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View Full Version : Sooner/Texans fans

1/30/2006, 11:49 AM
I was wondering if there are any sooner fans on this board that are Texans fans. Not that I think it will happen, but what would you guys think if Vince became a Texan?

1/30/2006, 11:50 AM
You received my answer via spek. :D

1/30/2006, 11:52 AM

1/30/2006, 11:55 AM
Is it Tuesday yet?

1/30/2006, 12:03 PM
I was wondering if there are any sooner fans on this board that are Texans fans. Not that I think it will happen, but what would you guys think if Vince became a Texan?

I'm not really an NFL fan, but living in Houston I do hear a little of what happens with the Texans.

I personally don't think Vince has a prayer of being picked by the Texans. Everything you hear down here, leads to believe that Reggie will be the pick.
The way I look at the situation (and I think the Texans will too) is which would you rather have Carr and Bush or Vince and whatever you can get for Carr (3rd round pick?).
I think that even if you think VY is the second coming (I personlly do not think he will be successful as an NFL QB), you would rather have Carr and Bush than VY and a 3rd round pick. I think primarily Horn fans (not Texans fans) are the ones who want VY at Houston. Great story. Great publicity move. Not an overall improvement of your NFL franchise.

The recent talk on the Sports talk shows here is that VY may fall a long way if the Texans don't draft him. Even though the Titans need a QB and McNair has been VY's mentor, the speculation is that he could fall out of the top 10 if the Texans don't take him.

1/30/2006, 12:14 PM
I'm not really an NFL fan, but living in Houston I do hear a little of what happens with the Texans.

I personally don't think Vince has a prayer of being picked by the Texans. Everything you hear down here, leads to believe that Reggie will be the pick.
The way I look at the situation (and I think the Texans will too) is which would you rather have Carr and Bush or Vince and whatever you can get for Carr (3rd round pick?).
I think that even if you think VY is the second coming (I personlly do not think he will be successful as an NFL QB), you would rather have Carr and Bush than VY and a 3rd round pick. I think primarily Horn fans (not Texans fans) are the ones who want VY at Houston. Great story. Great publicity move. Not an overall improvement of your NFL franchise.

The recent talk on the Sports talk shows here is that VY may fall a long way if the Texans don't draft him. Even though the Titans need a QB and McNair has been VY's mentor, the speculation is that he could fall out of the top 10 if the Texans don't take him.

I agree 100%, Actually!

First of all, I'm a Cowboys fan so I could care less. I am skeptical of Vince playing in the NFL and I am not the only hornfan that feels that way. We just want him to succeed, similar to JW and sooner fans.

1/30/2006, 12:15 PM
Vince Young will be the second coming...he'll run better than LaDainian Tomlinson, and throw better than Tom Brady. He'll be responsible for numerous rules changes (like playing from a wheelchair when the Texans go up by 5 TDs).

He'll also strike a Heisman pose after every Texans point.

1/30/2006, 12:34 PM
I just can't be a fan of the Houston team, must be the name....

Howevah, if you wanna get old school!


1/30/2006, 12:48 PM
I totally agree! I am a transplanted Okie, not a Texan and I am a Cowboys fan as well. All I know is Roy Williams and the Dallas 'D' will give it to whoever the Texans draft in their first game.

1/30/2006, 01:22 PM
I'm a Sooner/Texan fan and I don't want VY. I don't think he's going to have the same success. But I'll root for him if we do pick him and he does well.

But I'm kinda a weird Texan fan since I don't want Bush, either. I'd rather trade down a few spots and pick up some OL. I won't mind another year or 2 of being down as long as we do it the correct way. Ahem, kicking out our GM is a start.

BTW, my avatar/location is sarcasm. Don't get it twisted now.

1/30/2006, 02:08 PM
I'm a Texans fan, but I don't agree with their draft strategy at all.. Personally, I'd want to trade down for a crapload more picks. With as hyped as Bush is, it would be easy to take some poor GM for all he's got and start building a GOOD team. One player isn't going to help Houston get to the playoffs, they need good players all over the field starting with the OL.

1/30/2006, 02:26 PM
the insinuation here is that one might not be able to root for a former longhorn, which would be one of the gayest things i've ever heard. i hate the longhorns, but not the individuals. once someone goes to the pros, i could care less where they went to college.

1/30/2006, 02:34 PM
ESPN dude was harsh on vy the other day saying that if they picked him, the Texans front office should be fired.

Duke o Brewery
1/30/2006, 05:04 PM
I'll never be a fan of any team with the words texas, texan or longhorns in their name, so IMO vy is a great fit in Houston.

1/30/2006, 06:29 PM
I'll never be a fan of any team with the words texas, texan or longhorns in their name, so IMO vy is a great fit in Houston.

We support the University of Oklahoma, not the University of I really, really hate Texas.

You wouldn't be a fan of the Texans if Jason White, AD, and several other Sooners went there? Ok. :rolleyes:

Duke o Brewery
1/30/2006, 07:22 PM
We support the University of Oklahoma, not the University of I really, really hate Texas.

You wouldn't be a fan of the Texans if Jason White, AD, and several other Sooners went there? Ok. :rolleyes:

Actually SNP, I support both and I support them equally and thats what the rivalry between the people of the two states is about.
I don't hate texas more than I love OU, instead it's the more I love OU that strengthens my hatred of our most bitter rival. I've posted this earlier, but I'll say it again. IMO, the Red River Rivalry is first and foremost based on mutual hatred between the average people of the two states. It is the stereotypical loudmouthed texan arrogance, selfishness, and lack of personal honor that fuels the hatred of Sooner fans.

From my point of view as a born and raised Oklahoman this is what the rivalry is all about. It's about one humble state chafing under the bloated, baseless arrogance of another and doing it's utmost to stand up to that arrogance and keep it in check through means of one of the most simple, yet mutually appreciated and cherished of traditions: The very best football team we can put together against the best they can muster. The least we can do is beat those people in the sport that our state and their 'whole other country' both revere so much.

So you ask if I would be a fan of the Houston texans if all those OU greats played there? Well, I'm not sure really. I started supporting the Dallas Cowboys when Switzer took over for that a$$hat Johnson, and I'm still a fan since TRRW is there. Obviously it's because of the OU connection. I'll admit that I would at least have trouble rooting against those Sooners you mentioned if they played for Houston.

The only problem with your statement ninjapirate, is that those players DO NOT play for the texans, therefore I am in no way inhibited from hating a team who choses to name themselves after my state's archrivals.


1/30/2006, 09:38 PM
So you ask if I would be a fan of the Houston texans if all those OU greats played there? Well, I'm not sure really. I'll admit that I would at least have trouble rooting against those Sooners you mentioned if they played for Houston.

The only problem with your statement ninjapirate, is that those players DO NOT play for the texans, therefore I am in no way inhibited from hating a team who choses to name themselves after my state's archrivals.

I'll never be a fan of any team with the words texas, texan or longhorns in their name, so IMO vy is a great fit in Houston.

I know what the problem with my statement is. It's hypothetical, which is why I proposed it. Maybe that's part of the reason the Texans always suck, they don't draft any OU kids :D

But still, you're doing a little backtracking now. So which is it. Never, or maybe?

Look, you don't have to blindly hate something because it's from that state. This gives rise to when UT fans cite our inferiority complex. It's very aggie.

1/30/2006, 09:50 PM
I don't have a problem rooting for any professional Texass team because they do not play the Sooners. How those teams perform in the NFL has absolutely no bearing on our success. It is not direct competition. In fact, I kinda liked the Texans when James Allen was there. I always want to see Sooners do well wherever the hell they end up. When the Texans or Cowboys get relegated to the NCAA we can all start the hate.

1/30/2006, 10:26 PM
I am about 3 times removed from understanding why this thread is existing.

Duke o Brewery
1/30/2006, 10:29 PM
Look, you don't have to blindly hate something because it's from that state. This gives rise to when UT fans cite our inferiority complex.

SNP, I just explained in detail why there is a rivalry between the two states that supercedes even intercolligiate athletics and I justified why I and a huge percentage of the Sooner Nation hate those people. I covered all the bases. There's no blindness here.

Also, I said that I would have trouble rooting against those OU greats if they played for Houston. I can readily admit that I be supportive of those players as individuals. I didn't go so far as to say say that I would be a fan of the texans. I mean c'mon, they're practically the pro franchise version of the Longhorns. I'm surprised they even went to the trouble of coming up with a logo that is so blatantly based on the longhorn symbol.

As for your other point, yes, UT fans constantly try to convince themselves that we hate them because they say we feel inferior to them and that is precisely my point. We don't feel inferior to them any more than someone might feel inferior to a really annoying neighbor who is constantly insulting them. If anything, we feel morally superior to them.

Now, we're 2.4 hours away from NHT so that's my last word on the subject.:)

1/30/2006, 11:30 PM
It probably wouldn't be a great football move, but it would be a great business move. There's already some new interest after the Texans brought in a native Houstonian as head coach. There was also a rumor earlier that Miami had some interest in trading Ricky Williams to Houston. If that were to happen and if Houston took VY, then there would be some considerable excitement. The number of Houston fans in Texas might even reach 1/10th the number of Dallas fans.

Is Carr a bust? Can the lack of talent at O-line be the only reason for his below average stats? These need to be answered very soon.

But, let's face facts. If VY goes to Houston, he'll wash out in 3 years. If the Titans take him, then he will win 5 Super Bowls and go into the Hall of Fame. That is the curse of Houston professional football.

1/30/2006, 11:32 PM
student at OU, born and raised in Houston...I'd say I meet the qualifications.

1/30/2006, 11:41 PM
I live in houston but could really care less about the Texans either way.

The only Houston team I kinda half way like is the Astros. And going to the game is more or less an excuse to drink beer.

go texans:O

1/31/2006, 12:02 AM
hmm i live in a town about 20 miles west of fort worth...my parents are a jayhawk and a wildcat...i just got accepted to OU and have been a fan for a couple of years now...I think I meet the standards.

1/31/2006, 12:03 AM
hmm i live in a town about 20 miles west of fort worth...my parents are a jayhawk and a wildcat...i just got accepted to OU and have been a fan for a couple of years now...I think I meet the standards.
Congratulations, you're gonna love it.

1/31/2006, 12:21 AM
thanks my parents loved the campus. My friends still say derr OU sucks OU sucks...O who HAHAHAHAHAHA....and yeah im serious...they laugh....I'm like 1 of about 4 people in my school thats a sooner fan, the rest are mostly aggies and raiders, lots of whorn fans too. The orange puke...the poop....and the devil colors...oooo the pain....!!!!!!

1/31/2006, 01:19 AM
thanks my parents loved the campus. My friends still say derr OU sucks OU sucks...O who HAHAHAHAHAHA....and yeah im serious...they laugh....I'm like 1 of about 4 people in my school thats a sooner fan, the rest are mostly aggies and raiders, lots of whorn fans too. The orange puke...the poop....and the devil colors...oooo the pain....!!!!!!

Wow, 1/4, you're lucky. My graduating class of 850+ only had about 7 of us come to OU.

1/31/2006, 11:23 AM

1/31/2006, 12:48 PM
Is it Tuesday yet?

According to my calander. ;)