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5/15/2005, 05:55 AM
The 2005 version of the annual Darwin Awards have just been released. I am too techno-challenged to post a link, so you will just have to Google them if you want to see the others. This one, however, I decided to share.

A little old lady was walking out of a grocery store when some local thug knocked her down and stole her purse. He managed to get away, but the old lady and a few bystanders got a good enough look at the guy to give the police something to go on.

A few minutes later, a patrol car spots the guy, cuffs him and puts him in the car. Patrol car then transports the guy back to the scene of the crime where other cops and the little old lady are still assembled.

Cop pulls the guy out of the car, walks him over to the little old lady and asks, "Can you make a positive identification?"

Before the little old lady can respond, the detained suspect says, "Yessir. That is definitely the lady whose purse I stole."

If he hired me, my advice would be to plead "Not Guilty by Reason of Stupidity." The guy is obviously too damn dumb to form criminal intent.

5/15/2005, 06:03 AM

5/15/2005, 06:06 AM
and Darwin said evolution works ? :eek:

5/15/2005, 06:17 AM
It's Dean I tell ya!:D

Hazard Befell Him"http://www.darwinawards.com/i/bubbles1b.gif
1994 Darwin Award Nominee
Confirmed True by Darwin (27 March 27 1981) Late one March evening, Bruce Thompson woke up at the foot of a utility pole in the woods, his dog asleep by his side, and a crispy, dead raccoon nearby. Thompson realized he had suffered severe burns on his forearms, hands and genitals, which were eventually amputated.

The details came out in court, when Bruce sued the utility company for removing him from the gene pool.

He had been out ’coon hunting when his dog “caught the scent” and eagerly chased a raccoon up a power pole. The raccoon perched on a glass insulator. Bruce was prepared for just such an event, and brought out his trusty steel pole climbers. He strapped them to his boots, and made his way a dozen feet up the pole. He began “squalling at the raccoon and slapping the pole,” causing the startled raccoon to run back and forth on the cross arm, and hit an un-insulated copper wire. That was the last thing Bruce remembered before he woke up at the bottom of the pole. The court found Bruce contributory negligent, stating succinctly, “It [is] clear that, in climbing the utility pole, slapping and squalling at the raccoon, thereby agitating it when it was perilously close to charged wires, Thompson should have appreciated the hazard that ultimately befell him.”

5/15/2005, 06:30 AM
It's Dean I tell ya!:D
:D :) spek flag
Just shoot up here amongst us :) 1 of us has to have some relief :cool:

5/15/2005, 06:32 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Flagstaffsooner again.
tried any way lol

1/19/2007, 11:35 AM

here's 2006.

1/19/2007, 11:38 AM

or this, i don't know.

1/19/2007, 12:12 PM
It's Dean I tell ya!:D

pfffft. I shoot coons. All the time. However, I wouldn't climb a fence or walk 10 feet to pick one up. Climb a pole for a coon? Nah.

If they want to put me in there for killing my garage or my air conditioner then OK. Those things I've done.