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View Full Version : After working for Directv for 4 months now.....

1/15/2006, 12:43 PM
There are some amazing facts-

1. Those who pay out the booty for HD equipment barely know how to use it.

2. DVR+no daily call=grumpy customer

3. Adult PPV early in the morning=divorce!

4. It's difficult to keep from yawning when someone is describing how much
they paid for their HD equipment.

5. Football days+multiple tvs in your work area=greatness!

6. The boss is almost always late.

7. Never ever eat from the "wheel of death"

8. The workplace workstations(yeah I know, kinda redundant eh?) are slower
than a 286 on a 14.4 dialup connection.

9. When Directv finds stupid crap they cannot give out to customers they give away to employees.

10. Potato bar at work is AWESOME! BBQ+cheddar cheese+sour cream+bacon bits=cardiac arrest!

1/15/2006, 01:32 PM
It would be awesome to work for them during football season. :D

1/15/2006, 01:47 PM
I"m particularly interested in your potato bar.

1/15/2006, 02:08 PM
One pretty funny comment heard 'round the dvr(heh) was this, from Drew Carey(?) when he called in and said his system was not working-

Call agent- "sir, could you tell me if your tv is on?"

Drew "oh!"

then he hung up....pretty funny stuff :)

I only have had one celeb call me, it was everyones fav ball player who said he did not take roids, Palmeiro......what an idiot. :)

1/15/2006, 02:11 PM