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1/22/2005, 07:26 PM
I walked 8 blocks to a convenience store to buy cigarettes for my mom when I was 6 years old!!! I wouldn't let my daughter walk 8 blocks by herself now.

1/22/2005, 07:34 PM
I was thinking about this the other day. If you lived out in the country, chances are you played in or near a creek. There was a creek that ran out behind my house, near a sewer plant even, that we used to go down into, wade around, play war, etc...

I wonder how many rattlesnake nests, etc... I laid my head next to without even giving that sort of thing a thought.


1/22/2005, 07:37 PM
I killed a guy once, when I was 8.

1/22/2005, 07:38 PM
We never wore seatbelts and I don't think we even had a carseat when I was a baby.

1/22/2005, 07:38 PM
I held up a liquor store.

Made it outta there with a couple grand and a fifth of whiskey.

1/22/2005, 07:53 PM
We used to have rock wars, ROCK WARS!! How dumb were we? The game ended once, suprise, someone got hit in the eye.

1/22/2005, 07:55 PM
Mom used to put my 11 year old sister, 6 year old brother and 5 year old me on the City bus at 9:00 Saturday morning to ride 5 or 6 miles downtown. We would then walk a couple blocks to the movie theater, watch the 10 a.m. matinee and stay for the 1 o'clock feature, walk back and catch the bus for the ride home, arriving around 4:30. Babysitting on the cheap.

It was safe at that time. Would not consider it today.

1/22/2005, 07:59 PM
We used to have rock wars, ROCK WARS!! How dumb were we? The game ended once, suprise, someone got hit in the eye.
We did the same thing. I remember my little brother getting 11 stitches in the forehead. That was the last rock fight we had.

1/22/2005, 08:02 PM
We played tackle football in the street, had BB gun fights but the fame for the tough guys was bike fights. We'd just ride as fast as we could head on ibto each other. What were we thinking? :confused:

1/22/2005, 09:34 PM
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

but I wouldn't want my kid to try it.

1/22/2005, 09:43 PM
but seriously I used to swim in ponds, drive my dads tractor, I used to ride on the top of the haystack when we hauled hay for my grandpa, I used to walk to town to go to my Aunt's house.

1/22/2005, 09:59 PM
I killed a guy once, when I was 8.

My mother shot me once. Once!

1/22/2005, 10:45 PM
Roman candle fights.

Chemistry sets.

helmetless bicycling. In fact bicycling all over town, even in traffic, in the summer with nothing on but a t-shirt and cut-off blue jeans.

your first .22 when you were 12.

When you were 6, lying on the back dash (with the rear radio speaker under your noggin) and looking up at the stars as your dad cruises down the interstate in the family Chevy Impala.

Parents smoking cigarettes with the car windows rolled up while you and your little brother catch a second-hand smoke buzz.

When you were 5, standing up on the car's front bench seat next to your mom as she drives to the grocery store. Your safety restraint? Moms right arm which would fly up across your chest if she had to stop suddenly.

Oh yeah, this little number. The Mattel "Thingmaker." For those of you who weren't kids in the 1960's, it was set which included what was esssentially a hot plate which got up to 300 degrees on which you cooked up toys (bugs, creatures, army men, etc.) by heating steel molds you filled with a liquid plastic called "Goop" which then solidified. I burned the crap out of myself everytime I played with mine. Here's an ad:

King Crimson
1/22/2005, 10:50 PM
i've done the venerable roman candle fight. also, the "i dare you to walk across that frozen pond" game.

1/22/2005, 10:53 PM
We never wore seatbelts and I don't think we even had a carseat when I was a baby.

Interesting - I am really old and I had a carseat when I was a baby. It wasn't much in the way of protection, but you can see the idea was starting. There was a steel frame with canvas fabric, some kind of a tray in front to hold toys. It fit over the back of the front seat, so I could look out the windows. My brother used it for a couple of years.
I don't remember when we got seatbelts in the car. It just seemed like we always had them.

1/22/2005, 11:02 PM
Sledding behind cars on the frozen neighborhood streets.

1/22/2005, 11:02 PM
bb gun wars... of course we suited up for the occasions and it was a blast... I looked like someone from the movie Mad max, with a Sunoco/DX leather racing jacket, Armco Construction hat and welders face shield, come to think about it the bottle rocket and roman candle wars we had were the bomb.

Weeeeeeeeee the good times.

1/22/2005, 11:02 PM
burning down fences with fireworks

1/22/2005, 11:03 PM
dressing up as a golfer on Halloween and teeing off with the popcorn balls and apples in the bastards yards who gave them to us.

Norm In Norman
1/22/2005, 11:11 PM
We used to have rock wars, ROCK WARS!! How dumb were we? The game ended once, suprise, someone got hit in the eye.
dude, that was pretty stupid. I was much smarter. I had dirt clod wars.

1/22/2005, 11:15 PM
dressing up as a golfer on Halloween and teeing off with the popcorn balls and apples in the bastards yards who gave them to us.

Shoot! I forgot all about going trick-or-treating with your friends, without your parents going along, and staying gone for hours. I don't remember my mom insisting she inspect my candy haul either.

Norm In Norman
1/22/2005, 11:19 PM
One cool game I played is a couple of my friends got in this big tree that had this big limb about 20/30 feet up. Then me and another friend tried to knock the other friends out of the tree by throwing pieces of bricks/bricks at them. We got in trouble for that.

Then at lunch (open campus) we wouldn't eat so we could save money for the weekend. So we would take my friend's f150 extended bed crew cab (with a camper shell) out onto dirt roads and try to ramp things. Our favorite ramp we could get going about 60-70, catch air over this little bridge, then slam on the breaks and slide. If all went well, we would stop before we reached the highway. Sometimes we didn't. Luckily no cars were coming at the time.

Every once in a while we would jump in the back of another friend's truck and and go ramp stuff IN TOWN. Nothing like being in the back of a 20 year old shortbed chevy truck going 50 in a residential area and catching air. With nothing to hold on to but the spare tire. Which wasn't secured to anything.

Beano's Fourth Chin
1/22/2005, 11:26 PM
muratic acid and aluminum foil bombs
bb gun fights... the worst is running back home through enemy fire bleeding because you got hit in the temple and then you had to have all the kids over to the house to do laundry on account you had to wash out all the blood before mom came home... hit in the head just an inch from my eye and bleeding like crazy and those morons are STILL shooting at me.
dirt clod fights

we'd also take off in the morning on our bikes and only show up for lunch if we couldn't find a neighbor to feed us and then not show up back at home until dark.

Norm In Norman
1/22/2005, 11:37 PM
Yes, I was a band nerd.

So my friends and I would go to these auditions for honors bands or band contests or whatever at various colleges. Like OU, OSU, OBU, ECU ... places like that. A lot of the time these things were on the weekend when class was over. So what we liked doing is finding buildings that had inadvertantly been left unlocked and snoop around in them.

For example, one time we broke into this building and went snooping around in the dark. We came upon this door and could hear noises down a hall but we chickened out. So we turned around and started back out. Well, a security gaurd spotted us and started chasing us. Luckily for us he was pretty out of shape and we hid in another building. Come to find out the door we chickened out and didn't go into was the girl's dormitory.

Another time we were having a solo contest at OBU or something and we discovered the sanctuary was open. All of the sign up sheets and stuff was right outside there but we snuck in anyway. So we stuffed one of our friends in the space between the stairs and the wall. he got stuck but we just kept pushing on his shoulders until he got unstuck. This little space went right into some sort of room that he unlocked and let us in. We climbed up over this little wall and the next thing you know we are in the crawl space above the rest of the building. We can like hear all the rest of the activities going on under us. One wrong move and we fall through the fake ceiling and another 10 feet to our ... pain or something. Well that wasn't good enough so we went up and over the sanctaury. it was sort of an auditorium with 20 or 30 foot ceilings.

When I auditioned for the music department at OU, there was a big sign on the door to the practice building that said "NO DOGS ALLOWED". So of course me and my buddy saw a couple stray dogs and let them into the building.

Norm In Norman
1/22/2005, 11:46 PM
One time me and my buddies decided to hike cross country to somewhere. So we went to this land by my buddies grandpa's house and just started hiking. No supplies, no compass, nothing. I assume we were tresspassing, but that never occured to us. First thing that happened is one of the group stepped on some sort of trap. if he wasn't wearing thick boots it would have broke his foot. Then we decided to play around in the creek. Did I mention that it was about 20 degrees that day? Well, we are walking along in water up to our waist and one of my buddies found some quick sand. We caught him when the water was up to his neck. Then we got to the bottom of this little valley. It had rained a bunch for a few days before the trek. And it was 20 degrees. So what had happened is for a couple of acres there was about a foot or 2 of water with a couple of inches of ice on top. And this ice was really easy to break. So we skated around falling into the water for a long time. Did I mention it was 20 degrees and we were miles away from any civilization and we didn't know where we were? We ended up heading back home after about 5 or so hours because there were some hunters shooting at stuff and we couldn't get a visual on them. And no, we weren't wearing bright hunter colors.

This is sorta making me feel better. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

1/22/2005, 11:50 PM
When I auditioned for the music department at OU, there was a big sign on the door to the practice building that said "NO DOGS ALLOWED". So of course me and my buddy saw a couple stray dogs and let them into the building. I've always had some respect for you and this puts it over the top.

Norm In Norman
1/22/2005, 11:51 PM
We'd have black cat fights. One time one popped about a foot from my ear and I couldn't hear anything out of it for the rest of the day.

We used to be able to pop fireworks in town at the park. One time some stranger who was about 100 yards away threw a bottle rocket and it inadvertantly popped between me and another guy. So we got every pop bottle rocket we could find and started trying to hit the guy with them. Even those big assed pop bottle rockets. We never hit him. He was an adult and probably could have kicked some of our asses.

And then there was the time some friends and I burnt a couple of acres of land down (that backed up to a residential area) by lighting a package of jumping jacks in the middle of a field on a 100 degree day. I'm not going to recount that one again.

Norm In Norman
1/22/2005, 11:57 PM
I've always had some respect for you but this puts it over the top.

Maybe this will regain some of that respect back.

During my audition, my song ended with a big, loud, high note. So it's me, Irv, Matlick (both brass faculty) and a couple of my buddies in the choir room. When I got to my grande finale, I let go of my trombone with one hand and raised it in victory whilst I played that last note. My friends started laughing. I guess the profs didn't think it was quite as amusing because I didn't get a scholarship. Well, I succed anyway.

1/23/2005, 12:00 AM
But, did you do the Norwegian Satan sign with that hand?

My friend Mike and me used to drive his brother's VW bug around in his front yard (about an acre) before we had liscenses. Then, we decided it'd be cool to go flying in reverse and do the quick turn arounds like on the TV. When the Bug would no longer go in any gear but reverse, we quickly parked it back where it was and got away.

Norm In Norman
1/23/2005, 12:03 AM
Oh yeah?

My buddy used to drive his dad's little car around on the weekend. it was some sort of small chevy, about the size of a geo metro. Spectrum? Well, anyway, we used to drive it out into the middle of fields. You know, like hay fields and stuff. Somehow we never got stuck, even though it had like bicycle tires on it.

I did a lot of trespassing in high school.

Norm In Norman
1/23/2005, 12:04 AM

1/23/2005, 12:05 AM
It was Seminole. Everyone knew everyone, so it wasn't a big deal. I know...Purcell and all.

Sledding behind the truck...on an old car hood...with the bed full of guys was always fun.

1/23/2005, 12:07 AM
One time a person I worked with got a new Geo Metro Sport (HAHAHA). It had a three cylinder and a standard. So, when I got to give it a test drive, I shifted at, oh I don't know, 8 or 9 thousand. It's a wonder it lasted a week.

Norm In Norman
1/23/2005, 12:15 AM
It was Seminole. Everyone knew everyone, so it wasn't a big deal. I know...Purcell and all.

Sledding behind the truck...on an old car hood...with the bed full of guys was always fun.

OH MAN! If I had thought of that I would have done it!

I went 110 in my mustang, I mean race car, once. With 6 people in it. On a paved section line in the middle of the country. At about 85 everyone started getting really quiet. When I got to 110 I noticed the highway was coming up so I stepped on the brakes, which made everyone in the back shift to the right, forcing the person on the right to fall forward, knocking the passenger seat person into the girl who was sitting on the hump, which hit my right arm and made me turn right. Luckily I recovered before we flipped.

One time I had 9 people inside my mustang. The springs were bent upside down and the rear end was touching the body of the car. I even had a girl sitting on my lap while I was driving.

This one time I was driving my mom's cougar with a couple of girls at lunch. It was no big deal EXCEPT I had stuffed a couple of my friends in the trunk. That wasn't a big deal either except they kept making the car bounce up and down and screaming. Pretty soon a cop started following me. He followed me for about 3 or 4 miles and then left with his lights flashing. NO TICKET FOR ME! i don't think I woudl have been driving mom's new car any more.

Norm In Norman
1/23/2005, 12:17 AM
I think I did all this crap just so I could have a good story to tell the next day.

Norm In Norman
1/23/2005, 12:18 AM
Oh, and thank god my son can't read yet.

Norm In Norman
1/23/2005, 12:20 AM
I soooooooooo missed the topic of this thread. It's more things I did as a kid that are unthinkable or illegal now.

1/23/2005, 12:20 AM
he can't read yet but we'll archive this and give it to him on his 16th birthday.

1/23/2005, 12:23 AM
My first car was a '72 Monte Carlo with a 402 big block and 2:76 rear end. So, it had a virtually unlimited top end. One night I raced a Camaro from the south Purcell exit to the North Purcell exit on I-35. It was around 12-1, so there wasn't any traffic. He took off and got ahead, but after a mile or so, I passed him. My speedometer went to 120 and the needle was past it, pointing at "R". I figured it out and it was right at 150 mph. At that, the car just floated along, nice and smooth. The two passengers were white as a ghost.

I won, though. :D

But, the next day, the car didn't run very well. I floated the valves, I think.

Now, when people come in and want really high speed rated tires, I tell them that you can run 150 on S-Speed rated tires.

Oh yeah, since it was late and a weekend and I was under age, I'm sure I had partaken in a few brewages.

That's one of my biggest regrets/extremely thankful that nothing happened moments.

1/23/2005, 12:23 AM
We used to have "kickbox" fights on the trampoline. The object was for two people to bounce and see who could kick the other off of the trampoline.

Also, we used to have an old box spring and mattress that we would set next to the trampoline. We would see who could bounce higher and do a belly flop onto the masttress and box spring.

Norm In Norman
1/23/2005, 12:27 AM
My first car was a '72 Monte Carlo with a 402 big block and 2:76 rear end. So, it had a virtually unlimited top end. One night I raced a Camaro from the south Purcell exit to the North Purcell exit on I-35. It was around 12-1, so there wasn't any traffic. He took off and got ahead, but after a mile or so, I passed him. My speedometer went to 120 and the needle was past it, pointing at "R". I figured it out and it was right at 150 mph. At that, the car just floated along, nice and smooth. The two passengers were white as a ghost.

I won, though. :D

But, the next day, the car didn't run very well. I floated the valves, I think.

Now, when people come in and want really high speed rated tires, I tell them that you can run 150 on S-Speed rated tires.

Oh yeah, since it was late and a weekend and I was under age, I'm sure I had partaken in a few brewages.

That's one of my biggest regrets/extremely thankful that nothing happened moments.

Yeah, I don't think my mustang would have gone much faster. it was quick but not fast (well, not relative. it had a 289). I pretty much smoked everyone at the line though - and it was an automatic! When we put the 351 Windsor (yes big block) in it it was the opposite. That engine was a POS though so I never tested it out. it was WAY too heavy for that car.

1/23/2005, 12:28 AM
Me and PQ took his brother's Mustang out when we were something like 13.
BB gun wars without ANY eye/face/head protection.
Soaking a tennis ball in gasoline and hitting it back and forth. Laughing at the little burn marks in the dry yard.
Set a neighbor's backyard on fire with fireworks.
Jumping off the roof onto a trampoline.
Drunk, trying to do a flip off the trampoline onto the ground. It didn't work.
5 in my Fiero, 4 in an RX-7, 4 on a motorcycle in Norman.
Smoking (drunk) on an oil rig we broke into.
Riding in the back of my Grandfather's pick up bed as a young child.
Swimming in a flooded construction ditch.
Keg party for my 18th birthday.
Riding my dirtbike down Hefner Road.
Top speed testing in a '67 Mustang down 122nd while drinking. We flew through the stop sign (damn 1967 drum brakes) and ended up in a ditch, so we tried again.
I'm sure I'm missing a few. :D

Norm In Norman
1/23/2005, 12:35 AM
I did a lot of stupid **** with fireworks.

One time I was running a fireworks stand by myself and I was bored because there was no business so I decided to test this little fountain out. it was about an inch tall. So I went out back and lit it. Well, that damn thing sent sparks about 10 feet into the air and I was about 20 feet away from a stand full of fireworks. Luckily I stomped out the grass fire about 2 feet before it entered the stand.

Also, we all used to smoke cigs inside the stand. We had the only fireworks stand with a thousand butts scattered around it. I can't believe I threw those things on the ground either. What a punk I was.

1/23/2005, 12:35 AM
Oh, riding home from a party in Peidmont in the trunk of a 60's Nova (or something). The interior was too full.

1/23/2005, 01:14 AM
Not really on subject, but my first car was a jeep. I used to drive it anywhere. Riverbed of the S Canadian - until water splashed up in the distributor cap and my dad & his friend came and retrievd us. I got it stuck in a mudhole around where SW 120-something and Walker is now, but it was wildrness back then. The worst was driving at high speed through fields of weeds 8 feet high. We just plowed through walls of weeds, never thinking they could be concealing something hard to crash into. Early one Saturday AM on my way to OCU I got my step-mom's Mazda wagon up to 120 on the brand new I-240., then I hit about 90 on NW 23rd St. When a guy pulled out in front of me I drove up into some yards. That Wankel rotary engine was awesome! All that stuff was stupid and illegal then. The main now-unthinkable thing was like others have said. : day long bike trips all over town with no helmet or nothin.

1/23/2005, 02:21 AM
If anybody knows 34th street in Moore, between I-35 and Broadway, there is a railroad crossing that is elevated. Hit it going 70 and you look back thinking, WTF was I thinking? Then you turn around and do it again to see if you get more air the other way. Yes, you get more air going west, but it is much smoother going east. There are houses there now but when I was in high school, it was desolate. If you want to know about grassfires, ask bobbytrain--he has a good one.(hopefully he will read this)

I used to go out in my little aluminum fishing boat(15 horse Johnson baby) on lake eufala with my cousin and get tanked. It took us five minutes to get to our hiding spot. Then when we came back, it took at least thirty minutes. Its amazing how easy it is to get lost on a lake at night when two of you have just finished a case and a couple of OE 40's.

1/23/2005, 02:38 AM
Riding my dirtbike down Hefner Road.
Top speed testing in a '67 Mustang down 122nd while drinking. We flew through the stop sign (damn 1967 drum brakes) and ended up in a ditch, so we tried again.
I'm sure I'm missing a few. :DWe grew up in the same neighborhood. Did you ever go to Hooter Bridge?

1/23/2005, 02:54 AM
High school:
Pipe bombs to blow up stop signs

Pipe bombs for no reason

Brake fluid and cruched up chlorine tablets inside mason jars. This was a favorite to put in someone's front yard just before going into the party inside.

135mph in my Z-28 with two people hanging out of the t-tops on country roads.

We threw a chain onto the electrical pole that went to the High School one Sunday night and Monday they told us to come back after lunch while PSO tried to get power back to the building. Party at the lake that day!!

Putting a tire tool into a skunk's mouth that was recently ran over 5 times by a friend while I was in the car and taking him to the school and throwing him by the air handlers on the roof. We thought we'd make the school smell like skunk. Sadly Hank and I smelled like skunk for two days and we had to pay for our books because the smell never came out.

1/23/2005, 03:52 AM
Yeah, I don't think my mustang would have gone much faster. it was quick but not fast (well, not relative. it had a 289). I pretty much smoked everyone at the line though - and it was an automatic! When we put the 351 Windsor (yes big block) in it it was the opposite. That engine was a POS though so I never tested it out. it was WAY too heavy for that car.
A 351 Windsor is a small block. The 351 Cleveland was the big block.

My first car was a 66 fastback. The previous owner had replaced the 289 with a 302 Boss. It had three 2 barrels and a hurst 4-speed. I got pulled over on Christmas Eve going 122 by my dad's best friend. I was 15. He said he wasn't going to tell my dad but if he ever caught me again he would tell him. I owe that man my life! Dad would have killed me.

1/23/2005, 07:30 AM
Does prostitution count?

But seriously, there were some friends of mine who's dad owned a backhoe. One of the older boys "borrowed" it one time to dig two 6 or 8 foot pits, about 10 yards apart. We then hand-dug a tunnel between the pits. I'll bet we crossed through that thing a thousand times collectively.

Not real smart. Not sure if it was illegal, but still not real smart. I'm sure I'll have a nightmare about my kids trying it now.

Oh, and I once made it from Erick to Sayre in almost exactly five minutes.

One more... as a young kid, I'd pour a nice layer of isopropyl alcohol in the toilet (it floats, who knew?) and toss in a match.

Most fondly do I still recall those youthful nights; basking in the warm glow of my blue toilet flame.

1/23/2005, 08:33 AM
One time me and my buddies decided to hike cross country to somewhere. So we went to this land by my buddies grandpa's house and just started hiking. No supplies, no compass, nothing. I assume we were tresspassing, but that never occured to us. First thing that happened is one of the group stepped on some sort of trap. if he wasn't wearing thick boots it would have broke his foot. Then we decided to play around in the creek. Did I mention that it was about 20 degrees that day? Well, we are walking along in water up to our waist and one of my buddies found some quick sand. We caught him when the water was up to his neck. Then we got to the bottom of this little valley. It had rained a bunch for a few days before the trek. And it was 20 degrees. So what had happened is for a couple of acres there was about a foot or 2 of water with a couple of inches of ice on top. And this ice was really easy to break. So we skated around falling into the water for a long time. Did I mention it was 20 degrees and we were miles away from any civilization and we didn't know where we were? We ended up heading back home after about 5 or so hours because there were some hunters shooting at stuff and we couldn't get a visual on them. And no, we weren't wearing bright hunter colors.

This is sorta making me feel better. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

But most importantly, were y'all able to make it to the volcano and throw the ring into the lava flow before the orc's got you?

1/23/2005, 11:12 AM
Well, as a teenager, I had relations with girls under 18.

Norm In Norman
1/23/2005, 11:58 AM
A 351 Windsor is a small block. The 351 Cleveland was the big block.

My first car was a 66 fastback. The previous owner had replaced the 289 with a 302 Boss. It had three 2 barrels and a hurst 4-speed. I got pulled over on Christmas Eve going 122 by my dad's best friend. I was 15. He said he wasn't going to tell my dad but if he ever caught me again he would tell him. I owe that man my life! Dad would have killed me.

Eh - I'm not too much of a car guy to remember. I knew 1 was small and the other was big. I guess it had the cleveland in it.

Mine was a '67 coupe. When we got it there was a 302 in it. We rebuilt a 289 to put back in it. Dad put some sort of high performance cam or something in it that made it not like to sit at stop signs. So to combat this I liked to press on the gas often.

1/23/2005, 12:13 PM
Pop bottle rocket fights...roman candle fights.

Riding in the boat as it is being pulled to the lake...

driving with 14 people in the bed of my truck to Sonic.

1/23/2005, 01:00 PM
In high school, a friend had an old Rambler with a "three on the tree" ... the floorboard in the back seat had rusted all the way through, you could see the road and we used this as our empty beer can drop.

Or... getting about 4 friends in the back of a pick up truck, getting a bunch of fire extinguishers, going out to Harry Hines, getting prostitutes to walk up to the truck and then... hosing them down with the extinguishers.

As a real young kid.. playing "lawn yarts!"

1/23/2005, 01:01 PM
Creepy Crawlers!!! YES!!!

When the speed limit in Montana was "Reasonable and Prudent," several times I pushed my itty bitty Honda Civic to 110 over the rolling hills heading into the mountains.

Played poker for money in grade school.

Climbed to the top of pine trees, even after I fell out of an almond tree and hit the pavement with my face.

Piled into one of the original Honda Accords with up to 10 people just to get a ride home from school.


Took my 10-speed down this hill at top speed to see how far I could go up the next hill before I had to peddle...sans helmet, of course. Did that almost every day for a few years.

Roamed all over town by myself all day long. That evolved into roaming the Bay Area by myself all day long. And most of my excursions involved creeks, trees, or hitchhiking in some form.

Trick-or-treat! I haven't had a trick-or-treater come to my house since the '80s. Weird.

1/23/2005, 01:08 PM
used to bend down some young trees, sit on em..then let them sling you forward.

1/23/2005, 01:34 PM
Speaking of trick-or-treating, when my kids were in grade school, they went around this one Halloween with a group of kids from the nighborhood. One of the kids was dressed up as a mummy...covered head to toe with toilet paper. And it started to rain. By the time they came back home, this poor kid looked like he was dressed as something that was flushed down the toilet. The next day, we could track where the kids had gone by following the shreds of toilet paper throughout the neighborhood.

1/23/2005, 01:52 PM
Down in B-town at what is now know the Winter Creek Golf course we took my ex's brand new double cab truck and proceded to tear up number 17's brand new sod around the green. Then proceded to get out in 19 degree weather and try to replece the sod so my friend wouldnt get in trouble (her dad was the part owner at the time) we also destroyed about 3 of those john deer cart thingies.

Same friend we would also take her car and jump hills and run over random signs just cause its fun. She had a really sweet car when she first moved down here but not so much after that first year of being in B-town.

1/23/2005, 01:53 PM
dude, that was pretty stupid. I was much smarter. I had dirt clod wars.

We used to have the rubber band and paper bullet fights. Those used to rock until I popped my brother in the eye with one. That pretty much put an end to that.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
1/23/2005, 02:50 PM
Life must suck for kids now. With caller ID and call trace and *69, they must not be able to do the random prank calling we did as kids.

Agatha Mystery
1/23/2005, 04:49 PM
My mom used to stop at the top of our street (S 84th and May area). We'd all get out of the car and ride on the hood the rest of the way to our house (about 2 blocks). One time, we got stopped by a cop who had apparently moved to our street. Whooops. He let us go, though. :D

We managed to put 12 people in my mom's RX-7. We had the hatch open, and there were several of us with our feet on the back bumper. We routinely put 3 of us in that RX-7 going down 12th street in Moore to our softball games.

When I was younger, we used to drive from OKC to Ardmore every weekend to visit my grandma. She made 2 small feather beds for my sister and I to sleep on on the drive down. Mom and Dad had a station wagon for a short period of time, and we'd just sleep in the back. Shoot, we'd take really long drives from OKC to Colorado to go skiing, and we'd be hanging out in the back of the station wagon. It became one HUGE bed back there. You'd never get away with that sort of thing these days.

1/23/2005, 05:05 PM
Balls and I used to fill water bottles up with gasoline. We would take a couple of those to a bike trail that went through some woods by our house. We would spray the gas across the trail, then light it when someone was coming on their bike. It was awesome to see the look on kids faces when they saw the wall of fire.

King Crimson
1/23/2005, 05:13 PM
Balls and I used to fill water bottles up with gasoline. We would take a couple of those to a bike trail that went through some woods by our house. We would spray the gas across the trail, then light it when someone was coming on their bike. It was awesome to see the look on kids faces when they saw the wall of fire.

I like that. that's good.

i used to routinely ride with a few others in the back of a pickup going around the southbound 1-35--Highway 9 exit curve in Norman when the driver would go about 50 miles an hour around that sweeping turn...."just to scare us".

1/23/2005, 05:36 PM
Nothing like drunken lawn darts...look at the size of these things. It's a wonder we're all still alive


jk the sooner fan
1/23/2005, 05:44 PM
pop bottle rocket fights
sliding around on a cookie sheet on an ice covered street, pulled by the neighbors truck
playing chicken with a pocket knife
dirt clod fights
prank phone calls

just to name a few....

1/23/2005, 05:50 PM
As conservative as SFJK is I thought he would say that he slept with his hands under the sheets....once. :D

But really, can mothers tell their kids to just go outside and play when they are bothering mom inside these days?

jk the sooner fan
1/23/2005, 05:57 PM
As conservative as SFJK is I thought he would say that he slept with his hands under the sheets....once. :D

But really, can mothers tell their kids to just go outside and play when they are bothering mom inside these days?

haha.....i got into my fair share of trouble.....but at 41, you tend to eventually grow out of that stuff

1/23/2005, 06:08 PM
High School cafeteria. Everybody at the table had piled their prunes up on a tray. All the teachers sat in this area that had a wall around it. I say " How much y'all give me to fling this pile of prunes over the wall? " Out comes all the extra money. I sneak over to the wall right by the back door and unload the prunes over the top. Out the back door and didn't stop running til I got to the apartments. Direct hit on the coaches table. I had made it to the woods by the time they got outside.

They decided to build some houses by one of our keg party spots. Friend gets new 4WD Truck. Drunk, we wonder what would happen if we hooked a chain from the truck to those 2 portable toilets and hauled *** down the road with em. It was messy.

1/23/2005, 08:08 PM
First car, '76 Grand Prix. Like Boarder, I buried the spedo. I wasn't racing, I just wanted to see how fast it would go. I'm guessing it was 140-150 mph. My friend tried in the next week in his Dodge Charger. It had been raining so the road was slick. He rolled the car many times and damn near died.

Jump siad car on country roads.

Riding around town all day, everyday on your bike.

Set a farmers field on fire one summer. One of those oops things.

Jumping from a friends roof onto their trampoline. Lucky we didn't break any bones.

Skateboarding down some serious inclined driveways onto the street.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
1/23/2005, 10:06 PM
When I was younger, we used to drive from OKC to Ardmore every weekend to visit my grandma. She made 2 small feather beds for my sister and I to sleep on on the drive down. Mom and Dad had a station wagon for a short period of time, and we'd just sleep in the back. Shoot, we'd take really long drives from OKC to Colorado to go skiing, and we'd be hanging out in the back of the station wagon. It became one HUGE bed back there. You'd never get away with that sort of thing these days.
My parents made a pallet for my 4 y/o niece and me to sleep on in their Blazer and that was in 94. The next year, they decided it wasn't very safe. I don't ever remember being in a carseat or even buckled up when I was really young. I would either sit on the console of my mom's car or stand up in the cab of my dad's truck.

1/23/2005, 10:11 PM
We grew up in the same neighborhood. Did you ever go to Hooter Bridge?
I don't remember anything called "Hooter Bridge". Where was it? It might have been "renamed"!

1/23/2005, 10:26 PM
C'mon Doc, it's the bridge where he saw his first set of hooters. You know, the one right over the creek.

1/24/2005, 02:21 AM
I was 10 or 11 and they were building an apartment complex a couple of blocks from us. Some friends and I went "exploring" at the construction site one weekend. We noticed there was a set of keys hanging in the lock of every apartment. We took them all and buried them. Must have been about 100 sets of keys.

7/21/2006, 04:53 AM
I used to play this game with a friend of mine.
We had these big thick stick things that grew next to my house, so we'd cut a couple down and make weapons out of them.

Well, one of us would be on the porch and the other would be on the ground and the object was for the person on the ground to get both feet onto the porch while the other person stops him by beating the **** out of him with the giant stick.

Fun game.

Red October
7/21/2006, 08:52 AM
Riding in the back window of our 79 malibu Classic
Bottle rocket wars
No Car seat when we were very young
Mom and dad smoking - at the dinner table, in the car, in the living room, at the grocery store, on airplanes...
Mom sending me 4 blocks next to the barrio to get her cigarettes when I was six.
Tackle backyard football with no padding or helmets
BMX biking on the trails in the forest with no helmet
Hey, lets put a little gasoline on those firecrackers.

It's really amazing how any of us ever survived back in those days.

7/21/2006, 08:58 AM
Interesting - I am really old and I had a carseat when I was a baby. It wasn't much in the way of protection, but you can see the idea was starting. There was a steel frame with canvas fabric, some kind of a tray in front to hold toys. It fit over the back of the front seat, so I could look out the windows. My brother used it for a couple of years.
I don't remember when we got seatbelts in the car. It just seemed like we always had them.


We lived on the lake in Quartz Mountain State Park and my brother and I rode our bikes all over the place without ever telling our mother where we were. We got up at day break and came home after dark in the summers.
Also there was a family with 5 girls within 3 years(+/_) of our age that lived down the road a ways that we hung out with. :cool:

Buying beer at about any place we wanted in Clovis, NM.

7/21/2006, 09:38 AM
As a kid, mostly just bike rides *anywhere* I wanted to go. I think the record was almost 30 miles away. In Cleveland. Through scary-bad parts of town.

Fighting with people at school. I'd use my smart mouth to goad people, let them take the first swing. Usually, the worst you got was a detention if you didn't take the first swing. By the time I graduated, both would get suspended for weeks at a time, even if one guy was totally innocent and was just keeping the other one from cutting his throat.

As a teenager, bad internet stuff (Stopped all of this stuff when I turned 18 c.1997):
1. Broke into people's computers.
2. Crashed people's computers.
3. DDOS's that took out major ISPs.
4. IRC flood/collide wars (my friends and I are partially responsible for the EFNet/IRCNet split -- the ops on irc.texas.net didn't like it when we lag collided them 24/7 off of a european server for a couple weeks solid, at the end of which all the EU servers got split off permanently)

Oh, happy days. Back then, the FBI could not investigate computer crimes with <$5k of damage, and would not until you got into the $60k range, so you could do almost anything you wanted, as long as the results didn't involve software piracy, trade secret theft, or taking a business offline for more than 5 hours at a time.

And believe it or not, all of that was good job training, too. Went to work at a data center, and I was always the point man that worked with the FBI when they'd come to investigate computer crimes.

7/21/2006, 09:42 AM
As a teenager, bad internet stuff (Stopped all of this stuff when I turned 18 c.1997):
1. Broke into people's computers.
2. Crashed people's computers.
3. DDOS's that took out major ISPs.
4. IRC flood/collide wars (my friends and I are partially responsible for the EFNet/IRCNet split -- the ops on irc.texas.net didn't like it when we lag collided them 24/7 off of a european server for a couple weeks solid, at the end of which all the EU servers got split off permanently)

Oh, happy days. Back then, the FBI could not investigate computer crimes with <$5k of damage, and would not until you got into the $60k range, so you could do almost anything you wanted, as long as the results didn't involve software piracy, trade secret theft, or taking a business offline for more than 5 hours at a time.

And believe it or not, all of that was good job training, too. Went to work at a data center, and I was always the point man that worked with the FBI when they'd come to investigate computer crimes.

You ever take on Natalie Gulbis?


7/21/2006, 09:56 AM
Does prostitution count?

But seriously, there were some friends of mine who's dad owned a backhoe. One of the older boys "borrowed" it one time to dig two 6 or 8 foot pits, about 10 yards apart. We then hand-dug a tunnel between the pits. I'll bet we crossed through that thing a thousand times collectively.

Not real smart. Not sure if it was illegal, but still not real smart. I'm sure I'll have a nightmare about my kids trying it now.


A group of older kids dug a fairly big cave into the side of an embankment. They even offered to let the younger kids go in it and we probably would have if it hadn't collapsed on one of the older kids. We stood by and watched as it took about 10 adults over an hour to dig the kid out because the damn thing kept collapsing every time they got close. I was probably about 9 years old and I don't even remember if the kid lived or died.

7/21/2006, 10:17 AM
:confused: We used to ride on the tailgate of my dad's pick-up going about 40 mph down a dirt road. We would jump off and hang on to the chain and run along beside it taking steps that were about 10 yards apart.

We used to light black cat (back when they actually were black cats) firecrackers and let them burn down to where the fuse was nothing, and then throw them at each other. This was pretty cool until my uncle had one take a couple of layers of skin off his hand (ouch).

We used to jump off the 2 story house next door and do the paratrooper roll so we didn't break our ankles.

We used to pile up trash in the alley and light it. This was pretty cool until the bro stepped on a melted piece of plastic and limped around like a big old sissy because he burned a couple of layers of skin off.

We did the bike fight stuff where you would ride your bike into each other until someone quit. Kind of like a king of the mountain thing. Bad thing here was your bike didn't work to well after you bent your front wheel.

We used to set up ramps and jump them. This worked pretty good until a kid turned himself from a young boy into a young girl (ouch), but he did jump the bike about 15 yards. No, it wasn't me !

Seat belts? What are those?

Helmets? Are you kidding. We had to keep the E.R. in business !

Used to borrow my friend's Dad's Suzuki 250 and ride up hills and through mud puddles as fast as we could go, until I dumped it and broke my foot in a couple of places. Mom banned me from motorcycle riding until I got 19 and could by my own.

We did the rock fight thing. I was the one who got hit right between the eyes by my brother. What are brother's for, anyway? I didn't bleed a whole lot, but I had a big old bump on my forehead. Good thing I got a thick head and my brother throws like a girl !

We used to sit out behind the little league park during games and shoot bottle rockets at the fans. We hid in the weeds so they couldn't see us, or we "thought" they couldn't see us?

We used to smoke dried out grape vine? What was up with that? We used to steal my grandpa's Old Mule chewing tobacco, or we did it once. Puked for about 4 hours.

We used to do battle with yellow jacket nests with hair spray, a lighter, and a ping-pong paddle.

You know, looking back, I wasn't to dang smart ! I pray my kids are smarter than me !?

However, it was fun. Wouldn't change a thing.

Beano's Fourth Chin
7/21/2006, 10:18 AM
Fighting with people at school. I'd use my smart mouth to goad people

You're a pretty good troll. I figured you've had plenty of practice.

Chuck Bao
7/21/2006, 10:20 AM
Most of the dangerous stuff I did as a kid involved horses. Mean vile evil creatures, those horses. Every cartoon sketch of a horse getting rid of a rider, I’ve had happen to me. Runaway horse that stopped at a fence and I didn’t. Runaway horse that ran under a clothesline, but my head didn’t. Horse that reared up and fell over on top of me (and I got blamed for breaking the damn saddle). Horse that decided to rub me off on a barbed wire fence. I’ve been pawed, bitten, kicked, trampled.

I wasn’t blameless. Most of the creative energies of my sister and me went into devising new ways to get up on those horses because no trick ever worked twice.

We never had rock fights, but something almost as stupid – cow paddy fights.

Beano's Fourth Chin
7/21/2006, 10:20 AM
A group of older kids dug a fairly big cave into the side of an embankment. They even offered to let the younger kids go in it and we probably would have if it hadn't collapsed on one of the older kids. We stood by and watched as it took about 10 adults over an hour to dig the kid out because the damn thing kept collapsing every time they got close. I was probably about 9 years old and I don't even remember if the kid lived or died.
Holy crap. I think the son of one of the folks over on soonertimes.com died in one of those type collapses.

7/21/2006, 10:29 AM
Holy crap. I think the son of one of the folks over on soonertimes.com died in one of those type collapses.
That is scary. I used to do that as a child as well. I never even thought of the potential death trap.

Tear Down This Wall
7/21/2006, 10:30 AM
Dude, I look at kids today and think, 'What a bunch of p*ssies.' We rode around on bicycles and skateboards in the 70s and 80s without helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads. We played tackle football from age six up. We played in baseball leagues where kids pitched (often with very bad aim) from age seven up. We made swings on creaky tree branches to try to cross creeks, jumped off the roofs of our houses, and boxed right out in the front yard with boxing gloves our parents had bought us.

These days, if anyone saw a kid doing those things, they'd haul the parents in for abuse/neglect. I'd say we had a heck of a lot more fun back then than 21st century kids will ever have with their padded bicycle rides, flag football, coach-pitching, etc. lives.

Man, those were the days! Long, hot summer nights and days just thinking of stupid stuff to do.

7/21/2006, 10:31 AM
We never had rock fights, but something almost as stupid – cow paddy fights.

The ole cow pie fights. Now the ultimate question... Did you use dried cow pies or fresh.

My cousin and I didn't discuss this class of weaponry until I had some of said substance in my ear. After which, all out war was declared.

7/21/2006, 10:33 AM
:confused: We used to ride on the tailgate of my dad's pick-up going about 40 mph down a dirt road. We would jump off and hang on to the chain and run along beside it taking steps that were about 10 yards apart.

We used to light black cat (back when they actually were black cats) firecrackers and let them burn down to where the fuse was nothing, and then throw them at each other. This was pretty cool until my uncle had one take a couple of layers of skin off his hand (ouch).

We used to jump off the 2 story house next door and do the paratrooper roll so we didn't break our ankles.

We used to pile up trash in the alley and light it. This was pretty cool until the bro stepped on a melted piece of plastic and limped around like a big old sissy because he burned a couple of layers of skin off.

We did the bike fight stuff where you would ride your bike into each other until someone quit. Kind of like a king of the mountain thing. Bad thing here was your bike didn't work to well after you bent your front wheel.

We used to set up ramps and jump them. This worked pretty good until a kid turned himself from a young boy into a young girl (ouch), but he did jump the bike about 15 yards. No, it wasn't me !

Seat belts? What are those?

Helmets? Are you kidding. We had to keep the E.R. in business !

Used to borrow my friend's Dad's Suzuki 250 and ride up hills and through mud puddles as fast as we could go, until I dumped it and broke my foot in a couple of places. Mom banned me from motorcycle riding until I got 19 and could by my own.

We did the rock fight thing. I was the one who got hit right between the eyes by my brother. What are brother's for, anyway? I didn't bleed a whole lot, but I had a big old bump on my forehead. Good thing I got a thick head and my brother throws like a girl !

We used to sit out behind the little league park during games and shoot bottle rockets at the fans. We hid in the weeds so they couldn't see us, or we "thought" they couldn't see us?

We used to smoke dried out grape vine? What was up with that? We used to steal my grandpa's Old Mule chewing tobacco, or we did it once. Puked for about 4 hours.

We used to do battle with yellow jacket nests with hair spray, a lighter, and a ping-pong paddle.

You know, looking back, I wasn't to dang smart ! I pray my kids are smarter than me !?

However, it was fun. Wouldn't change a thing.

Did I mention I had a younger brother that I absolutely abused like a rented mule until he got bigger than me and could beat me up? :D

7/21/2006, 10:34 AM
Holy crap. I think the son of one of the folks over on soonertimes.com died in one of those type collapses.

Is he or was he from Lone Wolf?

7/21/2006, 10:36 AM
Did I mention I had a younger brother that I absolutely abused like a rented mule until he got bigger than me and could beat me up? :D

You know, we're 40 (somthing) and I probably would still do something stupid if you double dog dared me ! :D

7/21/2006, 10:42 AM
We used to make rockets from pool chemicals (Mercuric Acid, Chlorine...ect.) you never wanted to stand down wind of the rocket exhaust. We also made different type cannons using a drilled pipe, model train transformer and gun powder from fireworks. We would set off the gunpowder in the pipe using the transformer thus lighting and firing the fire cracker that exploded. If you set your charge in the pipe just right the firecracker would explode just as is hit the ground. We also made some pretty sophisticated gasoline bombs.......:O

Beano's Fourth Chin
7/21/2006, 10:42 AM
Is he or was he from Lone Wolf?

You know, I'm not sure. It was at least 2 years ago, if not more. After the National Championship.

7/21/2006, 10:55 AM
You're a pretty good troll. I figured you've had plenty of practice.

The rule at my home was that as long as you didn't throw the first punch, you were golden. :)

'sides, around here, you don't even have to try to troll. If you're not part of the Bush and company personality cult, the trolls come to you. :)

7/21/2006, 11:19 AM
water balloon and bbgun fights on 4 wheelers - 1 driver and the passenger on the back was the gunner

drunken night tubing, jet skiing, and cliff jumping on lake tenkiller

all kinds of high speed jumping and stuff on 4 wheelers and dirt bikes

had access to dynamite, my friends and I would get a 30 pack and go out in the woods and blow stuff up

7/21/2006, 11:35 AM
Heh, I imagine these kids got a serious ***-whooping when they got home:


Scott D
7/21/2006, 11:36 AM
hah...you thought you'd get me to fess up...I....don't.....think.....so.

7/21/2006, 01:13 PM
taking all the gunpowder out of the blackcats and m-60's and putting it in a hole inside a tennis ball, then spraying a line of wd-40 down the driveway to the ball that was in the middle of the street, and lighting it. and the neighbor that was a cop standing with a fire extinguisher in case things "didnt go as planned"

7/21/2006, 09:14 PM
I learned to shoot pool in the bar my grandpa ran when i was 5 or 6; they would stack up pop crates on the floor for me to stand on; can you imagine a 6 year old in a bar today? The place would be shut down and my parents would be in jail. lol

proud gonzo
7/22/2006, 01:44 AM
this thread is teaching me what a deprived childhood i had

7/22/2006, 07:14 AM
I babysat for much less than minimum wage. I also looked the other way when my sisters dog would steal penny candy from 7/11 when they use to slide the doors all the way open. I think its all our fault that they don't do that anymore. :O

My parents would pin my name to my dress and put me on the Oklahoma City Sante Fe all by myself every summer. Granny and Grandpa would pick me up in Fort Worth. Mr. Jackson, the bartender always took care of me. I sat on the end stool with my white gloved hands clutching the straps on my patent leather purse, until it was time for him to order me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some chocolate milk from the diner car. :D

7/22/2006, 07:35 AM
We were the mail box bunch, go out drinking on dirt roads and take out as many mails boxes as we could. (damn pay back is a b!tch). One time we were in a pickup and tied a rope to the hitch and we would lasso the mail bow as we drove by. Then one of the smart ones decided to tie the rope to his waist and lasso a mail box. Of course he picked on that was concreted in. He lassoed it , sat down, slid and hit the tailgate, went straight in the air and landed in the middle of the road. It’s a wonder it didn’t kill him. We had to cut the rope from around his waist. Took him home and his parents took him to the hospital, he survived.. So no problem.

Had the retarded guy hold on to a T post and pee on electric fence,
Stuff mail boxes with empty beer cans and pack them with a baseball bat
Steal hanging plants, sometimes we would just swap them with each other neighbors
All the stupid way too fast down dirt roads, etc. We would go down dirt roads and turn our lights off at intersection to see if any body coming from the other direction so we would not have to stop. We quit doing this when a friend of mine almost died. He turned his lights off to see if anybody was coming.. Ah, No lights so he stepped on it.. Problem was there was another guy coming from the other direction and did the same thing. Bad wreck.

Halloween, stole little kids candy. Just run behind them grab there sacks and run. Good times until one year , we did not notice a couple of kids were being trailed by big sister with great big boy friend.

7/22/2006, 07:47 AM
When I was kid(1960's) growing up in East Norman there was a field at the NW corner of 12th and Rock Creek rd.. We built bicycle trails all over that field through the woods and in the gulleys. Some local motorcycle riders found our trails and started using them and tearing them up. My friends and I declared war on these hoolagans. We booby trapped the trails with rope across trails just over the edge of hills where they couldn't be detected until it was to late. We put nails into and sticking out of 2X4's and burried them in trails where they would be jumping or landing with their motorcycles. We actually injured a few of these dudes by doing this.
Bicycle--Motorcycle wars was at it's Apex when my buddies and I ages 8--11 about 10 kids total fashioned some spears out of sticks practiced for days throwing them and then proceeded to attack the motorcycle riders(These were grown people) I actually stuck one dude in the back and he fell off his cycle screaming in pain and sayin he was calling the cops. Oh Crap we thought the cops and the operation was shut down.