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View Full Version : Sam Adam's Black Lager

Norm In Norman
4/4/2005, 09:24 PM
Anybody try this yet? It was on sale at the liquor store and I almost picked some up but chickened out. I was afraid it might be really bitter or something. Reading this article (http://www.beeradvocate.com/news/stories_read/625/) though, it seems like I have nothing to fear. I got a Boulevard Bully Porter from Cattlemen's once and didn't really like it. It wasn't smooth at all, so I guess that's why I hesitate on some of the dark stuff.

I need to expand my horizons a bit. I pretty much have latched on to Guinness and I don't try much other stuff unless it's at the tailgate or it's a microbrew. Embarrassingly enough, I bought Shiner Bock for the first time tonight. I thought maybe it would go well with the brats I'm having tomorrow (for cooking them too). It's one of those beers that seems like a college party beer or something to me, so I hope it doesn't taste like crap. At 4.99 (on sale), I guess I'm not out too much.

I really wish they sold Fat Tire in OK. At least I know I like it pretty good.

4/4/2005, 09:30 PM
I'm game.

And Fat Tire is the shizzle.

So is Leinenkugels Creamy Dark.

4/4/2005, 09:34 PM
Sorry...I only drink Samuel Jackson.


4/4/2005, 09:46 PM
If you like Fat Tire, you'll like the Shiner Bock.

And I thought this was a thread about the Black Adder.


Norm In Norman
4/4/2005, 09:48 PM
I guess I'll find out. I hope it wasn't on sale because it was made 3 years ago.

4/4/2005, 10:06 PM
Shiner's good stuff. I've soaked/cooked brauts in it before. The wife and daughter liked'em.

Norm In Norman
4/4/2005, 10:20 PM
I hate to waste a good Guinness on brats, but the one time I did it was the best brats I've made. My son LOVES bratwursts for some reason.

For those who want a recipe...

Thinly slice some onions up until covering the bottom of a pot. Smash some garlic and put in the pot. Throw some RAW (not pre-cooked, damnit!) brats in (poke with a fork several times first) and cover with beer. I try to use one beer if possible and finish off with water so it barely covers the top. Throw in some spices, like maybe mustard, peppercorns, or something else good. Simmer for 10 or 15 minutes, remove from heat and let soak for 10 or 15 minutes. Put out on the grill and brown. Put them on a hoagie with your favorite mustard and the beer cooked onions from before with (of course) some saurkraut. Eat with the rest of your beer.

4/4/2005, 10:34 PM
Shiner is a very good, cheap beer. It's probably my favorite of the economy beers.

King Crimson
4/5/2005, 12:16 AM
New Belgium Brewery (makes Fat Tire) has a black ale too. it's called 1332 or something. it's pretty good. i think i posted a wildly unpopular thread about it a couple-three months ago.

4/5/2005, 12:18 AM
1552. and yes, it's excellent.

Jimminy Crimson
4/5/2005, 12:21 AM
I had quite a few 1552's up in KC before the Big XII foosball game.


Beano's Fourth Chin
4/5/2005, 12:41 AM
Hey Norm, I just got a box of this in my easter basket. First time I've ever seen it. There's 4 of them in the SA sample box. I hate how they always throw 4 sam lights in there, but I guess it's not bad for a light beer.

The black lager reminded me a lot of a guinness draught in a bottle. In fact, I said to my wife, "this is about a halfway cross between a Guinness draught and a guinness extra stout. Just slightly smokier in flavor than draught, but with a cleaner finish than extra stout. Maybe a little more lively carbonation than either of those, but that's not a bad thing.

Good good stuff in my opinion.

4/5/2005, 09:55 AM
Norm: Did you EVAR try those Bass beer's I gave you?

4/5/2005, 09:56 AM
Sorry...I only drink Samuel Jackson.


This is the way I talk, ain't you seen my movies! :D

4/5/2005, 10:08 AM
So Norm, how did you like the Shiner?

4/5/2005, 04:56 PM
I have yet to have a Fat Tire that I thought was worth a damn. Nothing that they make seems to have any character to it. They seem to sell a decent amount of it though, so I must be alone in my assessment. Why do those people in Ft. Collins think that they can make a good beer anyway? Most of Pete's or Sam's are good (except for Sam's Light). Ballard Bitter by Red Hook, now that's the shizzle.

Norm In Norman
4/5/2005, 09:17 PM
Hey Norm, I just got a box of this in my easter basket. First time I've ever seen it. There's 4 of them in the SA sample box. I hate how they always throw 4 sam lights in there, but I guess it's not bad for a light beer.

The black lager reminded me a lot of a guinness draught in a bottle. In fact, I said to my wife, "this is about a halfway cross between a Guinness draught and a guinness extra stout. Just slightly smokier in flavor than draught, but with a cleaner finish than extra stout. Maybe a little more lively carbonation than either of those, but that's not a bad thing.

Good good stuff in my opinion.
I think I'll pick up some tomorrow. Hopefully it will still be on sale.

Norm In Norman
4/5/2005, 09:19 PM
Norm: Did you EVAR try those Bass beer's I gave you?
Yep. It was pretty good, if I remember correctly. I kinda forgot what it tastes like. I guess I need to give it another try.

Norm In Norman
4/5/2005, 09:20 PM
So Norm, how did you like the Shiner?
Haven't tried it yet. The brats got postponed until tomorrow. I probably shoudl try one tonight - just in case.

4/5/2005, 10:10 PM
Dark beer lovers unite, got a few good ones here if u can find

Negra Modelo
McEwans Stout (scotch ale is also quite tasty)

I drink sam sometimes but i find that its kindoff like burger king. It all has that same flavor that i am not so fond of. But i will tank some double bock or winter lager anytime, the black lager i find so so.

Norm In Norman
4/5/2005, 10:20 PM
I tried Sam Adam's Scotch Ale before. It was about friggin' nasty. It came out of the bottle like syrup and tasted like coffee residue. I'm not falling for that one again.

4/5/2005, 11:00 PM
I didnt like the Sam version either, but McEwans makes the best one if u like scotch if not then stick with the McEwans Stout (its the only beer better than a draft pint of Guinness).

4/5/2005, 11:35 PM
McEwans Stout is like Guinness with none of the bitter aftertaste.

4/5/2005, 11:39 PM
Hey, did you try the Shiner?

Breckenridge Brewery has the most awesome stout. They call it Oatmeal Stout. If you are ever in Breckenridge, you MUST go to the brewery and have one. The bottled version is good, but not as good as the draft one at the brewery.

4/6/2005, 06:51 AM
If it ain't Natural Lite, I ain't drinkin' it. It's a premium beer, or so my reputable sources tell me.

KB, the McEwans Stout is great with a meal, but I'm a beer wus. I don't enjoy it much unless there is another flavor involved. Too much funk involved for the tall guy.

You world travelers out there... did you ever run into the warm beer served in Europe? I'd label myself, "mediocre at best" when it comes to being a beer aficionado, but I do know what I like. Way down at the bottom of that list is warm beer.

Of course, I've eaten fresh-caught sardines on rice for breakfast in Jamaica, so I do follow the "when in Rome" practice.

Oh, and Shiner is the beer of choice in the club seating at Kyle Field. A cold Shiner on a hot afternoon is not bad at all.

4/6/2005, 06:55 AM
Boarder, I haven't met an oatmeal beer I didn't like.

Norm In Norman
4/6/2005, 08:27 PM
Hey, did you try the Shiner?

I did tonight. It wasn't too bad. It must be a 3.2 beer or something, because it didn't seem very strong. I could barely tell the brats were cooked in it. Shiner sort of has an aftertaste at first that I didn't like, but it went away after a while. I poured it and it didn't keep a head at all. It was still worth the $5 I paid though.

4/6/2005, 08:46 PM
You world travelers out there... did you ever run into the warm beer served in Europe? I'd label myself, "mediocre at best" when it comes to being a beer aficionado, but I do know what I like. Way down at the bottom of that list is warm beer.Not warm, room temperature. Some of the best tasting beers I've ever had were from small free house pubs in the middle of nowhere in England.

4/6/2005, 09:47 PM
You world travelers out there... did you ever run into the warm beer served in Europe? I'd label myself, "mediocre at best" when it comes to being a beer aficionado, but I do know what I like. Way down at the bottom of that list is warm beer.
I can't drink Harp until it warms up a bit. When it's really cold it gets this manky bitter taste, but when it warms up the rest of the flavor comes out to balance it all.

Scott D
4/6/2005, 09:50 PM
Not warm, room temperature. Some of the best tasting beers I've ever had were from small free house pubs in the middle of nowhere in England.

Everyone I know who has gotten Newcastle on tap says it HAS to be room temp....and that bottled is nothing compared to it.

4/6/2005, 09:54 PM
Everyone I know who has gotten Newcastle on tap says it HAS to be room temp....and that bottled is nothing compared to it.I'd agree with them. I also like the Czech Budvar at room temp.

4/6/2005, 10:07 PM
What about the Czech boudoir?

4/6/2005, 10:40 PM

4/6/2005, 10:43 PM
They have a little gong that says TSINGTAO on it at Al's. I always wonder, do they hit the gong everytime someone orders one? Because I sure as hell would.

Beano's Fourth Chin
5/2/2006, 10:51 AM
Hey Norm, I just got a box of this in my easter basket. First time I've ever seen it. There's 4 of them in the SA sample box. I hate how they always throw 4 sam lights in there, but I guess it's not bad for a light beer.

The black lager reminded me a lot of a guinness draught in a bottle. In fact, I said to my wife, "this is about a halfway cross between a Guinness draught and a guinness extra stout. Just slightly smokier in flavor than draught, but with a cleaner finish than extra stout. Maybe a little more lively carbonation than either of those, but that's not a bad thing.

Good good stuff in my opinion.

You are so pretentious.

Hey Norm, my wife has a business trip to Dallas tomorrow. Costco has their 24 pack Sam Adams samplers on sale right now again. They've got: Brown Ale, Black Lager, Wheat Beer, Boston Lager, Boston Ale and... oh yeah, the scotch. Want I should have her pick you one up? It's like 20 bucks.

If not, maybe she can get you a 24 of Fat Tire. They usually always have those for sale.

5/2/2006, 11:03 AM

End of discussion.

Norm In Norman
5/2/2006, 07:16 PM
You are so pretentious.

Hey Norm, my wife has a business trip to Dallas tomorrow. Costco has their 24 pack Sam Adams samplers on sale right now again. They've got: Brown Ale, Black Lager, Wheat Beer, Boston Lager, Boston Ale and... oh yeah, the scotch. Want I should have her pick you one up? It's like 20 bucks.

If not, maybe she can get you a 24 of Fat Tire. They usually always have those for sale.
Sounds good, but by the time I got through a 24 pack they'd be tasting skunky. ESPECIALLY the Scotch Ale. Good luck drinking that one. It's like drinking fermented coffee mixed with motor oil.

I would just start drinking more beer than normal, but the scotch ale ruins the deal for me.