All I could think of is Water Boy and his Daddy wanting to be with him like Tiger Woods and his Daddy...

Yep, he's been trying to restablish contact with Vince through the media, but Vince ain't buying it. And as far as Vince's scores--well, they didn't bring him to UT to study molecular biology.

2/27/2006, 10:16 AM
he can play hella football though.

He can tuck and run, and he can Uncle-Rico the football to wide open receivers when the OL gives him 10 seconds to throw.

Tony Mandarich

2/27/2006, 10:19 AM
Yep, he's been trying to restablish contact with Vince through the media, but Vince ain't buying it. And as far as Vince's scores--well, they didn't bring him to UT to study molecular biology.
Well, there's ONE whornfan that isn't kidding himself.
Maybe it's time to re-think the whole We're texas, our athletes wouldn't be here if they couldn't hack it at our little harvard of the southwest crap.

2/27/2006, 10:25 AM
Did anyone in Houston catch the story about Vince's dad on TV, Channel 11 I believe? The guys is in jail (a three time loser, burgulary, car theft and something else - drugs?). He has had nothing to do with Vince or should I say vice versa. He spoke of wanting a relationship...All I could think of is Water Boy and his Daddy wanting to be with him like Tiger Woods and his Daddy...

All I could think of was Adrian Peterson.

2/27/2006, 10:26 AM
He can tuck and run, and he can Uncle-Rico the football to wide open receivers when the OL gives him 10 seconds to throw.

Tony Mandarich

and to think that a person with that intilextual.. intellilext... uh.. smarts... led Texas to the biggest win over Oklahoma in the 100 year history of the series. Dayum.. who knows what the score would have been this past year if he could spell his name after you gave him the.. V - I - N part.

Crimson and Orange
2/27/2006, 10:27 AM
IF the results of the test are true, then how the heck did he get into UT? Don't you have to have at least a 25 on your ACT?

Makes you wonder, huh? Pretty sad, if it's true. But don't pretend Texas has a monopoly on this sort of thing. Vince was recruited by just about every team in the country and it's not like he'd have gotten smarter after 4 years anywhere else. VY could have just as easily been a Sooner, or a Tiger, Vol, Gator, Wolverine, or Aggie. This is the ugly side of big-dollar college sports, and as long as the almighty dollar rules college football, there will be VYs at every school that values wins over all else.

BTW, in 2005 the average SAT score for entering freshman at UT was 1230. At OU it was 1191.

Crimson and Orange
2/27/2006, 10:32 AM
Well, there's ONE whornfan that isn't kidding himself.
Maybe it's time to re-think the whole We're texas, our athletes wouldn't be here if they couldn't hack it at our little harvard of the southwest crap.

You're right. There's a sad double standard that plagues every big-time Div-I school. We've got some pretty dumb guys wearing orange. I'm sure you've got some real dumb ones in crimson. As long as we both want to keep our "normal" academic standards high (and both schools have pretty good stats), we'd better either get used to the hypocrisy or plan on losing every year to Tumbleweed State, because if the Vince Young's can't get into Texas or OU, they'll go there.

2/27/2006, 10:35 AM
BTW, in 2005 the average SAT score for entering freshman at UT was 1230. At OU it was 1191.
YES!!! academic smack. f-ing awesome!!!! how long has it been???

here's a number - 39. how many times would vince young have to take the wunderlick to equal 39 points (or the difference between texas' and OU's incoming freshman's SAT score)???

you may consult VY if you are having difficulty.:D

2/27/2006, 10:36 AM
I wouldn't be so quick to judge.

OU's average score was a 19.

It has also been reported that the 6 was not correct.

2/27/2006, 10:37 AM
The average score on the Wonderlic is 19.

2/27/2006, 10:41 AM
and to think that a person with that intilextual.. intellilext... uh.. smarts... led Texas to the biggest win over Oklahoma in the 100 year history of the series. Dayum.. who knows what the score would have been this past year if he could spell his name after you gave him the.. V - I - N part.

No, that's too hard. Too many letters make the sssssss sound.

2/27/2006, 10:45 AM
No, that's too hard. Too many letters make the sssssss sound.
you're mistaken coloradosker - that 'sssssss' sound was the mass exodus from the cotton bowl after 65-13 and 64-14. how quickly they forget down in austin.

2/27/2006, 11:06 AM
I disagree with Mojo - I don't think it'd be safe to tell a dude with a Wonderlic that low to "stop thinking". I'm guessing if he actually *tried* to stop thinking, a few autonomic process might shut down. Like respiration.


Seriously, some people are really, really bad at taking any sort of standardized test. That has to bear at least *slightly* in this -- as I don't see how someone who can tie their own shoes could really be *that* stupid.

Maybe we should check some photos of Vince for signs of velcro? ;)

2/27/2006, 11:08 AM
you're mistaken coloradosker - that 'sssssss' sound was the mass exodus from the cotton bowl after 65-13 and 64-14. how quickly they forget down in austin.

A national championship and the biggest win against OU in the 100 year series history will tend to do that. :D

2/27/2006, 11:08 AM
I disagree with Mojo - I don't think it'd be safe to tell a dude with a Wonderlic that low to "stop thinking". I'm guessing if he actually *tried* to stop thinking, a few autonomic process might shut down. Like respiration.


Seriously, some people are really, really bad at taking any sort of standardized test. That has to bear at least *slightly* in this -- as I don't see how someone who can tie their own shoes could really be *that* stupid.

Maybe we should check some photos of Vince for signs of velcro? ;)

My 5 year old cousin could get a better score than that. I understand some people are really bad at standardized tests, such as myself, but there is frankly no excuse for a 6. That means you are just really stupid.

2/27/2006, 11:09 AM
A national championship and the biggest win against OU in the 100 year series history will tend to do that. :D

Meanwhile we still control the most lopsided victory in the series period. :P

2/27/2006, 11:18 AM
It is now being reported the VY scored a 16. They give numerous different tests and his group was scored with the wrong answer grading sheet. It was regiven Sat. night and 16 was his score. He will retake it again on his senior day as the NFL says there is not a maximum number of times one can take it.

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 12:04 PM
It is now being reported the VY scored a 16.

Better than Marino. Below average for QBs for sure, but VY is not a dumb guy.

This whole thread was basically, IF this is true...[everything I really want to disparage VY and UT with...]

Harry Beanbag
2/27/2006, 12:07 PM
It is now being reported the VY scored a 16. They give numerous different tests and his group was scored with the wrong answer grading sheet. It was regiven Sat. night and 16 was his score. He will retake it again on his senior day as the NFL says there is not a maximum number of times one can take it.

The NFL is covering for him. He got a 6 the first time, the 16 is the retake. The graded with the wrong key excuse is ridiculously lame.

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 12:08 PM
The NFL is covering for him. He got a 6 the first time, the 16 is the retake. The graded with the wrong key excuse is ridiculously lame.
How do you know? Because that's what you want to believe? The 16 score was the one graded correctly (his 2nd test). No one knows what the first score actually was. As reported by ESPN radio.

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 12:13 PM

Marino - 14
Cunningham - 15
George - 10
Shuler - 16
Stewart - 12
McNabb - 16
Redman - 16
Roberson - 11
Berlin - 13

Harry Beanbag
2/27/2006, 12:14 PM
How do you know? Because that's what you want to believe? The 16 score was the one graded correctly (his 2nd test). No one knows what the first score actually was. As reported by ESPN radio.

That's what was reported on Sporting News radio. Guess the radio giants will have to fight it out for the real story.

Why didn't they just regrade the first test? Maybe it would have been lower than 6 if they used the right key. ;)

Harry Beanbag
2/27/2006, 12:16 PM

Marino - 14
Cunningham - 15
George - 10
Shuler - 16
Stewart - 12
McNabb - 16
Redman - 16
Roberson - 11
Berlin - 13

So are Jeff George, Heath Shuler, Kordell Stewart, Chris Redman, El Roberson, and Brock Berlin are supposed to make Vince look better or worse.

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 12:19 PM
So are Jeff George, Heath Shuler, Kordell Stewart, Chris Redman, El Roberson, and Brock Berlin are supposed to make Vince look better or worse.
I believe Donovan McNabb and Dan Marino were serviceable NFL QBs. Do you think they're dumb as dirt too?

2/27/2006, 12:23 PM
The 16 score was the one graded correctly (his 2nd test). No one knows what the first score actually was.

Actually, Vince only took the test once and scored a six. When Vince reviewed his test and totalled the number of correct answers, he came up with 16. This is the source of the confusion.

Harry Beanbag
2/27/2006, 12:28 PM
I believe Donovan McNabb and Dan Marino were serviceable NFL QBs. Do you think they're dumb as dirt too?

So 2 of the 9 guys on that list were good QBs, 1 was decent, and the other 6 either sucked or never played, and the conclusion I was supposed to draw was that McNabb and Marino did better on the test than Vince; therefore, Vince will be just fine. :confused:

Crimson and Orange
2/27/2006, 12:31 PM
YES!!! academic smack. f-ing awesome!!!! how long has it been???

Sorry if that sounded like smack, because it wasn't. The 39 point difference is insignificant, IMO, and my point in posting that was only to note how big the difference is between the average is and what athletes do. A poster earlier had implied that VY's test scores somehow represented the student body as a whole.

I'm well aware that OU's academics are much better than many give them credit for, and that the statistics bear this out.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/27/2006, 12:33 PM
Texans | Casserly comments about Young's Wonderlic test
Sun, 26 Feb 2006 15:14:44 -0800:texan:" I wonder how 2 entire pages were posted before the first obvious whorn joined the thread? Did they think it was tuesday, already. Don't get me wrong-this is not any sort of invitation.

2/27/2006, 12:40 PM
I wonder how VY stacks up against Dexter Manley?

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 12:54 PM
I wonder how 2 entire pages were posted before the first obvious whorn joined the thread? Did they think it was tuesday, already. Don't get me wrong-this is not any sort of invitation.
I was waiting for the truth to come out. Everyone was SO hoping he actually scored a 6. Sorry.

2/27/2006, 12:56 PM
A national championship and the biggest win against OU in the 100 year series history will tend to do that. :D

And yet we still have more tradition than you.

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 12:56 PM
So 2 of the 9 guys on that list were good QBs, 1 was decent, and the other 6 either sucked or never played, and the conclusion I was supposed to draw was that McNabb and Marino did better on the test than Vince; therefore, Vince will be just fine. :confused:
Since Marino is HOF QB, I think that in and of itself proves the test isn't a great predictor of NFL QB abilities. Capiche? You're just being argumentative and intentionally obtuse. Vince tied McNabb and did better than Marino BTW.

Ever since you said "You disgust me" concerning one of my liberal rants on a political thread a few weeks ago, you've been especially antagonistic and biased about all things Longhorn.

2/27/2006, 01:09 PM
And yet we still have more tradition than you.

Too bad you don't have....



Series Record (ON NO! SERIES SMACK)


Are the National Champs (OH NO! NATIONAL CHAMP SMACK!)

As for having more tradition... tradition is subjective.. if you are talking more national championships, you are correct, you should be congratulated for that.

Otherwise, the traditions of the University of Texas are known and respected (except for homer OU people and delusional aggy).

Harry Beanbag
2/27/2006, 01:13 PM
Since Marino is HOF QB, I think that in and of itself proves the test isn't a great predictor of NFL QB abilities. Capiche? You're just being argumentative and intentionally obtuse. Vince tied McNabb and did better than Marino BTW.

Vince didn't tie McNabb, Donovan more than doubled him up 16 : 6. Marino got a 14, also more than double the score Vince had originally.

And I never said the Wonderlic had anything to do with NFL abilities, but Vince already has a lot going against him, subpar intelligence won't help. Does he have a learning disability?

Ever since you said "You disgust me" concerning one of my liberal rants on a political thread a few weeks ago, you've been especially antagonistic and biased about all things Longhorn.

What a surprise, me biased against Longhorns. :rolleyes: I'll let you in on a little secret, it started many many years before this message board ever existed.

POSTED 12:08 p.m. EST, February 27, 2006


A league source tells us that the fallout from the Vince Young Wonderlic fiasco will include a pink slip for the person who initially leaked to NFL types attending the combine that Young scored only a six on the test.

The thinking in league circles is that the leaker won't be abruptly fired, but that the person gradually will be outplaced in order to avoid drawing any further public attention to an episode that entails layers of embarrassment for the NFL and the folks who run the combine. (See John Collins, who took the fall for the Janet Jackson boob-drop by becoming the CEO of the Browns.)

It's not presently clear whether the leaker is an employee of the NFL, an NFL team, or the combine itself.

The test results are confidential. The teams receive the official numbers after the combine concludes. The fact that anyone learned Young's score on Saturday is a clear breach of combine protocol, and we're told that the powers-that-be know exactly who was responsible for the information getting out.

Meanwhile, we continue to be troubled by the fact that Young was permitted to take the test again on Sunday. He took it Saturday; that's the test that should have been graded and reported to the teams.

This whole "do-ever" dynamic also has us wondering whether, unbeknownst to anyone not affiliated with the combine, other big-name players from big-time programs have gotten a second bite at the Wonderlic apple when generating bad scores in the past.

Our guess is that it has happened. Since the overriding goal apparently is to keep the colleges from looking bad when folks realize how little these guys have actually learned during their time there -- and since it's inevitable that the numbers will get out -- we've got no doubt that other guys whose names we'd all instantly recognize got another chance to take the test after scoring in the single digits the first time around.


2/27/2006, 01:21 PM

2/27/2006, 01:25 PM
The thought of a "re-test" brings to mind a certain episode of taxi....

Whhhhaaaaaaaaat dooooooooooeeeesss aaaa yeeeeellllllllooooooowww liiiiiiiigggghhhhttt meeeeeeeeeaaaaaaannnn????

Funky G
2/27/2006, 01:25 PM
Too bad you don't have....



Series Record (ON NO! SERIES SMACK)


Are the National Champs (OH NO! NATIONAL CHAMP SMACK!)

As for having more tradition... tradition is subjective.. if you are talking more national championships, you are correct, you should be congratulated for that.

Otherwise, the traditions of the University of Texas are known and respected (except for homer OU people and delusional aggy).

One every 35 years will not keep the vultures away..

Big Red Ron
2/27/2006, 01:28 PM
As for having more tradition... tradition is subjective.. .Not really. When UT is mentioned as one of the two or three most successful and historic programs in College football history, you'll understand.;)

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 01:37 PM
Not really. When UT is mentioned as one of the two or three most successful and historic programs in College football history, you'll understand.;)
We're the 3rd winningest team of all time behind Michigan and Notre Dame. To say UT isn't one of the top traditional powers in college football is just biased.

2/27/2006, 01:52 PM

If the reports were true, Young's draft stock stands to be significantly affected, especially with Cutler continuing to skyrocket up most teams' draft boards. When I asked one scout from the AFC if he thought Young would still be a top-five draft pick if the rumor turns out to be true, he answered, "Sure … as a wide receiver, though."

A lot of us having been saying that for a while now.

2/27/2006, 01:54 PM
We're the 3rd winningest team of all time behind Michigan and Notre Dame. To say UT isn't one of the top traditional powers in college football is just biased, inaccurate, inane and shows a complete lack of understanding for the history and tradition of college football.

Fixed it there for you Herr.

I wonder where in the hell GDC is today... he usually shows up about this time to spew forth his pablum.

2/27/2006, 02:19 PM
All I could think of was Adrian Peterson.

Yeah, I know. But at least he has a relationship with him. Sounds like VY wants nothing to do with the man...

2/27/2006, 02:28 PM
He scored 45 against your sorry asses in October and single handedly beat the same team that blew you out of the water the year before...

Big Red Ron
2/27/2006, 02:30 PM
We're the 3rd winningest team of all time behind Michigan and Notre Dame. To say UT isn't one of the top traditional powers in college football is just biased.I said two or three...outside of Texas you hear ND/OU/Bama. Just below those you hear Mich/Neb/USC. Then you have your tOSU/UT/FSU/ Miami...

I'm talking winning/Championships/History/Heisman's/All-Americans/Conference Championships all together.

If you think UT is up there with OU/ND/Bama you're just plain goofy!

2/27/2006, 02:30 PM
and to think that a person with that intilextual.. intellilext... uh.. smarts... led Texas to the biggest win over Oklahoma in the 100 year history of the series. Dayum.. who knows what the score would have been this past year if he could spell his name after you gave him the.. V - I - N part.

I'd rather be me than a rich, illiterate, imbecile wearing puke orange.

2/27/2006, 02:43 PM
Too bad you don't have....



Series Record (ON NO! SERIES SMACK)


Are the National Champs (OH NO! NATIONAL CHAMP SMACK!)

Heh heh! Oh, Lid, don't bring your weak "scoreboard/series/championship" smack here ... don't you know scoreboard doesn't matter to a school with such a winning tradition??!!! This is SOONERFANS!*


*proud home of "server smack" ("Hornfans is down ... again! :rolleyes: ")

2/27/2006, 02:43 PM
He scored 45 against your sorry asses in October and single handedly beat the same team that blew you out of the water the year before...

<announcer voice> What do we have for him, Johnny? <announcer voice>

David Earl
2/27/2006, 02:44 PM
All I could think of was Adrian Peterson.

Lid, gonna have to give you a day off for that one.

2/27/2006, 02:44 PM
I love the people that get on and say "He may be stupid, but he still beat you"

Maybe we should run his story alongside the kid that scored 20 in 4 minutes?

2/27/2006, 02:45 PM
All this whorn angst just because their ex-QB turns out to be dumber than a bag of rocks? This isn't really news to the rest of the world and hasn't been since his first television interview. Doesn't take a genius to be a relatively decent college QB, after all.

David Earl
2/27/2006, 02:47 PM
He scored 45 against your [edit] in October and single handedly beat the same team that blew you out of the water the year before...

He was 1-2 against OU. And you get a day off to learn some manners.

2/27/2006, 02:49 PM
Heh heh! Oh, Lid, don't bring your weak "scoreboard/series/championship" smack here ... don't you know scoreboard doesn't matter to a school with such a winning tradition??!!! This is SOONERFANS!*


*proud home of "server smack" ("Hornfans is down ... again! :rolleyes: ")


More NC's
More Conference Championships
More 10 win seasons
More Heisman, Butkus, All Americans, etc...
More top 10 finishes
More top 5 finishes
More top 3 finishes
More weeks ranked at No. 1
More bowl wins
More BCS bowl appearances
More BCS bowl wins

Ut over OU....

more pre WWII rugby style, 5 point touchdown, football wins...

seems about even

if you're as gifted as VY

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 02:52 PM
I said two or three...outside of Texas you hear ND/OU/Bama. Just below those you hear Mich/Neb/USC. Then you have your tOSU/UT/FSU/ Miami...

I'm talking winning/Championships/History/Heisman's/All-Americans/Conference Championships all together.

If you think UT is up there with OU/ND/Bama you're just plain goofy!
I agree with that. I'd say Texas is a top 10 program all-time, not top 5. Texas is definitely in the discussion when the term "college football powerhouses" is mentioned though. Keith Jackson alluded to as much before the title game this year.

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 02:56 PM
More bowl wins

Only 2 more. ;)

2/27/2006, 02:56 PM
He scored 45 against your sorry a**** in October and single handedly beat the same team that blew you out of the water the year before...

Who asked you, troll???? Oh yeah, I remember. One out of six ain't bad!

2/27/2006, 02:56 PM
Let me strengthen what you said by tightening a bit. I know you agree that brevity is the soul of wit.

Ut over OU....

more ... wins

Harry Beanbag
2/27/2006, 03:01 PM
Only 2 more. ;)

UT does have 7 more bowl losses, so they got us there as well. ;)

2/27/2006, 03:01 PM
more.....wins over worthless Southworst conference teams. That may explain why UT got worked in their bowls to the tune of a slightly better than .500 record.

2/27/2006, 03:40 PM

More NC's
More Conference Championships
More 10 win seasons
More Heisman, Butkus, All Americans, etc...
More top 10 finishes
More top 5 finishes
More top 3 finishes
More weeks ranked at No. 1
More bowl wins
More BCS bowl appearances
More BCS bowl wins

Ut over OU....

more pre WWII rugby style, 5 point touchdown, football wins...

seems about even

if you're as gifted as VY



2/27/2006, 03:44 PM
He scored 45 against your sorry a**** in October and single handedly beat the same team that blew you out of the water the year before...

1-2 career against OU. If he came back for his senior year, he'd be 1-3.

Young picks up the #2 pencil, fills in the circles, GIVE HIM SIX!!!!


Sooner Eclipse
2/27/2006, 04:38 PM
He scored 45 against your sorry asses in October and single handedly beat the same team that blew you out of the water the year before...

How appropriate is it for a guy named Special-EDHookem to comment on a thead about VY being dumber than a box of rocks. Heh:texan: :)

Someone please tell me VY has a legit learning disorder. This is so funny I almost feel bad for him.

Half a Hundred
2/27/2006, 05:19 PM
Thank God There's Only 8 Hours Until Tuesday


2/27/2006, 05:32 PM
i know this has been touched on before, but i'm still miffed (assuming he really DID get a 6) of how vince managed to scrape out 3+ years at the UNIVERSITY of texas (a degree granting institution). seriously, even bobby "i'll let anyone play" bowden managed to suspend snoop mennis.

trust me, after teaching at a university for 4 years, i know how athletes are treated. for every great student (that happened to be an athlete) i had that put forth a genuine effort, i had 2 that didn't do squat. i had coaches, teamates, and parents contacting me on a regular basis... and that was at a small school with no one scaring a professional contract (except when i was teaching during my masters - and trust me, some of my ex-students are now professional athletes... one of which is VERY high profile). the crap that goes on is amazing. i can only think that in vince's case it reached levels nearing the surreal.

it happens everywhere. but to score a 6???? PA-THE-TIC!!!! you could guess your way to a 15.

Herr Scholz
2/27/2006, 05:41 PM
...but i'm still miffed (assuming he really DID get a 6)...
So you're mad about a hypothetical? Many on here simply want to believe the worst about UT and Vince. The truth is no one knows the validity of that alleged test score. Could've been the machinations of a weasly sports agent leaking false info to increase their own client's draft stock.

2/27/2006, 05:46 PM
So you're mad about a hypothetical? Many on here simply want to believe the worst about UT and Vince. The truth is no one knows the validity of that alleged test score. Could've been the machinations of a weasly sports agent leaking false info to increase their own client's draft stock.

Or he could be a dumb sh*t.

2/27/2006, 06:56 PM
All this whorn angst just because their ex-QB turns out to be dumber than a bag of rocks? This isn't really news to the rest of the world and hasn't been since his first television interview. Doesn't take a genius to be a relatively decent college QB, after all.

No argument from me. Have to agree with the comments. Know what's funny about it: It's always been that way. Did you know colleges were sneaking non-students into games in the latter part of the 19th century?

2/27/2006, 07:48 PM
What I dont understand is why he took the test again if it was originally just graded wrong? Why cant they just re-grade the test with the correct key? How hard would that be?

Harry Beanbag
2/27/2006, 08:12 PM
What I dont understand is why he took the test again if it was originally just graded wrong? Why cant they just re-grade the test with the correct key? How hard would that be?

Because when it was regraded with the correct key he actually got a 3. :)

2/27/2006, 08:53 PM
When you were in 5th grade you may have. However, after aTm finished with you I wouldn't get ahead of myself...
Because I chose to attend a higher ranked school than Baylor and pay half as much, I'm the dumb one?:rcmad:

2/27/2006, 08:58 PM
Because I chose to attend a higher ranked school than Baylor and pay half as much, I'm the dumb one?:rcmad:

and the Baylor/ATM rivalry rises to the #2 hatefest in the Brazos...

2nd, of course to the Westlake/(whoever they hate) rivalry

Stitch Face
2/27/2006, 09:08 PM
and to think that a person with that intilextual.. intellilext... uh.. smarts... led Texas to the biggest win over Oklahoma in the 100 year history of the series. Dayum.. who knows what the score would have been this past year if he could spell his name after you gave him the.. V - I - N part.

"Biggest" win in series history?

Oh, you must be talking about point difference.

I would have thought "biggest" would mean an impressive win over an opponent that was, like, ranked or something at the time.

Besides, you're only talking about the part of the series when Texas won (the key phrase to your misleading and pathetic wannabe-a-contender statement is "win over Oklahoma"). Because wouldn't the "biggest win" in the history of the series by point difference be one of those sixty-something to some-teen point scores that Oklahoma put over Texas?


2/27/2006, 09:27 PM
I like when horns are criticial of us being critical of horns....isn't that what we are supposed to do?

2/27/2006, 09:29 PM
Let's say AD gets a 6 to a 16(he probably won't since he isn't an idiot) would hornfans.com be like well he was so studly and went 2-1 against Texas

2/28/2006, 01:20 AM
Vince has some great natural ability, however, listening to him recently on television I was embarassed for him. I cannot believe that a school with the standards that UT claims could have somebody like him pass the entry requirements.

My Labrador retriever has some great moves that look very cool when wrestling with the other dogs, but when it comes time to do his taxes he is a bust. Maybe Vince is the same way, dumb as a...

2/28/2006, 01:27 AM
Let's see...with Vince the Great on campus UT went 1-3 against Oklahoma including Vince's redshirt year. It takes a person of great intellect to see that as domination by the Horns.

Half a Hundred
2/28/2006, 01:39 AM
Happy Tuesday Everyone!

2/28/2006, 04:30 AM
I heart Tuesday.

Tear Down This Wall
2/28/2006, 12:29 PM
This whole thing is stupid. Everyone knows that there is a separate admission standard for athletes. Hello, McFly...those lower standards are even printed in the media guides! No one claims these people are geniuses. If they were, they'd be at Rice, studying full time and playing a little football on the side.

No one knows what Vince Young will do. I highly suspect that he will suck because he was pis* poor when Mack and Greg tried to get him to run the playbook. The NFL is different because the athletes are different - faster, stronger. With Vince trying in vain to run the playbook in 2004, OU shut him out. He's not so "in-vince-able" when he has to use his brain.

And, as far as just winging it, as he finally talked Mack and Greg into letting him do, DEs like Dwight Freeney, Michael Strahan, and Julius Peppers will hardly stand around waiting to react to whatever Vince does like most college DEs did. They'll simply rush in and tackle him...that is, if he can learn enough of an NFL playbook to get on the field during the regular season.

Anyway, whether or not Vince sucks in the NFL is irrelevant to the real point. Schools like Texas, Oklahoma, USC, etc. aren't out at high schools asking the Calculus teachers if they have any good football players enrolled. They're chatting up the half-witted high school coaches and praying to God the kid can get enough of an ACT score to qualify even with the lowered entrance standards for athletes.

All of the "my school's academics are superior to yours" is nothing more than small penis syndrome. Bill Gates has more money than any of us motherscratchers and he never even finished college.

A&M and Baylor smack...? I mean, could this be any less interesting? More people follow the neverending border war between Ethiopia and Eritrea, for crying out loud! Step back, Ags and Bears. Take a deep breath, and walk away.

David Earl
2/28/2006, 12:36 PM
Speaking of your username... I have a piece of the Berlin Wall.

Tear Down This Wall
2/28/2006, 12:39 PM
I love remembering those images of people tearing down the Berlin Wall. Did you get your piece at the Reagan Library? That's a cool place.

2/28/2006, 01:47 PM
I have a box of Berlin Wall in my parent's garage. We were in Berlin in December 1989, which was a prime 'tearing down wall' moment.

2/28/2006, 02:34 PM
I've got some dirt from the pitching mound from the last Astros game ever played at the Astrodome. I can't believe I still have that. But no Berlin wall samples.

Harry Beanbag
2/28/2006, 03:11 PM
I've got some Mount St. Helens ash from the 1980 eruption. But no Berlin Wall samples.

2/28/2006, 03:43 PM
We may have started something bad here Harry. I'd hate to see what kind of "samples" LAS, Lid, yermom or Herr keep in baggies (all for different reasons).

Herr Scholz
2/28/2006, 03:49 PM
We may have started something bad here Harry. I'd hate to see what kind of "samples" LAS, Lid, yermom or Herr keep in baggies (all for different reasons).
I've actually got some grass from Wrigley Field. Nothing nefarious. ;)

Half a Hundred
2/28/2006, 04:00 PM
I've actually got some grass I bought off some guy from around Wrigley Field. Nothing nefarious. ;)


Herr Scholz
2/28/2006, 04:02 PM
That was just oregeno.

2/28/2006, 04:09 PM
That was just oregeno.

Seasoning and.....? Seasoning and....? Seasoning and.....?

Half a Hundred
2/28/2006, 04:45 PM
That was just oregeno.
Tell that to the judge.

2/28/2006, 04:57 PM
Speaking of your username... I have a piece of the Berlin Wall.

Did you get it autographed by David Hasselhoff?


David Earl
2/28/2006, 06:52 PM
I love remembering those images of people tearing down the Berlin Wall. Did you get your piece at the Reagan Library? That's a cool place.

Got it from a budy of mine who was in Germany at the time.

David Earl
2/28/2006, 06:52 PM
Did you get it autographed by David Hasselhoff?


Over my head dude...

Harry Beanbag
2/28/2006, 06:56 PM

2/28/2006, 07:19 PM

Thank you. I now have permanent mental scars. :eek:

David Earl
2/28/2006, 07:35 PM
That is very weird.

2/28/2006, 07:37 PM
Over my head dude...


I wish I could find the video of him singing on top of the Berlin Wall. It killed.:D