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1/27/2006, 01:01 PM
(From Monday - didn't see it posted)

Scouts, Inc's Todd McShay: Well, that's all for me today. I'll be jumping on these chats all week during Senior Bowl practices... keep the questions coming for Oklahoma OL Davin Joseph... he's a good one...

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: Hey everyone!

Ryan (Boston): Davin, What position do you feel most comfortable working at?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I feel most comfortable at guard. But I also can play tackle if need be.

Maurice (Shreveport): Are you looking forward to the whole draft process or are you dreading it?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I'm looking forwad to it. I don't have anything to hide as far as what I do on the field, in the classroom or off the field. This will be fun to meet so many other players, coaches and scouts. It will be more fun than a hassle.

tommy (NYC): Davin, I play guard in high school, how much is the game different in the trenches between high school and college?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: The game is a lot faster in college than in high school. The guys are way bigger and the competition is just so much faster. You play against more competitive players on a weekly basis.

The Dish (Carol Stream, IL): Davin, what rating do you think you should have in Madden '07 when it comes out?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: If I end up a first rounder I want 80 or above. If I don't go first round, I won't complain!

J.J. (Johnstown): Davin have you spoken with Jamaal Brown about what to expect in the NFL?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: Yes. I speak to him for casual conversation about twice a week. He told me what to expect and what not to be surprised about.

Knoxville: How important do you think this week is to your draft status?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: It's huge. This week will prove a lot for a lot of people. I have to prove I can play fast and physical and be consistent at the guard position. I'm looking forward to proving to scouts, coaches and GMs that I'm the No. 1 guard going into the draft.

John (Dallas, TX): Davin, I watched your entire career at OU and was wondering if you are glad you went to OU or would you of liked to stay closer to home and played in Florida? Also, did the opportunnity to play next to J Brown your Junior year give you any insight of what it would be like being THE anchor on the O-line for your Senior year? Boomer Sooner!

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I enjoyed my time at Oklahoma. I had a chance to play in some big games, win championships and play with great players. I don't think I would have experienced that elsewhere. To play next to Jamaal really helped me develop as a player. Jamaal is a tremendous player and hopefully some of it rubbed off on me.

Max (Lincoln): Davin, would you rather go to a run first team (Steelers, Chiefs) or a passing team (Indy, Philly)? Or do you care?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I don't really care. I just want the chance to play in the NFL for hopefully a long career. I prefer the run but you have to be able to pass block, too.

Jeff (Wewoka): Davin, as an O-lineman, which do you prefer blocking for, a power back like AD or a jitter bug like Q?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I enjoy blocking for Adrian and Quentin but if I had to choose I would pick Adrian. He's a downhill runner and I like to downhill block.

A.J. Stevens: When will you start meeting with teams?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I already started on Saturday. I have quite a few meetings set up this week. It differs with every team. Some of them ask really stupid questions and they all want to just get to know you.

Jaz (Toronto): Hey Davin did you ever get to meet Brian Bosworth? he rules

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I never had the chance to meet him in person.

Jeff (Wewoka): Davin, are you glad you made the switch from defense to offense?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: Yes. Of course. I liked the offensive side more because it is more of a challenge to me. Offensive linemen have the advantage in most situations!

Ryan (Boston): In your words, What makes you the #1 rated OG in the draft?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I believe I'm more of a total package than the other guards in the draft. On a consistent basis, I'm able to dominate the line of scrimmage better than the other guards.

Steven (ohio): How did it feel to finally lose to Texas and would it have been a different outcome if Adrian was healthy?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: If Adrian was healthy, it could have been different but he wasn't so it is what is. It wasn't a good feeling losing to Texas but they had an amazing season and accomplished some amazing things.

Tony (Palm Beach): Who was your favorite NFL team growing up. Also, who did you idolize in football growing up.

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: Buffalo Bills! Jim Kelly, Andre Reed, Bruce Smith .. I loved that team. I would cry when they lost! Those Super Bowls were hard to get over as a kid!

JohnB: Who are you looking forward to playing with or against this week?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I'm just looking forward to the OL on the North Squad. They are all nice guys that I really respect. I'm looking forward to playing alongside them.

Vince Wilfork, MA: You think you can block me?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: Yes.

alex mueller (tekoa washington): is vince young a better college quarter back than mike vick?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: I'd say Vince Young. Because he won a national championship. Not a lot of QBs can say that. He did it as a junior. That's my case!

Ben (Norman): Who do you think would win in a fight a shark or a bear?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: Where are they fighting?

Ben (Norman): How do you think OU will do in the upcoming 2006 season?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: BCS bowl! They have a lot of great, young, explosive players on next year's roster. I'm looking forward to watching them play. They have the right guys at the right positions at the right time!

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: Thanks for all the great questions! I like the random questions... I'll be back later in the week after I'd got some practices under my belt ... thanks!

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Buzzmaster: Thanks, Davin! Folks, that's it for today but things really heat up tomorrow. We'll have a whole bunch of guys dropping by! Talk to you then!

1/27/2006, 01:08 PM

1/27/2006, 01:08 PM
i hope he gets back to the shark and bear question, i've been wondering about that for a while now.

1/27/2006, 01:09 PM
[Ben (Norman): How do you think OU will do in the upcoming 2006 season?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gif Davin Joseph: BCS bowl! They have a lot of great, young, explosive players on next year's roster. I'm looking forward to watching them play. They have the right guys at the right positions at the right time!]

BCS would be nice

1/27/2006, 01:39 PM
He's a classy dude. I hope he does well, wherever he goes.

1/27/2006, 01:56 PM
The bear and shark will be fighting in Fat Jack's thunderdome. Gotta go with the shark!

1/27/2006, 02:25 PM
Davin really sounds like a smart guy. The thing I noticed was that when people asked more than one question per post, he got to all of them. So many chatters rarely do that and it's frustrating!


Vince Wilfork, MA: You think you can block me?

http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sn2.gifDavin Joseph: Yes.


1/27/2006, 08:36 PM
Jaz (Toronto): Hey Davin did you ever get to meet Brian Bosworth? he rules

Geez, what a flappy head.