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3/2/2006, 12:06 PM
Isn't he also the guy that did the talking for 'The Others' when they surrounded Jack, Sawyer, Michael, and whoever else when they took Kate?

Yup. So far he's seemed to be the boss. But now he's worried about telling 'him' something. Hmmmm

3/2/2006, 12:22 PM
Yup. So far he's seemed to be the boss. But now he's worried about telling 'him' something. Hmmmm

Probably Alvar Hanso or Marvin Candle

3/2/2006, 12:29 PM
I'm ****ed that the next two weeks are reruns.

jk the sooner fan
3/2/2006, 12:32 PM
Yup. So far he's seemed to be the boss. But now he's worried about telling 'him' something. Hmmmm

everybody has a boss......just sayin

Czar Soonerov
3/2/2006, 01:13 PM
Wasn't it Locke and Syid's idea to put the guy in the room? I w and Jack was against it? I wouldn't think Locke would fall for that, it was obvious what the guy was doing.

jk the sooner fan
3/2/2006, 01:24 PM
i had the same thoughts.....locke is the last guy you'd think would fall for the mind games because he agreed to keep him locked up

although he did ask jack at the beginning of the show "is there a plan?"

i loved Eko's response when Jack said "why should i do that?"

"because you want to keep it a secret"

i think the show is setting things up for a split in the main cast.....where they'll have to decide which side they are on.....

3/2/2006, 04:50 PM
Are these guys lab rats in a psychological experiment? It seems like they have been set up in a staged environment to see how different personalities will react to each other under a variety of circumstances. This show has a "Truman Show" feel to it. The "others" have costumes to make it appear they are island dwellers, but they are actually running some kind of lab. The biggest problem I have with this theory is how could they have staged the plane crash?

3/7/2006, 04:30 PM
Are these guys lab rats in a psychological experiment? It seems like they have been set up in a staged environment to see how different personalities will react to each other under a variety of circumstances. This show has a "Truman Show" feel to it. The "others" have costumes to make it appear they are island dwellers, but they are actually running some kind of lab. The biggest problem I have with this theory is how could they have staged the plane crash?

Maybe gassed the whole plane. With all the people knocked out, they could do whatever they want to sedate them for a long period of time.

3/8/2006, 04:07 PM
I'm starting to think that they are just flinging paint on the canvas and calling it art. And we're all falling for it because we want to be cool.

Bingo!!!!!!! The last 2 epiosodes have been good but just more paint.

There is no way they can tie it all together and make it reasonable.

The show will end just like the X-files ...Badd!!!!

Bue I enjoy most of it now ...everthing but that damn mexican chicha that cant ast her way out of a box.

I am pot commited so I will keep watching. I have to much invested in the pot.

3/8/2006, 04:13 PM
I am pot commited so I will keep watching. I have to much invested in the pot.

Somehow I believe this.

3/9/2006, 09:26 AM
I don't see how this show can end up pleasing most people. There is so much build up that disappointment is inevitable. I hope I'm wrong.

3/9/2006, 09:41 AM
I don't see how this show can end up pleasing most people. There is so much build up that disappointment is inevitable. I hope I'm wrong.

It's always easier to build suspense than to reveal the mystery. I can think of a lot of movies that have been good up to the point where they revealed what was behind it all.

However, the big difference between Lost and X-Files is that the latter decided on a course well after the show was in progress, and in fact modified it over many seasons.

The makers of Lost had the end designed from the onset, and are just adding some filler to extend over multiple seasons. They had a "quick reveal" plan if the show didn't do well and a slower one that will take up to 5 years.

I don't know if it'll be fully satisfying, but it's got a good chance.

3/22/2006, 04:09 PM

(i hope)

3/22/2006, 04:09 PM

(i hope)

Yep...it's Sun-centric.

Next week, new Locke episode!

3/22/2006, 04:22 PM
i had almost forgotten about this show

3/22/2006, 05:17 PM
I'm about ready to say screw it! Then wait until it ends, rent all the seasons and do a lost marathon all in one weekend.

3/23/2006, 09:19 AM
No comments?

Next week's show looks interesting.

3/23/2006, 09:20 AM
Okay...that was a set-up eppisode.

Next week looks promising. Now, I thought once "balloon guy" started talking to Jack and Locke, he was for sure an Other....Now since they showed the balloon in the teaser, im not so sure.

Im starting to hate this show. :(

3/23/2006, 09:51 AM
I'm close to giving up on it and joining the others. Rent it when it comes out on dvd.

That show is like it's viewers. You have those that are there for every episode, and then the others, which show up every now and then but usually wait til the end of the season to make an appearance Life imitates art.

3/23/2006, 09:54 AM
I thought it was a good set up episode. Next week looks kick ***.

Who says the other haven't planted the balloon there as a story for anyone that gets caught?

Newbomb Turk
3/23/2006, 10:37 AM
Who says the other haven't planted the balloon there as a story for anyone that gets caught?

That's what I was thinking. Maybe a balloon did crash there, and the others have the people from the balloon (or they died).

3/23/2006, 10:42 AM
I thought it was a good set up episode. Next week looks kick ***.

Who says the other haven't planted the balloon there as a story for anyone that gets caught?

That's exactly what I was thinking.

jk the sooner fan
3/23/2006, 10:51 AM
the prisoner seems to have more confidence and the air of an "upper hand" than somebody in his position would normally have.... thats why i think he's one of them

3/23/2006, 10:52 AM
why would the Others bother to plant anything?
They have already shown that they (the others) are more ruthless, better armed, more cunning than the regulars.
If the Others want to wipe out the regulars, why not just do it.

Oh, wait, then the series would just end.

jk the sooner fan
3/23/2006, 11:00 AM
how would this guy be able to survive on the island for as long as he did without any pestering from the others?

the crash survivors got hassled within the first week...this guy is just out there traipsing around without hassle?

3/23/2006, 11:15 AM
how would this guy be able to survive on the island for as long as he did without any pestering from the others?

the crash survivors got hassled within the first week...this guy is just out there traipsing around without hassle?

he didn't have a big plane crash to alert them to his presence

he might actually be there by accident ;)

i get the feeling the group isn't

3/23/2006, 11:18 AM
but i'm still not really sold either way, these bastard writers won't let me get comfortable with anything

what was with Sun's look? is she lying about the baby's father?

Czar Soonerov
3/23/2006, 11:31 AM
The kids gonna pop out looking like Walt. heh

Newbomb Turk
3/23/2006, 12:22 PM
So how long have they been on the Island?

Trying to figure out if Sun became pregers before or after the crash.

3/23/2006, 12:56 PM
Just an idea, later they trade Walt and Michael for Balloon guy and weapons.

3/23/2006, 01:01 PM
So how long have they been on the Island?

Trying to figure out if Sun became pregers before or after the crash.

less than 2 months i think

jk the sooner fan
3/23/2006, 01:06 PM
less than 2 months i think

at the beginning of the season, it was 40+ days

3/23/2006, 01:14 PM
Okay...that was a set-up eppisode.

Next week looks promising. Now, I thought once "balloon guy" started talking to Jack and Locke, he was for sure an Other....Now since they showed the balloon in the teaser, im not so sure.

Im starting to hate this show. :(

The Others would know the island enough to know a balloon had crash-landed there. The whole thing doesn't have to be pre-planned - it could just be him using that information to get them to believe his story.

3/23/2006, 01:20 PM
at the beginning of the season, it was 40+ days

yeah, ok it would probably be somewhere less than 3 months then, i'd think it was still closer to 2 months though

3/23/2006, 01:57 PM
perhaps like many other unexplainable physical healings, Jin is no longer sterile?

3/23/2006, 01:58 PM
perhaps like many other unexplainable physical healings, Jin is no longer sterile?

Did you see his fingernails when he was working in the dirt? No way he's sterile.

3/23/2006, 04:34 PM
The real reason Sun couldn't get pregnant is revealed in her next flashback episode.


3/23/2006, 04:46 PM
I'm this close to negspeking you, pat. :mad:

3/23/2006, 04:54 PM
Why do you hate Asians?

3/23/2006, 04:59 PM
I think Pat is one of the others . . .


3/23/2006, 05:09 PM
Personally I'm all for Ana Lucia wiping the grin off the hobbit's face....'specially when they all find out he kidnapped Sun earlier, with Sawyer's conniving....wait, Jin may go Bruce Lee on him then...fun.

3/23/2006, 05:43 PM
I think Charlie bumped uglies with Sun when he kidnapped her, dat be her baby daddy.

3/23/2006, 06:43 PM
perhaps like many other unexplainable physical healings, Jin is no longer sterile?
Oh, good thinking; i never thought of that.:eek:

3/24/2006, 01:13 PM
I think she lied about the father 'cause she is gonna off herself then Jin would never have to really know the truth.

3/24/2006, 03:03 PM
I think Charlie bumped uglies with Sun when he kidnapped her, dat be her baby daddy.
What, is George Lucas writing for the show now?

Charlie doing something like that is about as believable as Anakin going from zero to Jedi kid chopper in 6.5 seconds in Revenge of the Sith.

3/27/2006, 09:19 AM
If you crash landed in a baloon, on a "deserted" island...would you at least try to get some of the baloon material out of the trees to help with a makeshift shelter of some kind?

In the previews, it looked like it was all up in the trees.....

3/27/2006, 09:29 AM
Maybe they lived in the tree? :D

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
3/27/2006, 09:30 AM
I finally saw last week's episode. Very interesting. I wonder if Sun had relations with her ex before she left Korea.

I missed the episode before that because my DVR was full. By reading this it sounds like I missed quite a bit. I'll be glad when they rerun that episode.

Czar Soonerov
3/27/2006, 10:30 AM
It'll be you and me
Up in the trees
And the forest will give us the answer
It'll be you and I
Up in the sky
It's a combination for disaster

3/27/2006, 11:21 AM
Ta me, it look like a leprechaun ta me
All you gotta do eh look up dere in da tree
Who all seen da leprechaun, say YEAH!

3/27/2006, 12:27 PM
Maybe Sun's ex is related to Alvar Honso?

Newbomb Turk
3/27/2006, 12:35 PM
Ta me, it look like a leprechaun ta me
All you gotta do eh look up dere in da tree
Who all seen da leprechaun, say YEAH!


3/29/2006, 09:08 PM
So there WAS a balloon!

3/29/2006, 09:39 PM
Let's see if they get the button pushed this time.

3/29/2006, 09:53 PM
Hmm, that stuff on the walls looked strangely familiar. Kind of like the decor at the Pyramid in OKC.

Norm In Norman
3/29/2006, 10:07 PM
Ya, we'll need a screencap of that tomorrow.

3/29/2006, 10:14 PM
Next week looks better. Altho, I liked getting some more back story on Locke.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
3/29/2006, 10:15 PM
When they were playing poker I could have sworn I saw Michael in the background. Maybe it was Rose.

jk the sooner fan
3/29/2006, 10:30 PM
great episode imo....great great great

next weeks looks good as well

3/29/2006, 11:10 PM
awesome episode.

3/29/2006, 11:12 PM
So, regular Dharma airdrops....Henry Gale ain't THE Henry Gale...and was the lockdown due to the airdrop? Next week kids....

3/29/2006, 11:12 PM
Ya know, Henry Gale was Dorothy's uncle in the Wizard of Oz.

I don't know what that means.

jk the sooner fan
3/29/2006, 11:14 PM
was he the lion, scarecrow or tin man?

3/29/2006, 11:34 PM
None of the above. Could just be an Oz reference of some sort.

Or an uncle reference.

3/29/2006, 11:49 PM

3/29/2006, 11:50 PM
Better one:


jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
3/30/2006, 01:39 AM
argh, now i'm going to have to translate for you bastages :mad:

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
3/30/2006, 01:46 AM
i think we're on the same wavelength is in the upper right hand corner

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
3/30/2006, 01:47 AM
pfft, cogito ergo doleo - i think therefore i am dolemite, i mean depressed...

3/30/2006, 03:13 AM
was i just seeing things or did that first plane at the motel have a Dharma logo?

i paused it, but the quality wasn't great TiVoed

the double reverse reverse bluff, or what ever it was was pretty cool :D

3/30/2006, 03:17 AM
heh, Lockedown

3/30/2006, 03:47 AM
and we STILL don't know what put him in a wheelchair

3/30/2006, 03:59 AM
Sure we do, we all know that not telling the truth will make you into a cripple. His lies finally got him!!!! Not to mention he probably got his legs broken by his g'f because of innapropriately timed proposals ;)

3/30/2006, 06:51 AM
I think the next episode is titled "?".

and that's what's in the middle of what I assume are all the different hatches in the diagram.

3/30/2006, 07:18 AM
..and that diagram. Can those other hatches be named after Greek Gods?

Aphrodite was the Swan, Hestia was the Flame.....not sure about the Staff., but I think the Staff is a Caduseus, so that would go with Hermes...and I can't remember if the Arrow was a broken arrow or not, but that would be Strife, but Strife was a God, just an immortal.

The middle area or the "?", could turn out to be the Lightning Bolt.

just thinking out loud....

3/30/2006, 07:23 AM
Aphrodite is the goddess of Love and Beauty. It is said that she bubbled up out of the sea foam, and floated on a gentle breeze to the island of Cyprus (a place that is sacred to her). It is unclear who her parents are. The wife of Hephaestus and the mother of cupid, Aphrodite can sometimes be rather shallow.

Hephaestus is the god of fire and blacksmithing. It is said that his features are so ugly, that his own mother, Hera, threw him out of Olympus when he was born. Consigned to walking with a limp ever since then, Hephaestus has a powerful upper body, but weak and twisted legs due to Hera's harsh treatment. Hephaestus is the husband of Aphrodite and the patron of all smiths and clever inventors. His symbol is the hammer.

Hestia is the third of the virgin goddesses of Olympus. Hestia tends the eternal hearth in the center of the great hall where the gods wile away the days. Originally one of the twelve ruling Olympians, she gave up her seat when Dionysus arrived, in order to avoid the unlucky number thirteen. Patron of domesticity and the hearth, she is the eldest sister of Zeus

Hermes is the god of safe travel, good fortune, trickery, messengers, and truth. While due to an oath he swear for Apollo, Hermes can never tell a lie, he may not always tell the whole truth. Hermes escorts the dead to Hades. He carries the caduceus (a staff twined with serpents) wherever he goes. Portrayed with wings on his feet, Hermes is unequaled in speed by any of the Olympians; thus his role as messenger. The patron of thieves and heralds.

jk the sooner fan
3/30/2006, 07:25 AM
notice the square root numbers on the left? 4, 8, 15.....

3/30/2006, 07:31 AM
malum consilium quod mutari non potest - it is a bad plan that can't be changed.

aegrescit medendo - the treatment is worse than the disease.

Ut sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est - The wrath of the gods may be great, but it certainly is slow.

English mapmakers formerly placed the phrase "here be dragons" at the edges of their known world, "Hic sunt dracones"

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
3/30/2006, 07:44 AM
Anyone else notice how TFHG (the fake Henry Gale) memorize those numbers so fast. Locke said them once and he said "I know, I know. . ." and repeated them?

3/30/2006, 07:51 AM
anyone catch what caused the lockdown in the first place?

and what would trigger the map being displayed? was it a uv light?

3/30/2006, 09:01 AM
Anyone else notice how TFHG (the fake Henry Gale) memorize those numbers so fast. Locke said them once and he said "I know, I know. . ." and repeated them?

He also remembered them after being knocked out for a few seconds...

Remarkable. :)

jk the sooner fan
3/30/2006, 10:51 AM
are the symbols on the map for the hatches the same symbols that appeared on the clock when it got down to zero?

3/30/2006, 11:08 AM
Here you go:



3/30/2006, 11:57 AM
a 'better' map maybe?

Norm In Norman
3/30/2006, 12:55 PM

3/30/2006, 01:03 PM
word...I am glad that mystery is over ;)

3/30/2006, 01:19 PM
my take on the latest episode

Were pretty much now know that the ‘fake’ HG is related to the ‘others’ in some way. Yes, they found the balloon and the grave which corroborates Henry’s story but you see he impersonating the real Henry Gale who is dead. So this guy knew about the balloon because he met the real Henry Gale or found his body, or was a passenger with him.

So who is the real Henry Gale and what was he doing?

The fake Henry Gale is an ‘other’ because:
He seems to ‘know’ more about the hatch and its workings and that the Losties really don’t know what they are doing. Also in next weeks previews, he says ‘THEY will kill me if I tell you”. He seems to know more than he is leading on. He may not be directly an ‘other’, but I think he knows who/what they are.

Locke’s persona seems to be changing, last year he seemed more “holy” a kindly know it all guy who wants to help people out. Locke has become more angry and irrational and we see more of this behavior in this episode. And for the third time we see that Locke has fallen for a ‘con’. (giving his Kidney, giving up the guns and medicine in the hatch, and now his father’s faked death) Locke also seems to be manipulated by the fake Henry Gale and the constant ‘struggle for power’ with Jack. This is a great departure from the seemingly all knowing Locke from last season who seemed to know everything about everybody and the ‘mystique’ of the island.

On the back of the playing cards, is there anything that these guys DON’T make? And speaking of logos, did you catch the Oceanic logo on the plane that flew over the motel?

We find out in this episode why Locke and Helen parted ways. Because Locke wanted his father’s love more than hers. We know this because Locke said he didn’t do it for the money. He did it so he could see his father again. Notice Helen did not know what Mister Cooper looked like. I still wonder about the Helen on the phone in the episode Walkabout. I wonder if that is her real name of did she just allow Locke to call her that since she was treating him like a customer and you know what they say the customer is always right.

Also, of Locke’s fathers last name is COOPER, that would really make Locke’s last name COOPER. So his real name is JOHN COOPER. Nothing big here, other than the Dharma dealio has roots back to the University of Michigan. John Cooper is a former head coach at Ohio State, and Cooper’s record verses Mich was 3-10-1 and was key in him loosing that job.

We see ANOTHER safety deposit box, and yes there is some significance. the box was #1516. The 1st time we saw a safety deposit box was when Kate was in New Mexico and its number was 815. If this trend continues then the next time we see a safety deposit box on the show it should be 2342. (the infamous ‘numbers’)Look for it!

And no, I don’t think there is any connection to the title and Locke….”Locke-down”

First the loudspeaker gives a countdown for the lockdown to begin. The woman’s voice on the loudspeaker may be a prerecorded message, maybe not. Is this lockdown are ‘regular’ accurance, or was it triggered be some ‘event’? The food drop could have triggered the lockdown since they seemed to happen around the same time. But would think this would have been mention in the Orientation film and doesn’t follow the ‘quarantine’ theme. We do know that ‘Kelvin’ left the hatch when he meet up with Desmond, but we don’t know the motive for him leaving.

Did Henry ‘allow’ the countdown to go passed zero? Something different happened as the lights went out and we know that when the timer reaches zero you actually do have a little bit more time before something happens because the symbols start to appear and Locke entered the code after it hit zero and still everything was ok.. Were the number entered even later than that? Or were they entered at all?

So the lights go out, and a blacklight comes on exposing what Locke sees. Looking at screen caps posted on the web we know that Locke sees the DHARMA logo with a question mark in the middle of it. Surrounding the question mark located roughly along the diagonals of the octagon are six circles with long rectangles attached to them. Each circle is at approximately the same distance to the center. There actually is a seventh circle but it seems to have been crossed out and an eighth circle with a small question mark in it on the right side. Since we know from Orientation that there are six hatches on the island it is reasonable to assume that these are six hatches. I can see the word “arrow” written on one of the circles which must be the arrow station that the tailies were in. On another hatch is written “the flame”. So that means the names of the hatches are swan, arrow, flame and “medical hatch”. (also, we see those symbols on the ‘timer’ when Locke was a little late entering the numbers earlier this season. he rectangles seem to be corridors. Along the seventh diagonal is a long rectangle but it does not have a circle attached to it. Then there is a rectangle near it which may be a building. There is no visible structure running along the eighth diagonal but there are some structures near it. Then there is a larger circle located farther from the center than any of the others which shows it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the circles and the words “I am here” written inside it. There seems to be an arrow coming from the large circle pointing to one of the smaller circles that has the swan in it. There seems to be a lot of writing on the blast door too, some greek numbers, and some latin phrases.

SO who wrote all this? Was it the same person who made the wall graffiti? The question mark indicates that whoever drew this map did not know what was in the center but believed that something was there. This tells us that whoever made this map was not the original builder of the hatches on the island and that the person wanted the map hidden from view. Will Locke tell anyone about what he saw? And is there anymore ‘secret’ writing on other walls?

We now understand how the hatch gets resupplied from time to time. Strange that nobody heard a plane fly over to drop these supplies? Wouldn’t someone have heard a plane engine if it indeed came from a plane? Could be a connection to the Balloon but I am not very confident about that.

Locke was a ‘house inspector’ and Nadia (Sayid’s girlfriend in Iraq) was the woman buying the house. Locke had a lot of jobs in his past. He worked at a toy store, a box company and now we know he was a house inspector. And we still do not know why he was bound to a wheelchair.

and like Locke said after seeing the ‘Orientation film’ the first time. “we need to see that again”


jk the sooner fan
3/30/2006, 01:26 PM
thoughts? excellent summarization imo

3/30/2006, 01:31 PM
you have too much time on your hands.

jk the sooner fan
3/30/2006, 01:36 PM
thats whats crazy about this show, there is so much damn trivial information floating out there that you feel the need to keep up with, for fear of missing something

3/30/2006, 02:02 PM
one thing about all the writing, it was obviously done by someone that was exploring the island and living in the Swan hatch. Theres a line up there to the left that mentions that 108 minutes isn't long enough to explore further.

Which seems wierd since it took the talies a few days to get to the beach.


Norm In Norman
3/30/2006, 02:06 PM
OK, so did the pre-recording say something different besides the countdown? Why did the lights blink when all that stuff happened? Was the stuff possibly on a balloon, or was it really a parachute? If so, how did nobody hear it?

I'm wondering if the new guy is the dude that Desmond replaced. Also, I'm wondering where they hell Desmond went. And are we ever going to see walt and mike?

Let's see here, we've seen the bunker with the computer, the one with the tailenders, and the one with the medical stuff (did I miss one?). Which ones are connected to which symbols? Is there another symbol they should try to find?

3/30/2006, 02:12 PM
There was a point in time on the dharmainitiative.com site where it explained how the button controlled a time/space 'portal' to another earth in a parallel universe and the portal could only remain open for 108 minutes. That might have something to do with the scribbles on the door?

3/30/2006, 02:24 PM
i couldnt understand just what the 'voice' over the loudspeaker was saying, until the obvious countdown. and also, im thinking the 'blast doors' may automaticly activate when aircraft is near the island (the food drop). sort of an 'air raid' dealio

'clues' written on the blast door map

1. Accelerated de-territorial of Ursus Maritimus (means Polar Bear) through gene therapy and extreme climate change.
2. Fatalities- 5
3. Alleged location of aborted #7/Large number of underground springs/heavy water table.
4. Complete shutdown in effect.
5. Activity unsuitable for D.I.M.G.
6. Alleged location of #4...The Flame.
7. Incident (in a few places)
8. P.R.D. every 6 months.
7. Recreational area of D.I.M.G. teams
8. Hatches (the swan, the staff, the flame, arrow, The Pearl, unknown ?)
9. The numbers.
10. Square root of 108.
11. Large number of underwater springs/Heavy water table
12. But unlikely due to carrier activity.
13. Known final resting place of Magnus Hanso/Black Rock
14. Activity minimal during lockdown and restocking procedures.
15. HOME (?) of H.G. Delegation Inspection of 12.07.81.
16. Sightings coincide with emergency shutdown of intranet services of heighened security.
17. Mountainous terrain, most likely used by D.H.I.G. for meteorological research due to.
18. Geological composition, likely to cause magnetic interferance with weather project.
19. High Potential for R.V.S.
20. Possible location of zoological research facility.
21. Cereberus station believed to be abandoned DOE to AH/MDG incident of 1985 or possible catastrophic malfunction of Cerberus system.
22. -CVI highly unlikely.
23. No safe location for Dharmatel servers/hub/cabling or infrastructure.
24. No connection to ?? E.E.P. network.
25. Estimated travel time incompatible with 108..Do not attempt to survey.
26. Primary Nexus of Cerberus related activity.

3/30/2006, 02:34 PM
14. Activity minimal during lockdown and restocking procedures.

This one peaked my interest. I wonder if the fake Henry Gale is the person who flew the balloon to the island to resupply it. Perhaps the lockdown takes place so that there is no interaction between the occupant of the hatch (Desmond) and whomever is doing the restocking?

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
3/30/2006, 02:34 PM
prd = parachute restocking drop

3/30/2006, 02:38 PM
If this is all some elaborate experiment, they would want to check on the progress of their subjects periodically. If each of those hatches had an occupant maybe they are all locked down while the surveyors come and take a look (and resupply). I am just wondering if the fake Henry Gale works for Dharma rather than the Others.

3/30/2006, 02:51 PM
14. Activity minimal during lockdown and restocking procedures.

This one peaked my interest. I wonder if the fake Henry Gale is the person who flew the balloon to the island to resupply it. Perhaps the lockdown takes place so that there is no interaction between the occupant of the hatch (Desmond) and whomever is doing the restocking?

I wouldn't think so. There wouldn't be a countdown. Otherwise, when the hatch sweller heard the countdown, he could just run outside.

But then, he wouldn't be in there to turn off the alarm.

****. I hate this show.

3/30/2006, 03:26 PM
I wouldn't think so. There wouldn't be a countdown. Otherwise, when the hatch sweller heard the countdown, he could just run outside.

But then, he wouldn't be in there to turn off the alarm.

****. I hate this show.

not neccesarily....we don't know what the voice is saying before the shut down....it could be an air-raid type of message....or a warning that somethign bad is happening outside so to keep the occupant inside during the drop.

3/30/2006, 03:27 PM
and like i siad before, I think the hatches all relate to Greek Gods.

3/30/2006, 03:27 PM
not neccesarily....we don't know what the voice is saying before the shut down....it could be an air-raid type of message....or a warning that somethign bad is happening outside so to keep the occupant inside during the drop.

True, but it's becoming apparent, no matter what the hatch dwellers do, they always know when the alarm's gonna go off. That seems to trump doing anything else.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
3/30/2006, 04:50 PM
Did that spoke thingie on the hatch door bludgeon Locke's leg? I wonder if he is gonna be paralyzed again. I still wonder what paralyzed him to begin with.

3/30/2006, 04:57 PM
Maybe in some weird time warp, THIS event is what messed his legs up in the first place. I certainly wouldn't put it beyond this show.

3/30/2006, 05:36 PM
Maybe in some weird time warp, THIS event is what messed his legs up in the first place. I certainly wouldn't put it beyond this show.

The show's creators have said:

* it's not a time warp
* it's not aliens
* the survivors aren't in some purgatory after dying

Jimminy Crimson
3/30/2006, 05:39 PM
Did that spoke thingie on the hatch door bludgeon Locke's leg? I wonder if he is gonna be paralyzed again. I still wonder what paralyzed him to begin with.

He stood up after getting smashed.

I think the spoke injury was merely a flesh wound! ;)

3/30/2006, 05:44 PM
The show's creators have said:

* it's not a time warp
* it's not aliens
* the survivors aren't in some purgatory after dying

And you believe them??? AHahahahahahaahaahahahaha!

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
3/30/2006, 05:52 PM
He stood up after getting smashed.

I think the spoke injury was merely a flesh wound! ;)Glad it wasn;t a railroad spike ala Dean

3/30/2006, 05:55 PM
The show's creators have said:

* it's not a time warp
* it's not aliens
* the survivors aren't in some purgatory after dying

So this whole thing is just Hurley dreaming after putting anchovies on his pizza for the first time. Check.

3/30/2006, 05:56 PM
The tip-off that Henry Gale isn't who he claims was when Locke was about to slide under the gate and Henry said, "Wait!"

Henry knows all about the hatch.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
3/30/2006, 05:57 PM
I fully expected Locke's daddy to be buried under that hot air balloon.

3/30/2006, 06:14 PM
The tip-off that Henry Gale isn't who he claims was when Locke was about to slide under the gate and Henry said, "Wait!"

Henry knows all about the hatch.

Or, he saw the toolbox buckle a bit right before Locke stuck his legs through. Which it did.

Jimminy Crimson
3/30/2006, 06:24 PM
Or, he saw the toolbox buckle a bit right before Locke stuck his legs through. Which it did.


3/30/2006, 10:56 PM
Interesting Latin phrases on here (from the map)....

Ut sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est - The wrath of the gods may be great, but it certainly is slow
Liberate te ex inferis - Save yourself from hell
Malum consilium quod mutari non potest - It's a bad plan that can't be changed. (Publilius Syrus)
Sursum corda - Lift up your hearts (to God)


3/30/2006, 10:58 PM
my take on the latest episode

Were pretty much now know that the ‘fake’ HG is related to the ‘others’ in some way. Yes, they found the balloon and the grave which corroborates Henry’s story but you see he impersonating the real Henry Gale who is dead. So this guy knew about the balloon because he met the real Henry Gale or found his body, or was a passenger with him.

So who is the real Henry Gale and what was he doing?

The fake Henry Gale is an ‘other’ because:
He seems to ‘know’ more about the hatch and its workings and that the Losties really don’t know what they are doing. Also in next weeks previews, he says ‘THEY will kill me if I tell you”. He seems to know more than he is leading on. He may not be directly an ‘other’, but I think he knows who/what they are.

Locke’s persona seems to be changing, last year he seemed more “holy” a kindly know it all guy who wants to help people out. Locke has become more angry and irrational and we see more of this behavior in this episode. And for the third time we see that Locke has fallen for a ‘con’. (giving his Kidney, giving up the guns and medicine in the hatch, and now his father’s faked death) Locke also seems to be manipulated by the fake Henry Gale and the constant ‘struggle for power’ with Jack. This is a great departure from the seemingly all knowing Locke from last season who seemed to know everything about everybody and the ‘mystique’ of the island.

On the back of the playing cards, is there anything that these guys DON’T make? And speaking of logos, did you catch the Oceanic logo on the plane that flew over the motel?

We find out in this episode why Locke and Helen parted ways. Because Locke wanted his father’s love more than hers. We know this because Locke said he didn’t do it for the money. He did it so he could see his father again. Notice Helen did not know what Mister Cooper looked like. I still wonder about the Helen on the phone in the episode Walkabout. I wonder if that is her real name of did she just allow Locke to call her that since she was treating him like a customer and you know what they say the customer is always right.

Also, of Locke’s fathers last name is COOPER, that would really make Locke’s last name COOPER. So his real name is JOHN COOPER. Nothing big here, other than the Dharma dealio has roots back to the University of Michigan. John Cooper is a former head coach at Ohio State, and Cooper’s record verses Mich was 3-10-1 and was key in him loosing that job.

We see ANOTHER safety deposit box, and yes there is some significance. the box was #1516. The 1st time we saw a safety deposit box was when Kate was in New Mexico and its number was 815. If this trend continues then the next time we see a safety deposit box on the show it should be 2342. (the infamous ‘numbers’)Look for it!

And no, I don’t think there is any connection to the title and Locke….”Locke-down”

First the loudspeaker gives a countdown for the lockdown to begin. The woman’s voice on the loudspeaker may be a prerecorded message, maybe not. Is this lockdown are ‘regular’ accurance, or was it triggered be some ‘event’? The food drop could have triggered the lockdown since they seemed to happen around the same time. But would think this would have been mention in the Orientation film and doesn’t follow the ‘quarantine’ theme. We do know that ‘Kelvin’ left the hatch when he meet up with Desmond, but we don’t know the motive for him leaving.

Did Henry ‘allow’ the countdown to go passed zero? Something different happened as the lights went out and we know that when the timer reaches zero you actually do have a little bit more time before something happens because the symbols start to appear and Locke entered the code after it hit zero and still everything was ok.. Were the number entered even later than that? Or were they entered at all?

So the lights go out, and a blacklight comes on exposing what Locke sees. Looking at screen caps posted on the web we know that Locke sees the DHARMA logo with a question mark in the middle of it. Surrounding the question mark located roughly along the diagonals of the octagon are six circles with long rectangles attached to them. Each circle is at approximately the same distance to the center. There actually is a seventh circle but it seems to have been crossed out and an eighth circle with a small question mark in it on the right side. Since we know from Orientation that there are six hatches on the island it is reasonable to assume that these are six hatches. I can see the word “arrow” written on one of the circles which must be the arrow station that the tailies were in. On another hatch is written “the flame”. So that means the names of the hatches are swan, arrow, flame and “medical hatch”. (also, we see those symbols on the ‘timer’ when Locke was a little late entering the numbers earlier this season. he rectangles seem to be corridors. Along the seventh diagonal is a long rectangle but it does not have a circle attached to it. Then there is a rectangle near it which may be a building. There is no visible structure running along the eighth diagonal but there are some structures near it. Then there is a larger circle located farther from the center than any of the others which shows it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the circles and the words “I am here” written inside it. There seems to be an arrow coming from the large circle pointing to one of the smaller circles that has the swan in it. There seems to be a lot of writing on the blast door too, some greek numbers, and some latin phrases.

SO who wrote all this? Was it the same person who made the wall graffiti? The question mark indicates that whoever drew this map did not know what was in the center but believed that something was there. This tells us that whoever made this map was not the original builder of the hatches on the island and that the person wanted the map hidden from view. Will Locke tell anyone about what he saw? And is there anymore ‘secret’ writing on other walls?

We now understand how the hatch gets resupplied from time to time. Strange that nobody heard a plane fly over to drop these supplies? Wouldn’t someone have heard a plane engine if it indeed came from a plane? Could be a connection to the Balloon but I am not very confident about that.

Locke was a ‘house inspector’ and Nadia (Sayid’s girlfriend in Iraq) was the woman buying the house. Locke had a lot of jobs in his past. He worked at a toy store, a box company and now we know he was a house inspector. And we still do not know why he was bound to a wheelchair.

and like Locke said after seeing the ‘Orientation film’ the first time. “we need to see that again”


one thing I learned at OU....cite your sources :)

3/30/2006, 11:15 PM
Did that spoke thingie on the hatch door bludgeon Locke's leg? I wonder if he is gonna be paralyzed again. I still wonder what paralyzed him to begin with.

Maybe the loansharks(?) for the 700K took care of Lockes legs after the gf left him. In which case Locke gives up his kidney and his legs for his dad.

3/30/2006, 11:31 PM
Hurley is more of a central figure than I thought


3/31/2006, 08:05 AM
that 'connection' dealio seems to be 'dated' a bit. wonder if that is just from season one.

3/31/2006, 08:20 AM
that 'connection' dealio seems to be 'dated' a bit. wonder if that is just from season one.

No Desmond in season one.

3/31/2006, 08:27 AM
good point.

i was just thinking there have been more connections revealed this season (i got nothin)

Norm In Norman
3/31/2006, 08:46 AM
Ok, so if you are supposed to press the button every 108 minutes and that part of the hatch locks down every 6 months (presumably when the food gets dropped) - which side of those doors are they supposed to be on when it happens? In fact, aren't there supposed to be 2 staying there at any time?

This show is so confusing.

Norm In Norman
3/31/2006, 08:48 AM
Oh, and that one doesn't have the connection between locke and sayid (inspecting his girlfriend's house).

3/31/2006, 08:59 AM
Ok, so if you are supposed to press the button every 108 minutes and that part of the hatch locks down every 6 months (presumably when the food gets dropped) - which side of those doors are they supposed to be on when it happens? In fact, aren't there supposed to be 2 staying there at any time?

This show is so confusing.i was thinking about that last night. and what would be the 'reason' for the lockdown in the first place. what were the blast doors 'protecting'? and i would think that would also include the computor room (remember, Henry had to go thru the air duct to input the numbers) i guess there is the possiblity that there are blast doors sealing off every room, but something is missing here and just not right.

and i think we dont have to presume that there is a food drop 'every 6 months' as when the losties found the hatch and the food pantry, Hurly said there 'was 3 months worth of food'. that makes sense as the supply of food was supposed to be for 2 people, but Desmond was the only one in the hatch. so having an extra 3 months of food makes 'the math' correct for a 6 month interval between re-supples

jk the sooner fan
3/31/2006, 11:47 AM
check this out


3/31/2006, 11:51 AM
brother? weird...

haven't they sent out bogus stuff before?

3/31/2006, 11:52 AM
check this out


hmmm, could Desmond be TFHG's brother? or..........brother-in-arms so to speak?

jk the sooner fan
3/31/2006, 11:56 AM
but has desmond spoken to Locke?

the letter makes you think its somebody in the main group, somebody with routine access to Locke

3/31/2006, 01:15 PM
my take on the latest episode

Also, of Locke’s fathers last name is COOPER, that would really make Locke’s last name COOPER. So his real name is JOHN COOPER.


Or could Locke's name be "Locke" and and his father chaged his name? He's a con man and probably had several aliases. What did he call the "ol ____ con"?

A Locke/Sawyer connection? :cool:

Jimminy Crimson
3/31/2006, 01:21 PM
but has desmond spoken to Locke?

the letter makes you think its somebody in the main group, somebody with routine access to Locke

Kate or Hurley's beyonce?

3/31/2006, 01:22 PM
but has desmond spoken to Locke?

the letter makes you think its somebody in the main group, somebody with routine access to Locke
Desmond and Locke did speak ('are you him'? dialoge)

but i think the diary is from someone in the main group and remember, we now know that the real Henry Gale is african-american so unless the term 'brother' is a figure of speach, (desmond did use that term alot though) the short list for the diary writer maybe narrowed to a handful of people

micheal (just where the heck is he anyway?)

3/31/2006, 01:50 PM
eko would make sense... if anything makes sense. he would know immediately that "henry gale" was lying if he expected to see his own brother...

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
3/31/2006, 01:51 PM
eko has seen the guy. it can't be him...

Norm In Norman
3/31/2006, 01:55 PM
Are we assuming that this letter happened after Eko saw tfhg? I think that letter is Eko's right before he busted in to see tfhg.

3/31/2006, 01:56 PM
unless the journal entry is ... you know, in the past.

lock didn't leave the armory recently, did he? so whomever confronted him couldn't have done it during the last episode...

or are the journal entries precursors to what's to come. i just glimpsed. :O

3/31/2006, 01:57 PM
Are we assuming that this letter happened after Eko saw tfhg? I think that letter is Eko's right before he busted in to see tfhg.

me too.

3/31/2006, 01:59 PM
how many brothers does Eko have?

3/31/2006, 02:00 PM
I'm going to say that there is going to be a connection between Rose and the REAl Henry Gale. She will be exposed in the next few episodes as Rose Gale.

3/31/2006, 02:01 PM
maybe the "brother" he burned in the plane wasn't really his brother. maybe what we thought he recognized to be his brother was really how he recognized it was not his brother.

maybe i like conspiracies. heh.

Jimminy Crimson
3/31/2006, 02:27 PM
how many brothers does Eko have?

brothers or brothas? ;)

jk the sooner fan
3/31/2006, 02:33 PM
my guess is that it would have been written by somebody from the tail section of the plane, because the writer asks "who do THEY think they are.....this isnt THEIR island"

so that means its from somebody new to the group, or there is an "other" thats infiltrated the group

3/31/2006, 02:36 PM
my guess is that it would have been written by somebody from the tail section of the plane, because the writer asks "who do THEY think they are.....this isnt THEIR island"

so that means its from somebody new to the group, or there is an "other" thats infiltrated the group

I disagree....it could just be someone who feels like an "outsider" and not in one of the cliques.

jk the sooner fan
3/31/2006, 02:37 PM
I disagree....it could just be someone who feels like an "outsider" and not in one of the cliques.

so you're saying its somebody that posts here?

3/31/2006, 02:38 PM
now you're getting it.

3/31/2006, 02:38 PM
I've already said too much.

Norm In Norman
3/31/2006, 02:40 PM

I dont' recall seeing this site before, but it's a wiki and has a ton of info that is all cross referenced.

3/31/2006, 02:42 PM
I disagree....it could just be someone who feels like an "outsider" and not in one of the cliques.

clique? what do you mean by clique?
Oh..........wait.........you mean like SO?

me an olevet are a clique of old guys, you guys can join but you got to grow up some.

jk the sooner fan
3/31/2006, 02:45 PM
ooooooh, i like this: (from Norms link)

He is able to draw a detailed and accurate map to the balloon from the hatch even though he was taken into the hatch while unconscious. He knew beforehand both the location of the balloon and the hatch.

3/31/2006, 02:57 PM

I dont' recall seeing this site before, but it's a wiki and has a ton of info that is all cross referenced.

I saw that a while back but at the time it didn't look like it was kept up to date very well. Looks like that's changed :D

3/31/2006, 03:05 PM
This show kicks ***.

Norm In Norman
3/31/2006, 03:10 PM
My brain is about to asplode.

3/31/2006, 03:13 PM
The plot of this show has exceeded critical mass. I don't think it can get any thicker. It's going to implode and become a black hole.

jk the sooner fan
3/31/2006, 03:15 PM
My brain is about to asplode.

you know, i was just wondering.....how much of the blueprint for this show (the minutia detail) was laid out well in advance, and how much of it is shot from the hip

they've got some very creative writers

3/31/2006, 03:16 PM
you know, i was just wondering.....how much of the blueprint for this show (the minutia detail) was laid out well in advance, and how much of it is shot from the hip

they've got some very creative writers


3/31/2006, 03:54 PM

I dont' recall seeing this site before, but it's a wiki and has a ton of info that is all cross referenced.

Wow. That site is absolute crack. I'm having to drag myself away from it to get work done.

Many of the theories on that site are bunk; however, what becomes obvious is that this show has tremendous depth. I am in awe.

3/31/2006, 04:04 PM
you know, i was just wondering.....how much of the blueprint for this show (the minutia detail) was laid out well in advance, and how much of it is shot from the hip

they've got some very creative writers

I'm sure with some of this stuff, they're just playing with us.

Norm In Norman
3/31/2006, 04:24 PM
Wow. That site is absolute crack. I'm having to drag myself away from it to get work done.

Many of the theories on that site are bunk; however, what becomes obvious is that this show has tremendous depth. I am in awe.
Same here. Every page has like 200 links to other pages with more detail. It's a lot easier to sift through than those lost-media forums.

3/31/2006, 04:58 PM

I dont' recall seeing this site before, but it's a wiki and has a ton of info that is all cross referenced.

Thanks a lot Norm :mad:
What with work and SF.com, it's not like I have a lot of free time.
I've already cut work down to just showing up and turning on my computer.

3/31/2006, 08:20 PM
great episode Wednesday, and thanks for the link to that wiki site; a fellow could get lost in there.


3/31/2006, 08:25 PM
great episode Wednesday, and thanks for the link to that wiki site; a fellow could get lost in there.



4/2/2006, 12:27 PM
This week....should be good.

4/3/2006, 07:30 PM
Pop quiz...who is this? (yes he is from the show)


4/3/2006, 10:49 PM
looks like TFHG to me

4/3/2006, 11:21 PM
looks like TFHG to me

Exactly!...only, its not. Its Claire's baby's daddy, Thomas. I didnt quite remember him till I was reading on a site the other day. Im thinking the **** is going to hit the fan when she sees him for the first time. Maybe since they failed to get Aaron the first time, they are trying a different way. Just a theory.


4/4/2006, 06:09 AM
Exactly!...only, its not. Its Claire's baby's daddy, Thomas. I didnt quite remember him till I was reading on a site the other day. Im thinking the **** is going to hit the fan when she sees him for the first time. Maybe since they failed to get Aaron the first time, they are trying a different way. Just a theory.



4/4/2006, 08:03 AM
I dont think he looks like desimond

4/4/2006, 01:07 PM
I don't think any of those guys look alike.

4/4/2006, 02:16 PM
I don't think any of those guys look alike.

i thought it might have been an old picture of the actor... i had totally forgotten about Claire's baby daddy

4/4/2006, 02:32 PM
I wish they'd get a real shirt on TFHG. He looks like some kind of flamer prison boy toy with the over the shoulder shirt he's sporting now. I know the wound makes it necessary, but I have a hard time taking the character seriously with it.

4/5/2006, 07:19 PM
He was good as the serial killer guy on The Practice.

This week should be good.

4/5/2006, 08:46 PM
Daves not here man.

4/5/2006, 08:50 PM
Total Recall called....they want their script back.

4/5/2006, 09:07 PM
Great ending though!

4/5/2006, 09:09 PM
It was pretty easy to see Hurley's thing coming. The end, not so much.

4/5/2006, 09:15 PM
so she was institutionalized....what does this mean?

...oh, and also, what do the numbers mean? :)

4/5/2006, 09:17 PM
Tonight's South Park is classic btw!

4/5/2006, 09:34 PM
Wow, that was kind of a lot to digest.....so to speak.

jk the sooner fan
4/5/2006, 09:36 PM
wow indeed...ok so is everybody on the plane going to have to fight a visual demon in the jungle?

great episode, although not at all what i expected

4/5/2006, 09:37 PM
I think of all y'all on SO as my imaginary friends.

I call all of you Dave...........behind your back.

4/5/2006, 09:52 PM
"What are you doing Dave?"


Norm In Norman
4/5/2006, 09:56 PM
I remember when he said he remembered her thinking "I bet she was a patient there" but nothing since then ever confirmed that. Was she crying after they kissed because she's crazy?

Also, I believe that if Hurley had jumped he would have woke up. His imaginary firend is actually the sanest person we've met in the show and had the best story thus far.

4/5/2006, 09:58 PM
Im gonna miss Dave.
Norm is right ( as usual ) Dave was NORMal "in a great way"

jk the sooner fan
4/5/2006, 10:00 PM
i got more out of the interrogation of henry gale......not that i have any answers, i just enjoyed those scenes more....

the guy in the beard is "nobody"

Norm In Norman
4/5/2006, 10:08 PM
Didn't TFHG say something like "God can't see this island, just like nobody else can" or something like that? Also, he says he's not lying but he knows the numbers so we can we assume he really does know about the computer - even though he pretended he doesn't? Those numbers pop up alot though.

4/5/2006, 10:16 PM
Didn't TFHG say something like "God can't see this island, just like nobody else can" or something like that? Also, he says he's not lying but he knows the numbers so we can we assume he really does know about the computer - even though he pretended he doesn't? Those numbers pop up alot though.

He said "God doesn't know how long we've been here. God can't see this island and more than any one in the world can."

Close to that.

4/5/2006, 10:22 PM
i got more out of the interrogation of henry gale......not that i have any answers, i just enjoyed those scenes more....

the guy in the beard is "nobody"

we kinda knew that, it's not even a real beard :D

4/6/2006, 08:47 AM
I remember when he said he remembered her thinking "I bet she was a patient there" but nothing since then ever confirmed that. Was she crying after they kissed because she's crazy?

Also, I believe that if Hurley had jumped he would have woke up. His imaginary firend is actually the sanest person we've met in the show and had the best story thus far.

She claimed to be a clinical psychologist, so I thought she was probably a staff member there. It didn't surprise me to find otherwise, though.

That entire episode was just the writers having fun with us. Very clever.

Norm In Norman
4/6/2006, 09:19 AM
I guess if we were stupid enough to believe that Dave was real, it would have been a better episode.

4/6/2006, 09:24 AM
I guess if we were stupid enough to believe that Dave was real, it would have been a better episode.

yeah, i had doubts pretty early on

4/6/2006, 09:25 AM
I guess if we were stupid enough to believe that Dave was real, it would have been a better episode.

I felt like this was kind of a "forced" episode since Hurley in real life while shooting didn't lose any weight. It didn't have the same vibe to it as the others. I kept saying, "Dave isn't real, we get it, get back to Sayid ****ing up TFHG."

4/6/2006, 11:54 AM
i just kept thinking, "i hate a beautiful mind. i hate a beautiful mind." talk about showing your weakest cards last night (and your "steal an idea" hand). i was hugely disappointed.

4/6/2006, 07:25 PM
This show just keeps getting weirder.

4/6/2006, 07:32 PM
I cant belive we didnt see the map again....or talk about it

4/6/2006, 08:05 PM
Ok, finally got to watch it, and i'm totally confused now; so Libby was a patient with Hurley? Maybe this whole thing is just the imagination of Hurley at work after eating some bad anchovies or sumtin.


Sooner Born Sooner Bred
4/6/2006, 08:17 PM
Yeah, I just watched it too. I've quit trying to analyze it.

4/12/2006, 05:37 AM
so how much of the rest of hurley's backstory is false now?

Is he a millionaire?

Did his house burn down?

Does he really have a string of bad luck?

4/12/2006, 06:12 AM
or maybe whatever ****s with people on the island was just ****ing with Hurley before he got there?

he got the numbers from somewhere

Hot Rod
4/12/2006, 08:32 AM
or maybe whatever ****s with people on the island was just ****ing with Hurley before he got there?

he got the numbers from somewhere

From a fortune cookie, perhaps?

4/12/2006, 09:02 AM
I just started rewatching Season 1. It's great to watch them again. You catch alot more.

4/12/2006, 10:11 AM
or maybe whatever ****s with people on the island was just ****ing with Hurley before he got there?

he got the numbers from somewhere

Hurley got the numbers from the spaced-out guy he was playing the game with in the looney bin. From a season one epi....

4/12/2006, 12:07 PM
that's what i mean, he knew the numbers before seeing them on the hatch, thus making it seem like that part is true, not just in his head

4/12/2006, 01:21 PM
that's what i mean, he knew the numbers before seeing them on the hatch, thus making it seem like that part is true, not just in his head

He knew Dave before seeing him on the island too.

4/12/2006, 01:25 PM
yeah, but everyone else knows the numbers

dude, i wonder if that guy in the crazy house escaped from the hatch?

4/12/2006, 01:27 PM

4/12/2006, 01:29 PM
Did anyone else notice Sayid was also Moses' brother in the Ten Commandments? That's quite a twist.

4/12/2006, 01:37 PM
I forgot how Hurley is the comic relief in the first couple of episodes. He still is, but more so then. Good Stuff.

Hurley: Was it a dinosaur?
Jack: It wasn't a dinosaur.
Hurley: You say you didn't see it.
Jack: I didn't.
Hurley: So how do you know it wasn't a dinosaur?
Jack: Because dinosaurs are extinct.
Hurley: Oh, yeah

4/12/2006, 10:22 PM
Good episode! Saw the Rose thing coming...

Henry is an evil sucker.

Locke is being big-time manipulated. Did Henry do something to make that map show up?

It isn't a coincidence that Michael shows up when they're waiting for him. Is he leading them into a trap next show? Henry looks like he might be a bit more badass than we've been led to believe.

Three stinking weeks until the next episode. :mad:

4/13/2006, 12:23 AM
Yeah, I think everyone is expecting Michael to be controlled by The Others, thus leading them into a trap.

Okay, so the Island cures/heals people (theory)?

Locke- Ability to use his legs
Rose- Cancer in remission
Hurley- Helps him get rid of his crazy friend
Hurley's GF- not crazy anymore
Gin/Sun- Now preggers after being sterile
Charlie- Heroin addiction
Eko- finding God, again.
Sawyer- stops con jobs (only conned on the island because he realized it was starting to control him)
Jack- (probably getting over the memory of his father/getting over wife)
Michael- getting over the void of not having Walt in his life/walt hating him.

....just thoughts

4/13/2006, 09:10 AM
People "moving in" = giving up on rescue.
Kind of a stretch. Dont most shipwrecked people at some point begin to "construct" in order to make life more bearable?

I was a bit surprised that it did take almost 2 months(?) for someone to think about putting SOS on the beach.

Was Kate refering to the "medical hatch" and said something about make up, including a fake beard? I kinda missed the first of that conversation. Is the implication that the "bearded Other" may not really have a beard?

4/13/2006, 09:15 AM
People "moving in" = giving up on rescue.
Kind of a stretch. Dont most shipwrecked people at some point begin to "construct" in order to make life more bearable?

I was a bit surprised that it did take almost 2 months(?) for someone to think about putting SOS on the beach.

Was Kate refering to the "medical hatch" and said something about make up, including a fake beard? I kinda missed the first of that conversation. Is the implication that the "bearded Other" may not really have a beard?

The bearded guy is a disguise...in the medical hatch, he was the beardless guy talking to Ethan in the hallway.

4/13/2006, 09:17 AM
By the way...the producers have said the past four weeks were the "calm before the storm". In three weeks they say the pace is going to pick up quite a bit, and a lot will be revealed.

...and then the season will end in a cliffhanger. :)

4/13/2006, 09:19 AM
People "moving in" = giving up on rescue.
Kind of a stretch. Dont most shipwrecked people at some point begin to "construct" in order to make life more bearable?

I was a bit surprised that it did take almost 2 months(?) for someone to think about putting SOS on the beach.

Was Kate refering to the "medical hatch" and said something about make up, including a fake beard? I kinda missed the first of that conversation. Is the implication that the "bearded Other" may not really have a beard?

yeah the episode where they found the medical hatch, they found the beard in a locker. And the fella that wore it was in that episode too, and eluded to his standing on the leaderboard - he isn't the fella in charge.

4/13/2006, 09:50 AM
Ok, that explains it, I missed that episode.
Thanks guys for keeping me from being lost.

Norm In Norman
4/13/2006, 09:51 AM
People "moving in" = giving up on rescue.
Kind of a stretch. Dont most shipwrecked people at some point begin to "construct" in order to make life more bearable?

I was a bit surprised that it did take almost 2 months(?) for someone to think about putting SOS on the beach.

Was Kate refering to the "medical hatch" and said something about make up, including a fake beard? I kinda missed the first of that conversation. Is the implication that the "bearded Other" may not really have a beard?
That was her explaination on how French Chick's traps were not sophisticated and the other's were, alluding to the other's using the makeup and stuff as a trap.

TFHG is evil. I think he's trying to get Locke to not enter the numbers or something. Although then why would he have entered them when locke was stuck under the door? Or did he? I'm so confused.

4/13/2006, 09:52 AM
and a lot will be revealed.

Kate is going topless ??? :D :D :D

4/13/2006, 09:55 AM
about the medical hatch. even though Kate said that really there was nothing useful there, was it really fully explored? (for instants, what was behind the 'escape hatch' door)

i was a bit surprised of the 'tunnel vision' Jack had when Kate mentioned the 'new hatch'. he was like, 'oh, now lets move on'

i would have thought he might have been very interested in anything 'medical'.

jk the sooner fan
4/13/2006, 10:06 AM
That was her explaination on how French Chick's traps were not sophisticated and the other's were, alluding to the other's using the makeup and stuff as a trap.

TFHG is evil. I think he's trying to get Locke to not enter the numbers or something. Although then why would he have entered them when locke was stuck under the door? Or did he? I'm so confused.

good point, i think maybe he figured he was already in Lockes head a little bit and that Locke was obsessed with the numbers......that smile he had on his face told me he thinks he has Locke right where he wants him

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
4/13/2006, 10:18 AM
That guy playing TFHG creeps me out. I saw him on The Practice. He plays evil really well.

4/13/2006, 11:22 AM
yeah, but everyone else knows the numbers

dude, i wonder if that guy in the crazy house escaped from the hatch?
Man, good one.

Newbomb Turk
4/13/2006, 11:36 AM
yeah, but everyone else knows the numbers

dude, i wonder if that guy in the crazy house escaped from the hatch?

I mentioned that to the wife when we watched the Hurley episode last week. The wife was like "so how did he get from the island back to the U.S.?" I say "Heck - I don't know - probably on the Dharma jet that they showed in the Locke flashback". :confused:

4/13/2006, 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by yermom
yeah, but everyone else knows the numbers

dude, i wonder if that guy in the crazy house escaped from the hatch?i thought of that theory back in season one, and still think that there is a 'Dharma connection to Lenny' (i think that was his name)

and i never noticed it, but i recently saw a screen shot that showed the connect four pieces that Lanny was playing, and the symbols on the hatch clock (when the timer passes zero) on them.

4/13/2006, 04:08 PM
Kate is going topless ??? :D :D :D
I wish. :D :D :D

4/13/2006, 10:28 PM
Hurley is more of a central figure than I thought


Oh, and its updated

4/14/2006, 07:22 AM
what is the Locke/Libby connection?

i don't remember that one

4/14/2006, 07:38 AM
And now we know of a Locke/Nadia connection: He inspected her house. She was a single gal...

...or is that represented by the Locke/Sayed connection?

4/14/2006, 07:59 AM
And now we know of a Locke/Nadia connection: He inspected her house. She was a single gal...

...or is that represented by the Locke/Sayed connection?

yeah, i think the links are only through people on the island.

5/1/2006, 02:43 PM
getting pretty excited about the new eppy for Wednesday. I think Michael is being blackmailed to lure everyone into a trap....maybe for the guns?

5/1/2006, 02:44 PM
I think the fact they called last week's episode "New" is cause for a negging.

5/1/2006, 02:49 PM
I finally weened myself of this show. Thats a part of my brain I'm glad to have back.

I think I'm going to wait for the final season's DVD release and just watch the last episode. :D

5/1/2006, 02:50 PM
you have more willpower than i

Norm In Norman
5/1/2006, 02:58 PM
I think the fact they called last week's episode "New" is cause for a negging.
Damn straight. I was pretty ****ed.

Scott D
5/1/2006, 03:06 PM
I finally weened myself of this show. Thats a part of my brain I'm glad to have back.

I think I'm going to wait for the final season's DVD release and just watch the last episode. :D

I quit watching during season one. My tv viewing is too sporadic to watch a series that needs new episodes to progress weekly.

5/1/2006, 03:08 PM
I think the fact they called last week's episode "New" is cause for a negging.
They should have done it like other reflection shows, with eveyone sitting in the hatch saying, "Remember the time when. . ."

5/1/2006, 03:11 PM
They should have done it like other reflection shows, with eveyone sitting in the hatch saying, "Remember the time when. . ."

Exactly. And Lucille Ball could've hosted it. Or Larry King.

5/1/2006, 03:14 PM
And they do that Wayne and Garth thing where they wiggle their hands while saying "doodly-do, doodly-do, doodly-do" and the scene starts wiggling and blurring out....

5/1/2006, 04:17 PM
you can stream it from abc now though...


Jimminy Crimson
5/1/2006, 04:26 PM
I quit watching during season one. My tv viewing is too sporadic to watch a series that needs new episodes to progress weekly.



5/1/2006, 04:28 PM
or tvtorrents...

Scott D
5/1/2006, 05:16 PM


it'd be a Tivo full of sports :D

5/3/2006, 05:04 PM
Hoo boy! New epi tonight....is AnaL's demise a misdirection ploy by the LOST producers? Is Michael now a toadie for the Others?

See ya in another life, brother!

5/3/2006, 08:53 PM
Did I just see a Hanso Foundation commercial?

5/3/2006, 08:54 PM
Did I just see a Hanso Foundation commercial?
Yes you did.

5/3/2006, 09:02 PM
Holy ****. I didn't see that coming....

5/3/2006, 09:03 PM
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Norm In Norman
5/3/2006, 09:07 PM

So mikey is so desperate to make a deal with the others that he shoot 2 of them and lets henry gale go? Why did he shoot himself? Is he leading everyone into a trap?

5/3/2006, 09:07 PM
The Hanso Foundation Commercial

Since the dawn of time, man has been curious. Imagining all that is possible. The Hanso Foundation, reaching out to a better tomorrow. Discover the experience for yourself.



5/3/2006, 09:08 PM
holy ****.

p.s. not letting hurly get any crazy love is NOT COOL.

pps. mike shot himself to explain that henry shot everyone and then him...helps manipulate the losties against the others.

jk the sooner fan
5/3/2006, 09:18 PM
HOLEEE CRAP.........wow

5/3/2006, 09:24 PM
Nice twist. And this dood is friggin psyched that the island is minus one former cop!

5/3/2006, 09:50 PM
well, the do-able women are getting kinda slim.
If this show wants me watchin next season, they better focus on the others and surprise us with some new semi-yummy honeys.
Id guess the race for Kates companionship is gonna get more crowded?

jk the sooner fan
5/3/2006, 10:04 PM
i wouldnt be so sure both of them are dead.....the previews - i heard them say one of them was dead

well thats the kind of show i'd normally expect for a season finale, not the one to start the build up to it

great episode

5/3/2006, 10:04 PM
In the previews someone said, "She's dead" and just showed Ana Lucia's hands. And Hurley didn't look completely crushed.

Is there a possibility that the crazy blonde chick is still alive? Michael shot her from about ten feet away and through a pillow or two -- think it may have softened the blow a little bit?

I just can't believe that they'd let the loony bin angle go unexplained (unless it was just a simple coincidence).