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View Full Version : Ciincinnati on the way to the big 12?

2/14/2016, 08:46 PM

Bring them on and also bring in Memphis to the south division and bump osu to the north.

2/15/2016, 01:34 AM

Bring them on and also bring in Memphis to the south division and bump osu to the north.

Jesus, I hope OU has plans to get the hell out...

2/15/2016, 10:26 AM
Well, President Beebop wants it...

2/15/2016, 11:22 AM
Now that SicEm, may he rest in peace, will only haunt this board in spirit, let's just come out and say it:

Dump Baylor.

Of our current 10 teams, which one would no other Power 5 take due to TV sets, alumni base, stadium capacity, winning tradition, academic reputation, merchandise sales, etc? Which of our 10 teams can be lost with minimal impact to geographic footprint of the conference, which would thereby allow the Big 12 to expand into new markets without loss of revenue sharing to existing members?

It's Baylor. It's always been Baylor.

Dumping Baylor would allow us to move into a new Texas market so that the Houston boosters can shaddap and we don't have to schedule neutral site games at Reliant anymore. I know they would howl to the Texas legislature about such a move, but let's face it: Houston has just as much clout among their representatives, if not more, than Baylor.

So, now that we got that elephant out of the room, let's use the same logic on Cincy: Would another Power 5 include them if we didn't? No? Then they're unworthy. The Big 12 is not a charity case (except with a decade-plus of Baylor football accepting bowl payouts without attending any bowls in the 90s-00s). Same with Memphis. Charity case. NO.

Right now, we're dividing $20 million+ among 10 teams. Does the 11th team give us $20 million or more to split so they're pulling their weight and becoming another Baylor welfare case for 10+ years for the rest of us to support (while giving us a defacto bye week during football season... it's like SEC's non-conference scheduling!). Does it expand our existing geographic footprint into favorable TV markets. Does anyone else Power 5-level want them if they were looking to expand?

There are only two teams out there that fit that mold, and they are Notre Dame and BYU... and teams already in a Power 5. Expansion talks should be limited to them. These mid-majors posing as Power 5 potentials are just more Baylors wanting big conference money without bringing a big conference program to the table.

To anyone who is a fan of Baylor, I apologize... no I don't. Let me insult you a few more times on my way out: RG 3 and 13. RG Knee. Art Briles nepotism. Art Briles does not care about female students/athletes. Art Briles nepotism. Scheduled Incarnate Word again? Baylor cannot win a postseason game that matters unless its in the NIT.

2/15/2016, 02:48 PM
Badg, we need to get rid of TCU as well. Neither of these schools provide ANY TV sets, thus revenue! All they are doing is just sucking off the other 8 members. We don't need more than 2 members from TX. whorn will gather strong viewership from all TX markets. Tech will gather the rest from the west TX wasteland of Lubbock!

2/15/2016, 03:34 PM
Every conference needs a non-public school to ensure that certain records are not public record, heh heh.

I would rather our keep-things-secret school be Notre Dame and/or BYU, but absent those two, I would take TCU over Baylor at this point I think. This edge goes to the DFW-area school as opposed to the next-to-Austin school.

2/15/2016, 05:17 PM
OU just needs to prepare to leave this conference...

2/15/2016, 09:03 PM
Let's get to 12 before we start figuring out who to dump

2/15/2016, 11:12 PM
Anyone would pick TCU over Hypocrite U!

We are only Power 5 conference with a church school (ND doesn't make out with ACC in football) and we have 2! They provide ZERO market share for Big 12 in spite of their own Booger Pickens (Drayton McLane and whoever in Ft Worth). They have sugar daddy to make them a shiny new small stadium but THEY PROVIDE NO MARKET SHARE FOR BIG 12! PERIOD! AND they are just "YES" men for whorn! We have 2 too many church schools AND 2 too many TX schools! THAT'S the biggest problem now!

2/15/2016, 11:21 PM
the biggest problem we have is 10 teams

2/15/2016, 11:56 PM
BYU in the Big 12 es "no bueno", they bring nothing.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/16/2016, 12:47 AM
OU just needs to prepare to leave this conference...This^ on(legal)steroids!

2/16/2016, 01:50 PM
BYU in the Big 12 es "no bueno", they bring nothing
I get that they have been voted the stone-cold sober campus for decades and are probably proud of it, and that Provo is not a destination city unless you are a Mormon looking to get married in the tabernacle, BUT...

Student population: 26K undergrads
Football stadium capactity: 63K
Endowment: $1 billion+
Basketball program: Top 25 in wins all-time
Basketball stadium capacity: 19K
Living alumni: 370K
Mormons worldwide: 15 million+ (6.1 million in U.S.)

Also... their own TV network. In your face, Longhorn Network. I give you... Cougar Network:

Available in 65 million homes and provided by 600 cable providers across the country, BYUtv is what the Longhorn Network wishes it could have been.

So, once again, expansion discussion should include our crazy Utah counterparts. Yes, I am still bitter about how they ended Sam Bradford's college career, and you older farts are probably also bitter about 1984, but let it gooooooooo

2/16/2016, 05:32 PM
I strongly disagree Badg! Why didn't PAC swipe them up instead of Utah or CU then? That's what I thought! ;)

2/16/2016, 05:41 PM
Some of the member schools, such as Cal-Berkeley and Stanford, are strongly opposed to any member schools with religious influence. It's something that came up when the Pac-16 plan was leaving out Baylor.

Colorado is their weed smoking brethren, so they were in regardless of what the rest of the Big 12 did. When it became more clear that the Texas/Oklahoma schools were hesitating about moving west, they needed one more, non-religious school: Utah.

The Big 12 is clearly not opposed to religious affiliated schools, so BYU might be a better fit here than other there (or independent, or whatever they're doing now)

Tear Down This Wall
2/17/2016, 11:41 AM
Boren doubles down on stupidity. Amazing. Hard to believe after picking up the absolute trash of Baylor and Texas Tech in 1996, then jettisoning Nebraksa, then adding West Virginia and TCU.

It's just awful. If only someone in charge had a pair of balls. All these guys do is count money. They care little about how far the competition has fallen in the conference.

The problem is that it eventually becomes so non-competitive that...Big East II. It's already so bad that Baylor and TCU are considered "powers."

Terrible. Cincinnati and BYU. Cincinnati was already part of one Big East; and, TCU clamored for it. Just putrid. Big 12 is now the "glom on" conference that used to be the Big East. Horrid.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/17/2016, 01:23 PM
Our conference is handicapped with low population areas, which makes recruiting difficult. That is, except for tx, with 8 in-state colleges pulling recruits, as well as historically effective schools outside of tx, such as OU, AR, nebbish, K State, LosuR...and now, the SEC SEC SEC has jumped in, bigtime. The conference has earmarks of a sinking ship.

We need to leave it, and it's folly at best to insist LosuR be attached to us.

Tear Down This Wall
2/17/2016, 02:05 PM
Our conference is handicapped with low population areas, which makes recruiting difficult. That is, except for tx, with 8 in-state colleges pulling recruits, as well as historically effective schools outside of tx, such as OU, AR, nebbish, K State, LosuR...and now, the SEC SEC SEC has jumped in, bigtime. The conference has earmarks of a sinking ship.

We need to leave it, and it's folly at best to insist LosuR be attached to us.

It's Boren with the Oklahoma State bit. Too much politician. Thank for elevating the academics (?), but get real on the athletics side, please.

Hard to believe. Also, Boren seems to have become the default mouthpiece for the conference's presidents...that says a lot about the conference as well. Pitiful.

The problem is, every school not named University of Texas or University of Oklahoma craps their pants nightly at the thought of OU or Texas pulling up stakes and leaving.

The only possible exception is Kansas, who would likely be able to get into the Big Ten, ACC, or Big East on the strength of basketball alone. Every other school is simply horsesh*t for athletic history, which is why we need out.

The thing that will always make me mad is that crap pile of an athletic wastehole Missouri getting into the SEC, when we would have been there had Boren and Castiglione had the f*cking nuts to kiss Oklahoma State goodbye. It's sickening.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/17/2016, 02:21 PM
Oh well, at least we can look forward to beating the snot out of Catawba and Montclair.

2/17/2016, 04:22 PM
Does it really matter who OU plays at this point, so long as OU wins all games and all championships associated with said games? So, we can't fall back on chanting "SEC" when we lose the games... were we really going to sink that low if we could?

If we're going to expand the conference, I hope we go after the biggest fish we can. But if we don't, I hope OU continues to win the Big 12, continues to make the playoffs/BCS/??? and continues drawing top recruits, top 25 rankings, etc.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/17/2016, 04:48 PM
At this point, what difference does it make?

2/17/2016, 05:18 PM
Does it really matter who OU plays at this point, so long as OU wins all games and all championships associated with said games? So, we can't fall back on chanting "SEC" when we lose the games... were we really going to sink that low if we could?

Never. Ever.


3/2/2016, 09:55 PM
