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2/22/2006, 12:56 AM
..in the UK.


2/22/2006, 04:44 AM
Sounds like someone with an agenda beating a drum.

Either that, or more proof that Lyndon Johnston's Great Society has been a total failure.

2/22/2006, 05:21 AM
Ya know, I read stuff like this and wonder. I was out of a job for almost a year and a half & my three kids were never hungry and never went without a roof over their heads...and none of it happened with any government assistance. (I know people need assistance & I'm not bashing it, but I was determined not to accept any until it was completely necessary.)

I mowed yards. I fixed computers. I sold stuff on Ebay--my stuff. I sold my guns, or at least a good portion of them. I did what it took. I was too good for a minimum wage job--until I couldn't make it any more. I went from a parts manager at a dealership to a parts driver at O'Reilly's. I made in a week what I use to make in a couple of days. I remembered what it was to put in a full day's work (with very little compensation). It's really fun to be bossed around by a kid almost half your age who knows only about a 1/10 of what you do about your industry.

I was really close to losing it. The house, both cars, the electricity, my marriage, you name it. There was a lot of financial juggling and paying who was screaming the loudest first...

I'm not saying I'm better than the people in that story, but I was there and with faith, hard work, and self discipline I pulled myself out. This is America...that's what we're suppose to do.

2/22/2006, 06:15 AM
Steve Whitaker mentioned in that piece (John 3:16 Mission in Tulsa) is a friend of mine. When he agreed to the interview, he was worried about the reporter's agenda, but did it anyway because he thought it was important.

Unfortunately, it seems they were more interested in portraying his work and the people he helps as victims of the government and less like victims of poor personal choices about drugs, alcohol, crime and failure to finish high school.

Anyway, Steve is a great guy and he's doing great work helping give people who have earned one a second chance.


2/22/2006, 08:34 AM
Oklahoma is in America's heartland. Tulsa looks like picture-book Middle America. Yet there is hunger here. When it comes to the most malnourished poor in America, Oklahoma is ahead of any other state. It should be impossible to go hungry here. But it is not. Just ask those gathered at a food handout last week. They are a cross section of society: black, white, young couples, pensioners and the middle-aged. A few are out of work or retired, everyone else has jobs..

2/22/2006, 08:39 AM
One reason that's true is our "poverty line" is the highest in the world. :)

2/22/2006, 08:46 AM
They should come to Adair county.:(

2/22/2006, 09:30 AM
In Texas more than a third of students entering public high schools now drop out.

I'd like to see his source for that stat.

2/22/2006, 09:42 AM
Sad. I grew up in poverty and know this world all too well. I know what it is like to go hungry in Tulsa, OK. It wasn't that much fun I can assure you.

But to blame the government is stupidity.

I didn't, I simply got a job when I could, worked to get thru school and now here I am at 28, with a fantastic wife, a college education, a decent job, a beautiful home, living in a great town and I just adopted my 16 year old brother in order to give him a chance better than what he or I had before.

The only reason I ever was in poverty is because of substance abuse and laziness by my parents. End of story. If there is an answer to fix this stuff, I don't know what it is.

But somehow the cycle of poverty has got to be broken like it was with me. It wasn't that hard. If I can do it, anyone can IMO.

2/22/2006, 09:55 AM
Also what is interesting, they don't mention the poverty rate in the UK is 17% (a much smaller population) compared with the US (12.7%).

And that the UK spends MUCH more on entitlements and social programs per person than the US does.

The poverty rate for the whole UK population is 17 per cent.


2/22/2006, 09:57 AM
Kinda off the subject Soonerborn but we have alot in common in our industries, I work in automotive parts, we may know each other.

2/22/2006, 10:40 AM
Also what is interesting, they don't mention the poverty rate in the UK is 17% (a much smaller population) compared with the US (12.7%).

Hypocrisy is nothing new to the British press. Nothing like decrying the treatment of poor little palestine, and supporting its brave freedom fighters all the while oppressing the Irish in Northern Ireland in their own occupation.