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9/7/2005, 06:50 PM
He is Horriable the band cant march in straight lines and I cant hear them they play like girls.


9/7/2005, 06:58 PM
Duck! PG & Meli are headed your way.

And PG has her gun.

9/7/2005, 07:04 PM
don't worry dolemite. if they shoot like they play they won't even come close!

9/7/2005, 07:05 PM
Actually, PG isn't in the Pride anymore and Melo goes to a different school, so you'd better watch out. Sniping time. :)

9/7/2005, 07:06 PM
pg knows who dady is so she aint going to say notta

Jimminy Crimson
9/7/2005, 07:18 PM
you teh man, doleo

proud gonzo
9/7/2005, 09:44 PM
dolemite has absolutely no reason to worry for his safety due to this thread (at least on MY account).

aside from that please note I am making ABSOLUTELY NO COMMENT ABOUT THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD.

9/7/2005, 09:49 PM
I guess the band agrees. I am emailing david boren now

9/7/2005, 10:01 PM
Hey, whatever happened to getting the Pride to play Spike Jones? That would rawk.

Jimminy Crimson
9/8/2005, 01:07 PM
bump ;)

9/8/2005, 01:18 PM
all band smack belongs on the FB board.

typically we don't call the band out until after the eATMe game.

I love the Pride but they like, aren't fun and stuff.

9/8/2005, 01:19 PM
now for Brian Rowland's arrangement of TICO TICO!!!!!

9/8/2005, 01:21 PM
Wheres that website? WE NEED A WEBSITE!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!!

Jimminy Crimson
9/8/2005, 01:52 PM
Some of the song titles make you pull a 'WTF'?

You'd think the 'Whose line is it anyways' gang came up with song titles.

Up next, hear the Pride's rendition of this 80's underground smash 'Who needs a wife when you have a pretty sister?'


9/8/2005, 02:56 PM
"And now...the Roland Barrett arrangement of...MALEGUENA!"

Jimminy Crimson
9/9/2005, 12:40 PM
Up next, the pride plays this dazzling Roland Barrett arrangement of the depression era jug band hit, 'Money ain't not a thing'


9/9/2005, 12:42 PM
And now the pride will dazzle with the Olivia Newton John smash Xanadu! Arranged by Roland Barrett.

King Crimson
9/9/2005, 12:44 PM
now for Brian Rowland's arrangement of TICO TICO!!!!!

Taco Tico taco burgers with Xtra hot were the shizz.

and just to do the old joke that never gets old. WHOOP!


9/9/2005, 12:46 PM
Taco Tico taco burgers with Xtra hot were the shizz.

We have a Taco Tico in Tulsa again. Just opened. Haven't been there yet, don't know if the menu is still the same.

9/9/2005, 01:54 PM
When has Taco Tico ever changed their menu?

Jimminy Crimson
9/10/2005, 05:41 PM
now for Brian Rowland's arrangement of TICO TICO!!!!!

You called it! :mack:

9/11/2005, 12:09 AM
Oklahoma Football - Our band can kick your band's ***!

Jimminy - same damn show as last Saturday and I'm pretty sure they performed it last year.

9/11/2005, 12:43 AM
Honestly people - there are two threads about the band on the first page of the SO. That's at least three too many.

9/11/2005, 01:03 AM
for the record, I've been dissapointed since Coach left.

Seems a lot more professional now. I guess that could be seen as a good thing, but it's boring to me.

Also, the same show both of the first two weeks? For shame, Pride, for shame.

9/11/2005, 01:31 AM
The Pride sucks. A lot.

They don't have fun anymore, and even if they wanted to I'm not sure they'd remember how.

Jimminy Crimson
9/11/2005, 09:03 AM
The only bright spot in the Pride the past couple of years is that batman shizz they did.

Do something fun. Play Hollaback Girl for all I care.

Right now, the pride is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-N-A-S

9/11/2005, 09:05 AM
It should also be noted that TU played El Toro Caliente yesterday....

9/11/2005, 09:08 AM
Oklahoma Football - Our band can kick your band's ***!

Jimminy - same damn show as last Saturday and I'm pretty sure they performed it last year. Well, not last year, but 2002.

9/11/2005, 09:45 AM
The Pride's show suxxors. Same show twice, with the same lame-o music.

Good thing we already have the Sudler, 'cause we sure wouldn't be winning it this year.

9/11/2005, 09:48 AM
Good thing we already have the Sudler, 'cause we sure wouldn't be winning it this year.
Well, the Sudler is now meaningless anyway - they changed the rules so you can't win it twice. Which means eventually every band will have one.

9/11/2005, 09:49 AM
The pride still sucks

9/11/2005, 12:59 PM
Am I getting the idea that we are going to make the Pride "our project" for the year?
Encourage having fun.
Better halftime programs.
More Boomer Sooner.
What else?

9/11/2005, 01:35 PM
not playing after plays that net less than 6 yards, or when the defense gives up a first down.

proud gonzo
9/11/2005, 02:15 PM
ok... the only thing i can say is i sort of understand doing the same show this week since last weekend was labor day and there was no school/rehearsal monday. They only had 3 days... but it seems like they could have learned the music and drill to one tune at least...

anyway, yeah. I could rant for days about Pride and I'm sure Ignastrad got tired of me complaining about them during the game.

Bottom Line: I'm glad I'm not in Pride anymore.

9/11/2005, 02:19 PM
ok... the only thing i can say is i sort of understand doing the same show this week since last weekend was labor day and there was no school/rehearsal monday. They only had 3 days... but it seems like they could have learned the music and drill to one tune at least...

anyway, yeah. I could rant for days about Pride and I'm sure Ignastrad got tired of me complaining about them during the game.

Bottom Line: I'm glad I'm not in Pride anymore.

They rehearsed on Labor Day as far as I know. We always used to.

proud gonzo
9/11/2005, 02:23 PM
that's bull****

9/11/2005, 02:24 PM
he sucks arse they all are beoncyes ...fire him...let them eat cake

proud gonzo
9/11/2005, 05:54 PM
DUde, we should make soonerfans.com t-shirts!

Fire Brian Britt
before he fires you from life.

9/11/2005, 05:57 PM
ya know.. If someone would get me a sideline pass his ladder might tip over!

9/11/2005, 06:01 PM

9/11/2005, 06:03 PM
trying to own the front page again dolemite?

9/11/2005, 06:05 PM
what are you talking about?>

9/11/2005, 06:06 PM
what are you talking about?

9/11/2005, 06:06 PM
what are you talking about?

9/11/2005, 06:08 PM
u win

9/11/2005, 06:08 PM
I know

proud gonzo
9/11/2005, 06:10 PM
shut up beyonce, no you dont!

9/11/2005, 06:10 PM
shut up beyonce, no you dont!

proud gonzo
9/11/2005, 06:12 PM
what, no retort??

9/11/2005, 06:12 PM
what, no retort??

9/11/2005, 06:21 PM


9/11/2005, 06:27 PM

proud gonzo
9/11/2005, 06:29 PM
that must be his mating call... you better get your kancho defense up, dolemite

9/11/2005, 06:30 PM
that must be his mating call... you better get your kancho defense up, dolemite
Lower by doors scotty ..kancho is in the KIXlllOSUE

proud gonzo
9/11/2005, 06:34 PM

9/11/2005, 06:35 PM
you must be on dial up you are a slow rabbit

proud gonzo
9/11/2005, 06:36 PM
i was typing! in a different thread....

9/11/2005, 06:36 PM
i was typing! in a different thread....
Dont lie I am killing you like 2-1

9/11/2005, 07:22 PM
well this has taken a turn for the worse

9/11/2005, 07:23 PM
ha it

9/11/2005, 07:36 PM
Well, the Sudler is now meaningless anyway - they changed the rules so you can't win it twice. Which means eventually every band will have one.

That is pretty dumb. I mean, what'd be the sense in saying "alright, there's your football national championship. Now you're ineligible because Baylor has to win one someday."

Jimminy Crimson
9/24/2005, 05:27 PM

Maybe we can start a petition signed by all you former band members?

proud gonzo
9/24/2005, 05:37 PM
yeah, that's what we want--let's give him a hit list :rolleyes: ;)

Jimminy Crimson
9/24/2005, 06:06 PM
Is he that violent?

I'm concerned for all the current members of the Pride! :les:

Jimminy Crimson
10/10/2005, 01:26 PM
Is it that hard to learn a new show for OU/TX?

The only thing this Britt fellow knows about pride involves rainbows. :mack:

Scott D
10/10/2005, 01:59 PM
this thread should be a sticky....and a petition should be taken to every home game and have it signed by all in attendance.

10/10/2005, 02:02 PM
OK, stop playing St Elmo's Fire. Stop. It does not get you fired up. At all. Please stop.

Should we find John Parr and have him look into it somehow?

Please. Roland made a cool arrangement and it was cool in the late 80's. Let it go, man. Let it go.

10/10/2005, 04:29 PM
who is this brian britt fella? is he the guy that thinks small numbers and good sound make for a great football marching band?
sounds like an idiot to me.

10/10/2005, 04:36 PM
who is this brian britt fella? is he the guy that thinks small numbers and good sound make for a great football marching band?
sounds like an idiot to me.

Actually, the band's gotten quite a bit bigger with him in charge. 310-320 as opposed to 280 or so.

10/10/2005, 04:38 PM
oh really.. they just sound smaller. gotcha

Scott D
10/10/2005, 04:42 PM
oh really.. they just sound smaller. gotcha

well turning the band over to the woodwinds from the brass will do that to it ;)

10/10/2005, 04:45 PM
ya know there is a great joke in there but i won't go there.. don't wanna offend brit brian.. or whatever his name is

10/10/2005, 06:31 PM
Is he that violent?

I'm concerned for all the current members of the Pride! :les:

He is not violent, you should not be concerned, nor should any petitions be started. With a few exceptions (aHEM!) the Pride alumni that met last year (hundreds!) are all happy with the band program. A greater majority of the current band members are having fun and are happy.

As for me, I'm having more fun this year, and it's not just cuz I'm a senior. It's cuz we're having more fun... and having more stand tunes.

A greater majority of band members, both current and old who have had him as a director will agree - he's been a great director and I wouldn't mind him leading another 5 years.

Jimminy Crimson
10/10/2005, 07:00 PM
A greater majority of band members, both current and old who have had him as a dictator will agree - he's been a great dictator and I wouldn't mind him leading another 5 years.


10/10/2005, 07:07 PM
go ahead and call him what you want, he calls himself an "old guy" ... but like you kept in my quote, we don't want him to leave and he can stay another 5 years if he wants.

10/10/2005, 07:19 PM
I'm an old Pride member and I don't like him. He has his little Nazi's follow around wearing ties and jackets and all...How gay! Most Pride alums are so intoxicated with the thought of the good ole days, they couldn't think of criticizing anything that has some resemblance to happy memories. This is not the old Pride and I don't think it is all that good. It seems too much like work now a days...IMO

Jimminy Crimson
10/10/2005, 07:19 PM
go ahead and call him what you want, he calls himself an "old guy" ... but like you kept in my quote, we don't want him to leave and he can stay another 5 years if he wants.

We're just having a little fun over here.


10/10/2005, 07:31 PM
I'm an old Pride member and I don't like him. He has his little Nazi's follow around wearing ties and jackets and all...How gay! Most Pride alums are so intoxicated with the thought of the good ole days, they couldn't think of criticizing anything that has some resemblance to happy memories. This is not the old Pride and I don't think it is all that good. It seems too much like work now a days...IMO

A lot of my friends that are still in the pride are quite displeased and will not return next year.

10/10/2005, 07:39 PM
the cuz the greater majority of you band members are tools and yes men cuz you wanna be like him.... you are little nerdy band geeks unlike the members of the old PRIDE who were just good musicians that could play louder and prouder than you weak lipped sissies today..
so, do your lips hurt from playing a trumpet or Brits meathorn during the weekdays?

10/10/2005, 08:14 PM
dude, that's a bit harsh. If badger is enjoying the Pride more power to her. I usually try to keep what criticisms I have for the Pride on the level of "in my own musical opinion - which I consider just as valid as the directors' opinions - I think they're emphasizing the wrong things in rehearsals." I'm not always successful, but a lot of my ire goes toward the AD more than the band staff. Although the way they treated PrideTrombone for voicing his opinion was very unprofessional of them.

Jimminy Crimson
10/10/2005, 08:20 PM
Although the way they are ruining the Pride is very unprofessional of them.

I agree. ;)

10/10/2005, 08:22 PM
the cuz the greater majority of you band members are tools and yes men cuz you wanna be like him.... you are little nerdy band geeks unlike the members of the old PRIDE who were just good musicians that could play louder and prouder than you weak lipped sissies today..
so, do your lips hurt from playing a trumpet or Brits meathorn during the weekdays?

Oh, that hurts. I just am a weak-lipped band nerd/geek that isn't a good musician like all of the former band members.[/sarcasm]

If we weren't enjoying Pride, we wouldn't be showing up to rehearsals early and leaving late (okay, so that's mostly fooseball and frisbee as opposed to rehearsing and practicing), joining music-associated organizations in addition to Pride, or returning so many members every year.

10/10/2005, 09:09 PM
look badger, this isn't a personal attack on you okay, just the majority of fans that attend football games who have been through the good times and bad think the pride pretty much sucks. thats the bottom line..
The band used to be kick *** now its just weak.. That is all.

proud gonzo
10/10/2005, 09:09 PM
Oh, that hurts. I just am a weak-lipped band nerd/geek that isn't a good musician like all of the former band members.[/sarcasm]

If we weren't enjoying Pride, we wouldn't be showing up to rehearsals early and leaving late (okay, so that's mostly fooseball and frisbee as opposed to rehearsing and practicing), joining music-associated organizations in addition to Pride, or returning so many members every year.

I showed up for pride rehearsals/gamedays for two years and I wasn't enjoying it 99% of the time.

10/10/2005, 09:51 PM
I showed up for pride rehearsals/gamedays for two years and I wasn't enjoying it 99% of the time.

I enjoyed it, but I spent a good chunk of time flirting and trolling for dates. ;)

proud gonzo
10/10/2005, 10:05 PM
funny--i spent most of my time being stalked by/turning down a ****tard in my section... :rolleyes:


10/10/2005, 10:07 PM

10/10/2005, 10:11 PM
look badger, this isn't a personal attack on you okay, just the majority of fans that attend football games who have been through the good times and bad think the pride pretty much sucks. thats the bottom line..
The band used to be kick *** now its just weak.. That is all.

I'm not here to defend myself, I'm here defending the Pride. I wouldn't be defending Pride on here if I didn't think we were getting better and things were going better than they have in the past few years... after all, I have been one to speak out when I have not agreed with how things were going, as some on here can testify to.

I have read all of your comments (all 21 pages on another thread and 5 pages here, as well as threads from past years), but I have also talked to people in person on how impressed they have been with how we have performed this year.

On a completely unrelated matter, the university bands will be hosting a benefit concert for Hurricane Katrina victims Tuesday night. Here is an article giving information:
Link! (http://www.oudaily.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/10/10/434b281ae22e7)

It's only $5 and it goes to a good cause.

10/10/2005, 10:55 PM
funny--i spent most of my time being stalked by/turning down a ****tard in my section... :rolleyes:

See, you should have been a flag girl. :D

proud gonzo
10/10/2005, 11:11 PM
I'm not here to defend myself, I'm here defending the Pride. I wouldn't be defending Pride on here if I didn't think we were getting better and things were going better than they have in the past few years... after all, I have been one to speak out when I have not agreed with how things were going, as some on here can testify to.

I have read all of your comments (all 21 pages on another thread and 5 pages here, as well as threads from past years), but I have also talked to people in person on how impressed they have been with how we have performed this year.

really? well I'm glad you speak out and I'm glad you think things are going better (though I personally disagree) and I'm glad you've talked to people who are impressed with the Pride this year.

I've talked to a lot of people who think the pride sounds and marches like crap this year. You can't defend opinions with more opinions. great that you think everything is going fine--I'm glad you're having fun. I will acknowledge and accept that if you'll acknowledge and accept that I (and others) think the pride sounds/looks almost worse than our football team does this year.

10/11/2005, 12:05 AM
You can't defend opinions with more opinions.

This journalist agrees, it is time for some facts rather than hearsay opinions:

FACT: The Pride has approx. 320 members.

This is up from around 290 just two years ago. If university leaders thought the band quality was diminishing, numbers would not rise (OU has to fund for more members to sit in the stands and go on band trips, etc). If members thought the band quality was diminishing the numbers would not rise.

FACT: The 320-member Pride has approx. 200 returning members.

You will find that while there are reasons that force people to give up band (graduation, class conflict), there is little reason to be forced to STAY in band (uhm, parents forcing you to?). Members are returning because they are enjoying their time in band, not because they have to be there.

FACT: The Pride chartered to UCLA, a six-figure endeavor.

OU funded (to the tune of $100 thou) for a 120-member pep band to fly charter out to UCLA this season. Also, 50-member pep bands of the past (two years ago to ISU, for example) have grown to 100 (Baylor and Tech last year, Kansas and UCLA this year), even 200-member (A&M last year) pep bands. If the band program was diminishing in quality, where would the support for these expensive (charter buses aren't cheap, neither is putting up lodging and tickets for 100-200 people plus staff) trips be? Why are these expensive trips receiving more support recently?

That's the facts backing up that the band program is still a well-respected, well-led organization. A poorly-led, declining program wouldn't be enjoying all the perks members receive now.

10/11/2005, 12:09 AM
You know...From what I know of Britt and a GA or two I knew under him and watching the cabal on game day. I think it is a Brian Britt/Pride Director Groupie mutual admiration society more into the trappings of being in charge and running an organization that is about the nuances of the organization and musicality, rather than pleasing fans or blowing your arse off with lots of brass (which by the way the fans want!).

I remember playing against the Florida State band years ago and the compliment we gave them was that we could hear their woodwinds...

Just sayin' IMO. My wife used to be a public H.S. Band director until she got tired of the shi'ite of working in public schools. I saw the same thing there and at other programs that I see in the Pride leadership today...

proud gonzo
10/11/2005, 12:15 AM
This journalist agrees, it is time for some facts rather than hearsay opinions:

FACT: The Pride has approx. 320 members.

This is up from around 290 just two years ago. If university leaders thought the band quality was diminishing, numbers would not rise (OU has to fund for more members to sit in the stands and go on band trips, etc). If members thought the band quality was diminishing the numbers would not rise.
members don't know the band quality is diminishing and obviously university leaders don't think that, as evidenced by your statement. Methinks that's the main complaint people have been voicing...

FACT: The 320-member Pride has approx. 200 returning members.

You will find that while there are reasons that force people to give up band (graduation, class conflict), there is little reason to be forced to STAY in band (uhm, parents forcing you to?). Members are returning because they are enjoying their time in band, not because they have to be there.
music ed majors are required to have 2 years in pride. and trips to bowl games (the only reason I kept doing pride for 2 years)

FACT: The Pride chartered to UCLA, a six-figure endeavor.

OU funded (to the tune of $100 thou) for a 120-member pep band to fly charter out to UCLA this season. to my knowledge that was funded by donors (aka old people who remember when the pride was good and when the football team was good WAY before stoops was here.)

Also, 50-member pep bands of the past (two years ago to ISU, for example) have grown to 100 (Baylor and Tech last year, Kansas and UCLA this year), even 200-member (A&M last year) pep bands. If the band program was diminishing in quality, where would the support for these expensive (charter buses aren't cheap, neither is putting up lodging and tickets for 100-200 people plus staff) trips be? Why are these expensive trips receiving more support recently?
because the band's so weak they need twice as many people to produce half the volume a 50 person pep band would have 5 years ago.

10/11/2005, 12:23 AM
Re-iterating what I said, eh? Well, I'll take the bait once more before bedtime.

members don't know the band quality is diminishing and obviously university leaders don't think that, as evidenced by your statement. Methinks that's the main complaint people have been voicing...

University leaders receive numerous complaints about numerous things. Unless there were a lot of complaints voiced (such as the bombing response - the complaints sent to the Daily were likely a fraction of what was sent to the President's office if it forced him to write two letters to the editor and release the FBI's full investigation report), things are not going to change. The way things are being supported suggests that there are actually more compliments than complaints.

music ed majors are required to have 2 years in pride. and trips to bowl games (the only reason I kept doing pride for 2 years)

Forced to go to bowl games? Probably not, but there are many music majors who have stayed in Pride for longer than two years.

to my knowledge that was funded by donors (aka old people who remember when the pride was good and when the football team was good WAY before stoops was here.)

To my knowledge the original funding was for the entire band to go, but the university and band leaders decided to spend the extra money differently within the university. If donors put the check up for the trip, wouldn't it have to go to the trip as originally planned?

because the band's so weak they need twice as many people to produce half the volume a 50 person pep band would have 5 years ago.

again, if the band was weak, they wouldn't bother sending anyone.

good night, everyone! :)

proud gonzo
10/11/2005, 12:28 AM
Re-iterating what I said, eh? Well, I'll take the bait once more before bedtime.
University leaders receive numerous complaints about numerous things. Unless there were a lot of complaints voiced (such as the bombing response - the complaints sent to the Daily were likely a fraction of what was sent to the President's office if it forced him to write two letters to the editor and release the FBI's full investigation report), things are not going to change. The way things are being supported suggests that there are actually more compliments than complaints.
from what I've heard, the powers that be got a few hundred complaints last year from concerned fans.

Forced to go to bowl games? Probably not, but there are many music majors who have stayed in Pride for longer than two years.
i didn't mean forced to go to bowl games, i meant that was another motivation to stay in pride.

To my knowledge the original funding was for the entire band to go, but the university and band leaders decided to spend the extra money differently within the university. If donors put the check up for the trip, wouldn't it have to go to the trip as originally planned?
as i heard, it was donor money and they coudn't get enough to pay for the entire band to go (as they originally thought they would.)

10/11/2005, 12:29 AM
OK, don't take this personally - I love the Pride, but here's my view:

Actually, large trips are not increasing. Aside from the standard bussing 50 people to every away game, in 1999 we flew 50 people to Louisville, flew the entire band to Notre Dame, in 2000 we all went to A&M and had a 10-day, $300,000 trip to Miami, 2001 we sent 100 to Air Force and the whole band to Nebraska...

Increasing numbers in the Pride are just an indicator that the Pride no longer cuts anyone, thus dragging down the talent level of the whole band. I'm in favor of the Ohio State method - cap the band at 250 regardless of how many want to join. I've been the one making cuts, and the directors wouldn't let us cut anyone unless they just fell over when they tried to march and play at the same time. They want as many bodies out there as they can get. I've heard a section of 23 bones sound bigger than the 100 member pep bands they send out now.

Oh, and all the funds for the Pride's trips to the away games comes from the athletic department - and if they're qualified to judge the quality of a musical group I'll eat my master's degree.

proud gonzo
10/11/2005, 12:33 AM
Increasing numbers in the Pride are just an indicator that the Pride no longer cuts anyone, thus dragging down the talent level of the whole band. I'm in favor of the Ohio State method - cap the band at 250 regardless of how many want to join.

the quantity over quality argument.... kinda like when they had non pride members check out pride uniforms just so there would be more people who could go play at the baseball game last year.

10/11/2005, 12:35 AM
I do know that after the John Hancock Bowl debacle of '93, bowl attendance was no longer optional for the band (at least under Coach). Of course, there was only one more bowl after that until 1999...

10/11/2005, 12:36 AM
the quantity over quality argument.... kinda like when they had non pride members check out pride uniforms just so there would be more people who could go play at the baseball game last year.
You have got to be kidding.

10/11/2005, 01:03 AM
Nah, they did the same thing with the dome dedication ceremony at the State Capitol.

10/11/2005, 01:55 AM
FACT: a current pride section leader told me that they were cutting people who could play so that those who marched better could be in the band. he said they dont care if they can play like doc severinson or maynard ferguson, if they dont march as well as the person who marches and doesnt play, they dont get in regardless of how well they play their instrument.

the statement made by the section leader above = pure ignorance
the fact that his statement is backed by the directors = unspeakable ignorance

10/11/2005, 05:58 AM
FACT: a current pride section leader told me that they were cutting people who could play so that those who marched better could be in the band. he said they dont care if they can play like doc severinson or maynard ferguson, if they dont march as well as the person who marches and doesnt play, they dont get in regardless of how well they play their instrument.

the statement made by the section leader above = pure ignorance
the fact that his statement is backed by the directors = unspeakable ignorance

a lot of good this did... I have seen them march, and if you can't do a straight line on the hash marks, ugh. :(

10/11/2005, 08:49 AM
Something needs to be done about the pride's playing strength. There isn't any power, it sounds weak and i can't hear them in the stands anymore. And no, my hearing is not going bad.

Either the talent has gone down or we have fewer brass players, cause there are lots more people in pride than before.

10/11/2005, 09:45 AM
FACT: a current pride section leader told me that they were cutting people who could play so that those who marched better could be in the band. he said they dont care if they can play like doc severinson or maynard ferguson, if they dont march as well as the person who marches and doesnt play, they dont get in regardless of how well they play their instrument.

the statement made by the section leader above = pure ignorance
the fact that his statement is backed by the directors = unspeakable ignorance
If they are cutting people for not marching, why does the marching seem less crisp and the curvy lines are wavy from people being out of position? This doesn't seem to jive with what we see on the field...

Plus, how can you not march the Texas mark time and glide on the balls of your feet and "pinch that grape"?

10/11/2005, 10:24 AM
band geeks are funny. :D

10/11/2005, 11:19 AM
FACT: a current pride section leader told me that they were cutting people who could play so that those who marched better could be in the band.

Heh, but you are ignoring the fact that unless members can play the music for the show or for pregame, they are not allowed to march. People are not just placed on the field somewhere to hold an instrument. They are musicians who can play the music, and play it memorized.

In the case of the section I am in, everyone had moderately good (or great) auditions, so it came down to playing auditions - the ones who didn't play as well as the top 52 got cut.

So, instead of pure ignorance, this works. It works because

(1) Musicians that can march well make the band.
(2) However, musicians that cannot play well do not march.

In the end on the field, you have great musicians who know the music really well and can march really well.

10/11/2005, 11:27 AM
In the end on the field, you have great musicians who know the music really well and can march really well.

so when can we expect this to happen?

10/11/2005, 11:47 AM
Heh, but you are ignoring the fact that unless members can play the music for the show or for pregame, they are not allowed to march. People are not just placed on the field somewhere to hold an instrument. They are musicians who can play the music, and play it memorized.

In the case of the section I am in, everyone had moderately good (or great) auditions, so it came down to playing auditions - the ones who didn't play as well as the top 52 got cut.

I havent played my trumpet in about 1.5 years but I could pick it up today and be better than 2/3 of that section without practicing.

10/11/2005, 11:47 AM
so when can we expect this to happen?

the next home game. count on it - hey, it's even a night homecoming game! All right!

10/11/2005, 11:48 AM
badger, not bashing, but everyone has been expected to play their music memorized for years. Since Coach came on the scene, we never marched with music. I remember that as a source of pride. What I appreciated about Coach (and this is not a bring back Coach thread) is that he saw people wanted SOUND. They want to be hit by a wall of sound. Hence we marched 280 in block and had mostly brass. You can honk a woodwind all you want, but your not going to get the sound you would from a brass instrument. The Pride has been about blowing the doors off people. I am sad to say, that musicality seems to be in vogue and the Pride isn't blowing anyone's doors off today, IMO. The current Pride may sound balanced and in tune, but don't have the power we did when I was in the Pride, again, IMO.

Question, has Norman P.D. been out to the practice field becuase of noise complaints? It was a regular occurance when I was in the Pride.

10/11/2005, 11:52 AM
So are the playoffs of this year much like the playoffs of a few years ago?

10/11/2005, 11:53 AM
ah, two more comments in two seconds -

Bobby, you're a great musician, but we have a better section this year and I am sure you know as well as I do that nobody can pick up a brass instrument after not playing in that long and play extraordinarily, regardless of how well you used to play.

Alphabet... heh, funny username... anyways, we have not had the PD out, I think they are getting used to us, or are ignoring the complaints, but you can always tell when we're out practicing, because the windows and walls still shake in all the surrounding buildings (at least a one mile radius!). I only brought up the memorizing thing because it seemed to be suggested that the people on the field are out there because they can march, but cannot play.

But, like I said two seconds ago, wait til Homecoming (or Kansas, if you're a stand critic). We're getting better.

EDIT: No, they actually expect you to know the music in playoffs this year, unlike 2 years ago :D

10/11/2005, 12:00 PM
i wasnt kidding

10/11/2005, 12:04 PM
So are the playoffs of this year much like the playoffs of a few years ago?Heh, as a Tuba, we didn't have playoffs or march offs when I was in. We all honked and marched (high knee lift to boot)...We stood around watching the others...

10/11/2005, 01:06 PM
Heh, but you are ignoring the fact that unless members can play the music for the show or for pregame, they are not allowed to march. People are not just placed on the field somewhere to hold an instrument. They are musicians who can play the music, and play it memorized.

In the case of the section I am in, everyone had moderately good (or great) auditions, so it came down to playing auditions - the ones who didn't play as well as the top 52 got cut.

So, instead of pure ignorance, this works. It works because

(1) Musicians that can march well make the band.
(2) However, musicians that cannot play well do not march.

In the end on the field, you have great musicians who know the music really well and can march really well.

1. How could anybody not play the music for pregame? It's so easy it makes me laugh to read this.

2. I use to be in your section. I know how people play. To say that anyone under the top 20 in that section had a moderately good audition is laughable. Some of those people can't play more than two major scales. The trumpet section is so weak this year its unbelievable. I heard it in person twice. no excuse. In fact, its been weak for a few years. even my last year it was weak.

3. Obviously, the "musicians" can't play the music. It sounds awful. Maybe they should get lyres and be able to read, cause its not working this way. I don't know if you know this this, but they have to cut and paste what roland writes because its too difficult for the band. weak.

4. Lame--some of you will get this ;)

5. in the end, there are a few musicians on the field marching well. A very select few. The rest are band members who think they know whats going on and dont march well, or march well but can't play worth a crap. We have all seen this.

so, yes. it is pure ignorance.

I would write more, but I'm practicing my trumpet, warming up for the day. I'll be through playing at midnight.

10/11/2005, 01:12 PM
But, like I said two seconds ago, wait til Homecoming

sorry i couldn't resist

why? because the alumni band sounds better?

10/11/2005, 01:16 PM
Obviously we pride alums have no idear wtf we are talking about when we say there is a problem with the prides playing ability.

The most telling thing is badger saying that they will be their best at some point AFTER the texass game, maybe next week on the road.

Does this make anyone else sad??

Its not right and better get fixed soon!

10/11/2005, 02:06 PM
The basketball pep band people I hung out with back in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99 and then a little more in 02-03 and 03-04 were all pretty cool.

That's all I have to say about that.

10/11/2005, 02:07 PM
I take that last part back. I'd also like to say that I enjoy the Drumline's pregame concert at the Union.

Jimminy Crimson
10/11/2005, 02:25 PM
How can we ban the 'traveling band' in the 3rd qtr?

Year after year, game after game, they're always playing when we have the ball. Get some people who know what the hell is going on to control that shizzz.

That's not the way I like it. :mack:

proud gonzo
10/11/2005, 04:53 PM
In the end on the field, you have great musicians who know the music really well and can march really well.
what band are you talking about? Because I thought we were talking about The Pride....

proud gonzo
10/11/2005, 05:00 PM
If they are cutting people for not marching, why does the marching seem less crisp and the curvy lines are wavy from people being out of position? This doesn't seem to jive with what we see on the field...

Plus, how can you not march the Texas mark time and glide on the balls of your feet and "pinch that grape"?
they don't work on marching fundamentals anymore.

10/11/2005, 05:33 PM
obviously they haven't seen the pictures of how crappy their marching looks..
you guys need to learn to stay in a straight line and play like you got a set!

Jimminy Crimson
10/11/2005, 05:52 PM
what band are you talking about?

Hanson, I think.

10/11/2005, 05:55 PM
i wasnt kidding
You played 2nd trumpet for two years, meaning you were better than 1/3 of the section then. Why, after being dormant for 1.5 years would you improve to being better than MOST of the section? I know you're not a bad musician, but I'm just sayin'

We stood around watching the others...
Everyone has sectionals now - no more tuba football for an extra half hour. Sorry.

4. Lame--some of you will get this

I get it.

why? because the alumni band sounds better?
Depends, you all going to be there? In seriousness, it is only natural that you improve with more rehearsals and practice... as that is going to be our next home game, that's why I said that. If our next home game was OSU in a month, I would have said we'd be better then.

The most telling thing is badger saying that they will be their best at some point AFTER the texass game, maybe next week on the road.

Telling thing, eh? So in the Sooners 6th game this week, won't they be better than they were in their 5th game of the season against Texas last Saturday? More rehearsals and experience=improving. We'll be our best at the end of the year, after a semester of practice, rehearsing and experience.

The basketball pep band people I hung out with back in 96-97, 97-98, 98-99 and then a little more in 02-03 and 03-04 were all pretty cool.
We miss you, Top Dawg/Daug, especially when our horsies didn't do anything to human bevo after the "Poop on Stoops" sign went by our section. Argh!

How can we ban the 'traveling band' in the 3rd qtr?

No but I think the regular band is no longer playing all the times the running band tries to... if it continues to be a problem I am sure somebody will mention something about this in the near future. I think that is what stemmed the problem of the running band playing while the game is going on.

what band are you talking about? Because I thought we were talking about The Pride....
I am... aren't you?

they don't work on marching fundamentals anymore.
Yeah we do, whether it's marking time in concert arches, the 15-30 minutes of marching fundamentals (8/5 practice down the field, stuff like that) every other rehearsal, or the sectional practices before the entire band congregates.

obviously they haven't seen the pictures of how crappy their marching looks..you guys need to learn to stay in a straight line
are you referring to that picture on the thread with kyle's strut? that was probably from the first game, when the freshmen feel overwhelmed. Like I've said, we'll continue to get better as the season goes along.

That it for now? All right, back to the fark board.

Jimminy Crimson
10/11/2005, 06:11 PM
obviously they haven't seen the pictures of how crappy their marching looks..
you guys need to learn to stay in a straight line and play like you got a set!

Therein lies the problem. :eddie:

10/11/2005, 06:14 PM
Telling thing, eh? So in the Sooners 6th game this week, won't they be better than they were in their 5th game of the season against Texas last Saturday? More rehearsals and experience=improving. We'll be our best at the end of the year, after a semester of practice, rehearsing and experience.

by this logic, should the sooners have been destroyed in the Orange Bowl???

either your a great band at the start of the year, or not... just like the football team. The last time I checked, roses don't grow out of turds.

10/11/2005, 06:15 PM
roses don't grow out of turds.

no really, is that comparison fair? despite losing the orange bowl, they had a great season last year. it's not easy to win the big 12 (unless you're oklahoma)

Jimminy Crimson
10/11/2005, 07:17 PM
Has he been fired yet? :eddie:

10/11/2005, 08:16 PM
You played 2nd trumpet for two years, meaning you were better than 1/3 of the section then. Why, after being dormant for 1.5 years would you improve to being better than MOST of the section? I know you're not a bad musician, but I'm just sayin'

I get it.

In seriousness, it is only natural that you improve with more rehearsals and practice

are you referring to that picture on the thread with kyle's strut? that was probably from the first game, when the freshmen feel overwhelmed. Like I've said, we'll continue to get better as the season goes along.

1. bobbytrain is right
2. i don't think you do get it. only about 5 people on this board would. it was a joke.
3.if you are poorly rehearsed, you will not get better. a band is only as good as its weakest player
4. the lines were bad at texas too.

10/11/2005, 08:40 PM
2. i don't think you do get it. only about 5 people on this board would. it was a joke.

are you referring to the 5 that hung out at texasblows.com at one time?

10/11/2005, 11:31 PM
You played 2nd trumpet for two years, meaning you were better than 1/3 of the section then. Why, after being dormant for 1.5 years would you improve to being better than MOST of the section? I know you're not a bad musician, but I'm just sayin'

It's mostly because I am that awesome :les: and partly because that section sucks now.

10/11/2005, 11:33 PM
2. i don't think you do get it. only about 5 people on this board would. it was a joke.I got it :)

I also must say that I play like I've got a set when on the field or in the stands. It may be a lame *** 3rd trumpet part, and that's the only part I'm actually capable of playing, but damn it, I'm blasting away in everyone's ear when I play. Playing in the Pride of Ardmore taught me how to play like that :D

10/11/2005, 11:51 PM
are you referring to the 5 that hung out at texasblows.com at one time? No, he's referring to a mass Phi Mu Alpha e-mail.

And as to marching fundamentals, when was the last time the band practiced low or high mark time with a snap in it? Because if my section had marked time like the Pride does now they would have spent two days doing nothing but mark time until they got the idea. Every rehearsal used to be 30 minutes of sectionals, 20 minutes of concert arcs, 15 minutes in pregame fronts at the 50 for marching fundamentals, and THEN drill.

Oh, and I've seen a french h.ornhornhorn player that hadn't touched a h.ornhorn horn in two years walk into a rehearsal, nail Mahler 5 to a wall, and leave. Granted it was in Atlanta, and he was a freak of nature, but... some people can just pick it up and do it. ;)

10/11/2005, 11:59 PM
No, he's referring to a mass Phi Mu Alpha e-mail.

And as to marching fundamentals, when was the last time the band practiced low or high mark time with a snap in it? Because if my section had marked time like the Pride does now they would have spent two days doing nothing but mark time until they got the idea. Every rehearsal used to be 30 minutes of sectionals, 20 minutes of concert arcs, 15 minutes in pregame fronts at the 50 for marching fundamentals, and THEN drill.

Oh, and I've seen a french h.ornhornhorn player that hadn't touched a h.ornhorn horn in two years walk into a rehearsal, nail Mahler 5 to a wall, and leave. Granted it was in Atlanta, and he was a freak of nature, but... some people can just pick it up and do it. ;)

use a zero when spelling H0RN. it works easier.

we practice the marking time thing everyday in archs, but high markin' is more like every other day.

btw, i know you play loud, delusional padre fan (its okay, i'm a delusional packer fan). i stand in front of ya in archs.

10/12/2005, 12:07 AM
use a zero when spelling H0RN. it works easier.

we practice the marking time thing everyday in archs, but high markin' is more like every other day.

btw, i know you play loud, delusional padre fan (its okay, i'm a delusional packer fan). i stand in front of ya in archs.
thanks for the 0 suggestion. ;)

And if marking time is being practiced every day, then it's definitely being taught incorrectly.

10/12/2005, 09:31 AM
The texas band had really crooked lines too.

And I'm not talking about the rick rack.

Jimminy Crimson
10/12/2005, 10:33 AM
Are you all playing the same old boring show again this week or do we get a new one?

10/12/2005, 11:00 AM
Are you all playing the same old boring show again this week or do we get a new one?

you didn't like bond? i thought that one was fun...

but you are getting a new show for homecoming. we had our recording session monday, and usually when we record, that means "forget that stuff, we're moving onto new music!"

and as i mentioned earlier, one of em is "Hush." perhaps the dance squad will do their basketball routine

Jimminy Crimson
10/12/2005, 11:02 AM
Bond was fine.

For one game.

Same with Batman.

Awesome show.

For one game. Not all of them.

With the same show week after week, we're looking like the eaTme band, but I think they might be louder.

10/12/2005, 11:31 AM
With the same show week after week, we're looking like the eaTme band, but I think they might be louder.

a lot of them don't play at all. search your feelings, you know it to be true.

so if i am with you so far, you want us to have flawless shows that do not repeat, keeping in mind that sometimes there's only a week between games. you also want us to have a lot of musicians, but only if they're brass, only if they play really loud... but play well while playing loud, but emphasis on playing loud... and marching flawlessly while playing loud, playing well, but playing louder as opposed to playing better.

forgive me, but if there is only a week between shows, it is impossible to invent an entirely new show and perform it as well as you expect - that is why we add to the shows that we know during our second performance of the same show - we either add another song, we add more marching, etc. So far this season, you have not seen the exact same show twice.

Scott D
10/12/2005, 11:33 AM
less marching more loud....

10/12/2005, 12:01 PM
less marching more loud....

is you prefer that we turn into a band like ucla? nothing against them at all, they were the nicest ucla fans we encountered that day.

Jimminy Crimson
10/12/2005, 12:07 PM
a lot of them don't play at all. search your feelings, you know it to be true.

I know they dont. I just said they were louder, which has to do with having more brass and less crap that doesn't matter much in a marching band anyways.

so if i am with you so far, you want us to have flawless shows that do not repeat, keeping in mind that sometimes there's only a week between games. you also want us to have a lot of musicians, but only if they're brass, only if they play really loud... but play well while playing loud, but emphasis on playing loud... and marching flawlessly while playing loud, playing well, but playing louder as opposed to playing better.

I could care less about a show being flawless or not. All that need to happen is to go back to having fun. I think that is probably a key to the downfall of the Pride since Coach has been gone. If you're worried about messing up b/c some dude wearing a suit might get mad at you, you're going to mess up and it will affect your playing. You can have a good time, play loud, and march some fancy schmancy patterns. It can be done. I think. Or at least it used to be that way.

forgive me, but if there is only a week between shows, it is impossible to invent an entirely new show and perform it as well as you expect - that is why we add to the shows that we know during our second performance of the same show - we either add another song, we add more marching, etc. So far this season, you have not seen the exact same show twice.

I just hate seeing the same show week after week. Two weeks of the same show is more than plenty. Anymore than that and everyone will be downstairs going to the bathroom and getting nachos or whatever. We have, on average, six home games a year. It can't be too hard to come up with three shows a year.

10/12/2005, 12:21 PM
I just hate seeing the same show week after week. Two weeks of the same show is more than plenty. Anymore than that and everyone will be downstairs going to the bathroom and getting nachos or whatever. We have, on average, six home games a year. It can't be too hard to come up with three shows a year.That's pretty much what you're getting. We've marched the Bond show twice. Once for K-State and once for Texas. Now that we've got a week where we're not playing at home, we'll learn new music and a new show and have it ready for Baylor.

Whether we had a new show every week or not, I don't think it would have a big effect on how many people go down to buy nachos at half time. The truth is most people don't care, and that's perfectly fine.

Jimminy Crimson
10/12/2005, 12:24 PM
Last year it seemed like we saw the Batman thing like 87 times.

10/12/2005, 12:34 PM
Last year it seemed like we saw the Batman thing like 87 times.I think we may have played that show more than the usual two times. I think we played it for our postseason trips. We didn't learn anything new for those shows so we pulled an old show for those trips. That may be the reason you remember seeing that show so many times. Also, we marched that show two years ago.

During the regular season, we won't march a show more than twice in a row. After the regular season, I don't really know

Edit: I remember now that we marched that show in New Orleans too. We did in fact march that show more than twice.

proud gonzo
10/12/2005, 12:37 PM
the pride's playing hush? omg, somebody tell me you're kidding.

...what other tunes are they doing this week?

10/12/2005, 12:37 PM
I cant believe Hush is being played again. That song is tired.

i can hear it now--"And now the Pride presents, music, that if you consistently come to home games, you have probably heard this one before, but we dont care, we are unoriginal and cannot play new songs."

proud gonzo
10/12/2005, 12:41 PM
that was 99, right?

oh, and am I good or what?


(this actually makes me really sad)

10/12/2005, 12:48 PM
i can inform you on the hush situation after pride today... but yes, we have the music to hush, so you can expect to hear that soon. i don't find the song tiring, it reminds me of basketball band... very fun times. Speed up the tempo and watch the girls on court get lost.

Also, Batman was two years ago. Since then, we have not played the same exact show more than twice - there have been clever alterations to avoid that. However, here's the batman count

-The home game after OU/Texas
-The Homecoming game (with the Ants go Marching song)
-The Big 12 Champ. game
-The Sugar Bowl

I think that the Batman logo was too cool to give up for some. Correct me if I'm wrong on the Batman thing - I know we did it at two home games (attaching it to the end of the armed forces salute - I think the real title of that song is When Johnny comes marching home again), and OU-Tx (getting to see the logo on Sooner Vision during horn visual).

Jimminy Crimson
10/12/2005, 12:56 PM
Here's a challenge for all you bandies out there.

Play the song from the pregame video before the end of the year.

I forget the name of it, so someone else help out here.

Ready, set, go!

Jimminy Crimson
10/12/2005, 01:01 PM
Another idea: sitcom theme songs (cheers, friends, etc)

10/12/2005, 01:16 PM
i still think they should do gwen stafani's bananas song. we did that lady marmalade crap back in the day, bananas is much cooler than that.

10/12/2005, 01:23 PM
Here's a challenge for all you bandies out there.

Play the song from the pregame video before the end of the year.

I forget the name of it, so someone else help out here.

Ready, set, go!
The theme is from that reality show "The Contender," methinks. I am pretty sure of this. I doubt we'd play it... it'd be too... repetitive.

10/12/2005, 01:35 PM
Since the soonervision staff likes to get the crowd pumped up with some Phil Collins before the games now, I think the Pride should consider the same thing. A Phil Collins show would be great!!!

10/12/2005, 01:39 PM
Another idea: sitcom theme songs (cheers, friends, etc)If I had to do the claps to the friends song on the field, I would not back to Pride ever again

10/12/2005, 01:41 PM
Since the soonervision staff likes to get the crowd pumped up with some Phil Collins before the games now, I think the Pride should consider the same thing. A Phil Collins show would be great!!!That was so damn lame. Seeing people in the student section claping their hands over their head made me realize something was very wrong with playing that song then

10/12/2005, 02:44 PM
That was so damn lame. Seeing people in the student section claping their hands over their head made me realize something was very wrong with playing that song then

Whoa, Padre fan who posts twice in a row strikes again. (applause) :D

BTW, before you counter with a Packer attack, let me remind you that my team is only one game out of leading it's division, and therefore, one win away from being playoff bound. Go NFC North!

10/12/2005, 03:31 PM
Whoa, Padre fan who posts twice in a row strikes again. (applause) :D

BTW, before you counter with a Packer attack, let me remind you that my team is only one game out of leading it's division, and therefore, one win away from being playoff bound. Go NFC North!mmhmm...one win away huh? Remember, the Padres took their division by 6 games. Now, I know a team of blind, deaf, retards may have put up a better fight than the other teams of the NL West, but we still won that division fair and square

Jimminy Crimson
10/12/2005, 04:04 PM
Back to topic.

We need to get this Britt fella fired!!!!!1!! :D

10/12/2005, 04:23 PM
forgive me, but if there is only a week between shows, it is impossible to invent an entirely new show and perform it as well as you expect I disagree - we did it 1999. You come out, march drill to the opener. Then drum taps, the entire band runs screaming to the northeast corner and stands in arcs while palying at fans that usually never get to hear the band. Then drum taps and the whole band runs screaming for the south end zone and plays to the fans there, who go nuts because they never get to hear the Pride either. Then more drum taps, run screaming back to the 50 yard line, form into an interlocking OU, and get off the field just like pregame. it takes about two days to learn.

And back then it was Not Done to play the same show at more than one home game.

proud gonzo
10/12/2005, 04:36 PM
Here's a challenge for all you bandies out there.

Play the song from the pregame video before the end of the year.

I forget the name of it, so someone else help out here.

Ready, set, go!

you mean the one with all the one that goes:
You work all night (all night)
And when you work you don't feel all right
And we,
We can't stop feeling all right (all right)
And everything is all right

'Cause we will never listen to your rules (no)
We will never do what others do
Do what we want and we get it from you
Do what we like and we like what we do

So let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
Now it's time to party and we'll party hard (party hard)
Let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
When it's time to party we will always party hard
Party hard (party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard...)

All right
You break the thing
And when you play you feel all right
But we,
We can't stop feeling all right (all right)
And everything is all right

'Cause we will never listen to your rules (no)
We will never do what others do
Know what we want and we get it from you
We do what we like and we like what we do

So let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
Now it's time to party and we'll party hard (party hard)
Let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
When it's time to party we will always party hard
Party hard (party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard...)


10/12/2005, 06:13 PM
mmhmm...one win away huh? Remember, the Padres took their division by 6 games. Now, I know a team of blind, deaf, retards may have put up a better fight than the other teams of the NL West, but we still won that division fair and square
the packers are gonna win their division. they can have all their receivers, o-line, running backs and defenders go down, but as long as we have brett, PLAYOFFS, PLAYOFFS, PLAYOFFS!!!!

and besides, if the packers played a million games per season like the padrinos, then we'd win our division by at least 60 games too. alas, we only have 16 games to ace the division, so i'll settle for the title, by one game or 15.

i like this topic better. padres suck, they really, really suck!

(if we go to the holiday bowl, will we see more charger or padre fans?)

Jimminy Crimson
10/12/2005, 06:35 PM
you mean the one with all the one that goes:
You work all night (all night)
And when you work you don't feel all right
And we,
We can't stop feeling all right (all right)
And everything is all right

'Cause we will never listen to your rules (no)
We will never do what others do
Do what we want and we get it from you
Do what we like and we like what we do

So let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
Now it's time to party and we'll party hard (party hard)
Let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
When it's time to party we will always party hard
Party hard (party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard...)

All right
You break the thing
And when you play you feel all right
But we,
We can't stop feeling all right (all right)
And everything is all right

'Cause we will never listen to your rules (no)
We will never do what others do
Know what we want and we get it from you
We do what we like and we like what we do

So let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
Now it's time to party and we'll party hard (party hard)
Let's get a party going (let's get a party going)
When it's time to party we will always party hard
Party hard (party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard party hard, party hard, party hard...)


Not quite, but I'm impressed. ;)

The music behind the 'There's only ONE Bubba Moses' videos. Kinda sounds John Williamsesque. But I believe the badger was right with it being the theme for the 'Contender'.

10/12/2005, 06:50 PM
I disagree - we did it 1999. You come out, march drill to the opener. Then drum taps, the entire band runs screaming to the northeast corner and stands in arcs while palying at fans that usually never get to hear the band. Then drum taps and the whole band runs screaming for the south end zone and plays to the fans there, who go nuts because they never get to hear the Pride either. Then more drum taps, run screaming back to the 50 yard line, form into an interlocking OU, and get off the field just like pregame. it takes about two days to learn.

And back then it was Not Done to play the same show at more than one home game.THAT....is freakin' awesome. I would love to do that. No drill. Just go play music and make people happy. I love that idea

10/12/2005, 07:08 PM
it just makes way too much sense soonerborn

10/12/2005, 07:23 PM
and the drum corps people would come unglued at such a proposterous idea, it just wouldnt be gay enough for them.

10/12/2005, 07:25 PM
THAT....is freakin' awesome. I would love to do that. No drill. Just go play music and make people happy. I love that idea

Well, one of the tunes was "War" by Edwin Starr so it wasn't quite as exciting as it could've been. :)

10/12/2005, 07:35 PM
THAT....is freakin' awesome. I would love to do that. No drill. Just go play music and make people happy. I love that idea

that's what running band is for, isn't it? after running so many ramps and stairs, i haven't been able to dart around like this since h.s. track.

sometimes, i wish we could do something like that after games... yknow, let the tubas jive around, do the chicken dance, maybe the beer barrell (whoops! I mean the non-alcoholic barrell) polka, that "jump around" song... perhaps a little "hey" song... i dunno, those dorky songs that belong after the games.

10/12/2005, 07:39 PM
sometimes, i wish we could do something like that after games... yknow, let the tubas jive around, do the chicken dance, maybe the beer barrell (whoops! I mean the non-alcoholic barrell) polka, that "jump around" song... perhaps a little "hey" song... i dunno, those dorky songs that belong after the games.You're just saying that because you watched Wisconsin's band do it back when you were younger ;)

10/12/2005, 07:40 PM
and the drum corps people would come unglued at such a proposterous idea, it just wouldnt be gay enough for them.

d00d...i'd love it

10/12/2005, 07:42 PM
that's what running band is for, isn't it?
One year they did a sing along. They put the words up on SoonerVision. Which seems gay, except that after the announcer said "I can't hear you, North End Zone! Are you a bunch of Aggie fans?" everyone started screaming their butts off and had a great time.

the Pride should resurrect the "Boomer Sooner around the world" show from 1970. At least that one wasn't played in 1999. ;)

10/12/2005, 07:43 PM
that's what running band is for, isn't it? after running so many ramps and stairs, i haven't been able to dart around like this since h.s. track.Well, the running band doesn't seem to make everyone happy. Don't get me wrong. A lot of people like to hear the Pride, but not all of them like to smell the Pride. Besides, 50 band memebers doesn't give you the same feeling that 320+ playing would give you by having the whole band play together. Best part, no crooked lines.

10/12/2005, 07:45 PM
You're just saying that because you watched Wisconsin's band do it back when you were younger ;)

I...uh...well...that... was... north... and... crap.

You win this round, Padre, but just remember, with one phone call, I can have these girls after you again:
WHAT did you say to me?! Y'all's b******, I don't have to put up with your Sooner **** :D :D :D

10/12/2005, 07:46 PM
the best part was that with a scramble show like that, no one cared if there were crooked lines. ;) They were too busy shouting "Wooo! Black Daaaawg! Zeppelin rawks!"

10/12/2005, 08:09 PM
i hate to say it, but the pride needs another leon.

Scott D
10/12/2005, 08:15 PM
is you prefer that we turn into a band like ucla? nothing against them at all, they were the nicest ucla fans we encountered that day.

according to the UCLA faithful that was their B-team band anyway....but to be honest....I could care less about marching precision and really don't care if the band is any bigger than it takes to spell out OU on the field...it's football, and it needs to be loud and inspiring, not heartfelt and beautifully matched like it's an opera.

10/12/2005, 09:03 PM
i hate to say it, but the pride needs another leon.

Heh, Spleeon. "Couldn't play a note the same way once," as I heard it put. ;)

10/12/2005, 09:06 PM
according to the UCLA faithful that was their B-team band anyway....but to be honest....I could care less about marching precision and really don't care if the band is any bigger than it takes to spell out OU on the field...it's football, and it needs to be loud and inspiring, not heartfelt and beautifully matched like it's an opera.

Take note band people - this is exactly what 99% of the crowd wants. Listen to them. Learn from them.

*applauds Scott D*

10/12/2005, 09:43 PM
Have there been any Halloween shows in the last few years? We did two within three years.

But that would mean scatter drills...so I'm guessing no.

10/12/2005, 10:03 PM
you guessed right

proud gonzo
10/12/2005, 11:42 PM
Heh, Spleeon. "Couldn't play a note the same way once," as I heard it put. ;)

Yeah, but at least you could hear him. :rolleyes:

10/12/2005, 11:45 PM
Have there been any Halloween shows in the last few years? We did two within three years.

But that would mean scatter drills...so I'm guessing no.
while this would be fun, it would require organization and time, stuff students are not capable of when cramming for exams this time of year.

however, there are still halloween rehearsals - another girl in my section carves a Pride pumpkin. Very kewl.

I have only heard stories about the famous Leon. I never had the joy of being led by him, heh.

10/12/2005, 11:52 PM
while this would be fun, it would require organization and time, stuff students are not capable of when cramming for exams this time of year.

however, there are still halloween rehearsals - another girl in my section carves a Pride pumpkin. Very kewl.

Point 1) It would've taken organization and time back when they did those shows as well. Just beacuse this was 15-20 years ago didn't mean that the people in band didn't attend the rest of their classes. If the current Pride members are incapable of managing their time and/or organizational skills, then it sounds to me like its their own problem. Never really bothered me much.

Point 2) If they've got the time and energy to do Halloween costume rehearsals they've got the time and energy to do a Halloween show.

10/13/2005, 12:00 AM
Leon was kind of hard to work with, but he was the best section leader the trumpets have had in recent memory. Compare recordings of the 1999/2000 trumpet sound to the current sound.

10/13/2005, 12:15 AM
Point 1) It would've taken organization and time back when they did those shows as well. Just beacuse this was 15-20 years ago didn't mean that the people in band didn't attend the rest of their classes. If the current Pride members are incapable of managing their time and/or organizational skills, then it sounds to me like its their own problem. Never really bothered me much.

Point 2) If they've got the time and energy to do Halloween costume rehearsals they've got the time and energy to do a Halloween show.

Okay, let me clarify Halloween rehearsals - a few people bring costumes and wear em - as you may recall, we had batman direct batman once. This is completely unorganized and completed up to the members.

Now, if you were to have four flutes in a crayon box like I saw in picture once, that would take longer than (looks at calendar) a few weeks to organize. See what I'm saying?

Now, a senior slacker like me with 12 credits and a stressful job (not pride related) could pull that off. A stressed freshman who took 18 credits on top of working at braum's would be in pride purgatory if they were to have to do that in two weeks.

10/13/2005, 12:38 AM
Batman directed Batman during texas week for texas week shenanigans. That actually was semi-organized. Pridetrombone gave me the idea. I had to find a non-three hundred dollar batsuit. Purchase said batsuit. Ask the directors for permission. Talk to teh drum major. and viola.

Good ol' fasion shenanigans.

10/13/2005, 12:45 AM
Man, to think about the hoops I had to go through for my shenanigans. Organize trombone players, make nice to flag girls, talk to directors, get flag girls to teach us where to run with the Big XII flags, keep it hushed up from the rest of the band, and create the most hilarious pre-game run-through ever.

10/13/2005, 12:45 AM
that was teh awesome.

10/13/2005, 01:21 AM
and viola.

what does a viola have to do with anything? other than being an instrument taken over by violins who couldn't hack it. similar to the baritone and trumpet players. ;) :D

10/13/2005, 01:24 AM
Give me a break. Halloween shows were not that hard. We managed to do it in the exact same time as the Pride has now, and I know it'll come as a shock, but some of us had difficult majors and managed to still make a costume. I'm sorry, but if the Pride of today can't do what hundreds of us did for years, then that's pathetic.

10/13/2005, 02:39 AM
A stressed freshman who took 18 credits on top of working at braum's would be in pride purgatory if they were to have to do that in two weeks.

So what? People should know Pride is a big time commitment going in. Toughen up and give some awesome music danget. That back-to-back same home show this season was pitiful. Special performance for the students... ya right! I don't give a rat's bunghole. I wanna hear new tunes... and none of this el torro testiclesiente crap

On the brightside... I appreciate the hard work of band members... two of my best buds were in pride for the duration of college (2000-2005). I remember when people got in trouble for playing outside KSU's hotel in the early 2000s. Now that was awesome :)


10/13/2005, 04:19 AM
So what? People should know Pride is a big time commitment going in. Toughen up and give some awesome music danget. That back-to-back same home show this season was pitiful. Special performance for the students... ya right! I don't give a rat's bunghole. I wanna hear new tunes... and none of this el torro testiclesiente crap

On the brightside... I appreciate the hard work of band members... two of my best buds were in pride for the duration of college (2000-2005). I remember when people got in trouble for playing outside KSU's hotel in the early 2000s. Now that was awesome :)


Hmm... am I by any chance dating one of these friends that did Operation Mildcat (the Wx gave it away).

All was well... until a van with the OU logo showed up with Braum's. OUch.

Jimminy Crimson
10/14/2005, 06:35 PM
How large is the pep band going to Arrowhead?

What is the over/under on times the band will play 'That's the way I like it'?

I'll go with an even 22.

10/14/2005, 07:49 PM
i hear they may take 100 but they pride themselves on sounding like 20!

10/14/2005, 07:56 PM
How large is the pep band going to Arrowhead?

What is the over/under on times the band will play 'That's the way I like it'?

I'll go with an even 22.As much of a chance as us playing Boomer Sooner

10/14/2005, 08:38 PM
im gonna go ahead and say that we hear it on fourth and long a few times. you know, when it should be played......

10/14/2005, 08:39 PM
hey, does it matter. so long as ms. Britt looks good in his suite!

10/16/2005, 11:09 PM
so what's the verdict on the band saturday? i didnt get to watch cause i was playing in a musical.

Jimminy Crimson
10/16/2005, 11:34 PM
so what's the verdict on the band saturday?


10/16/2005, 11:52 PM
I remember when people got in trouble for playing outside KSU's hotel in the early 2000s. Now that was awesome :)
Yeah, after they told him how many times not to show up with the Pride van, and he did it anyway? ;)

proud gonzo
10/17/2005, 12:13 AM
i don't know, i didn't watch much of the game saturday. I was a little busy wrangling kids that aren't mine.

Jimminy Crimson
10/17/2005, 12:21 AM
I was a little busy wrangling kids that aren't mine.

I'm guessing it was the other way around... :texan:


10/17/2005, 12:27 AM
What ya'll talkin' about?

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
10/17/2005, 12:33 AM
KU's band was decent

Jimminy Crimson
10/17/2005, 12:41 AM
Both bands are mediocre.

That's what I'm sayin!

10/17/2005, 02:45 AM
Have there been any Halloween shows in the last few years? We did two within three years.

But that would mean scatter drills...so I'm guessing no.

A copule of years ago, some effort was put forth investigating the possibility of a Halloween show complete with costumes. It was eventually decided that it wasn't feasible because something about the Athletic Dept. wants the Pride in the nice expensive uniforms. The customes could not be worn the entire game. Thus, we would have to get sections out of the stands to change into the costumes (storage would be another problem). And this is assumming that said game is not a close game...because then the entire band would be needed for the "endless Boomer."

Man, to think about the hoops I had to go through for my shenanigans. Organize trombone players, make nice to flag girls, talk to directors, get flag girls to teach us where to run with the Big XII flags, keep it hushed up from the rest of the band, and create the most hilarious pre-game run-through ever.

Ah, The Running of the David. That was my idea. GHP, if I remember right I came up with that during playoffs one day.

I remember when people got in trouble for playing outside KSU's hotel in the early 2000s. Now that was awesome :)

Heh. Something else I helped organize. We went and played in front of Coach's house before going over to the Holiday Inn. He clapped and said, "So have you guys been to the Holiday Inn yet?"

I was like, "WTF?!? Holy **** he knows!" But then I realized, he's Coach. He always knows.

10/17/2005, 02:49 AM
Actually, we didn't wear costumes for the whole game. We wore uniforms through the first quarter, and changed in the tunnels in the middle of the second quarter. We did stay in costume for the second half, but it never seemed to bother the athletic department.

10/17/2005, 07:19 AM
Actually, we didn't wear costumes for the whole game. We wore uniforms through the first quarter, and changed in the tunnels in the middle of the second quarter. We did stay in costume for the second half, but it never seemed to bother the athletic department.

That's cause Joe C. wasn't in charge yet. What an asshat that guy is.

10/17/2005, 09:46 AM
they haven't fired Brian Britt yet? GOSH! FREAKIN' IDIOTS!

Jimminy Crimson
10/18/2005, 02:34 AM
Hey musically inclined peeeeple:

I have an idea that you all might be interested in.

How about getting a group of you together, like a trumpet, a bone, a sax, a tuba, a clarinet and whoever else and head down to Bricktown for some of the games and set up shop near the canal or fountain or Ford Center and play some jazz like 'Saints go marching in', 'sing, sing, sing' and the like.

You'll be guaranteed to draw a crowd and you might make some really good money. Bricktown and downtown are going to be SWARMING (pun intended) during the Hornets games.

Just something to think about.


.....Has anyone seen SteelPanz around? (he does play the steel drums, no?) That would be another cool thing to see/hear downtown. :D

Jimminy Crimson
10/19/2005, 08:38 PM

10/19/2005, 09:01 PM
Its a good idea...but I don't know what teh OKC laws are like...it would probably require a permit and would cost a lot of money. Plus..remember these are college kids were talking about and so they don't have extra time to go to Bricktown. *winky face*

proud gonzo
10/19/2005, 10:27 PM
i know of a salsa band that could play in bricktown.... of course that's not really a streetcorner type thing.. :D

10/19/2005, 10:34 PM
Word is we're working on getting a gig on the patio at Chelino's up there. Hopefully we can get it to coincide with an NBA game.

Jimminy Crimson
10/19/2005, 11:10 PM
Its a good idea...but I don't know what teh OKC laws are like...it would probably require a permit and would cost a lot of money. Plus..remember these are college kids were talking about and so they don't have extra time to go to Bricktown. *winky face*

I know they were talking about people getting permits for vending downtown and by the canal (such as facepainters and other people who get paid) but I'm not sure if that included musicians and performers.

I'll call up to city hall and check manana.

Jimminy Crimson
10/23/2005, 02:30 PM
Thoughts on the 10/23 show?



Sooner Born Sooner Bred
10/23/2005, 02:37 PM
The opening sequence with the Alumni band was a crowd favorite, but I know it chapped the band's *** to do it that way.

Let's sync the main band and traveling band

That PRIDE formation was cool.

10/23/2005, 02:40 PM
The problem with the running band is they're locked into routine. They run to the same sections every time and play without stopping to see what's going on on field, what the rest of the Pride is doing, etc.

10/23/2005, 06:42 PM
i can't believe they still do the running band. it needs to be axed. didn't it start in the blake era when there was nothing else to do?

10/23/2005, 06:43 PM
You can't axe a Tradition! Are you mad? ;)

10/23/2005, 06:45 PM
You can't axe a Tradition! Are you mad? ;)

GHP's been moonlighting as a Texas Aggie, methinks.

10/23/2005, 07:00 PM
You can't axe a Tradition! Are you mad? ;)

yeah, i'm mad that they carry on such a crappy tradition. :D

10/23/2005, 07:36 PM
damnit... what happened to alumni baton guy during the halftime show? :(

10/23/2005, 10:48 PM
I was thinking...maybe the band would be more effective if they didn't play after what seems like every down

proud gonzo
10/23/2005, 10:50 PM
damnit... what happened to alumni baton guy during the halftime show? :(
aww, was he not here this year? that dude's cool.

10/23/2005, 10:54 PM

10/23/2005, 10:58 PM
I loved it when all three bands were playing different tunes at the same time. That was pretty fly.

Who do I have to e-mail to get rid of St Elmo's Fire? It's getting to be "Bomar-long-pass" embarrassing.

10/23/2005, 11:02 PM
maybe people should email boren. i would, but my give a s**t box just broke.

10/23/2005, 11:05 PM
I loved it when all three bands were playing different tunes at the same time. That was pretty fly.

Who do I have to e-mail to get rid of St Elmo's Fire? It's getting to be "Bomar-long-pass" embarrassing.
this question is what turned last year's thread into a firestorm that was eventually locked down. ;)

proud gonzo
10/23/2005, 11:09 PM
geez i hate st. elmo's fire. when the pride plays it, anyway.

i listened to part of the baylor game on a guy's phone (he had streaming radio going on speakerphone) and i could hear "that's the way i like it" :mad: :mad:

10/23/2005, 11:15 PM
Why do we even have a band at football games? Seriously. I've never understood this. I just find the band annoying and distracting. On the, admittedly rare, occasions that I go to games, I'm there to watch the game - not listen to the band. Or to watch ignorant, half-dressed hoochies jumping around 'cheerleading' for that matter.

10/23/2005, 11:22 PM
That's actually a pretty good question. I have no idea, and my answer will reflect that. I guess back at the turn of the century, when they were all wearing onions on their belts because that was the fashion at the time, they felt a need for some sort of entertainment during the halftime break to amuse the crowd. Since they didn't have technology back then they turned to the next best thing - musicians wearing suspenders, funny straw hats, and handlebar moustaches.

So really, if we just bring back the handlebar moustaches, we'll be in business again. I'm not complaining about the hoochies, though.

10/23/2005, 11:24 PM
I like how your not knowing the answer doesn't stop you from answering. :D

proud gonzo
10/23/2005, 11:25 PM
that's a family trait

10/24/2005, 10:23 AM
aww, was he not here this year? that dude's cool.

He was here and he did pregame stuff so I'm guessing maybe he just didn't do halftime stuff.

Norm In Norman
10/24/2005, 10:49 AM
I liked the halftime show this past week. They played Oklahoma or something, but it was like different and stuff.

I still have no idea why they lined up to spell "RID" on the jumbotron. RID what?

Norm In Norman
10/24/2005, 10:50 AM
And in this instance, "stuff" could mean just about anything.

I've never read this thread. Should I?

10/24/2005, 11:01 AM
The Pride's lines this week were every bit as straight as the alumni band's, which is to say, not very.

Jimminy Crimson
10/24/2005, 11:10 AM
I still have no idea why they lined up to spell "RID" on the jumbotron. RID what?

Maybe Brian Britt has lice? :confused:

10/24/2005, 11:21 AM
Actually the alumni band did a better jorb of the lines IMO.

I can't believe how weak the sound is, how poor the marching is, how uncreative the shows are, etc, etc, etc.

I'm sure Britt is a fine guy, but get some GA's or something that can help. Something needs to change, the talent can't be this low.

10/24/2005, 07:39 PM
they have GA's and they suck, they are just yes men to Mr. Britt. They all have the same stupid softer is louder mentalities. Talking to some of my friends in Pride today, we realized that every year they do the same shows. A movie show, an old school show, a patriotic show, and some sort of rock and roll show. They do the same crap year after year, it's getting old. What took Coach 30 years to build has been flushed down the toilet in 5.

10/24/2005, 08:18 PM
It sounds to me like this is a thread of people who are just needing something to whine about. Almost everyone of you is too lazy to join the Pride, so I think all yall can shut up, because they try really hard. You should give 2 hours a day, and then imagine how it feels to see people griping about how crappy you are.

10/24/2005, 08:41 PM
It sounds to me like this is a thread of people who are just needing something to whine about. Almost everyone of you is too lazy to join the Pride, so I think all yall can shut up, because they try really hard. You should give 2 hours a day, and then imagine how it feels to see people griping about how crappy you are.

We need to get a F***ing junior college quarterback or something. Bomar is terrible, Jejuan Rankins isnt helping, and why does Travis Willson Suck?
Hey ******!! Try giving 5-6 hours a day and then imagine how it feels when some jerk that probably NEVER played a down of football in their entire life is griping about how crappy you are.

BTW I'm sorry I gave you spek for being from West Texas. Your making other West Texas people look bad. STFU!!!! As soon as I spread it around I will hit you with red.

10/24/2005, 08:43 PM
It sounds to me like this is a thread of people who are just needing something to whine about. Almost everyone of you is too lazy to join the Pride, so I think all yall can shut up, because they try really hard. You should give 2 hours a day, and then imagine how it feels to see people griping about how crappy you are.
Some people actually care about the Pride, and criticism of Britt isn't criticism of the band members. Unless it IS the individual members who, contrary to Britt's direction, water down the sound, screw up the marching, and demand the same-ol' same-ol'.


Listen, unless you're a grad student, you've got time.

10/24/2005, 08:50 PM
It sounds to me like this is a thread of people who are just needing something to whine about. Almost everyone of you is too lazy to join the Pride, so I think all yall can shut up, because they try really hard. You should give 2 hours a day, and then imagine how it feels to see people griping about how crappy you are.

Been there.

Done that.

Got the Polo Shirt.

10/24/2005, 08:50 PM
It sounds to me like this is a thread of people who are just needing something to whine about. Almost everyone of you is too lazy to join the Pride, so I think all yall can shut up, because they try really hard. You should give 2 hours a day, and then imagine how it feels to see people griping about how crappy you are.

Actually, about half of this thread is made up of people who are or were in the Pride, genius.

proud gonzo
10/24/2005, 10:37 PM
yeah, incase you didn't notice the handles: PrideTrombone, GottaHavePride, Proud Gonzo, OklahomaTrombone, OklahomaTuba.... :rolleyes:

10/24/2005, 11:00 PM
Say, how was the Almuni Band and show. For the first time in a long time I couldn't attend.

In transit out of Korea and now in Paris. Did you know jet lag and time zone shifts suck? Just thought I'd ask...:rcmad: