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1/15/2006, 04:10 PM
Steal someone out of the NFL!!!

1/15/2006, 04:12 PM
I'm just sickened to think we're gonna see another evil up at the top next season... Get ready for ESPN to declare them "best team evar." Maybe JoePa or Bobby Bowden can top the golden dowmers... that is, If we don't!!! :) I'd take an OU over ND any day!!!

1/15/2006, 04:39 PM
ND just angers me for some reason.

1/15/2006, 04:43 PM

1/15/2006, 06:12 PM
I was thinking more along the lines of Sooner Magic:
"We know that domer wins are wrong...
Let's try and make things right..."

Couldn't help but pull for them against USC this year... I don't hate them, I just don't want them to always have that one-up on us, but that's the Sooner fan in me speaking out... :)