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2/13/2006, 08:56 PM
Very creepy, what could have happened.


Sutton steps aside after DUI citation; witness tells police of drugs with Sutton
By Patti Weaver
2/13/2006 9:36:00 AM

OSU basketball Coach Eddie Sutton, cited for driving under the influence after a Friday traffic accident., has stepped aside for the remainder of the basketball season. Sutton was arrested, but was not jailed because there was not physical evidence to back up the citation, Stillwater Police Chief Norman McNickle said Monday.

Sutton also was cited with speeding and driving left of center in the 5:45 p.m. accident in the 3000 block of North Washington Street in Stillwater.

The police report from the accident says that a witness saw the prescription drug hydrocodone in Sutton's car.

The unnamed witness also told police that Sutton didn't know the day or where he was in Stillwater after the accident.

The police report also indicats that Sutton said he couldn't remember the accident when he arrived at the hospital.

A statement released by Oklahoma State University on Monday tied Sutton's decision to injuries in the accident, but did not address his arrest.

Sutton received a head injury in the two-vehicle accident.

McNickle said Sutton couldn't be given a field sobriety test at the accident site because of his head injury.

Sutton initially refused to give blood for a blood

test, but the police ordered it under state law, McNickle said.

Although Sutton was technically arrested, charges in the case will be the decision of the Payne County district attorney, a decision that isn't likely until after the blood test results are available.

OSU's statement indicates that Sutton will be gone from the team for rest of the season.

OSU's statement quoted Sutton as saying: "It has been an extremely difficult season. With my deteriorating physical condition and other issues, I have been under a tremendous amount of stress. I told (OSU President David) Schmidly I was close to making this decision after the trip to Kansas State because the pain in my back was making it very difficult to coach. After Friday's events, I know it is best to go on medical leave the remainder of the season to address my future health."

The statement doesn't address the arrest.

"It is very difficult to step away from the team," Sutton says in the statement. "But I know they are in great hands. The season has not gone as we wished, but we have a talented and fine group of young men and I look for them to finish the season strong. I won't be on the bench, but I'll be with them."

The statement also quoted Schmidly, but again did not address the accident.

"Coach Sutton has been dealing with constant back and hip problems the last couple of seasons and after last Friday's accident he feels this is the best decision for his health and for the team," Schmidly says in the statement.

The statement says that Schmidl and Sutton said no decision has been made regarding the coach's plans for next season.

"Coach Sutton will continue to heal and that is something we will discuss at the appropriate time," OSU Vice President for Athletics Mke Holder says in the statement.

Sutton's son and head-coach designate Sean Sutton will lead the team the remainder of the season.


911 transcripts
Here are transcripts of 911 calls to the Stillwater Police Department concerning Oklahoma State University basketball coach Eddie Sutton's drive on Friday.

Audio tape of these calls will be online at tulsaworld.com shortly.

Caller 1
Dispatch: Stillwater 911

Male voice: Hey, do you have an officer up around Boomer and Knoblock?

Dispatch: What's the problem?

Male voice: Oh, it's kind of sensitive. Coach Sutton's having trouble in his car and we can't get him to (inaudible).

Dispatch: Ok, What kind of vehicle is it?

Male voice: Well, we're trying, I'm trying to be discreet. He's not feeling well. It's a white Dodge. OK, hang on just a second.

Dispatch: What do you mean he's not feeling well? Does he need an ambulance?

Male voice: He's going, I'm afraid he's going to hit somebody. He's, uhh, never mind.

Dispatch: Is he moving or is the vehicle on the side of the road?

Male voice: Never mind. He's doing better now.

Dispatch: Well what's going on.

Male voice: Well, I don't think he was feeling very well but he's going now. So . . .

Dispatch: OK, What direction is he going from Boomer and Knoblock?

Male voice: He went north.

Dispatch: OK, and you said it's a white Dodge? A white Dodge what?

Male voice: Umm, SUV.

Dispatch: OK. Was he like swerving or what was going on?

Male voice: Oh, he's fine. Never mind.

Dispatch: OK, well I need to know what's going on because you know 911 is for emergencies.

Male voice: Well, I. . .

Dispatch: If he was just sitting in the road or what's going on?

Male voice: Well, we're just trying to get it under control. I think he's OK now.

Dispatch: OK.

Male voice: Thanks.

(call disconnects.)

Caller 2
Dispatch: Stillwater 911.

Female voice: Yes, I just witnessed an accident on uhh,. . .

Dispatch: OK, where at?

Female voice: . . .just north of Boomer Lake I think it's on Boomer Road.

Dispatch: OK, is anyone injured?

Female voice: You know I'm not sure, I saw it, it was 100 yards or 50 ahead of me. I've been watching the car right in front of me and they were swerving.

Dispatch: Hang on just a second.

Female voice: OK.

(very long pause)

Female voice (speaking to someone else): Oh my gosh, (withheld by Tulsa World), I just saw an accident. I'm on hold with the police.

Male voice: What?

Female voice: It was right out here. No, I just witnessed one so I called 911. It was like. Well, they put me on hold. Well like, oh my gosh, this is so scary. Like back about half a mile this Durango pulled out in front of me almost hit the car in front of me, like almost hit his tailend, they were like swerving like going into the right lane, going into the left lane, just going back and forth. I mean it was like one of those, oh my gosh, there's going to be an accident waiting to happen.

I honked my horn twice at them cause they were going into the right lane almost about to hit somebody. And then like as I was turning in, (male voice inaudible)

Yeah, (withheld by Tulsa World), as I was turning in to our thing I was just watching it cause it was like oh my gosh this is so scary. And I guess like the person in front of him was turning and they just rammed into the back of the car. Like hit three cars. They had to be drunk or something. Oh my gosh. It's like 50 yards that way.

(Male voice inaudible.)

Female voice: Should I just hang up?

(call disconnects.)

Caller 3
Dispatch: Stillwater 911

Female voice: Yes, I'm sorry I just called and I got cut off about an accident on North Boomer Road.

Dispatch: North Boomer and where?

Female voice: Umm.

Dispatch: Are you at Vine or at Lakeshore?

Female voice: I'm at Lakeview.

Dispatch: OK, yes we have officers on scene.

Female voice: OK, the reason I was calling is because I was behind the white Durango that I believe caused the accident, and I just witnessed it from behind him. I've been following them probably about a half mile and there was very erratic driving on their part. Umm, swerving.

Dispatch: OK, what is your last name?

Female voice: My last name is (withheld by Tulsa World).

Dispatch: What's your cell phone number you're calling from ma'am?

Female voice: (withheld by Tulsa World)

Dispatch: OK, thanks a lot.

Female voice: OK, thank you.

Caller 4
Dispatch: Stillwater 911 Emergency.

Female voice: We just had a bad wreck. It's Brown and Washington.

Dispatch: Brown and Washington. Are there injuries?

Female voice: I don't know the guy passed me and he was weaving all over the road. I was getting ready to call it in.

Dispatch: OK. Alright, so there is an accident?

Female voice: Yes.

Dispatch: What do you mean you were getting ready to call it in?

Female voice: Well because he was weaving all over the road. He almost hit me.

Dispatch: OK, so there is an accident though? He didn't leave?

Female voice: Yes. Yes. No.

Dispatch: OK,there are injuries?

Female voice: I don't know I haven't got that far I'm running over some of the rubble right now. There's traffic everywhere.

Dispatch: OK, we'll get someone up there. Thank you.

Female voice: OK, bye-bye.

(call disconnects.)

Caller 5
Dispatch: Stillwater 911

Male voice: There's been a wreck just north of Boomer lake.

Dispatch: OK, is anyone injured?

Male voice: I don't know.

Dispatch: OK, thank you.

Male voice: OK, thanks.

(call disconnects.)

Caller 6
Dispatch: Stillwater 911 emergency is this the accident at Brown and Washington?

Male voice: No, there's a car crash on Main and Airport.

Dispatch: OK, are there any injuries?

Male voice: Uhh, someone ran into a tree.

Dispatch: OK, do you think there's any injuries or do you not know?

Male voice: I do not know but there probably is.

Dispatch: OK, good enough we'll be there shortly. Now where did it was at again?

Male voice: Main and Airport.

Dispatch: How about Washington and Brown.

Male voice: Uhh, I don't think so. It's right after Boomer Lake.

Dispatch: No, Main and Airport don't intersect, sir. Washington and Airport maybe? Is it by the bowling alley?

Male voice: Uhh, Washington, sorry.

Dispatch: Is it by the bowling alley?

Male voice: Yes.

Dispatch: We're headed there, thank you.

Male voice: OK. Sorry. Bye.

Caller 7
Dispatch: Stillwater 911.

Male voice: Yeah, I need an ambulance to Lakeshore and Boomer Road. Lakeview and Boomer Road.

Dispatch: OK, hang on just a second.

(long pause)

Dispatch: Hello, are you still there?

Male voice: Yes.

Dispatch: How can we help you?

Male voice: Uhh, I need an ambulance to Lakeview and Boomer Road. There's been an auto accident.

Dispatch: OK, we do have ambulances and officers headed there. Now tell me again where it's at?

Male voice: I think it's at Lakeview and Boomer road.

Dispatch: OK, we're headed there now. Thank you.

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Big Red Ron
2/13/2006, 09:07 PM
wow, internet rubber necking...lol

2/13/2006, 09:10 PM
Wow..pretty crazy. And the first guy was trying to save Eddie's arse after he saw Eddie was driving better. Geeze.

2/13/2006, 09:13 PM
Wow..pretty crazy. And the first guy was trying to save Eddie's arse after he saw Eddie was driving better. Geeze.

Maybe someone in the AD office was trying to get help for Eddie? Sean?

2/13/2006, 09:48 PM
#1 was probably Robert Allen.

Jimminy Crimson
2/14/2006, 12:20 AM


2/14/2006, 07:46 AM
Put her on hold?

How busy is the Stillwater 911?

You gotta like the first call (knowing it was Sutton and then wishing he hadn't called) and then the valley girl call (like, like, like).

2/14/2006, 02:05 PM
Those first 2 calls are pure comedy gold.

2/14/2006, 02:16 PM
How busy is the Stillwater 911?

Well, there IS a Whataburger in Stoolwater, you know.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
2/14/2006, 02:31 PM
Well, there IS a Whataburger in Stoolwater, you know.

langston was in town?