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View Full Version : You probably didn't hear it here first, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it too...

1/18/2006, 11:01 AM
Vince Young will not be a stellar NFL QB. The only team that will see a substantial benefit from drafting him (and playing him at QB) will be the Texans because of increased ticket sales from people wanting to see the hometown boy.

He might...might...be a decent NFL QB, but I just don't think it'll happen. Why? I don't think he can pass well enough. People talk, talk, talk about how he had such a high passer rating, but it seemed like about 75% of the passes I saw him complete were to wide open receivers. He just had to put it somewhere near the guys in order for them to catch it. When he was called upon to get the ball to a well-covered receiver on a slant or a timing route...well, heck...how many times did they even run those plays? It seems like most of his passes were either long jump balls to really tall receivers or passes to stationary targets who found a whole in the zone and sat there. Kudos to the UT staff for figuring out how to utilize his strengths (and the strengths of the o-line, being able to give the receivers time to find the zone-holes and Young to find the receivers), but I don't think he'll see that same kinda stuff in the NFL.

I think the NFL Vince Young will be more like the Young we saw against OU in 2004 than the Young we saw in the Rose Bowl the past two years.

1/18/2006, 11:06 AM
Really going out on a limb, there.

I think next year, gas will be over $2.00 a gallon.

1/18/2006, 11:11 AM
I think the stock market will experience fluctuations throughout 2006.

1/18/2006, 11:18 AM
Really going out on a limb, there.

I think next year, gas will be over $2.00 a gallon.

He's probably going to be one of the top 3 draft picks. Do you think it's widely accepted that he won't be good?

1/18/2006, 11:25 AM

Here at Soonerfans, I'll bet it's near universal.

Oh, and next year, some refs will completely blow the call.

1/18/2006, 11:31 AM

Here at Soonerfans, I'll bet it's near universal.

Sorry, I must've been blinded by the longhorn/Vince Young lovefest that took place a few weeks ago.

But if that's the case, I apologize for wasting your time.

1/18/2006, 11:46 AM
Neg his ***, TD. He's a lawyer, y'know...

1/18/2006, 12:43 PM
I'm trying to think of the NFL QB's who can't throw a 30 yard out...

let me get back to you on that one

1/18/2006, 01:01 PM
I'm not so sure he won't be above average and pretty good after his first year. Sure the NFL is faster and he will get intercepted and sacked a lot in first year. However, if he can learn to adjust quickly and have a decent line blocking for him, I think his raw talents will improve and come through. Let's face it, he was unstoppable when things got clicking all year and even against a tough USC team.

With that being said, #@$&, Saxet!

1/18/2006, 02:06 PM
I'm not so sure he won't be above average and pretty good after his first year. Sure the NFL is faster and he will get intercepted and sacked a lot in first year. However, if he can learn to adjust quickly and have a decent line blocking for him, I think his raw talents will improve and come through. Let's face it, he was unstoppable when things got clicking all year and even against a tough USC team.

With that being said, #@$&, Saxet!

In that respect, one of the things working against him is his incredible athletic ability. His athleticism is going to get him picked high in the draft which will, more than likely, put him on a bad, bad team.

It was much easier for Big Ben to come in and be a success his rookie year than for Eli Manning to do the same because Ben wasn't as highly rated as Eli and, as a result, fell in the draft to a much better team.

I think the best scenario for Young (that is likely to happen) is for him to go to NO. They've got some talented skill players and, of the top 3 teams, are probably the team most displeased with the QB play from this year.

1/18/2006, 02:09 PM
Think Jammal would like to block for Vince in NO?

Twenty bucks says he lets is man through once a game.:D

1/18/2006, 02:12 PM
In that respect, one of the things working against him is his incredible athletic ability. His athleticism is going to get him picked high in the draft which will, more than likely, put him on a bad, bad team.

It was much easier for Big Ben to come in and be a success his rookie year than for Eli Manning to do the same because Ben wasn't as highly rated as Eli and, as a result, fell in the draft to a much better team.

I think the best scenario for Young (that is likely to happen) is for him to go to NO. They've got some talented skill players and, of the top 3 teams, are probably the team most displeased with the QB play from this year.

I think that NO would be a bad fit for VY because they are through with Brooks. VY needs to go to a team that has an experienced QB that he can learn behind for at least a season. VY is not ready to lead an NFL team right now and I think if you throw him to the wolves and make him start playing right away you risk injury - from him trying to avoid getting killed, or trying to make too much happen on his own. Sure he'll learn from his mistakes on the field, but I think he should go somewhere he can sit for at least a year myself.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/18/2006, 02:24 PM
Under the new policy, recently adopted, whornspeak is allowed on TUESDAYS ONLY. No silly-*** whorned topics on other days. Capiche?

1/18/2006, 02:41 PM
I would have agreed with you after 2004's OU-Texas game. It didn't appear to me that he had progressed beyond his athletic ability at all in that game.

However I think that changed about mid-to-late 2004. He just kept getting better and better. And as we all saw, as of the end of this last year he has surpassed the college game. He appears to see it in slow motion now, and appears to have mastered it.

Count me as surprised on that 'cause I didn't think he had it in him.

More than looking at the superlatives that he provided in the NC game, look at the mistakes. I counted -0-.

I wouldn't bet against him being able to continue his development in the NFL and become an excellent QB.

Simply put, if Chrissy can show development (watch the farking guys) at that level, I'm sure VY will.

1/18/2006, 03:19 PM
Vince Young will not be a stellar NFL QB. The only team that will see a substantial benefit from drafting him (and playing him at QB) will be the Texans because of increased ticket sales from people wanting to see the hometown boy.

He might...might...be a decent NFL QB, but I just don't think it'll happen. Why? I don't think he can pass well enough. People talk, talk, talk about how he had such a high passer rating, but it seemed like about 75% of the passes I saw him complete were to wide open receivers. He just had to put it somewhere near the guys in order for them to catch it. When he was called upon to get the ball to a well-covered receiver on a slant or a timing route...well, heck...how many times did they even run those plays? It seems like most of his passes were either long jump balls to really tall receivers or passes to stationary targets who found a whole in the zone and sat there. Kudos to the UT staff for figuring out how to utilize his strengths (and the strengths of the o-line, being able to give the receivers time to find the zone-holes and Young to find the receivers), but I don't think he'll see that same kinda stuff in the NFL.

I think the NFL Vince Young will be more like the Young we saw against OU in 2004 than the Young we saw in the Rose Bowl the past two years.

First it was he'll become a good college QB. Then it was he'll be a pro tight end, never a QB. Now it's he'll never be a good pro QB. Vince threw amazing passes this past year--he threaded the needle all over the field. You don't throw for over 2500 yards in a season by not being accurate. Agree that he won't walk out and be great--but considering the amazingly low level of QB play in the NFL, I expect him to become a good QB. Of course the x factors--coaching and team talent may have something to say about that.

1/18/2006, 03:31 PM
Vince Young may be as good as Kordell Stewart.

1/18/2006, 03:38 PM
Think Jammal would like to block for Vince in NO?

Twenty bucks says he lets is man through once a game.:D

(if NO gets him) the OC would be stupid not to make this a designed play. i think the general thought of sooner fans is that there isn't anything less scary than vince standing tall in the pocket.........

Crimson Kid
1/18/2006, 03:45 PM
Vince Young may be as good as Kordell Stewart.

That's who i allways thought he reminded me of, but i think vince is taller?

1/18/2006, 03:49 PM
Yeah and he probably has a more accurate arm and is a better athlete but in the NFL your speed at QB doesn't help you much unless you can throw an accurate deep ball like Elway and Young could, and even Aikman who was a little moble. I'm not sure if Young can do that. He can throw accurate short passes but those won't be open in the NFL.

1/18/2006, 03:59 PM
However I think that changed about mid-to-late 2004. He just kept getting better and better. And as we all saw, as of the end of this last year he has surpassed the college game. He appears to see it in slow motion now, and appears to have mastered it.

This is an honest question because I really don't know the answer. How many top defenses did he go up against after the point in time you're referring to?

1/18/2006, 04:03 PM
Vince threw amazing passes this past year--he threaded the needle all over the field.

I want to see some video. Maybe he did, but I don't remember seeing very many needle-threaders from Vince.

1/18/2006, 04:04 PM
Most of you geniuses didn't think Vince would make much of a college quarterback and some of you are still in denial. So I will take this entire thread as simply an excursion into the delusions that are shared among many an aggy and sooner alike. ;)

By the way Nick Z, it would be a gross inaccuracy to say that the short passing game is unavailable in the NFL. The short passing game is very much the bread and butter of a good NFL offense and the No. 1 criticism of David Carr is his weakness in consistently delivering the short ball.

1/18/2006, 04:26 PM
I'll admit that I didn't think Vince would make much of a college quarterback after the 2004 RRR, but to his and Mack Brown's credit, they figured it out and got him on the right track. He was able to out-athlete many a fellow college player, and he had the advantage of playing on an offense full of players who were also able to out-athlete most of their opponents.

He will not have those same advantages in the pros. His athletic ability will get him in the door and give him a chance at success, but I don't think his passing ability is good enough to make it in the pros.

But, like I said, I didn't see a whole lot of Vince last year. If someone can show me some video of passes he completed to well-covered receivers (besides fade and go routes), then I might reconsider.

1/18/2006, 04:29 PM
Vince Young > Quincy Carter, end of story.

1/18/2006, 04:31 PM
Vince Young > Quincy Carter, end of story.

That's a confusing ending.

Texas Golfer
1/18/2006, 05:56 PM
I think Vinny will do just fine as long as he doesn't expect the same production he got in college. He was on the best college team and now he'll be playing for the worst NFL team (or one of them dependent on his draft position).

Every game he played in college was against an inferior team. Every team he'll face in the NFL will be a superior team (in relation to his draft position).

The defensive lineman will all be bigger and faster as will the linebackers. The secondaries will all be faster and more experienced.

Whomever drafts Vinny should allow him time to adjust and learn. If he gets thrown in right away, it could be lesson for which he may not be prepared.

1/18/2006, 07:06 PM
I think Vinny will do just fine as long as he doesn't expect the same production he got in college. He was on the best college team and now he'll be playing for the worst NFL team (or one of them dependent on his draft position).

Every game he played in college was against an inferior team. Every team he'll face in the NFL will be a superior team (in relation to his draft position).

The defensive lineman will all be bigger and faster as will the linebackers. The secondaries will all be faster and more experienced.

Whomever drafts Vinny should allow him time to adjust and learn. If he gets thrown in right away, it could be lesson for which he may not be prepared.

Agree with you, Golfer. (which I find myself doing much of the time) The truth is, very few QB's have ever stepped in as a true rookie and prospered. Ben R. did it, and look how far he's come this year, but very few have. Vince won't get by on athletic ability--it will take a lot more. And face it--some teams just seem to stink year in and out regardless of whom they have on their roster. (Arizona, etc) He had better hope he's on a team where he can sit. Doubt he'll get that luxury.

1/18/2006, 07:18 PM
By the way Nick Z, it would be a gross inaccuracy to say that the short passing game is unavailable in the NFL. The short passing game is very much the bread and butter of a good NFL offense and the No. 1 criticism of David Carr is his weakness in consistently delivering the short ball.

I would agree except for the fact that Vince Young's running will take way the short passing game for him in the NFL. More teams will be playing closer to the box and are quicker then anyone in college and will get to the receivers.

Sonner magic923
1/18/2006, 08:37 PM
I Think VY is headed to Tenessee where he will get at least maybe one year behind Steve McNair.

1/18/2006, 08:44 PM
I would agree except for the fact that Vince Young's running will take way the short passing game for him in the NFL. More teams will be playing closer to the box and are quicker then anyone in college and will get to the receivers.

Whatever team takes VY isn't going to turn him loose to run rampant. Just won't happen. Too big of an investment is being made in him financially to risk him getting his knee blown apart because he was being reckless. Oh he'll run if need be, but it won't be like what we saw at Saxet. Much more calculated, much more controlled.

Texas Golfer
1/18/2006, 09:27 PM
I Think VY is headed to Tenessee where he will get at least maybe one year behind Steve McNair.

I know he'd like to be the #1 pick but, for his sake, I hope he's not.