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View Full Version : Tonight is the first night I will regret having student tickets....

1/28/2006, 03:31 PM
I'm debating what to do. The wife and I have student tickets for the first time in years (we couldn't get spouse tickets before because we weren't married so we just got donor tickets.) It hasn't been a problem before, but tonight it may be. I can't get in until 1.5 hours before the game (they're letting students in 2 before). Usually I'd just get up there an hour before the doors opened, but I don't feel like standing in line for an hour and then having 30 minutes worth of people getting in before me.

Maybe I'll just bite the bullet, get there at 1.5 hours before and take my crappy cheap seat and be happy. I just hope they're as strict about letting general admission people sit in the student section tonight as they have been before. Surely they will.