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1/15/2006, 11:48 PM
i got nothing.

1/15/2006, 11:59 PM
caught my 7 year old son watchin a not so much for people under 18 movie a few months ago. i have since mastered the parental control's on tha remote

1/16/2006, 12:00 AM
True story. When "A Christmas Story" came out in theatres in the fall of 1983, I intentionally missed the first few minutes of it. The movie was released by MGM and I had a childhood fear of the MGM lion (still do to this day in fact), so I hid out in the bathroom and missed the previews and timed it to where I could walk in after the opening titles. I walked in right after Ralphie had the dream sequence of shooting the bad guys with the Red Ryder air rifle.