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View Full Version : Bills Cut TU OT Mike Williams-Insiders Slams Texas

The VIIIth
2/24/2006, 10:45 PM
"INDIANAPOLIS - Move over Walt Patulski and Tony Mandarich. You have a new member to the list of the biggest busts in NFL history. " Buffalo News

And my personal favorite:

Bills writer-"everything handed to them in Austin"http://buffalobills.com/blog/?post_id=123
Once again another good decision by the Bills new front office with the release of Mike Williams. I was in favor of this anticipated move since the middle of last season when I talked about how he simply wasn't worth the money and listed a number of reasons why.

I'll briefly review them.

1. His cap number was too high. He was going to count $10.8 million against the cap in 2006. Even if the Bills wanted to negotiate with Williams on a new much cheaper deal there would likely be problems. Do they offer him guard money or cheaper tackle money? If they offered him guard money, his agent likely would walk feeling he could probably get him tackle money somewhere else.

2. His reputation amongst teammates was headed downhill. The players didn't have a ton of respect for him because he had a low threshold for pain. The highest paid player on the team has a standard to live up to and that's gutting it out and being available every Sunday. I realize there are some injuries that you simply can't play with, but Trey Teague played with a pulled muscle similar to the one Williams had that forced him to miss the last six or seven games.

3. The most important reason was Williams simply didn't have a passion for football. There was no fire in his belly to develop his vast physical talents and become one of the best tackles in the game. His physical capabilities could have enabled him to do that if he dedicated himself to improving his techniques, but it simply was non-existent. I say this with firm conviction after watching him on a daily basis, at virtually every practice and every game since he arrived in Buffalo. He just never seemed into the game of football.

Now before anyone goes blaming the scouting staff, which didn't undergo any offseason changes, know that the Bills did everything in their power to investigate Williams before making him the number four pick in the draft. They even sent Jerry Gray (A Texas alum) down to Austin to beat the bushes for a week to try and dig up any dirt on Williams. He couldn't.

Unfortunately a growing trend with Texas Longhorns players is they're very well taken care of in Austin by the University and the community. Everything is handed to them. They get spoiled, and then when they get to the NFL where nothing is handed to you and you have to work for everything, they're suddenly ill prepared. At the same time they easily remember how good they had it in Austin and some... and I stress some don't want to work to get better or excel at the NFL level. The results are players like Mike Williams. There's concern in this year's draft that Texas DT Rodrique Wright will have the same kind of problem in the pros among other Longhorns. Again there are exceptions, but I think it'll be a long time before the Bills tap the University at Texas for an offensive or defensive lineman any time soon.

The bottom line is the Bills made the right decision. At this level a leopard doesn't change his spots. More importantly the Bills stand a good chance of getting two good linemen in free agency for the price it would have cost to keep Williams.

2/24/2006, 10:57 PM
Unfortunately a growing trend with Texas Longhorns players is they're very well taken care of in Austin by the University and the community. Everything is handed to them. They get spoiled, and then when they get to the NFL where nothing is handed to you and you have to work for everything, they're suddenly ill prepared. At the same time they easily remember how good they had it in Austin and some... and I stress some don't want to work to get better or excel at the NFL level. The results are players like Mike Williams. There's concern in this year's draft that Texas DT Rodrique Wright will have the same kind of problem in the pros among other Longhorns. Again there are exceptions, but I think it'll be a long time before the Bills tap the University at Texas for an offensive or defensive lineman any time soon.

Oh, yeahhhhh!

2/25/2006, 12:14 AM
This brings to mind the ?
Will VY submit to coaching ? Or will he want them to just let him be him self ?

2/25/2006, 04:07 AM
"Mad Dog"--need I say more?

:mack: proved his coaching theory this year: "being talented beats working hard" :texan:

2/25/2006, 08:47 AM
They even sent Jerry Gray (A Texas alum) down to Austin to beat the bushes for a week to try and dig up any dirt on Williams. He couldn't.

boy, they SURE sent an unbiased source to investigate that one, didn't they?:rolleyes:

2/25/2006, 12:19 PM
This brings to mind the ?
Will VY submit to coaching ? Or will he want them to just let him be him self ?
I can envision the quotes now that we're gonna see from VY in a year or 2: "I dont know, the system we play in, it doesnt allow me to be me"

The Consumate Showman
2/25/2006, 02:29 PM
VY to the press in New Orleans(or whoever is dumb enough to draft him), November 2008 after another beating from the Jets and Whineart:

VY - "Well guys, another hard fought loss out here today. I thought we had things in hand when we kicked that 63 yard field goal to go up 6-0 at the end of the first quarter."

Press - "Talk about the Jets vaunted defensive attack."

VY - "Well, that cover-2 they through at me really got me outta sink today. John Williams made a great play to take that fumble of mine back for a TD and DJ Wolfe played my passes well all day. I think he picked me off twice, right?"

Press - "Yeah, DJ twice and Derrick Strait once."

Press - "Vince, what about that 72 yard int return for a td in the second quarter? Derrick Strait seemed to just be reading you all the way. He said that it was almost like you telegraphed it to him. Your thoughts?"

VY - "Man. Man. I dunno man. I think that in the second quarter, the sun started to shift to our side of the field and my view was obstructed a little on that pass."

Press - "Vince. Vince. It's been three years since your rise to stardom your junior year at Texas. What has happened to VY since that time. It's almost like we're not seing the same player that year? Do you miss Mack Brown and his system at all?"

VY - sobbs... sobbs some more before looking up at the cameras.... "Guys.......I've....I've lost my Vince-Vibe. I dunno. Coach Brown just let me hang loose down thare(sobbs) and now(sobbs), in the NFL(sobbs), I just feel like they want so much from me(sobbs)...they ask me to do so much(sobbs)...I don't know if I can take it anymore...."

VY exits the podium to meet up with his most favored UT alumni, Ricky Williams, in India to do a little smoka-on-tha-hoooka baby!

2/25/2006, 03:55 PM
Funny and true, VY will be the next.

2/25/2006, 05:12 PM
Unfortunately a growing trend with Texas Longhorns players is they're very well taken care of in Austin by the University and the community. Everything is handed to them. They get spoiled, and then when they get to the NFL where nothing is handed to you and you have to work for everything, they're suddenly ill prepared. At the same time they easily remember how good they had it in Austin and some... and I stress some don't want to work to get better or excel at the NFL level. The results are players like Mike Williams. There's concern in this year's draft that Texas DT Rodrique Wright will have the same kind of problem in the pros among other Longhorns. Again there are exceptions, but I think it'll be a long time before the Bills tap the University at Texas for an offensive or defensive lineman any time soon.


Now contrast the nancy atmosphere in Austin w/ http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/columns/story?columnist=maisel_ivan&id=2341786

Whorn players are overhyped, yellow belly, sissy girls....seems like a fair assesment.