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1/10/2006, 03:45 PM
No new iPods right now. Kinda cool little remote, but other than that, not much new.

Well, now you can buy Intel Macs, so that's new. And there's a new iLife app: iWeb.


I have no idea what the advantadges of Intel processors in a Mac would be (when compared to the old chips). Oh well. There were rumors of a media-pc contained in the Mac mini, as well as a craaaazy rumor about plasmas, but neither were true (for now...)

1/10/2006, 03:59 PM
I have no idea what the advantadges of Intel processors in a Mac would be (when compared to the old chips).

Speed, speed, speed. The performance disparity between Intel (or AMD) and PowerPC chips had gotten to the point that even die-hard Mac fetishists were having trouble putting a positive spin on it. I think Motorola or IBM or whoever was having problems meeting manufacturing quotas as well.


Mr Jobs also announced a free update of Apple’s Mac OS 10 Tiger operating system, which will include add-on "widgets" – applications that provide direct access to Google, the search engine, and sports news.

OS X - now with Google Toolbar and RSS.

1/10/2006, 04:05 PM
they are saying the dual core Intel chips were a LOT faster than the G5 and even more insane for the new laptops, but they were going from the G4 architecture

the new MacBook Pro sounds pretty sweet

1/10/2006, 04:06 PM
I have been looking for those new widgets, specifically what they are (i.e. google earth?), but I can't find anything.

Granted, I'm not looking that hard...

and yeah, that tiny tiny camera is interesting...

1/10/2006, 04:08 PM
MagSafe Connector
Mobile users will love the new power adapter featuring the MagSafe Connector — a magnetic DC plug that both ensures a tight connection and enables a clean break from the power port when there is undue tension. It prevents the MacBook Pro from being pulled off of a desk when the cord is accidentally tripped over, and it protects the power cord from wear and tear.


1/10/2006, 04:09 PM
OS X - now with Google Toolbar and RSS.

Yeah...that's kinda been there all along...

1/10/2006, 04:16 PM
I have been looking for those new widgets, specifically what they are (i.e. google earth?), but I can't find anything.

Granted, I'm not looking that hard...

and yeah, that tiny tiny camera is interesting...

I've had a google maps widget for a while now

1/10/2006, 04:26 PM
Heh. Apple/Jobs takes a veiled shot at Microsoft:


1/10/2006, 04:29 PM
Heh. Apple/Jobs takes a veiled shot at Microsoft:

I can't watch this because I refuse to install Quicktime, but can I assume that it's another preaching-to-the-choir ad instead of one that attempts to reach out to existing Windows users?

1/10/2006, 04:44 PM
they really need an alternative to Outlook... that would help

1/10/2006, 04:45 PM
they really need an alternative to Outlook... that would help

I just wish my Entourage at home could access my Outlook at work. I think the newer versions can, I just don't want to spend the cash just for that one program.

If Mail and iCal could access an Outlook server? Supa-awesome.

1/10/2006, 04:48 PM
If Mail and iCal could access an Outlook server? Supa-awesome.

How hard is it to write a client for an Exchange server? It seems like Apple should be able add this functionality to their stuff without much hassle--unless MS doesn't want them to.

1/10/2006, 04:49 PM
mail can access it, just not well IMO

there is a program for the calendar to work with iCal, i can't think of what it's called off the top of my head, but it's not free

i basically use Remote Desktop to use Outlook :-/

1/10/2006, 05:03 PM
How hard is it to write a client for an Exchange server? It seems like Apple should be able add this functionality to their stuff without much hassle--unless MS doesn't want them to.

I'm betting MS doesn't want them to, since MS's Entourage is set up for that. The friendly agreements between MS and Apple are set for another 5 years (contractually, as reported in the Keynote), so we'll see. Interestingly, Office is one thing that they didn't get completely ready for the new Intel Macs...it's not written in Universal Binary or whatever, so it'll have to use the Rosetta app. that Apple wrote. 'They' said they're working on it, so we'll see. Not many things are written in the Universal Binary yet, except the iLife apps, I think.

1/10/2006, 05:05 PM
Entourage doesn't do it well either

sadly Outlook 98 on OS 9 was the best thing i've used

1/10/2006, 05:08 PM
With all this, I still find it funny that the Xbox360 switched to PowerPC chips (3 of them), especially with the power/heat concerns I've read about today. The Bungie (Halo and Halo 2, plus a lot of older games) people said they had to relearn how to code for those chips, since they hadn't worked on a Mac app since the very beginnings of Halo.

1/10/2006, 05:31 PM
Heh. Apple/Jobs takes a veiled shot at Microsoft:


Yeah...I dont think there was anything veiled about that. :D

Oh and....

my nerd sources tell me they're putting an apple store in tulsa

1/10/2006, 05:54 PM
Yeah...I dont think there was anything veiled about that.

And just to prove the Apple marketing machine has lost none of its potency, the ad for the new computers was played in which to the backdrop of an engineer removing a chip from a PC and moving it to a Mac the following words were spoken: “For years Intel chips have been trapped in PCs. In dull little boxes, performing dull little tasks when they could have been doing so much more.” And then some spiel about them being set free and released into Macs.


I think Apple couldn't care less about it's PC market share. They seem to be more interested in stroking the egos of their core audience then reaching out to Windows users. The only recent exception to this was the "Switch" ad campaign, but those people seemed so clueless I wouldn't trust them with any electrical device, much less a computer.

They've got iPods and iTunes, though, so they don't really need to worry about selling computers.

1/10/2006, 06:02 PM

I think Apple couldn't care less about it's PC market share. They seem to be more interested in stroking the egos of their core audience then reaching out to Windows users. The only recent exception to this was the "Switch" ad campaign, but those people seemed so clueless I wouldn't trust them with any electrical device, much less a computer.

They've got iPods and iTunes, though, so they don't really need to worry about selling computers.

but since millions have bought ipods and loved them, there are millions of new mac buyers. The ipod HAS increased their PC market share, and the intel chip will help make the mac more familiar to the non-ipod users now.

1/10/2006, 06:10 PM
i wasn't that impressed with the Mac users of old anyway

the geek population has certainly taken to the Mac these days though

Linux/Unix guys all over are using Macs, they are like a sickness around here

1/10/2006, 06:12 PM

I could have used something like that...

1/10/2006, 06:13 PM
the geek population has certainly taken to the Mac these days though

I'm not sure that's an improvment over the elitist hipsters of old. :D

1/10/2006, 06:17 PM
I could have used something like that...

That's pretty cool, but I predict that in practice it will have a habit of coming loose--especially when the battery is dead. :eek:

How strong can you make a magnet if you're going to stick it in a computer?

1/10/2006, 06:19 PM
well, with no floppy drive it probably isn't as much of a problem

1/10/2006, 06:20 PM
I'm not sure that's an improvment over the elitist hipsters of old. :D

yeah, but the geeks don't call you with all the dumb little problems as often

1/10/2006, 06:37 PM
That's pretty cool, but I predict that in practice it will have a habit of coming loose--especially when the battery is dead. :eek:

How strong can you make a magnet if you're going to stick it in a computer?
not very...but it would have prevented excess torque on my power jack that caused me to have to operate on my lappy very recently.

1/11/2006, 12:32 AM
actually, the dual core amd's are a much stronger chip then the dual core intels, in large part because of their integrated memory controller. Also the way they integrated the 2 cores is much more refined.

1/11/2006, 10:55 AM
actually, the dual core amd's are a much stronger chip then the dual core intels, in large part because of their integrated memory controller. Also the way they integrated the 2 cores is much more refined.

It makes you wonder why Apple didn't go with AMD. They'd get better performance, still be Intel-compatible, and reinforce their image as a Wintel alternative.

Now that Apple OS will be running on an Intel will you be able to order your Dell with OS X anytime soon? Hmmm.

1/11/2006, 11:36 AM
They're making it pretty hard for non-Apple constructed computers to run OS X (I can't remember the details). The funny thing is, the Apple computers may be able to run Windows moderately well...there was a rumor about Mac's "fast user switching" being applied to different operating systems, too.

I just wonder if it'll be easier for Mac to have games written for them now. I just love being able to play games that came out for PC like 3 years ago.

1/11/2006, 11:47 AM
The funny thing is, the Apple computers may be able to run Windows moderately well...there was a rumor about Mac's "fast user switching" being applied to different operating systems, too.

IMO, the only reason to pay the premium for a Mac is if you have to have the OS. If I'm going to run Windows anyway I'll just save myself the extra $500. If you need both OS's this sounds like it would be heaven.