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View Full Version : President doesn't know if it was terrorism or workplace violence?

12/4/2015, 03:13 PM
So the smartest man in the world proclaims that it is not known if the dastardly attack on the innocent, unsuspecting folks in San Bernardino was terrorism or workplace violence? This after they shot up the place, killing 14 and injuring another 17. Even after their identity was revealed, even after the cache of weapons, ammo and IEDs was discovered, he is still unsure.

For those out there that are wondering why we do not seem to be winning this battle with Radical Islam, look no further that our PC Prez who puts political correctness above waging an all out attack on these monsters, refusing to utilize every asset we have at our disposal to send them on their way to meet their 72 Virgins.

So as the President speaks in his PC tongue, would hate to make these terrorists madder and more agitated, pinheads like MSNBC (that includes you Joe Scarborough) spend most of their time looking for that gotcha moment from one of our GOP candidates. They are just incredulous as to what they hear, all the while mostly silent as probably the most radical, leftists, lying sorry sack we've ever had for Prez. He has mislead, lied, deceived and has made decisions that will have adverse effects on this Nation for generations.

He did keep one promise though, he has fundamentally transformed this nation. I'll give him that.

12/4/2015, 04:03 PM
well, I guess zippy will need to start firing everyone at the FBI. They are no longer covering his arse and message any more.

Tear Down This Wall
12/4/2015, 04:25 PM
As noted in another post, yes, thankfully, the FBI appears to have just ignored Obama on this one. Smart. He's a lame duck anyway.

To anyone with a brain, he's the idiot who said ISIS was contained about 48 hours before Paris, and couple of weeks before this. He's hands down as bad as or worse than Jimmy Carter on policy, and as full of the unhealthy mix of hubris and paranoia as Richard Nixon.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/4/2015, 04:29 PM
Bear and his disciples in the govt. and Media contend that Islam isn't into terrorism. ie. ISIL(ISIS) is NOT connected to Islam(the "religion of peace").