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1/17/2006, 03:47 PM
The probability of a WMD terrorist strike is "Very high" (http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/europe/01/17/wmd.terrorism.ap/index.html) according to CNN according to some counterterrorism expert, who of course gave absolutely no specifics whatsoever. Way to scare people without telling them anything at all. Also rated as having a "very high" probability is the chance that everyone reading this post will die someday. As well as the chance that the world will end.

so my question to CNN then is, whats the timespan for this 'very high' probability event? today? one month? on year? ten years? thirty? what? from now till the end of time?

have a nice day!

1/17/2006, 04:07 PM
scared people are the least resistant.

1/17/2006, 04:11 PM
Well, we are at war with people who are trying to buy the parts.

1/17/2006, 04:14 PM
Also, I noticed that the ACLU has joined up with CAIR (Possible terror front group?) to keep our nation from conducting intel gathering.

Gotta love the policy of making your government bend over and drop trou.

Harry Beanbag
1/17/2006, 04:17 PM
scared people are the least resistant.

Are you making a case for the effectiveness of the shoddy/liberal media on average people's beliefs or are you saying that CNN is the Bush administration's propaganda mouthpiece?

1/17/2006, 04:18 PM
Well, it's kind of interesting isn't it. Do we go take out those people we suspect of having them? Do we just wait until it happens? :confused:

The catch is, if you take them out, well then your terrible for killing innocent people. If you wait, your an idiot for not seeing the signs.:(

1/17/2006, 04:19 PM
Threat level is worthless.

It won't matter anyways. Al Qaeda is just waiting to get the rest of their duffle bag nukes across the porous Mexican border and get them all in place, then they'll just set them all off at once.

1/17/2006, 04:20 PM
Also, I noticed that the ACLU has joined up with CAIR (Possible terror front group?) to keep our nation from conducting intel gathering.

In the interest of national security I think the government should start confiscating all personal firearms as well. We're at war, dammit! That Bill of Rights has been nothing but a pain in the *** for almost 230 years.

1/17/2006, 04:24 PM
In the interest of national security I think the government should start confiscating all personal firearms as well. We're at war, dammit! That Bill of Rights has been nothing but a pain in the *** for almost 230 years.
So somehow, in the simple world of black and white, confiscating all personal firearms = gathering intel on terrorist groups that have already killed thousands of Americans and done BILLIONS of dollars worth of damage to this country?

Not exactly your smartest comment.

1/17/2006, 04:25 PM
Never mind the fact that Lincoln pretty much did that BTW.

Oh well, who cares about abolishing slavery and protecting people, huh?

1/17/2006, 04:25 PM
Please, Tuba, please get rid of that avatar. It's hurting my eyes. :eek:

1/17/2006, 04:27 PM
Please, Tuba, please get rid of that avatar. It's hurting my eyes. :eek:Hook em baby.

1/17/2006, 04:35 PM
So somehow, in the simple world of black and white, confiscating all personal firearms = gathering intel on terrorist groups that have already killed thousands of Americans and done BILLIONS of dollars worth of damage to this country?

I'm glad there are people challenging the government instead of just sitting there dumb and happy and nodding every time it says, "Don't worry, it's for your your own good." Why do you trust the government so much?

This isn't just getherning intel on terrorist groups, but basically anyone the government wants. The due process provisions put into the Patriot Act are now being ignored, even though they were hardly onerous. Instead of only spying on somebody (call it "gathering intel" if you want, same thing) if there's reasonable suspicion, the government wants to spy on somebody to determine if there's reasonable suspicion in the first place.

1/17/2006, 04:55 PM
I'm glad there are people challenging the government instead of just sitting there dumb and happy and nodding every time it says, "Don't worry, it's for your your own good." Why do you trust the government so much?

What is the alternative?

The ACLU? Council on Islamic American Relations?

Hmm, the ACLU. They only go out of their way to protect terrorists, ban Christian beliefs, keep the border wide open, protecting child molesters, and of course anything they can do to keep this country from defending itself.

CIAR? Packed with ex-terrorists and AQ sympathizers? People that rejoiced when thousands of people were killed on 9/11?

Yeah, they have EVERYONE'S best interest in mind! Screw the gubment!

Why wouldn't the ACLU NOT take away the governments ability to protect me? Disarmament is part of what the ACLU is all about!!!!!!!!!! (see quote in my sig).

1/17/2006, 04:59 PM
Just a side note.

If the FBI had the patriot act in 2000 or 2001, they might have been able to listen to what this guy was saying, or actually search this guys computer when they had him is custody!!!!


But no, they didn't.

Thanks to Clinton's little lady in the justice department (the same that said it was OK for him to search people without a warrent) the FBI had less power to protect us from guys like this than they had to go after the Mob!!!

Glad to know so many people want to see us return to the days before 9/11.

1/17/2006, 05:01 PM
What is the alternative?

The ACLU? Council on Islamic American Relations?

The ACLU doesn't decide what's illegal, it just forces that decision to be made.

1/17/2006, 05:07 PM
The ACLU doesn't decide what's illegal, it just forces that decision to be made.
Yes it does.

In front of a court and judge of its choosing that is sympathetic to its views of appeasment and keeping the nation from defending itself.

1/17/2006, 05:09 PM
Yes it does.

In front of a court and judge of its choosing that is sympathetic to its views of appeasment and keeping the nation from defending itself.

Judges that appointed by elected officials? ****ing democracy, it's going to be the ruin of us all.

1/17/2006, 05:10 PM
some Judges are elected by the people. F'ing democracy.

1/17/2006, 05:11 PM
And some are appointed. Like Federal Judges. The ones that would rule on this stuff.

Sorry, didn't see your post MDK.

1/17/2006, 05:11 PM
we need telescreens in every home. that would help everything get better.

1/17/2006, 05:13 PM
And some are appoited. Like Federal Judges. The ones that would rule on this stuff.

yeah. mdklatt covered that part of our democracy as well.

Judges that appointed by elected officials? ****ing democracy, it's going to be the ruin of us all.

1/17/2006, 05:14 PM
Just a side note.

If the FBI had the patriot act in 2000 or 2001, they might have been able to listen to what this guy was saying, or actually search this guys computer when they had him is custody!!!!

There was plenty of legally obtained information floating around prior to 9/11 that could have put a stop to it if the government didn't have it's head up it's ***. The government still has it's head up it's ***. The government will always have it's head up it's ***. That's why I'm not so eager to give the government even more power.

1/17/2006, 05:15 PM
So I guess federal judges should be telling us how to fight a war now, huh?

Thats a great idea. Maybe we can pass our battle plans by them, and they can rule on them in 6 months or so.

I'm sure the terrorists won't mind waiting till a judge tells us its OK to attack them or not.

1/17/2006, 05:16 PM
There was plenty of legally obtained information floating around prior to 9/11 that could have put a stop to it if the government didn't have it's head up it's ***. The government still has it's head up it's ***. The government will always have it's head up it's ***. That's why I'm not so eager to give the government even more power.

problem is, they don't have the power to pull their heads out of their asses....

1/17/2006, 05:17 PM
And some are appointed. Like Federal Judges. The ones that would rule on this stuff.

Do you have a problem with a Republican president and Congress appointing judges?

1/17/2006, 05:17 PM
I love sloganeering. its so much fun.

1/17/2006, 05:17 PM
We don't live in a democracy; we live in a republic.

A democracy is 2 wolves and 1 sheep voting on whats for dinner.

Our government was supposed to be a republic with limited powers and certain guaranteed individual rights.

Oh well. It was a nice idea until the population figured out that they could vote themselves a peice of the treasury.

1/17/2006, 05:19 PM
There was plenty of legally obtained information floating around prior to 9/11 that could have put a stop to it if the government didn't have it's head up it's ***.

Like, say, a computer with files on it that had plans for 9-11, but couldn't be searched till after the fact?

I am sure the victims of 9/11 would be happy to know this before some of them jumped.

1/17/2006, 05:19 PM
problem is, they don't have the power to pull their heads out of their asses....

You of all people should know that there isn't enough energy in the universe to overcome beauracratic inertia. :D

1/17/2006, 05:22 PM
Do you have a problem with a Republican president and Congress appointing judges?
Not at all.

Of course I don't see many GOP appointed judges keeping the country from defending itself, ruling that God is illegal, that the pledge can't said in school, that prayer is banned, etc.

They seem to actually base their rulings on the law, not what the ACLU tells them to do.

1/17/2006, 05:22 PM
I'm no Constitutional scholar but I'm pretty sure that the 17th Amendment effectively transformed us from a Republic to a Democracy. I could be wrong.

1/17/2006, 05:25 PM
According to some, the 2nd amendment transformed us into a theocracy. But then again, some people can't stand oither people who actually believe or live their faith. See Hitler vs Jews Circa 1939 - 1945.

1/17/2006, 05:27 PM
You of all people should know that there isn't enough energy in the universe to overcome beauracratic inertia. :D

and thus we now see the obvious cause of the big bang. beauracratic inertia led to formation of a critical mass of administratium in the universe. because beauracratic inertia could not be stopped, and there was no more room for any more administratium, the universe collapsed upon itself and exploded, creating a new universe free of administratium....for a time at least.

1/17/2006, 05:29 PM

Like, say, a computer with files on it that had plans for 9-11, but couldn't be searched till after the fact?

Ever heard of the "Phoenix Memo"? An FBI agent in Phoenix started to get suspicious when he noticed that a lot of Muslims were enrolling in flight schools. FBI higher ups told him to forget about it. The head of the Minnesota flight school where Moussoui said he wanted to learn how to take off in an airliner but had no interest in landing it reported this to the authorities. There was no follow up. Several of the 9/11 hijackers were allowed in the country in the first place, and then onto their flights that day despite being on terrorist watch lists. Apparently nobody in the FBI or CIA has ever read Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy, in which a 747 is flown into the Capitol. Hell, they shouldn't have had to read a novel to think that something like that might happen and to start preparing for it.

1/17/2006, 05:30 PM
I'm no Constitutional scholar but I'm pretty sure that the 17th Amendment effectively transformed us from a Republic to a Democracy. I could be wrong.

Yes, a big mistake, and why there is such a thing as "unfunded mandates" and a totally out of wack balance of power between the states and the fedgod.

1/17/2006, 05:38 PM
Not at all.

So democractic process is only a good thing when it goes your way. Got it.

Of course I don't see many GOP appointed judges keeping the country from defending itself, ruling that God is illegal, that the pledge can't said in school, that prayer is banned, etc.

The original pledge is perfectly legal. Why must we strictly adhere to the orginal intent of the Constitution but not the original intent of the Pledge of Allegiance?

Can we finally put to rest the myth that prayer is banned in school? Ever heard of FCA? Students can pray all they want. Teachers and administrators can pray all they want as long as it's not in front of the students. I know God is old and all, but surely a prayer doesn't have to be over a school PA system for him to hear it.

1/17/2006, 05:40 PM
Not at all.

Of course I don't see many GOP appointed judges keeping the country from defending itself, ruling that God is illegal, that the pledge can't said in school, that prayer is banned, etc.

They seem to actually base their rulings on the law, not what the ACLU tells them to do.

i don't see any judges ruling on any of that nonsense you spew.

the pledge can still be said in school.
children can still pray in school.
the country is still free to defend itself.
show me where it has been ruled as a matter of law god is illegal.

seriously back your nonsense up with facts or put your tin foil hate back on

1/17/2006, 05:42 PM
and the media is as liberal as the conservative companies that own them

1/17/2006, 05:44 PM
i don't see any judges ruling on any of that nonsense you spew.

the pledge can still be said in school.
children can still pray in school.
the country is still free to defend itself.
show me where it has been ruled as a matter of law god is illegal.

seriously back your nonsense up with facts or put your tin foil hate back on

Talk about head-in-the-sand. I guess you don't pay attention to the world around you much, do you?

Just one example, I can most post more later when I am not so busy, but this should do in proving your statement to be wrong, like most of your statements happen to be.

SAN FRANCISCO - Setting up another likely Supreme Court showdown over the Pledge of Allegiance, a federal judge ruled Wednesday that reciting the pledge in public schools is unconstitutional. http://www.azstarnet.com/dailystar/news/93410.php

1/17/2006, 05:44 PM
seriously back your nonsense up with facts or put your tin foil hate back on

Now here's one to talk. :rolleyes:

Were you so insensed at Tuba's post that you forgot how to type a sentence?

1/17/2006, 05:46 PM
The original pledge is perfectly legal. Why must we strictly adhere to the orginal intent of the Constitution but not the original intent of the Pledge of Allegiance?

Yeah, lets not change and improve things.

Maybe we can start using the original Constitution now? I am sure the pro-Slavery people would love that. :rolleyes:

1/17/2006, 05:47 PM
Now here's one to talk. :rolleyes:

Were you so insensed at Tuba's post that you forgot how to type a sentence?

nope...it is too close to 5 so my eyes are a little crossed.

1/17/2006, 05:47 PM
the first pledge of allegiance did get us through WWII

1/17/2006, 05:47 PM
Yeah, lets not change and improve things.

Maybe we can start using the original Constitution now? I am sure the pro-Slavery people would love that. :rolleyes:

so adding "under god" in some way improved the pledge....interesting.

1/17/2006, 05:49 PM
tuba you can say the pledge without under god in it.

you can pray till your savior comes back and tells you to keep it down oprah's on.

all these things you are so up in arms over can still be carried out.....you know this right?

1/17/2006, 05:49 PM
Improved indeed.

We are endowed by our creator afterall.

1/17/2006, 05:50 PM
tuba you can say the pledge without under god in it.

you can pray till your savior comes back and tells you to keep it down oprah's on.

all these things you are so up in arms over can still be carried out.....you know this right?

Damn this theocracy you keep talking about.

1/17/2006, 05:51 PM
however did we win WWII w/o 'under God' in our pledge of allegiance? ;)

1/17/2006, 05:53 PM
Must have been offset by the fact people could actually have a public prayer or say the pledge without getting sued by the ACLU.

1/17/2006, 05:54 PM
yep. I'm thinking the courts weren't tied up so they had time to go over Eisenhower's plans and approve them.

1/17/2006, 05:55 PM
Improved indeed.

We are endowed by our creator afterall.

Behold His noodly appendage!

1/17/2006, 06:00 PM
Behold His noodly appendage!

Hmmm...If a kid was saying the Pledge of Allegiance and replaced "God" would "Flying Spaghetti Monster" would he get in trouble? What about "Allah"?

1/17/2006, 06:07 PM
however did we win WWII w/o 'under God' in our pledge of allegiance? ;)

Maybe so, but FDR (http://www.geocities.com/soonerborn91/ww2/sounds/fdr-dday_announcement.mp3) did ask God for help during the D-Day landings.

1/17/2006, 06:10 PM
<edit>nevermind....I've been antagonistic enough for one day.

1/17/2006, 06:12 PM
Maybe so, but FDR (http://www.geocities.com/soonerborn91/ww2/sounds/fdr-dday_announcement.mp3) did ask God for help during the D-Day landings.

As long as he wasn't doing it on taxpayer time....


1/17/2006, 09:05 PM

I guess this would count as "taxpayer time".

1/17/2006, 09:31 PM
Improved indeed.

We are endowed by our creator afterall.

Yes indeed. Well endowed.


Stoop Dawg
1/18/2006, 12:15 AM
Ever heard of the "Phoenix Memo"? An FBI agent in Phoenix started to get suspicious when he noticed that a lot of Muslims were enrolling in flight schools. FBI higher ups told him to forget about it. The head of the Minnesota flight school where Moussoui said he wanted to learn how to take off in an airliner but had no interest in landing it reported this to the authorities. There was no follow up.

Yeah, but if they could have tapped his phone without a warrant they could have then ignored his conversations about flying planes into buildings too!