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12/7/2004, 02:42 PM
I dont post a whole lot but I do lurk.

I was wondering if anyone was going to go check out GWAR this weekend.

Im not a big fan of their music but its GWAR - should be entertaining.

12/7/2004, 02:48 PM

Edit: Oh I thought you were asking... :P

12/7/2004, 02:48 PM
I've kind of watched them from afar, just for the entertainment value of the stage show. The stage show from what I've seen is quite elaborate, but the whole schtick of being 'frozen for millions of years under the ice in Antarctica' is kind of lame.

I think Slipknot has done the 'dressing up' for the show much better.

12/7/2004, 02:48 PM
I used to have nightmares as a child. And I'm pretty sure GWAR is living proof of them.

I'm just sayin'.

12/7/2004, 02:51 PM
I would, if I lived out in that area. I saw them in Tulsa back in '97. It was definitely a fun show. One of the guys who went with us brought his girlfriend, and she spent forever getting dolled up beforehand. We missed part of the opening act because of her--we were really pissed. Well, when GWAR hit the stage and did the first beheading, she caught the brunt of the blood. It was awesome. She looked like a drowned chihuaua or something.

12/7/2004, 02:52 PM
Some of their tunes are really freaking funny if you pay attention to the actual words. But no, I wouldn't go near a live show. That would get old really really fast.

12/7/2004, 02:56 PM
I'd like to go to the show, but I doubt I will.

12/7/2004, 03:09 PM

12/7/2004, 03:12 PM


12/7/2004, 03:17 PM
When? Where?


12/7/2004, 03:20 PM
When = Friday Night
Where = Diamond Ballroom
Why = Why Not

12/7/2004, 03:40 PM
Skinny Puppy used to put on a hell of a show.

8/18/2006, 09:37 AM
They were at the Cain's in Tulsa this week, but I'm getting too old for shiite like that, at least on week nights. This is in reference to the Life-list thread.

8/18/2006, 09:49 AM
I am going to see the Flaming Lips on the 15th of Sept. Now talk about a stage show. They do some fun stuff. It should be amazing and its at the Zoo Amphitheater. Never have liked GWAR much. I used to listen to Slip Knot before football games in high school to get pumped!

The Lips are a product of OKC!

8/18/2006, 10:00 AM
I'm thinking not.

8/18/2006, 10:46 AM
The only thing I know about GWAR is that they were on the Jerry Springer show and didn't they take him to a show and sacrifice him???

8/18/2006, 10:49 AM

Review: Blood and Gwar
By BARBARA ALLEN World Scene Writer

Hard-core rock show may not be a must-see
A guy walks into a talent agent's office and says, "Have I got a great act for you! There's this heavy metal band, and they dress in giant foam monster suits. They pretend to kill people on stage, and during the show they shoot all sorts of fake bodily fluids all over the crowd, like blood, urine -- "

"Let me guess what you call this act," says the agent. "The Aristocrats."

"No," says the man, "it's called Gwar."

I am starting to wonder what I'm doing here among these black-clad, tattooed and pierced young fans.

I realize I'm clutching my purse in front of me like my grandmother, leery of muggers, so I try to relax. Get a cup of beer. Hang loose. Try to fit in.

After all, I want to be here, because soon I'll get to cross one more line off my life's to-do list: I'm about to experience Gwar.

I've heard that everyone should see Gwar at least once, like Niagara Falls or the Sistine Chapel.

Previously, I thought Gwar was an unusual, special-effects-laden, hard-core rock show. Oh, it's so much more.

One Rolling Stone writer compared a Gwar concert to a Gallagher show, but instead of fruit

bits flying into the crowd as the comedian smashed them onstage, the audience was doused with a gelatinous mix of fake blood, urine and, well, pretty much every other bodily fluid you can think of.

Yes, even that.

The slaughter begins
Once the revelry had started, it felt less like Gallagher and more like a satanic Blue Man Group.

The band lumbered onto the stage in unwieldy foam and papier-mache costumes, looking mostly like swamp things in various states of readiness for the Black Lagoon prom.

The lead singer bore a striking resemblance to Skeletor from the "He-Man" cartoons. The bass player looked like the Trojan condom mascot had gotten jacked up on Creatine, and the guitarist simply looked like a Transformer.

Several creatures that looked like The Gimp from "Pulp Fiction" scurried about the stage, fists pumping and shoulders slumping to the beat.

I predicted they would meet an untimely end. I was correct, as it turned out.

Before the first song had even started, the band had "killed" a stagehand dressed as a pig dressed as a cop. In what was to become a predictable trend, his blood spattered the throngs of fans pressed against the stage barrier.

I'm not really sure what songs the band played, which makes me a terrible reporter, but I'm not entirely convinced anyone else knew what songs they were singing, either. The vocals were unintelligible, though the musicianship wasn't too bad.

Really, it seemed that most people were there to get soaked by red stage goo, an effect they could have just as easily replicated in the privacy of their own homes, using only strawberry Jell-O and a pressure washer.

But who am I to judge?

An ax to grind
Among Gwar's victims Tuesday night were the pig cop, a "Nazi pope" and President George Bush, whose forehead was splayed with an ax. Fortunately, the leader of the free world was able to not only head-bang but -- you guessed it -- spray the crowd with blood for about two minutes before finally expiring.

Late in the show, the historic Cain's Ballroom stage was dwarfed by Gor-Gor, Gwar's pet T-Rex, a lumbering mechanized fabric-and-foam jobbie. The dino was impressive enough, and the way they made chunky blood drip off his fangs after he gobbled the stagehands -- why, it made this former high-school drama queen proud.

Gwar has been tormenting delighted crowds with its shock rock for more than 20 years, having started in 1985 at Virginia Commonwealth University and undergoing scores of lineup changes and incarnations.

Most of the band's songs and albums involve predictable themes of sexism, murder and blasphemy. Albums included "This Toilet Earth" and "We Kill Everything." There's also a complicated, sci-fi backstory that isn't really worth getting into. Suffice to say the band members are supposed to be at war with God and also very disgusting.

In fact, "subtlety" may be the only word that still offends these band members.

Of course, as this is a family newspaper, I'm leaving parts out. You'll just have to use your imagination as to the most offensive things you could see or hear, which was not limited merely to blood and social protest.

Or skip using your imagination, and just take my word for it -- contrary to what many folks suggested, Gwar isn't something most of us should see once in our lifetimes.

Unless, of course, you have a thing for fake blood.

Barbara Allen 581-8336
[email protected].

8/18/2006, 10:56 AM
heh, The Aristocrats

8/18/2006, 10:58 AM

I got this act I wanna show you....