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2/20/2006, 03:15 PM

Step away from the crack pipe. I need my very good friend and business partner to remain cool, calm, and lucid.

Please do not try and suggest that the local politics in Amarillo (aka Satan's butthole) are a mirrored reflection of America. Just cause everybody in the county has a "R" in front of their name (including the self-serving ****-lapper of a female DA) doesn't all of a sudden create cause for disowning your party of choice. Just because the **** is hitting the fan out in the Texas panhandle doesn't mean that conservative America is all whacked out.

You're dealing with a ****ball situation right now. Don't let it impact/affect what you hold dear. Bush isn't smart enough to be evil. Neither are his cronies. Rush is right, but he's so full of himself he's intolerable. O'Reilly? He's a dildo. In fact, all the radio guys are.

Me? I'm still an "R." No shame in my game. Could things be better? Sure, but I still have to look at the big picture. I made more money last year than the year before. I'll make more this year than last. My family is prospering. My friends are prospering. Hell, America is prospering irregardless of what the libs say. Our business is prospering. Life is good. I just can't get all yainched up right now.

Dean, haven't you heard that all poltics are local? I don't really give a flying **** about the yammering guys up in DC anymore. They're all the same.

The real problem is that anytime you have one-party dominating local politics you get arrogant pricks in the system who don't think they're answerable to anybody.......and apparently they aren't.

I think I'll start splitting my vote just for general purposes and find a place to live where they actually have a viable two party system.

This event has been an eye-opening experience about what happens when government agencies run amock and act like they aren't accountable.