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View Full Version : Stillwater tops Norman in 'best cities for football' list

2/3/2016, 12:49 PM

OSU fans rejoice, OU fans grumble: Stillwater routs Norman on the list of best cities for football in 2015.

While neither city cracked the top 50 in the 245-city list, Stillwater came in at No. 92 and Norman was ranked 167 in the recent WalletHub findings. Tulsa wasn't far behind at 195.

The number crunchers looked at 18 metrics, including fan engagement, ticket prices, and the number of pro and college football teams and performances. And, because of that, don't be too bummed about these Oklahoma cities not being closer to the top of the list since the state lacks an NFL team.


2/3/2016, 01:20 PM
they'll prob make rings or t-shirts...

at least they topped OU in something.

2/3/2016, 04:24 PM
Musta been a Stoolwater geed to make those rankings. No way anyone that had been to either place would have ranked stoolwater ahead of Norman! Too silly to even respond to!

2/3/2016, 04:32 PM
Stoolwater was top in livestock smell.

2/3/2016, 06:44 PM

OSU fans rejoice, OU fans grumble: Stillwater routs Norman on the list of best cities for football in 2015.

While neither city cracked the top 50 in the 245-city list, Stillwater came in at No. 92 and Norman was ranked 167 in the recent WalletHub findings. Tulsa wasn't far behind at 195.

The number crunchers looked at 18 metrics, including fan engagement, ticket prices, and the number of pro and college football teams and performances. And, because of that, don't be too bummed about these Oklahoma cities not being closer to the top of the list since the state lacks an NFL team.


Fan Engagement ? Really? Ticket prices? Really again? if they want an OU ticket they have to buy Seasons
Same amount of college teams I suspect But at Least Norman is adjacent to the Thunder.

Im thinkin they polled Sanders followers !~

2/3/2016, 09:05 PM
Sometimes things are so asinine on the surface that they can be dismissed with no further consideration. This would be one of those things.

2/3/2016, 10:13 PM

2/4/2016, 12:14 PM
Must be the great shopping centers they have there. Oh, wait, I guess that would be Wal-Mart. My husband and I like the golf course there, because it is in our PGA golf book. We would love to play Jimmy Austin in Norman, but it is too expensive....

2/4/2016, 02:08 PM
Is this a joke? Stillwater is nothing but a typical cow college town. It reminds me a lot of Starkville MS, which at least has some pretty girls.

2/5/2016, 11:55 AM
A mediocre program, mediocre venue, I have been there at the "BIG" games, and Stillwater is a joke! They can't even have a sell out in their 60,000 seat stadium, so may I ask WHO took this poll? Sounds like someone with orange colored glasses to me. I know that if you drive past the HWY 51 exit and go towards Perry, and come in from the north you can get out of town in 10 minutes!! I don't know ANY routes from an OU game that has 85,000 fans you can do that!

2/5/2016, 05:56 PM
Almost all of these types of "lists" are subjective. This is just out and out stupid! The only person who would place Stoolwater higher than Norman is someone prejudiced (a poke state grad, someone who lived on a farm and had never lived in a town larger than 500, have never visited both places, or is mentally challenged!). The only negative Norman would have would be game day traffic. But if you'd rather have a County Fair atmosphere versus big time collegiate football atmosphere, stoolwater it is!!!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/5/2016, 08:09 PM
meh! Such fraudulence!

2/5/2016, 10:47 PM
They are closer to Perkins, and therefore closer to Ralph's Market, which is a plus.

2/6/2016, 03:16 PM

2/11/2016, 07:11 PM
Stillwater has the one and only reindeer humper. Should have finished top ten just based on that.

2/12/2016, 08:34 AM
Does he perform along with the choir during the holidays?

2/16/2016, 08:19 PM
Got damn, another banner to hang on the stadium.

2/19/2016, 12:26 AM
....You should forward this to osu fans...maybe they'll go to a game lol


2/23/2016, 05:12 PM
Here's another list:


2/23/2016, 05:18 PM
And just for fun:


2/24/2016, 10:09 AM
Stillwater has a town? I guess whomever took this poll, didn't go to Norman on a game day!

2/25/2016, 02:22 PM
The pig barns must have put them over the top.