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View Full Version : Women are better handwashers than men are

2/10/2006, 10:55 AM
As a business owner, it is one of the perks of my job to get to clean the bathrooms every week. It's my observation that the female trashcans always have more paper towels than the male trashcans. Does that mean:
A. Guys wash their hands and then flush the paper towels down the toilet? (not likely)
B. Guys wash their hands and then dry them on their shirttails or down the front of their pants? (not likely) or
C. Guys don't wash their hands? (highly likely)
I googled the subject and found out that - sure enough - women are better handwashers than men are. So guys - what's the deal? Do you not think your hands are germy? Or do you not care that your hands are germy?
BTW - to you guys who are handwashers - your "brothers" are giving you a bad rap.

Any ideas?

2/10/2006, 10:56 AM
i only wash mine if there are other people around

2/10/2006, 10:58 AM
I only wash mine before I pee. It's an old airborne thing. You never wanna touch your ernie with dirty fingers.

2/10/2006, 10:58 AM
i only wash mine if there are other people around
I always wash mine in a public bathroom unless the sink happens to be dirtier than the toilet!!:eek:

proud gonzo
2/10/2006, 11:04 AM
chances are, the sink is probably always dirtier than the toilet.

the toilet seat is usually the cleanest place around.

2/10/2006, 11:09 AM
I'm wondering if the handwashing thing applies to the kitchen area as well. I ALWAYS wash my hands before eating, or preparing food. Do you men type people do that too?

2/10/2006, 11:12 AM
As a former kitchen monkey at a few bars in Norman I can say with no hesitation that the women's restroom was always 400% nastier at 3am than the men's. You ladies are just nasty in that regards. I refused to clean the women's restroom at the Red Dirt and O'Connell's. NAS-T, I tell ya.

2/10/2006, 11:13 AM
We like to share our musk.

2/10/2006, 11:15 AM
It always surprises me how many people DON'T wash, men and women. Disgusting.

2/10/2006, 11:16 AM
I've said this before.....I don't have a big problem not washing my hands after peeing. Why, you ask? Because there's about a 100% chance that my weenis is cleaner than the faucet, towel ejector and door handle...all of which you must touch after washing your hands unless you want to go through the OCD steps of using a paper towel to turn off the water and open the door.

Having said all that, I still do usually wash my hands afterwards.

2/10/2006, 11:17 AM
It always surprises me how many people DON'T wash, men and women. Disgusting.

Look, my penis was clean when I put it in my pants. It is no dirtier than my elbow, usually cleaner than my elbow actually. Why would I need to wash my hands after touching it?

2/10/2006, 11:18 AM
...unless you want to go through the OCD steps of using a paper towel to turn off the water and open the door.

that's me

2/10/2006, 11:20 AM
I'm wondering if the handwashing thing applies to the kitchen area as well. I ALWAYS wash my hands before eating, or preparing food. Do you men type people do that too?

When I cook (especially with chicken) I nearly wash the skin off my hands from scrubbing them so often. Guess I'm sort of a germ freak.

2/10/2006, 11:22 AM
well, I know that urine is supposed to be sterile. But is your urine sterile to me? Uh...... probably not. Having said that - I'm not so sure that other bodily functions are so sterile. Sorry MDK - I was not going to get into bodily functions.

I KNOW that ladies bathroom trashcans handle more debris than mens' - I'm just saying that men don't seem to wash their hands. There have been times at the end of a week when there are NO papertowels in the mens' trashcans. Geez........come on guys.;)

2/10/2006, 11:23 AM
I like to think that I'm strengthening my immune system by exposing it to all kinds of bacteria. When the raging super killer bacteria is destroying all life on the planet - that'll be me, standing there, laughing at it.

2/10/2006, 11:26 AM
I'm pretty good about not peeing on my hands. It's not difficult. That said, I do the double paper towell thing for the spigot and door handle. Not that the paper towell probably keeps anything off of them.

2/10/2006, 11:26 AM
I quit washing my hands after I pee when I quit peeing on my hands.

Czar Soonerov
2/10/2006, 11:28 AM
Women just use more paper products in the bathroom. Where a guy will use 2 sheets of TP, a chick will use about 20. The same goes for paper towels I'm sure.

You women are very wasteful....

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
2/10/2006, 11:29 AM
They say the nastiest thing in a hotel room is the remote control.

2/10/2006, 11:29 AM
it's not only about peeing/not peeing on your hands. I think people should wash their hands several times a day anyway, just from touching keyboards, phones, doors, etc. You should be washing those germs off as well, might as well do it while you are in the bathroom.

after I OCD scrub them I always come back to my desk and slather them with germ-X as well.

2/10/2006, 11:29 AM
I only wash mine before I pee. It's an old airborne thing. You never wanna touch your ernie with dirty fingers.

how do you tell the Chemists from the Physicists in the john?

2/10/2006, 11:29 AM
well, I know that urine is supposed to be sterile. But is your urine sterile to me? Uh...... probably not. Having said that - I'm not so sure that other bodily functions are so sterile. Sorry MDK - I was not going to get into bodily functions.

I can't speak for all men, but I almost never **** on my hands so I'm still going with my weenis is cleaner than the hand-washing utensils.

This is not the case for womens. They could have an accidental poke-through or something so they need to wash their hands. And if somebody is in there taking a shiite and they experience a poke-through, the first thing they're going to touch is the faucet and the soap button (it is to be hoped) so I don't want any part of that.

Obviously, I've put a lot of thought into this issue. :O

2/10/2006, 11:31 AM
***gets yet another squirt of Germ-X***

2/10/2006, 11:31 AM
As a business owner, it is one of the perks of my job to get to clean the bathrooms every week. It's my observation that the female trashcans always have more paper towels than the male trashcans. Does that mean:
A. Guys wash their hands and then flush the paper towels down the toilet? (not likely)
B. Guys wash their hands and then dry them on their shirttails or down the front of their pants? (not likely) or
C. Guys don't wash their hands? (highly likely)

D. Women go more often than men, and use the paper towels for more than washing their hands.

2/10/2006, 11:32 AM
I'm pretty good about not peeing on my hands. It's not difficult. That said, I do the double paper towell thing for the spigot and door handle. Not that the paper towell probably keeps anything off of them.

uh.. uh... wow.. No.. it's too obvious.... :D

2/10/2006, 11:32 AM
I can't speak for all men, but I almost never **** on my hands so I'm still going with my weenis is cleaner than the hand-washing utensils.

This is not the case for womens. They could have an accidental poke-through or something so they need to wash their hands. And if somebody is in there taking a shiite and they experience a poke-through, the first thing they're going to touch is the faucet and the soap button (it is to be hoped) so I don't want any part of that.

Obviously, I've put a lot of thought into this issue. :O
Weenis!! ROFLMAO:D BTW - that is the reason that we use mass quantities of toilet tissue - avoids any and all poke-throughs!!

2/10/2006, 11:34 AM
BTW - that is the reason that we use mass quantities of toilet tissue - avoids any and all poke-throughs!!

Yeah, like those are accidental.


2/10/2006, 11:36 AM
BTW - that is the reason that we use mass quantities of toilet tissue - avoids any and all poke-throughs!!

And here all along, I thought that was the reason that women were in the bathroom so long. So you're telling me that they're not doing other things in there, they're just slow. :eek:

2/10/2006, 11:37 AM
D. Women go more often than men, and use the paper towels for more than washing their hands.
And pray tell what might that be? Paper towels are used for hand drying - that is all. We don't need to use paper towels to mop up drips. We don't drip like youse guys do.;)

2/10/2006, 11:37 AM
Yeah, like those are accidental.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

2/10/2006, 11:41 AM
I don't know how people can go from the sandwich-eating seat out the door without washing up. That is gross. I have seen people in powerful positions do just that. I wash up and encourage other to do the same, I also use a paper towel to turn off the faucet and open the door.

2/10/2006, 11:42 AM
And pray tell what might that be?

Fussing with your makeup? Hell, I don't know. Even if the paper towels are only used for handwashing by both sexes, women go more often than men, and will use more paper towels even if the handwashing rates are the same, or even slightly higher for men.

proud gonzo
2/10/2006, 11:42 AM
I always wash my hands after using the bathroom, and i wash my hands a lot when i'm cooking too, so as to avoid the chicken/pork/etc. nasties and not contaminate food. Other than that though I don't worry about it too much. I don't wash my hands so much for germs but to keep my hands from feeling gross.

I volunteer at a zoo in the summers and after enough time getting all dirty and sweaty and cleaning up bird poo, we got used to the grime. when all you have to wash your hands is a dirty garden hose, your hands almost get dirtier when you try to wash them. hell, sometimes we'd go on break and forget to wash our hands before we ate. I figure it's just building up my immune system against birdie germs.

2/10/2006, 11:47 AM
Maybe since our "privates" are under wraps most of the time, they may truly be our cleanest parts. Gawd - that is a scary thought. So, what Dean said might actually make sense. We wash our hands to keep our privates from being contaminated. Did I really just say that?

2/10/2006, 11:50 AM
Maybe since our "privates" are under wraps most of the time, they may truly be our cleanest parts.

Then how do you explain this (http://www.monistat.com/index.jsp)?


2/10/2006, 11:50 AM
I've heard that the womens restroom is often dirtier than the mens. :D

It's never a bad idea to wash your hands . . .

2/10/2006, 11:52 AM
Then how do you explain this (http://www.monistat.com/index.jsp)?

ohhhhhhhhh comeon Klatt - that was a really low blow - heh!!;)

2/10/2006, 11:53 AM
Then how do you explain this (http://www.monistat.com/index.jsp)?


heh. One of my HS coaches got a yeast infection..... in his throat. That is some funny crap right there.

Harry Beanbag
2/10/2006, 11:53 AM
The elbow flushes the urinal, and operates the faucet if possible.

The foot flushes the toilet.

The shirt or paper towel covered hand operates the stall latch, faucet, and door handle.

People are freaking nasty. It disgusts me when somebody takes a big nasty groaning dump, stops by the mirror to fix their hair, then walks right out of the bathroom. http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/wuerg/vomit-smiley-007.gif

2/10/2006, 11:54 AM
that was a really low blow

What are you guys doing, baking bread down there or something?

2/10/2006, 11:59 AM
maybe the whole issue just boils down to the fact that women are more tuned into their personal hygeine than men are. Women are groomed to be dainty and guys are well ..... just not groomed.;)

proud gonzo
2/10/2006, 12:04 PM
that must explain all the sorority chicks who look like they never comb their hair. :rolleyes:

2/10/2006, 12:04 PM
The elbow flushes the urinal, and operates the faucet if possible.

The foot flushes the toilet.

The shirt or paper towel covered hand operates the stall latch, faucet, and door handle.

People are freaking nasty. It disgusts me when somebody takes a big nasty groaning dump, stops by the mirror to fix their hair, then walks right out of the bathroom. http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/wuerg/vomit-smiley-007.gif

Again, my goal is to not get any on my hands. If I fail, then I wash. If I succeed, what is there to wash?

2/10/2006, 12:05 PM
If I succeed, what is there to wash?

all the nasty germs you've picked up since you last washed......duh

2/10/2006, 12:06 PM
FYI - For those of you that I met back in July....when we shook hands, you might as well have been shaking Mr. Winky.

That's why I laughed.

Harry Beanbag
2/10/2006, 12:06 PM
Again, my goal is to not get any on my hands. If I fail, then I wash. If I succeed, what is there to wash?

Anybody who wipes their ***, regardless if they have brown globs hanging from their fingers or not, and doesn't wash their hands is a disgusting pig.

Human feces is 33% bacteria by weight. A piece of toilet paper isn't gonna stop them all.

2/10/2006, 12:06 PM
that must explain all the sorority chicks who look like they never comb their hair. :rolleyes:

But do you know long they spend in front of the mirror to give their hair the perfect "uncombed" look?

2/10/2006, 12:09 PM
Anybody who wipes their ***, regardless if they have brown globs hanging from their fingers or not, and doesn't wash their hands is a disgusting pig.

Human feces is 33% bacteria by weight. A piece of toilet paper isn't gonna stop them all.

That is exactly why I don't eat my sandwiches on the toilet.:eddie:

2/10/2006, 12:10 PM
FYI - For those of you that I met back in July....when we shook hands, you might as well have been shaking Mr. Winky.

That's why I laughed.
UGH - Thanks Pat. I may never shake hands with a man again. I will always be thinking of a germ-laden weenis!!:(

Harry Beanbag
2/10/2006, 12:11 PM
That is exactly why I don't eat my sandwiches on the toilet.:eddie:

I think you'll be okay as long as you finish it before you wipe. ;)

proud gonzo
2/10/2006, 12:12 PM
But do you know long they spend in front of the mirror to give their hair the perfect "uncombed" look?

and that's why i think they're idiots.

proud gonzo
2/10/2006, 12:12 PM
UGH - Thanks Pat. I may never shake hands with a man again. I will always be thinking of a germ-laden weenis!!:(

...too many punchlines...

2/10/2006, 12:12 PM
I think you'll be okay as long as you finish it before you wipe. ;)

Seriously, who eats that fast? ;)

2/10/2006, 12:13 PM
maybe the whole issue just boils down to the fact that women are more tuned into their personal hygeine than men are. Women are groomed to be dainty and guys are well ..... just not groomed.;)

Which begs the question.. who is more disgusting.. us men who go rooting around in the more hygenically cleansed areas of women? or... women who go rooting around in the grooming issues area of men? ;)

2/10/2006, 12:13 PM
UGH - Thanks Pat. I may never shake hands with a man again. I will always be thinking of a germ-laden weenis!!:(

If we're taking about a germ-laden weenis shaking hands is the last thing you should worry about....

2/10/2006, 12:13 PM
and that's why i think they're idiots.
why does PG hate sororiety sisters?:confused:

2/10/2006, 12:14 PM
why does PG hate sororiety sisters?:confused:

Who doesn't hate sorority girls? I imagine they even annoy themselves.

IBTD x 2

2/10/2006, 12:15 PM
If we're taking about a germ-laden weenis shaking hands is the last thing you should worry about....
damn skippy!!:P

2/10/2006, 12:17 PM
Anybody who wipes their ***, regardless if they have brown globs hanging from their fingers or not, and doesn't wash their hands is a disgusting pig.

Human feces is 33% bacteria by weight. A piece of toilet paper isn't gonna stop them all.

For the record, I'm talking about peeing.

2/10/2006, 12:17 PM
As a business owner, it is one of the perks of my job to get to clean the bathrooms every week. It's my observation that the female trashcans always have more paper towels than the male trashcans. Does that mean:
A. Guys wash their hands and then flush the paper towels down the toilet? (not likely)
B. Guys wash their hands and then dry them on their shirttails or down the front of their pants? (not likely) or
C. Guys don't wash their hands? (highly likely)
I googled the subject and found out that - sure enough - women are better handwashers than men are. So guys - what's the deal? Do you not think your hands are germy? Or do you not care that your hands are germy?
BTW - to you guys who are handwashers - your "brothers" are giving you a bad rap.

Any ideas?

I thought you were a principal?

2/10/2006, 12:18 PM
Who doesn't hate sorority girls? I imagine they even annoy themselves.

IBTD x 2
Hmmmmm - I used to be one. Maybe that's why I hate myself. :rolleyes:
Would you hand me that cat-o-nine tail please? I'm due for my 11:30 flogging.

2/10/2006, 12:18 PM
FYI - For those of you that I met back in July....when we shook hands, you might as well have been shaking Mr. Winky.

That's why I laughed.

That's why I shook the hand wearing a golf glove....Mr. Weenis...;)

proud gonzo
2/10/2006, 12:20 PM
Anybody who wipes their ***, regardless if they have brown globs hanging from their fingers or not, and doesn't wash their hands is a disgusting pig.

Human feces is 33% bacteria by weight. A piece of toilet paper isn't gonna stop them all.

yeah, but from what i learned in zoology class, a lot of that weight is DEAD bacteria. Besides, there's quite a bit of bacteria on the rest of your body anyway as well as inside your body.

2/10/2006, 12:20 PM
I thought you were a principal?
Heh - yeah - principal bathroom cleaner at least once a week. More than that if I get lucky!!;)

2/10/2006, 12:23 PM
FYI - For those of you that I met back in July....when we shook hands, you might as well have been shaking Mr. Winky.

That's why I laughed.

That is so wrong . . .

2/10/2006, 12:26 PM
Routes of Disease Transmission:

Fecal - Oral route . . . . wash your freakin' hands people.

I really hope the kid that fixed my burger washes his hands better than some of you people. :D

2/10/2006, 12:26 PM
That is so long . . .

I said it was like shaking Mr. Winky.


proud gonzo
2/10/2006, 12:29 PM
Routes of Disease Transmission:

Fecal - Oral route . . . . wash your freakin' hands people.

I really hope the kid that fixed my burger washes his hands better than some of you people. :D

yeah, but most stuff that spreads through feces is more prevalent in areas with very poor sanitation.

2/10/2006, 12:31 PM
yeah, but most stuff that spreads through feces is more prevalent in areas with very poor sanitation.

It sounds like you're saying it's okay to touch poo. :eek:

2/10/2006, 12:36 PM
Routes of Disease Transmission:

Fecal - Oral route . . . . wash your freakin' hands people.

I really hope the kid that fixed my burger washes his hands better than some of you people. :D
you know the answer to that - so let's not even go there!!:eek:

proud gonzo
2/10/2006, 12:37 PM
It sounds like you're saying it's okay to touch poo. :eek:

I'm just saying, with our sanitation systems it would be very poorly evolved bacteria that rely on fecal matter as transport. coughing and sneezing are much more effective ways to spread bacteria.

2/10/2006, 12:38 PM
I said it was like shaking Mr. Winky.


I guess I walked right into that . . . you turd.

2/10/2006, 12:40 PM
yeah, but most stuff that spreads through feces is more prevalent in areas with very poor sanitation.

True to a point. However, a restaurant can have the cleanest, most potable water around, but that does no good if employees don't use the handwashing sink before handling food and after visitin' the bathroom.

2/10/2006, 12:40 PM
I'm just saying, with our sanitation systems it would be very poorly evolved bacteria that rely on fecal matter as transport. coughing and sneezing are much more effective ways to spread bacteria.

Forget pathogens, poo is just nasty. :eek:

2/10/2006, 12:40 PM
I'm just saying, with our sanitation systems it would be very poorly evolved bacteria that rely on fecal matter as transport. coughing and sneezing are much more effective ways to spread bacteria.
gee - when you put it that way PG - we are all a pretty nasty lot aren't we?:D

2/10/2006, 12:41 PM
Uh...from what PG is saying and the theme of her notes....she will be persona non grata at any future tailgate food serving lines ;)


2/10/2006, 12:42 PM
Uh...from what PG is saying and the theme of her notes....she will be persona non grata at any future tailgate food serving lines ;)


proud gonzo
2/10/2006, 12:42 PM
gee - when you put it that way PG - we are all a pretty nasty lot aren't we?:D
yeah, that's basically the idea.

jaux--I didn't say I don't wash my hands... I wash my hands rather frequently. :P

2/10/2006, 12:42 PM
I think it's time for me to return to my plastic bubble - just as soon as I wash my hands.

2/10/2006, 12:45 PM
SBiB - playing in Poo threads since 2005

2/10/2006, 12:46 PM
SBiB - playing in Poo threads since 2005

Come to think of it, you seem to turn up in every poo thread sooner or later....

2/10/2006, 12:48 PM
SBiB - playing in Poo threads since 2005
That is so wrong Yermom. This is a "handwashing" thread - not a "poo" thread. Get it right!!;)

2/10/2006, 01:37 PM
Come to think of it, you seem to turn up in every poo thread sooner or later....

yeah, i'm not ashamed of my bathroom humor

come to think of it, you start a lot of bathroom threads yourself :D

2/10/2006, 01:50 PM
yeah, i'm not ashamed of my bathroom humor

come to think of it, you start a lot of bathroom threads yourself :D
just a bunch of poo"peas" in a pod;)

proud gonzo
2/19/2006, 01:15 AM

2/19/2006, 01:19 AM

Yo.....is that not what I've been saying here?


proud gonzo
2/19/2006, 01:45 AM