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View Full Version : The boy said the darndest thing

Mrs. Norm
1/23/2006, 01:18 PM
Norm and I were taking that intelligence test that was posted here a couple of days ago. We were really getting competitive with it. The boy was between us reading the answers. Norm was taking it and got to the 60 M in an H question. He types in 60 minutes in an hour. The boy (who's reading well, but still needs practice) reads it and says, "60 minutes in an whore". Norm just calmly says, "It's hour, son". You can't help but laugh!

1/23/2006, 01:20 PM
Better monitor that boy's TV watching habits. ;)

1/23/2006, 01:24 PM
Maybe he meant to say "hora" in Spanish and just muffed it up. Too much Dora...

1/23/2006, 02:24 PM
Just be glad he does not substitute a "f" sound for "tr". It would make it interesting if Norm drove a truck.

My niece did this. I parking lots, she would say "Daddy, I see your truck over there." Only she did not say truck. I almost said to his wife, "I thought you were his truck."

1/23/2006, 02:56 PM
Double his allowance.

proud gonzo
1/23/2006, 03:06 PM