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View Full Version : Bob Stoops Dementor?

1/10/2006, 10:38 PM
Well who wins? I mean we haven't ever really seen a whole lot of magical ability out of Bob Stoops. Do you think he could produce a patronus charm strong enough to stop a Dementor attack? Also, what do you think his happy thought would be that he would use...would it be his National Championship or that time he made that 6 year old cry ;)

The Consumate Showman
1/10/2006, 10:41 PM
Well who wins? I mean we haven't ever really seen a whole lot of magical ability out of Bob Stoops. Do you think he could produce a patronus charm strong enough to stop a Dementor attack? Also, what do you think his happy thought would be that he would use...would it be his National Championship or that time he made that 6 year old cry ;)

Probably when he got AD to come to OU....

Thanks for the maturity ;) :rolleyes:

1/10/2006, 11:20 PM
If he was going for maturity he could've called you The Consommé Showman. ;)

1/10/2006, 11:22 PM
Hey with the Dark Lord growing in power and ***********'s death. these are things we need to start worrying about...the Dementor's are breeding people ;)

The Consumate Showman
1/10/2006, 11:27 PM
Do you build leggos in your spare time, too?
Read Harry Potter books and play Yu-Gi-Oh?

1/10/2006, 11:29 PM
Do we know each other?

1/10/2006, 11:43 PM
Hey, Harry Potter rocks. I still haven't figured out whose side the half-blood prince is on.

Look at me, I can avoid giving away plot without resorting to spoiler tags! ;)

1/10/2006, 11:50 PM
Yeah plus I wonder what else Harry can learn from the Half Blood Prince's book ;)

1/11/2006, 01:10 AM
Well, here's the question -- did Bob ever study Latin in college or high school?

If not, does he at least have sufficient intuitive grasp of the English language to pick Latin-sounding words of an appropriate meaning?

If so, I'm sure he could "cast" plenty of spells sufficient to protect himself against a veritable horde of dementors. Provided he remembered to bring his wooden phallus, I mean.

Dumbest... System of magic... EVAH.

1/11/2006, 03:25 AM
Well I hear Ollivander's wand shop is closed down so if you think you can do better, why don't you open a newer more awesome form of magic ;)

1/11/2006, 08:46 AM
My patronus is in the shape of Bob Stoops.

And he kicks ***.

1/11/2006, 11:46 AM
Where is Dean? This guy showman obviously hates Harry Potter. Get a rope! ;)

Harry Potter Rocks!

The Consumate Showman
1/11/2006, 11:53 AM
I prefer Lord of the Rings....sorry

1/11/2006, 11:58 AM
It's my understanding the 6 year old was an aggie......


1/11/2006, 12:02 PM
I prefer Lord of the Rings....sorry

Yeah, we're sorry too.

The Consumate Showman
1/11/2006, 12:05 PM
Yeah, we're sorry too.

thanks for the sympathies...

1/11/2006, 12:06 PM
Frodo sucks.

The Consumate Showman
1/11/2006, 12:09 PM
Frodo sucks.

No arguement there :) i hate that little bit<h!!! :eek:

I prefer Strider more than any of them or Treebeard...

1/11/2006, 12:13 PM
And it's already been very well documented that Dumbledore would whup Gandalf's *** any day of the week.

The Consumate Showman
1/11/2006, 12:14 PM
And it's already been very well documented that Dumbledore would whup Gandalf's *** any day of the week.

I dunnnnooo

1/11/2006, 01:58 PM
And it's already been very well documented that Dumbledore would whup Gandalf's *** any day of the week.

True. He'd flip them glowing brain boogers at Gandalf, which'd cause the poor feller to be torn between giggling and puking -- during which time Dumble could, say, throw a rock at Gandalf 'n knock him silly.

And, erm -- y'all *seriously* dig on Rawling's system of magic? I prolly wouldn't have made fun of it if I thought anybody actually, like, cared ;)

1/11/2006, 02:07 PM
And it's already been very well documented that Dumbledore would whup Gandalf's *** any day of the week.

Except that... nevermind.

1/11/2006, 02:08 PM
Rincewind >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harry Potter

1/11/2006, 02:08 PM
what the HELL is this thread about anyway?

Are you people by chance, another NickZeppelin? Bob Stoops is no problem at OU... I think the way our team improved over this season, along with the major turn-around of OU's program in 1999-2000 is reason enough not to hate him... if that's what you are doing here...

What kid did he make cry?

1/11/2006, 02:21 PM
We're debating whether or not Stoops could take a Dementor with his awesome powers. We know Harry Potter can do it, so it seems that the question boils down to: Is Bob Stoops more l33t than a pubescent boy with strange circular specs?

Just in case you're wondering, the answer is yes.

1/11/2006, 02:23 PM
what the HELL is this thread about anyway?

Are you people by chance, another NickZeppelin? Bob Stoops is no problem at OU... I think the way our team improved over this season, along with the major turn-around of OU's program in 1999-2000 is reason enough not to hate him... if that's what you are doing here...

What kid did he make cry?

You have much to learn grasshoppah. And calling us NickZep will get you absolutely nowhere.

1/11/2006, 02:57 PM
I was kidding about the six year old....Bob is so good with kids that they call him Barry Poppins down at the field.

Who wins an Elimination Chamber match with Bob Stoops, Gandalf, Harry, Dumbledore, Frodo, and NickZeppelin?

1/11/2006, 02:58 PM
I was kidding about the six year old....Bob is so good with kids that they call him Barry Poppins down at the field.

Who wins an Elimination Chamber match with Bob Stoops, Gandalf, Harry, Dumbledore, Frodo, and NickZeppelin?

Does Frodo have the ring?

1/11/2006, 03:01 PM
Does Frodo have the ring?

If Frodo gets the One Ring, then Bob gets Dusty. I think that's only fair.

1/11/2006, 03:14 PM
About half way through the match Dusty comes down and rips off the door and illegally joins the fray


1/11/2006, 03:17 PM
If Frodo gets the One Ring, then Bob gets Dusty. I think that's only fair.

Bob + Dusty > Frodo + ring

1/11/2006, 04:54 PM
Man, I kinda like South Ovaling up the football board. Sure makes it a more interesting place.

1/11/2006, 05:00 PM
Man, I kinda like South Ovaling up the football board. Sure makes it a more interesting place.

It sure does make it nicer for any day that's not a Tuesday:)

1/11/2006, 05:07 PM
There was a time where the Football board was like Sarejevo and Nick was the Arabic War Lord

1/11/2006, 05:15 PM
Man, I kinda like South Ovaling up the football board. Sure makes it a more interesting place.

It's like the good old days.

Oh, and for this:

Rincewind >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harry Potter

NormanPride earned serious points. Whodathunk there's a third Terry Pratchett fan on here?

1/11/2006, 05:16 PM
There was a time where the Football board was like Sarejevo and Nick was the Arabic War Lord

That's either very deep, or very disturbed.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/11/2006, 06:04 PM

proud gonzo
1/11/2006, 06:36 PM
It's like the good old days.

Oh, and for this:

NormanPride earned serious points. Whodathunk there's a third Terry Pratchett fan on here?
*AHEM* :mad:

1/11/2006, 06:39 PM
OK, four.

1/11/2006, 06:53 PM
I always knew I liked you two for a reason.

And Bob as Harry gives me mixed feelings. What should I feel there?

Stitch Face
1/11/2006, 08:32 PM
I still haven't figured out whose side the half-blood prince is on.

Loyal all the way, dude. Mark it down.

1/11/2006, 10:08 PM
That's what I keep thinking. It's got to be a ploy. Obi-wan Kenobi, man.

1/11/2006, 10:14 PM
Bob + Dusty > Frodo + ring

Most definitely. If freakin' Gollum can take Frodo while he's got the ring, then Bob and Dusty most certainly can.

1/11/2006, 10:18 PM
If they'd had Dusty they wouldn't have needed Frodo. Dusty could've shouted the dark tower down before breakfast. and then beat up Vin Diesel just for giggles.

1/11/2006, 10:54 PM
You have much to learn grasshoppah. And calling us NickZep will get you absolutely nowhere.

oooooooooooh okay...:confused: Just sounded like some Bob-bashing goin' on... Can't be having that dude...

Jason White's Third Knee
1/12/2006, 09:53 AM
I always knew I liked you two for a reason.

And Bob as Harry gives me mixed feelings. What should I feel there?

[antonio banderas]You should feel sexy. Too sexy.[/antonia banderas]

I was a little creeped out as I did it, actually.

1/12/2006, 10:53 AM
I wanna see Bob in the Cotton Bowl next year in that same pose going "EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!" and having a big assed Dusty patronus come shooting outta the wand to decimate the whorns.

No wait, a simple "ridikulus" charm oughta suffice.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/12/2006, 12:53 PM
I wanna see Bob in the Cotton Bowl next year in that same pose going "EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!" and having a big assed Dusty patronus come shooting outta the wand to decimate the whorns.

No wait, a simple "ridikulus" charm oughta suffice.

That is the gayest thing I have ever heard you say. Funny though.

1/12/2006, 12:55 PM
Dude, Harry Potter is not gay. Bob Stoops is not gay. Two straights do not = gay. And I'd bet Stoops would make a great seeker on the house quidditch team. "I'm going to catch the snitch, in a most excellent way. Everybody knows that."

1/12/2006, 01:52 PM
Dude, Harry Potter is not gay. Bob Stoops is not gay. Two straights do not = gay. And I'd bet Stoops would make a great seeker on the house quidditch team. "I'm going to catch the snitch, in a most excellent way. Everybody knows that."

Keanu Stoops

1/12/2006, 02:01 PM
"You're a wizard, Bobby."


"But you-know-who is trying to kill you."


Okay, that's just too many different genres right there. I'm getting confused.

1/12/2006, 02:03 PM
"Be excellent."


"Bloody hell, Bobby."

Jason White's Third Knee
1/12/2006, 02:41 PM

1/12/2006, 02:46 PM

Bluhee Brilliant!

1/12/2006, 03:13 PM
Damn! YMSSRA...

1/12/2006, 03:16 PM
Dude, we're not worthy. I now have new wallpaper.

proud gonzo
1/12/2006, 03:19 PM
no kidding. I kneel before the awesomeness that is JW3K.

1/12/2006, 03:25 PM

This has me utterly speechless... its awesome!!!!

1/12/2006, 03:33 PM


1/12/2006, 03:35 PM
Very nice NP. The boggart, Mackdaddy Snape.

1/12/2006, 03:37 PM

You so owe me a new Dr. Pepper. I just spewed my current one out my nose.

1/12/2006, 03:40 PM
You so owe me a new Dr. Pepper. I just spewed my current one out my nose.

Just get a syringe and suck some out of your bloodstream, you addict. ;)

1/12/2006, 03:53 PM
I'm thinking we have a new theme for Thursdays now

Jason White's Third Knee
1/12/2006, 04:55 PM
I'm thinking we have a new theme for Thursdays now

I don't get it.

1/12/2006, 04:58 PM
the re-birth of the football board is starting... too bad its the offseason.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/12/2006, 05:06 PM
Did everyone just start speaking bizarro?

1/12/2006, 05:07 PM
Or did they?

Jason White's Third Knee
1/12/2006, 05:18 PM
Where am burning.

1/12/2006, 05:19 PM
This may turn out to be my greatest thread, of course the second greatest one succed!

Jason White's Third Knee
1/12/2006, 05:20 PM
This board is pretty empty. Friggin' sad.

Jason White's Third Knee
1/12/2006, 05:37 PM
Told you I am the greatest ender...

1/12/2006, 05:40 PM
Of what?

Jason White's Third Knee
1/12/2006, 06:04 PM
Of nothin' I guess. I should stick to photoshop.

1/13/2006, 09:28 AM
Of nothin' I guess. I should stick to photoshop.

Let's just put it this way. Your photoshop skills far exceed pretty much anything else you've done in this life. Everybody's gotta have a niche, yo.supa

Jason White's Third Knee
1/13/2006, 09:47 AM
Let's just put it this way. Your photoshop skills far exceed pretty much anything else you've done in this life. Everybody's gotta have a niche, yo.supa

You should taste my snickerdoodles.

1/13/2006, 10:11 AM
You should taste my snickerdoodles.

Johnny Mack is the board snickerdoodle taster. I'll take his word for it.

1/13/2006, 10:43 AM
Johnny Mack is the board snickerdoodle taster. I'll take his word for it.

So THAT'S what he does here. I was wondering...

1/13/2006, 10:44 AM
So THAT'S what he does here. I was wondering...

Like I said, everyone has their niche.

1/13/2006, 10:54 AM
Johnny Mack is the board snickerdoodle taster. I'll take his word for it.

How does one go about getting a position like that?

1/13/2006, 11:03 AM
How does one go about getting a position like that?

kneel :D

1/13/2006, 11:18 AM
And swallow.

1/13/2006, 11:23 AM
What is my position?

1/13/2006, 11:29 AM
Swooping Crane.

1/13/2006, 11:52 AM
What can I get for a simple oath of allegiance?

1/13/2006, 12:15 PM

1/13/2006, 12:15 PM
Are you getting soft, Dean?

1/13/2006, 02:08 PM
NP, what the hell are you doing posting at 11:15am? Shouldn't you be working?


1/13/2006, 04:13 PM
Are you getting soft, Dean?

Hell no. Not with all the pharmaceuticals they've got these days.

1/13/2006, 10:14 PM
except for all of the homoerotic undertones, this is a really nice thread.

1/13/2006, 10:45 PM
You said erotic ~giggles and points~

1/14/2006, 12:29 AM
except for all of the homoerotic undertones, this is a really nice thread.


1/14/2006, 02:20 PM
Is there such a thing as Heteroerotic :S