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2/2/2006, 09:10 AM

Very interesting!? could he be the next (another) souter?

How is lethal injection cruel and inhuman. Its about the least cruel and most humane you gonna get. I still favor public execution using same method the criminal used since he/she felt that was OK when they did it.

Plus I am sooooo sick of people playing the race card. With alot of folks I believe iit is starting to have a backlash.

2/2/2006, 09:13 AM
I just think the guy is so ultra pro-life that he is even hesitant to let them die after they've been born and turned out bad. Doesn't look good for Roe v Wade.

2/2/2006, 09:15 AM
I'm sort of on the fence when it comes to the death penalty, at this point anyway, because I can both understand the need for a death penalty and the argument that the state should not be in the business of killing its citizens.

But that's not the argument being made by the Taylor folks in Missouri.

2/2/2006, 09:16 AM
Doesn't look good for Roe v Wade.

Not yet. There's still 5 justices who aren't likely to overturn it.

2/2/2006, 09:17 AM
Sounds like he in support of putting an end to the idea of what is cruel and inhuman.

If they don't...prison itself will more than likely end up being cruel and inhuman.

I know prison and the death penalty are both cruel and inhuman...that's why I prefer to be a good citizen.

2/2/2006, 09:20 AM
I'm telling you, these guys (other than Thomas and Scalia) are generally very unpredictable. Its mostly like astrologists who say Capricorns act one way and Aquarians act another.

If there was a way to reliably predict how the majority of justices would come down on a given issue, whoever came up with it would be as rich as Bill Gates. Seriously.

However, I am willing to predict capital punishment will be deemed unconstitutional sometime during the next 20 years, maybe sooner if the right case gets to the Court.

2/2/2006, 09:25 AM
I'm telling you, these guys (other than Thomas and Scalia) are generally very unpredictable. Its mostly like astrologists who say Capricorns act one way and Aquarians act another.

If there was a way to reliably predict how the majority of justices would come down on a given issue, whoever came up with it would be as rich as Bill Gates. Seriously.

However, I am willing to predict capital punishment will be deemed unconstitutional sometime during the next 20 years, maybe sooner if the right case gets to the Court.

With all of the PC crowd and girly men today, I believe the constitution will be deemed unconstitutional in the next 20 years. No joke. WE need a good world war to clean this up )(somewhat of a joke)

2/2/2006, 09:25 AM
I'm telling you, these guys (other than Thomas and Scalia) are generally very unpredictable. Its mostly like astrologists who say Capricorns act one way and Aquarians act another.

If there was a way to reliably predict how the majority of justices would come down on a given issue, whoever came up with it would be as rich as Bill Gates. Seriously.

However, I am willing to predict capital punishment will be deemed unconstitutional sometime during the next 20 years, maybe sooner if the right case gets to the Court.

With all of the PC crowd and girly men today, I believe the constitution will be deemed unconstitutional in the next 20 years. No joke. WE need a good world war to clean this up )(somewhat of a joke)

People have way too much time on their hands to bitch and moan about the most ridiculous stuff.

2/2/2006, 09:27 AM
he smoked crack... he probably doesn't like needles :D

let him smoke that ****

2/2/2006, 09:30 AM
what ouflak said.

2/2/2006, 10:31 AM
That's why the senate hearings are, at best, low comedy. You just never know what someone's going to do once they're at the Big Dance with a lifetime appointment.

The best you can hope for is to get someone with a deluxe legal mind, common sense, and *gulp* a sense of fairness. These days, I'll settle for any one of the three.

Ain't nothing unconstitutional about the death penalty.

2/2/2006, 10:34 AM
When he was staring around the room like it was his first time to be at the big city during the State of the Union address....

Well...lets just say...I knew his appointment was going to be interesting.

jk the sooner fan
2/2/2006, 10:49 AM
from the foxnews article

An appeals court will now review Taylor's claim that lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment, a claim also used by two Florida death-row inmates that won stays from the Supreme Court over the past week. The court has agreed to use one of the cases to clarify how inmates may bring last-minute challenges to the way they will be put to death.

doesnt seem like such a big deal after reading that.....

2/2/2006, 10:52 AM
yeah, i didn't think it was that shocking or anything

but someone about to die is going to say damn near anything to not die, this will keep happening until they decide on this

Tear Down This Wall
2/2/2006, 10:55 AM
All this proves is that the Democrats who put on their act against Alito had their heads up their backsides...as if we didn't already know that.

In my opinion, the death penalty is wrong. I changed my mind on this about five years ago. After going through a divorce, I actaully re-read the entire Bible, something I hadn't done since I was in high school.

After reading through the Gospels and Paul's letters to the various churches and church members, I could find no reason to back the death penalty and Christ's words to oppose it.

It's the second major change I've made in beliefs over the past 12 years. Before there were any nephews and nieces in our family, I was pretty much pro-abortion, or at least uncaring enough to believe in the "tissue mass" lie.

However, once my first nephew was born and I held him just a few hours after birth, I was shaken out of that mindset. My brother-in-law, an OB-GYN, also talked to me about how early on - almost instantly after conception - there is a DNA separate from the mom's.

So, 13 years ago, you would have talked to me and found a pro-death penalty, pro-abortion dude. Now, I'm anti-death penalty, pro-life...and have always opposed euthanasia.

2/2/2006, 11:02 AM
tdtw this was nothing more than a procedural manuever to give more time to examine the florida cases.

anyone who views this one vote as you are suggesting (saying that the dems that opposed him had their head up their arse) is being shortsighted and naive. Ask yourself why is the focus on the fact that he went away from the conservatives rather than indicating the procedural implications of the vote.

Any of the "conservative" judges could have cast that vote...leaving alito siding with the conservatives but the way the vote came down provides everyone with the fodder of "see I told you he wasn't (insert agenda/etc.) here.

i am anxious to see how he plays out and hope that i am wrong but this particular vote isn't going to sway my opinion one way or the other.

2/2/2006, 11:07 AM
I know prison and the death penalty are both cruel and inhuman...that's why I prefer to be a good citizen.
don't know if prison and the death penalty are any more cruel and inhumane than killing someone. sounds like a pretty good sentence if you ask me.

2/2/2006, 11:12 AM
My take...

While I am for the death penalty, we need to adjuticate the issue regarding that lethal injection is cruel and inhuman as the drugs may not make the criminal fall totally asleep before death. Pretty ingenious by the defendant's lawyers to bring that up. But rather than let this hang around, we need to put this to bed. Seems the Alito vote allowed this to happen, rather than prevent a criminal from seeing ultimate justice. Time will tell however.

Remember, Alito is a NJ Princeton elite, correct? That means he is probably more liberal than most of us on here. Though his wife is supposedly from Oklahoma.

2/2/2006, 11:14 AM
interesting reading through some of these posts. makes me happy and proud to be an american where we're able to express our opinions without ramifications (other than neg spek;) ).

also very interesting how diverse our opinions about such matters really are. i suppose that's what makes us different.