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View Full Version : WTF movie moments*

1/16/2006, 05:29 PM
*I wouldn't use the phrase, but it conveys the feeling

We were watching "Underworld" the other night and the black werewolf is carrying a dead companion back. He was wearing a dark brown thong that probably should have been CGI removed or hidden. I did in fact ask my wife why she was looking close enough to notice.

The end of Planet of the Apes (new).

1/16/2006, 05:31 PM
End of Boogie Nights. Can't say that I saw that coming.

1/16/2006, 09:03 PM
Superman hitchhiking to the fortress of solitude when he gave up his powers.

1/16/2006, 09:14 PM
Silence of the Lambs when "Lotion on its skin" boy disrobes while dancing in front of mirror. That still freaks me out.