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1/13/2006, 10:53 PM
My daughter is at that age (6) of being scared of monsters.

Day time.
Night time.
Bath time.
All the time.

It doesn't matter what time of day. I don't know if it's my 9 year old son f'ing with her or what, but hopefully this stage will be over with soon. It's driving me nuts being the "monster killer" on what seems to be a daily basis.

Any advice from the more seasoned parents here?

1/13/2006, 10:55 PM

Try this right before bed. Should do the trick.

1/13/2006, 10:56 PM
Pull a Major Payne.

"If there's anything left in there, it ain't happy!"

1/13/2006, 10:57 PM
My daughter is at that age (6) of being scared of monsters.

Day time.
Night time.
Bath time.
All the time.

It doesn't matter what time of day. I don't know if it's my 9 year old son f'ing with her or what, but hopefully this stage will be over with soon. It's driving me nuts being the "monster killer" on what seems to be a daily basis.

Any advice from the more seasoned parents here?

Tell her the little troll lives in the attic and comes out very very rarely. He is very small but has very very sharp teeth, you could probably beat him up but don't let him bite you. Start a fire and a Troll hunt this weekend say you chased him upstairs on the roof and he is going to be comming down the chimney- then drop a little stuffed animal in the fireplace.

Should do wonders!

1/13/2006, 11:00 PM
Tell her the little troll lives in the attic and comes out very very rarely. He is very small but has very very sharp teeth, you could probably beat him up but don't let him bite you. Start a fire and a Troll hunt this weekend say you chased him upstairs on the roof and he is going to be comming down the chimney- then drop a little stuffed animal in the fireplace.

Should do wonders!

Brilliant !!

Or this:

Child's Bad Dream Emergency Escape

When you just can't get up or down the stairs fast enough

Your child is upstairs in their bed, fast asleep. You and your spouse are likewise in bed downstairs, sawing logs. Peace and quiet should reign, but no, you awake to hear the unmistakeable wails of a child who is having a Bad Dream.

Naturally, you wish to comfort your beloved offspring and reassure them that there is no monster in the closet. You could try bolting up the stairs risking that dreaded stubbed toe from the toy left on the stairs to rush to their side, or you could teach the little darling to be bold and take control of their life with the Bad Dream Emergency Escape.

Consisting of a fireman's pole that runs from beside their bed down to your bedroom, your child can now slide down away from the Scary Thing in their room to the complete and utter safety that only "A grownup in charge" can offer. After they have fallen back to sleep thanks to a comforting snuggle with their parents, you can use the optional "All Better Now Dumbwaiter" that is designed to lift them quietly back to their own bedside. A slight tilt in the bottom allows them to roll back into their own bed.


1/13/2006, 11:18 PM
Brilliant !!

Or this:


I don't have the engineering skills- or that sounds like great a plan!

Don't be afraid to litterally kill the monster- what ever it may be! at least you can have some laughs at loosing sleep.... My nephew needed a companion to go to the bathroom until he was 8-9 after the troll.

1/13/2006, 11:27 PM
A "special" monster spray bottle.
Buy a cheapo, but attractive, empty spray bottle from some store where she will never shop. Fill it with monster spray (when she isn't around, using plain tapwater). Print out a cute label on your printer when she isn't around.

1/13/2006, 11:28 PM
A "special" monster spray bottle.
Buy a cheapo, but attractive, empty spray bottle from some store where she will never shop. Fill it with monster spray (when she isn't around, using plain tapwater). Print out a cute label on your printer when she isn't around.

I'm telling you people, Baja is a wealth of information. She's like the SO's Martha Stewart.

1/13/2006, 11:30 PM
Build a time machine.
Go back seven years.
Wear a rubber.


1/13/2006, 11:30 PM
I'm telling you people, Baja is a wealth of information. She's like the SO's Martha Stewart.

Nope, I work at a school with lots of little kids.
Like the one who cried for his mom for an hour today. And he wears pull-ups.
His sixth birthday was last Saturday. *sigh*