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View Full Version : Ruby's not hungry

1/29/2006, 12:11 PM
Our 8 y/o lab just isn't acting hungry and hasn't been for a few days. She doesn't act sick and isn't really acting strangely in other ways that I can tell, she just isn't hungry. And that's strange in itself. Normally she wolfs down food in a matter of seconds, and would eat more if we gave it to her. Now I go back to her bowl and she's hardly touched it.

She's still pretty playful. I took over to a vacant field by our house yesterday and she ran around as normal.

I figure I'll wait another couple of days to see what shakes out and if it continues get her to the vet.

Any other recommendations, observations, or similar experiences?

1/29/2006, 12:14 PM
Is she still taking sh*ts? If not it'd raise my concern level.

jk the sooner fan
1/29/2006, 12:16 PM
I figure I'll wait another couple of days to see what shakes out and if it continues get her to the vet.

is she sleeping normal? i'd wait another day and if it continues, get her into the vet...

1/29/2006, 12:17 PM
I think you should call the vet tomorrow and just ask.

1/29/2006, 12:19 PM
Sometime they go through that. I know our horses do the same thing where they won't eat for several days then chow down. I think it has something to do with the weather.

1/29/2006, 12:21 PM
Blame it on El Nino.

1/29/2006, 12:57 PM
Comedian: "Give her an enema."

Straight man: "It wouldn't help her"

Comedian: "It wouldn't hurt her"

1/29/2006, 01:33 PM
If she isn't eating by the morning, take her in. Going that long without food is hard on the body.
My Golden wouldn't eat for a couple of days, then started vomiting. There are not words to describe how bad dog vomit smells. Between vomiting episodes, he looked and acted great. I had a hard time convincing the vet that there was something wrong until he examined Ben. Two hours later he was at a specialist having emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction.

1/29/2006, 01:42 PM
You know, Baja, I had forgotten but Ruby did throw up a couple of weeks ago. It was right after eating and basically all the food came up, but she seemed ok afterward until a couple of days ago.

Yeah, maybe I'd better go ahead and get her in.

jk, she is sleeping normally as far as I can tell.

Thanks for the responses. Except the El Nino humper. :D

1/29/2006, 01:57 PM
Get her in for a work up Howzit. Its not normal for a big healthy dog to go off her food for a couple days.

1/29/2006, 02:04 PM
Maybe she keeps seeing your avatar........

1/29/2006, 02:46 PM
Why do you hate Kaeru San?

1/29/2006, 02:53 PM
Blame it on El Nino.This is a la nina year.

1/29/2006, 03:18 PM
This is a la nina year.

Well, blame her then. :)

1/29/2006, 06:06 PM
DC hasn't been feeding her peanut butter has he?

1/29/2006, 06:47 PM
6 hours to play the pb card. If it was a weekday it would have been more like 6 minutes...

This afternoon I was out on the patio reading, and Ruby's food from this morning was still in her bowl but put up on the table. She started nudging my elbow and looking at the bowl, like "Hey numbnuts, I'm hungry." She ate all the food, even though it was about half as much as I usually give her. I'll see if she eats tonight. If she does I'll play it by ear, if she doesn't I'll get her in tomorrow.

1/29/2006, 06:54 PM
well, soon you won't have DC to pass it off on ;)

good to hear the pup is eating, hope everything is ok