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View Full Version : Who Would You Wanna Smash in a NCG?? (Pole Version)

1/28/2006, 06:19 PM
I'm leaving off Texas, not b/c its an impossibility that two teams from the same conference could meet in a NCG (especially two that play in early October and not late Nov.) but b/c its too obvious.

I vote Notre Dame. I could die completely happy if I could go watch Oklahoma beat the Fighting Irish for a crystal ball.

1/28/2006, 06:23 PM
Should've put punch and pie in this version.

More people would come if there was punch and pie.

Or an actual pole :D

Edit: There it is.

1/28/2006, 06:25 PM
punch and pie? how bout tequilla and special brownies?

1/28/2006, 06:27 PM
...and "pole" is sorta an inside thing around SF...or so I thought, sorry I've had a couple brownies ;)

1/28/2006, 07:40 PM

Newbomb Turk
1/28/2006, 08:29 PM
Gotta go with the domers.

1/28/2006, 08:32 PM
condoms first.

1/28/2006, 08:32 PM
if we didn't have scores to settle w/ the first 3, I might say tOSU just b/c their fanbase is so annoying...

1/28/2006, 08:34 PM
if we didn't have scores to settle w/ the first 3, I might say tOSU just b/c their fanbase is so annoying...
word...I hate the Luckeyes

1/28/2006, 09:04 PM
I aint votin :rolleyes: wheres the all the above option ?:eek:

Desert Sapper
1/28/2006, 10:50 PM
I say Miami... I still have visions of Mike Irvin doing his little dance in South Beach in my head. Need...Closure...

1/28/2006, 11:43 PM
I guess Notre Dame isn't a popular team on this board.:D But in all seriousness if I could pick a team to beat in the National Championship I'd pick USC easily.

1/28/2006, 11:48 PM
I'll vote for a team that I think has a chance to reach the NCG next year...LSU.
Why LSU?
I live not far from Fayetteville, and get tired of hearing freakin Hawgs fan cry about how well they would do in the Big 12.
I want another crack at our best beating their best.
I would love to see USC smashed for obvious reasons, but I don't think the NCG will be within their reach next year.
I would also love to see us beat the bejesus out of Miami because the first OU game I ever saw in person was when Aikman got his leg broke against helmet head and the Canes (of course the year worked out quite well anyway).

1/29/2006, 10:08 AM
Originally it would have been Notre Dame. But SC seems to have our number as of late, so I'll go with them.

1/29/2006, 12:13 PM
I aint votin :rolleyes: wheres the all the above option ?:eek:

1/29/2006, 02:33 PM
For those of us in the HOME GAME in NO, "TIGER BAIT" rates right up there, what a class les group in LSU fans. After they won rapes, robberies, fights I almost had to throw a crazy bastage down the escalator because he came at me trying to punk me while I was there with my lady... I want to kill those bastards... SUC second....

1/29/2006, 03:36 PM
Hmmm... can we play four non-conference games against Bama, SUC, LSU and Miami... blow them out, blow Texas out, blow Nebraska out for BIG 12 title, then smash the domers for an MNC? Maybe then, we would be named "best team ever." for a year or so...

1/29/2006, 03:48 PM
For those of us in the HOME GAME in NO, "TIGER BAIT" rates right up there, what a class les group in LSU fans. After they won rapes, robberies, fights I almost had to throw a crazy bastage down the escalator because he came at me trying to punk me while I was there with my lady... I want to kill those bastards... SUC second....
Those LSU fans were the worst group of fans I've ever seen.After the Sugar Bowl I was so ****ed off OU lost to those sleazeballs but I learned to let it go.

1/29/2006, 03:57 PM
Those LSU fans were the worst group of fans I've ever seen.After the Sugar Bowl I was so ****ed off OU lost to those sleazeballs but I learned to let it go.

Godfather could you take care of this thorn in my side.......

1/29/2006, 04:08 PM
Ok,I am still mad about Matt Leinart kicking our ***.

1/29/2006, 04:24 PM
1) Miami - because I can't stand the co-caines - lack of character and all that
2) suc - because I can't stand whinehart & co and the espn love-fest that the rest of us have to endure
3 - tie ) domers - because they stopped the streak and the espn love-fest that the rest of us have to endure
3 - tie ) LSU - because they are overrated
4) tOSU - they are also overrated
5) Bama - someone has to be last.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/29/2006, 04:31 PM
Domer fans are THE WORST. They absolutely believe they have a football championship entitlement. They also believe everyone should revere their sorry, media-coddled ****s. However, LSU fans may be the drunkest and most profane.

1/29/2006, 05:23 PM
Notre Dame, and then USC. :D

1/29/2006, 05:51 PM


i want them to burn and die.

1/29/2006, 05:51 PM
after them, i would say SUC.

1/29/2006, 05:52 PM
and then ND

1/29/2006, 05:56 PM


i want them to burn and die.

We'll get our shot against the Canes soon enough. '07 in Norman...

1/30/2006, 10:53 AM
Sorry guys...personal reasons here...but I would love nothing more than to obliterate tOSU in a MNC game! I've got a lot of friends up there who have given me nothing but $hit ever since they "won" their MNC in 2003 (with the Big XII refs helping on that one).

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/30/2006, 10:57 AM
Now that the win streak isn't a problem with suc, who do you root against when the domers play the suc? For me, it's always against the domers.(exception being to protect "the streak")

1/30/2006, 01:59 PM
I guess I'm in the minority. I'd love to play Bama in the big one, so that after we won there wouldn't really be much hard feelings. Hmm... as far as smash? Someone like Bowling Green. Because beating a rival in the big game would mean they MADE it, and I hate them all too much to want that.