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View Full Version : I'm sure this will end well

Serenity Now
1/3/2016, 01:48 AM

1/3/2016, 03:12 AM
Link dont work!

1/3/2016, 04:03 AM

1/3/2016, 04:04 AM
it really seems that crew wants to die in a hail of bullets

1/3/2016, 04:06 AM
but really, i'm more interested in this Saudi deal

apparently, the Iranians aren't too happy with them


i'm thinking that also end well...

1/3/2016, 04:33 AM
Thanks for the working Link Dave, This world is a ****ed up place. Not sure what all is behind that Refuge deal But Armed conflict prolly not the way to settle it. The Ahabs gonna just do what the Ahabs do. Kill and yell its in the Name of Mohamed

1/4/2016, 12:59 PM
SN, kinda with you on this one. Why provoke more, esp. When the ranchers are going to report for prison. I don't know why the judge wants to throw them in the klink again...They did time, seems the gun wants to make an example of them as violent felons do less time than they will ultimately.

Why anyone give Iran the time of day, hasn't walled them off and let them eat their own young, I have no clue. Iran continues to give the world the big FU. We need to isolate them, but the Eurotrash want to do business with them... Let the people of Iran live with the leadership they have, lock them in... Maybe they will get off their azz and revolt...

Serenity Now
1/4/2016, 03:51 PM
SN, kinda with you on this one. Why provoke more, esp. When the ranchers are going to report for prison. I don't know why the judge wants to throw them in the klink again...They did time, seems the gun wants to make an example of them as violent felons do less time than they will ultimately.

Why anyone give Iran the time of day, hasn't walled them off and let them eat their own young, I have no clue. Iran continues to give the world the big FU. We need to isolate them, but the Eurotrash want to do business with them... Let the people of Iran live with the leadership they have, lock them in... Maybe they will get off their azz and revolt...

I've read up a little on this. These two guys set fires on federal land. It's arson. Under "anti-terrorism" laws, committing arson on federal lands is an automatic 5 year sentence. The local judge ruled for reasonable sentences. The US Attorney appealed to the next level and they over ruled the local judge. I can get on board with agreeing that the sentencing is too harsh. Holing up H8ful Eight style as a well regulated militia seems a little much. As far as picking battles goes, these guys suck. Maybe they should request some kevlar, load up and hitch a ride on a C-130 to Syria if they want to fight so much.

I think it was a little much when Bundy did his thing in Nevada. The guy knowingly grazed his cattle on federal land for decades without paying. In eastern Oklahoma if my fence doesn't work well and my cows graze on my neighbor's property for an unreasonable amount of time there are costs to be paid. His whole "liberty" and "federal over reach" is nothing but greed.


2 errors. They need to get some proof readers to volunteer.

Curly Bill
1/4/2016, 07:33 PM
I like how liberals are all for handing out stacks of free money, free health care, free college, free housing, etc, etc.. to people that are too worthless to do a damn thing, but let some rancher "overgraze" federal lands, or not kowtow to the federal line, and they go ape sh*t how he's abusing the system and taking advantage.

Curly Bill
1/4/2016, 07:36 PM
...and what the f*ck business do the feds have controlling so many western lands anyway? Outside military businesses, and national parks, the feds should be kicked out!

1/4/2016, 09:11 PM
actually, they did pay for a long time. They eventually didn't when the feds told them to reduce the number of cattle due to some tortise and endangered animal act. So they had to pay or the feds would take the cattle. Was going on for 20 years.

Curly Bill
1/4/2016, 11:54 PM
To reply to my own statement above, the problem with todays liberals is that they aren't liberals at all - they're statists who think everyone should be the same helpless sheep they are and bow before government - their lord and master.

1/5/2016, 12:42 AM
I've read up a little on this. These two guys set fires on federal land. It's arson. Under "anti-terrorism" laws, committing arson on federal lands is an automatic 5 year sentence. The local judge ruled for reasonable sentences. The US Attorney appealed to the next level and they over ruled the local judge. I can get on board with agreeing that the sentencing is too harsh. Holing up H8ful Eight style as a well regulated militia seems a little much. As far as picking battles goes, these guys suck. Maybe they should request some kevlar, load up and hitch a ride on a C-130 to Syria if they want to fight so much.

I think it was a little much when Bundy did his thing in Nevada. The guy knowingly grazed his cattle on federal land for decades without paying. In eastern Oklahoma if my fence doesn't work well and my cows graze on my neighbor's property for an unreasonable amount of time there are costs to be paid. His whole "liberty" and "federal over reach" is nothing but greed.


2 errors. They need to get some proof readers to volunteer.

You may need to get one as well.

The Hammonds’ property, which has belonged to the ranching family for generations, interlocks with publicly owned Bureau of Land Management (BLM) property, requiring the Hammonds to work together with the BLM to manage the vast area where the Hammonds’ animals graze on a mix of private and federal property.
The Hammonds set a fire in 2001 that ultimately burned 139 acres of BLM land. The ranchers say they began it on their own land with agency approval, but prosecutors say (http://www.justice.gov/usao-or/pr/eastern-oregon-ranchers-convicted-arson-resentenced-five-years-prison) they were in fact seeking to cover up illegal deer hunting on the BLM acreage near their property. A second, much smaller fire in 2006 burned another acre of BLM land during a “burn ban” imposed to allow agency firefighters to combat a blaze caused by lightning.
The Hammonds served time for the fires in 2013. A district judge sentenced Dwight to three months and Steve to 366 days of prison time. But the federal anti-terrorism law that prosecutors used to punish the fires includes mandatory minimum sentences of 5 years for fires that damage public property but cause no injury or death. After a series of appeals, the Hammonds were re-sentenced in October of 2015 to the full five years required by that 1990s statute.
It’s this re-sentencing that prompted ranchers and militiamen from around the western U.S. to descend on Burns and protest the Hammonds’ treatment by prosecutors. A much smaller group of those protesters has since splintered off to seek an open conflict with federal agents by taking over a nearby wildlife facility.

1/5/2016, 12:45 AM

2 errors. They need to get some proof readers to volunteer.

And that's typical of the ***** *** know it all libs like yourself. Pointing out misspelled words, like you've done many times on this board...what a ****wad.

1/5/2016, 06:44 AM
https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/v/t1.0-9/12509289_1110152332352665_8714325780099249723_n.jp g?oh=384389ad33440e310a4a46630c31a41b&oe=571A24F1

1/5/2016, 08:49 AM
actually, they did pay for a long time. They eventually didn't when the feds told them to reduce the number of cattle due to some tortise and endangered animal act. So they had to pay or the feds would take the cattle. Was going on for 20 years.

Probably the same tortoise the Fed's are letting a solar plant, "relocate". Gotta love the "progressive" think that something which fits their agenda, Solar energy, is ok for stepping all over the tortoises historical breeding area whereas a few cattle stomping around are a vile menace.


If you click the link to the article it's worth noting the following "clarification" from a previous iteration of the article.

The subheadline on an earlier online version of this article erred in describing the desert tortoises as "endangered creatures." As the article notes, the species is classified as threatened.

Serenity Now
1/5/2016, 09:36 AM
And that's typical of the ***** *** know it all libs like yourself. Pointing out misspelled words, like you've done many times on this board...what a ****wad.

If you can't laugh at the misspelled word on a PRINTED sign, then you have no sense of humor. We all spell things wrong in our daily lives. Technology has spoiled us to where we aren't good spellers. Now, if I critiqued their font choice, I would be acting as a whatever-wad. And, I don't like their font choice but that's a personal opinion. Quit being a dik.

Serenity Now
1/5/2016, 09:40 AM
I guess you idgets missed this sentence: "I can get on board with agreeing that the sentencing is too harsh."

1/5/2016, 09:44 AM
I guess you idgets missed this sentence: "I can get on board with agreeing that the sentencing is too harsh."

Just cause you throw a Teaspoon of sugar in a glass of Pee dont make it sweet Tea!

Serenity Now
1/5/2016, 04:05 PM

This is a pretty good summation:

The Hammonds shouldn’t have lit the 2006 fire without coordinating with the BLM. The federal government shouldn’t have prosecuted them for prescribed burning using an anti-terrorist law. The Bundys shouldn’t have occupied the Fish & Wildlife Service office.

Property rights advocates who want to change public views need to find ranchers more appealing than the Bundys, who want to overgraze other people’s land without paying for the right to do so, or the Hammonds, whose unauthorized fire on federal lands threatened firefighters’ lives. Without better representatives–preferably ones willing to pay their own way and not rely on taxpayer subsidies–they won’t be able to capture the hearts and minds of the American people, which means the future of ranchers who depend on federal lands is dim.

1/5/2016, 06:12 PM

This is a pretty good summation:

Hmmm...nothing about a cover up of deer poaching as the prosecutor claimed, and the reason the original sentence was reduced was because NO FIREFIGHTERS LIVES WERE THREATENED...dik.

1/5/2016, 06:13 PM
Just cause you throw a Teaspoon of sugar in a glass of Pee dont make it sweet Tea!


Serenity Now
1/5/2016, 08:05 PM
Hmmm...nothing about a cover up of deer poaching as the prosecutor claimed, and the reason the original sentence was reduced was because NO FIREFIGHTERS LIVES WERE THREATENED...dik.
The summation said that they probably shouldn't have lit those fires and the prosecuted shouldn't have used anti-terrorism laws. What part of that is inaccurate? Why do you have to be what you call m at every turn? You should totally drop some negs on me.

Serenity Now
1/6/2016, 10:16 AM
That sign is Ammon Bundys background picture on twitter. Rosa parks would have spell checked it.

1/6/2016, 11:17 AM
Well, I certainly know that the way the federal government treats its citizens sure sends a warm and fuzzy feeling up my leg. The only people who side with the government are brain-dead liberals, the bi-coastal media, inside the beltway sycophants and leeches and federal government employees.


Serenity Now
1/6/2016, 12:00 PM
Hmmm...nothing about a cover up of deer poaching as the prosecutor claimed, and the reason the original sentence was reduced was because NO FIREFIGHTERS LIVES WERE THREATENED...dik.


I'm sure you won't believe it but here's some information about the arson:

The case that prompted the ongoing occupation of a wildlife refuge in Oregon by armed militiamen dates back to September 30, 2001. Nearly 15 years later, exactly what happened that day remains hotly disputed. But what's not under contention is the fact that roughly 140 acres of federal land were scorched in a blaze that was started by two ranchers who, as of Monday evening, are now behind bars in federal prison.

According to the Department of Justice, the 2001 incident started with rancher Dwight Hammond and his son Steven hunting on federal land adjacent to their property near the city of Burns in a remote stretch of eastern Oregon. The feds allege that the Hammonds "led an unauthorized hunting expedition" and "illegally shot several deer."

When a district manager from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) approached the younger Hammond to confront him about the poaching, he "ducked into the brush to hide," according to a Supreme Court brief filed by the government in February 2014. The district manager said he then encountered four men armed with hunting rifles, which made him "very uncomfortable with the situation" — to the point that he felt unsafe and decided to leave the scene.

Soon afterwards, according to the court brief, Steven Hammond handed out boxes of matches to his fellow hunters. "We are going to light up the whole country on fire," the rancher, now 46, reportedly said. He allegedly gave one box of matches to his then 13-year-old nephew, Dusty Hammond, and instructed the boy to walk along the fence line that separated the Hammond property from federal land and drop the lit matches "until he ran out."

Dusty later told investigators he did as he was ordered, striking matches and dropping them into the grass. He soon saw smoke coming from the direction where the other hunters had walked, and found himself surrounded by a raging wildfire. He got trapped against a creek and said he thought he "was going to get burned up" by the 8-to-10-foot-high flames. The teen managed to escape, but the fire eventually scorched 139 acres.

Their nephew thought he was going to get burned up. They routinely put firefighters in danger. To me, this doesn't seem like responsible "land management" by the ranchers. Maybe they need to do more time.

Serenity Now
1/6/2016, 06:09 PM
That sign is Ammon Bundys background picture on twitter. Rosa parks would have spell checked it.

Troll twitter account. I do like me some fake twitter accounts.

My favorite: https://twitter.com/FauxPelini?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp% 7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

1/6/2016, 07:16 PM
So SN ya say ya dont think this will end well. What in yer opinion is gonna happen?

Serenity Now
1/7/2016, 09:35 AM
A few things have changed my perception of the outcome. Initially, there were to be 150-200 "Patriots". There are 20. The ranchers have distanced themselves from these guys. They actually reported as they were supposed to. So, I predict that the "patriots" will quietly leave with their tails low and claim victory.

Question: How would this have transpired if these guys were non-white? What if they were Muslim? That then begs the question, if the FBI had responded to this the same way if they were non-white or Muslim what would you and yours have thought?


Here's another interesting angle. Two of the twenty that are there are proven "fake" former military guys. That's 10%. What's up with that?

1/7/2016, 10:43 AM
A few things have changed my perception of the outcome. Initially, there were to be 150-200 "Patriots". There are 20. The ranchers have distanced themselves from these guys. They actually reported as they were supposed to. So, I predict that the "patriots" will quietly leave with their tails low and claim victory.

Question: How would this have transpired if these guys were non-white? What if they were Muslim? That then begs the question, if the FBI had responded to this the same way if they were non-white or Muslim what would you and yours have thought?


Here's another interesting angle. Two of the twenty that are there are proven "fake" former military guys. That's 10%. What's up with that?

The Ranchers indicated from the start they were going to report for prison. 20 whackos dont a movement make.

As far as what id this had been MooSlums? Are you ****ting me? Since when has a group of then ever done anything peaceful like this? Nope they just send in the wimmens and kids and have em blow themselves up.

As far as the "Stolen Valor" other than sayin he was a ****ing Jar head when he wasnt what he steal?

I got no use for thos who
are impostors.

There were almost 10 million US service personnel In Uniform during the Viet Nam war
2.7 Million of us Put boots on the ground there.
Yet I talk to folk every day and they all have 3 uncles 2 brothers and 14 cousins who were there.

It donmeannuthin!

Serenity Now
1/7/2016, 12:33 PM
The Ranchers indicated from the start they were going to report for prison. 20 whackos dont a movement make.

As far as what id this had been MooSlums? Are you ****ting me? Since when has a group of then ever done anything peaceful like this? Nope they just send in the wimmens and kids and have em blow themselves up.

As far as the "Stolen Valor" other than sayin he was a ****ing Jar head when he wasnt what he steal?

I got no use for thos who
are impostors.

There were almost 10 million US service personnel In Uniform during the Viet Nam war
2.7 Million of us Put boots on the ground there.
Yet I talk to folk every day and they all have 3 uncles 2 brothers and 14 cousins who were there.

It donmeannuthin!

As a boots on the ground guy, seriously, thanks for your service. I respect the guy cooking the slop in the mess hall for his service as well. It's a crap shoot when you sign up to some extent. Signing the name on the line and reporting for duty are something that every service man has in common. These are those "call of duty" veterans who will do nothing but buy the right clothes and use the terminology to try to gain some respect on the backs of the veterans that actually earned that respect.

1/7/2016, 03:28 PM
A few things have changed my perception of the outcome. Initially, there were to be 150-200 "Patriots". There are 20. The ranchers have distanced themselves from these guys. They actually reported as they were supposed to. So, I predict that the "patriots" will quietly leave with their tails low and claim victory.

Question: How would this have transpired if these guys were non-white? What if they were Muslim? That then begs the question, if the FBI had responded to this the same way if they were non-white or Muslim what would you and yours have thought?


Here's another interesting angle. Two of the twenty that are there are proven "fake" former military guys. That's 10%. What's up with that?

Here is a question for you SN.

How would "Occupy Wall Street" or any other of the "Occupy movements" have ended if they were composed of Muslims?

I've little doubt some of that crowd, occupy whatever, told more than a few whoppers about great heroic feats performed in other protests etc. while eating catered food and probably having only recently ventured out of their parents basements with Ipad and Iphone for the first time.

Serenity Now
1/7/2016, 03:53 PM
Here is a question for you SN.

How would "Occupy Wall Street" or any other of the "Occupy movements" have ended if they were composed of Muslims?

I've little doubt some of that crowd, occupy whatever, told more than a few whoppers about great heroic feats performed in other protests etc. while eating catered food and probably having only recently ventured out of their parents basements with Ipad and Iphone for the first time.
Good point. I didn't think of it from that angle. Those were idgets as well.

Tear Down This Wall
1/11/2016, 03:19 PM
actually, they did pay for a long time. They eventually didn't when the feds told them to reduce the number of cattle due to some tortise and endangered animal act. So they had to pay or the feds would take the cattle. Was going on for 20 years.

And, therein lies the crux of the problem: city-dwelling, shower-averse political leftist trying to tell ranchers what critters to protect at the expense of their livelihoods.

Tear Down This Wall
1/11/2016, 03:20 PM
Here is a question for you SN.

How would "Occupy Wall Street" or any other of the "Occupy movements" have ended if they were composed of Muslims?

I've little doubt some of that crowd, occupy whatever, told more than a few whoppers about great heroic feats performed in other protests etc. while eating catered food and probably having only recently ventured out of their parents basements with Ipad and Iphone for the first time.


Serenity Now
1/11/2016, 05:16 PM
And, therein lies the crux of the problem: city-dwelling, shower-averse political leftist trying to tell ranchers what critters to protect at the expense of their livelihoods.

Actually, the crux of this problem is that wildlife staff (people like the ones that Oklahomans grew up with who were the country boys and Eagle Scouts and went into this line of work) witnessed what they observed to be deer poaching. To cover this they spread out and started many little fires. The nephew reported that they gave him a box of matches and told him to walk down a fence line lighting fires until he ran out. He got trapped at one point and thought he was going to burn. While this did burn federal land the real issue is that wildfires are a problem that firefighters come into in those forests to risk their lives. That is the original arson charge that started all of this. It's a little different than some animal.

I love Triumph. I will point out that I don't think any "occupiers" were under a tarp with a weapon or in a sniper position drawing down on federal officials. https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--267XS8PZ--/c_fill,fl_progressive,g_north,h_358,q_80,w_636/rhfanmz5juvb2jx9svvs.jpg

Serenity Now
1/26/2016, 11:40 PM
Looks like the feces came into contact with the rotating oscillator.

Apparently, the guy under the tarp is no longer with us.

1/27/2016, 09:07 AM
Will be interesting to hear the "narrative". While I am more sympathetic for the protesters than against them, I do not think this was the correct method or venue. I could see little good coming from this and a whole lot of not good.

Serenity Now
1/27/2016, 10:04 AM

The guy who said he'd die before being put in a cement box died before being taken into custody. While tragic, not really a shocker. If they'd have not let the Bundy's off scott free last time this wouldn't have happened. I think it's offensive that militia folks had sniper rifles trained on federal agents and there were no repercussions.

1/27/2016, 11:49 AM
Yeah, not right... I do have general sympathy to Westerner's against "Big Government" , then again, each issue, I am not well versed on. Though "managed land" is just that, managed. It is not free and not free to squander. Where that line is, I don't know what would be "fair".

1/27/2016, 12:08 PM
Yeah, not right... I do have general sympathy to Westerner's against "Big Government" , then again, each issue, I am not well versed on. Though "managed land" is just that, managed. It is not free and not free to squander. Where that line is, I don't know what would be "fair". Yeah, I think their hangup is exactly who manages it. According to them, it belongs to the county. Almost everything I've read from their side, points to BLM overstepping their authority. Article I, section 8, clause 17 is what they harp on.
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/usconstitution/a/a1s8.htm An infowars article about it here, that pretty much sums it up as far as they're concerned. http://www.infowars.com/blm-action-in-nevada-is-unconstitutional-heres-why/

Serenity Now
1/27/2016, 12:27 PM
infowars? Don't give me shiite any more for vox, atlantic, huffington, etc. :) They're the idiots who point to Sandy Hook as a "false flag" operation by our government to help take our guns away. I mean Jeazus!

The state/county doesn't want the land and can't afford to manage it properly. I can get on board with their being too much federal land. But, I can also see that we don't want 100% private sector interests destroying our mining, timber, etc. resources. The use of this land as free range grazing seems like a pretty good outcome. Ranchers seem to get a good rate as opposed to what people pay for land in Eastern Oklahoma and "we" are able to keep the land intact. This initial case was pretty cut/dried after I read up on it. I wished they'd not utilized "terrorism" laws. But, no pun intended, this is not the hill upon which to perish.

1/27/2016, 01:08 PM
I'm not touting infowars as the gospel. I said that their article pretty much sums up the Bundy and company's line of thinking. Now, I haven't read anything about the state/county not wanting or being able to afford the land. Can you tell me where you got that? IIRC, Cliven and friends said they were willing to pay the county for the grazing rights, but would not pay the feds, since they started pushing their cattle off of certain tracts/parcels because of the turtle bull****. Not sure what you mean by them getting a better rate than what you do in EOK. You have to know up there that the acres per cow has got to be a **** ton more than what it is here. I doubt there running 200 head on 800 acres...more like thousands. Edit to add: I noticed you didn't touch the constitutional aspect of it.

Serenity Now
1/29/2016, 10:53 AM
I was just funnin' a little with the infowars crack.

BLM grazing fees are much less than comparable. 93% less of the market equivalent...not Eastern Ok.


Bundy is nothing more than a cheat.

I'm not a constitutional expert. I'll read further on that but the gubmit has owned land such as this since before OK statehood.

The video of the FBI shoot of the guy in Oregon is up. After trying to run through a road block (hitting a LEO in the process) he came out with his hands up/out. He then quickly reached for his waist/pocket and got put down. This is the guy who said he wouldn't be taken alive. My daddy was a defense attorney and small town judge. He taught me to always keep my hands in view of the police and to never make a swift move. He said that, even if they're wrong, they go through way too much stress to have them trying to determine your intentions.

1/29/2016, 08:34 PM
I was just funnin' a little with the infowars crack.

BLM grazing fees are much less than comparable. 93% less of the market equivalent...not Eastern Ok.


Bundy is nothing more than a cheat.

I'm not a constitutional expert. I'll read further on that but the gubmit has owned land such as this since before OK statehood.

The video of the FBI shoot of the guy in Oregon is up. After trying to run through a road block (hitting a LEO in the process) he came out with his hands up/out. He then quickly reached for his waist/pocket and got put down. This is the guy who said he wouldn't be taken alive. My daddy was a defense attorney and small town judge. He taught me to always keep my hands in view of the police and to never make a swift move. He said that, even if they're wrong, they go through way too much stress to have them trying to determine your intentions.

I must reluctantly LOL Agree with most what ya said
Its unclear in the Vid if he did in fact hit the agent,(Why did the agent run in front of his truck?)
Ive told My boys and now I tell my Grandsons. If a Cop tells you to stand on yer head and recite the pledge of Allegence Thats what you do. Ya argue with a Cop in a Court room and with a Lawyer!Not on the street.
IMHO that dude was a dead man when he took after they stopped him the 1st time, Then when he jumped out instead of puttin his hands up he should have fallin spread eagle face down in that snow,!

1/29/2016, 09:56 PM
The video of the FBI shoot of the guy in Oregon is up. After trying to run through a road block (hitting a LEO in the process) he came out with his hands up/out. He then quickly reached for his waist/pocket and got put down. This is the guy who said he wouldn't be taken alive. My daddy was a defense attorney and small town judge. He taught me to always keep my hands in view of the police and to never make a swift move. He said that, even if they're wrong, they go through way too much stress to have them trying to determine your intentions. He didn't hit the LEO and I read a comment on another forum asking how anybody knows he wasn't shot in the side and thats why his hands go from spread eagle to his left hip(not a real common side for a pistol). Hopefully there some bodycam footage that'll put this to rest.

1/29/2016, 11:43 PM
He didn't hit the LEO and I read a comment on another forum asking how anybody knows he wasn't shot in the side and thats why his hands go from spread eagle to his left hip(not a real common side for a pistol). Hopefully there some bodycam footage that'll put this to rest.

You know I want to find fault with the Feebies
Dude wasnt shot when he got out the truck. Lay the **** down and Keep hands where they can see em!

Serenity Now
1/30/2016, 12:53 AM
You know I want to find fault with the Feebies
Dude wasnt shot when he got out the truck. Lay the **** down and Keep hands where they can see em!
I think the guy from the left surprised him and he panicked and went for his side arm.

Serenity Now
1/31/2016, 10:19 PM
http://http://bearingarms.com/lavoy-finicum-murdered-forced-oregon-police-shoot/ (http://bearingarms.com/lavoy-finicum-murdered-forced-oregon-police-shoot/)

1/31/2016, 10:45 PM
Sorry, you don't try to run a roadblock or make sudden movements on cops if you don't want lead poisoning.

It doesn't matter what color you are.

It's one thing if they throw you in a van and break your neck in the joyride to jail, or shoot you in the back when you are running away, this is something else entirely.

Why have guns at all? You are going to lose a gunfight with cops and federal agents. Brandishing guns just escalates it from the beginning. Even if you win round 1, they send more guys with bigger guns.

I'm all for the 2nd amendment, but let's be real here.

1/31/2016, 11:38 PM
Sorry, you don't try to run a roadblock or make sudden movements on cops if you don't want lead poisoning. It doesn't matter what color you are. It's one thing if they throw you in a van and break your neck in the joyride to jail, or shoot you in the back when you are running away, this is something else entirely. Why have guns at all? You are going to lose a gunfight with cops and federal agents. Brandishing guns just escalates it from the beginning. Even if you win round 1, they send more guys with bigger guns. I'm all for the 2nd amendment, but let's be real here. How do you know he "brandished a gun"?

1/31/2016, 11:45 PM
http://http://bearingarms.com/lavoy-finicum-murdered-forced-oregon-police-shoot/ (http://bearingarms.com/lavoy-finicum-murdered-forced-oregon-police-shoot/) Nice Op Ed, ****forbrains.

2/1/2016, 02:19 AM
How do you know he "brandished a gun"?

I mean all the posturing before it happened.

2/1/2016, 02:49 AM
I mean all the posturing before it happened. Before what happened?

2/1/2016, 09:01 AM
Before the altercation. They were walking around with guns for the cameras.

Serenity Now
2/1/2016, 10:36 PM
It's a detailed summary from a gun person. It would be like me posting a link to a brief art article that you made fun of.

2/1/2016, 10:51 PM
It's a detailed summary from a gun person. It would be like me posting a link to a brief art article that you made fun of. A gun person. lol. Call it a summary if you want, but it's nothing but his opinion. He try's to break down a video when he knows **** all about what actually took place. Lmao...a gun person. :D Also, I don't get into brief art.

Serenity Now
2/2/2016, 12:26 AM
The site is bearing arms. It's a pro gun site. Why do you have to be such a ******? It's like you'd argue with me over a font choice.

Serenity Now
2/11/2016, 11:08 AM

the Malheur takeover is looking less like the bumbling misadventures of an arrogant out-of-towner, and more like a calculated effort to disrupt a national model for collaboration, cooperation and mutual benefit between federal agencies and local stakeholders.

The remaining four are apparently surrendering this morning. I guess they're running out of snickers.