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View Full Version : Good Morning...Stone cold genius: John Moses Browning

1/21/2006, 06:59 AM
I was gonna pass this a.m. because no one reads these things on the weekends, but this guy is too cool and deserves props. Since he died in 1926, firearms mechanical operation design has not advanced an inch

January 21, 1855 Gun designer John Browning is born

http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/9684/zzzzjohnbrowning3pl.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

John Moses Browning, sometimes referred to as the "father of modern firearms," is born to a Mormon family in Ogden, Utah. Many of the guns manufactured by companies whose names evoke the history of the American West-Winchester, Colt, Remington, and Savage-were actually based on John Browning's designs.

The son of a talented gunsmith, John Browning began experimenting with his own gun designs as a young man. When he was 24 years old, he received his first patent, for a rifle that Winchester manufactured as its Single Shot Model 1885. Impressed by the young man's inventiveness, Winchester asked Browning if he could design a lever-action-repeating shotgun. Browning could and did, but his efforts convinced him that a pump-action mechanism would work better, and he patented his first pump model shotgun in 1888.

Fundamentally, all of Browning's manually-operated repeating rifle and shotgun designs were aimed at improving one thing: the speed and reliability with which gun users could fire multiple rounds-whether shooting at game birds or other people. Lever and pump actions allowed the operator to fire a round, operate the lever or pump to quickly eject the spent shell, insert a new cartridge, and then fire again in seconds.

By the late 1880s, Browning had perfected the manual repeating weapon; to make guns that fired any faster, he would somehow have to eliminate the need for slow human beings to actually work the mechanisms. But what force could replace that of the operator moving a lever or pump?

Browning discovered the answer during a local shooting competition when he noticed that reeds between a man firing and his target were violently blown aside by gases escaping from the gun muzzle. He decided to try using the force of that escaping gas to automatically work the repeating mechanism.<BRILLIANT!>

Browning began experimenting with his idea in 1889. Three years later, he received a patent for the first crude fully automatic weapon that captured the gases at the muzzle and used them to power a mechanism that automatically reloaded the next bullet.

http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/120/zzzz18957so.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Brownings first automatic pistol design patented in 1895. It would evolve into the M1911 and Browning "Hi-Power"

In subsequent years, Browning refined his automatic weapon design. When U.S. soldiers went to Europe during WWI, many of them carried Browning Automatic Rifles, as well as Browning's deadly machine guns.

http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/2843/zzzzfwwbrowning0zq.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Big John firing one of his water-cooled .30 calibre machine guns.

The Principal Browning Gun Patents

The Winchester Model 1887 lever-action repeating shotgun
The Winchester Model 1894 lever-action repeating rifle -- more deer killed than any other firearm in history
The Winchester Model 1897 pump-action repeating shotgun -- the "trench sweeper" combat shotgun of WWI and WWII.
The Browning Model 1902 Auto-5 semi-automatic shotgun
The Browning Model 1910 semi-automatic handgun
The Colt Model 1911 semi-automatic handgun -- countless millions in service
The Model 1917 water-cooled machine gun
The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) of 1918 -- the first infantry squad single man portable fully automatic weapon
The Browning M2 .50 caliber heavy machine gun of 1921.
-- used on ships, by the army and aboard combat aircraft, still in US military service

During a career spanning more than five decades, Browning's guns went from being the classic weapons of the American West to deadly tools of world war carnage. Amazingly, since Browning's death in 1926, there have been no further fundamental changes in the modern firearm industry.

http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/5454/zzzzbrowninglgcol2ze.gif (http://imageshack.us)
The Browning patent of 1911 automatic handgun. First manufactured by Colt. The only significant handgun advance since Sam Colt invented the revolver way back in the 1840's


1/21/2006, 07:32 AM
I glad you did decide to post that. What an amazing man.

1/21/2006, 09:03 AM
Odd that this and the Winchester plant-closing thread appear on the same day. Keep it up Col. Homey!

1/21/2006, 09:15 AM
I love reading Homey's Good Morning history.

1/21/2006, 09:39 AM
I love reading Homey's Good Morning history.

I'm glad you enjoy them. They're fun to do. I just noticed a long time ago that "views" numbers are much lower on the weekend.

1/21/2006, 10:04 AM
Everyone is still drunk or planning to get that way.

You need some sort of plaque or something. "Presented to Col. Homey for adding legitimate content to SF.com."

Great job as always, sir.

1/21/2006, 11:39 AM
Guns are the last true machines without electronics. I hope it never changes.