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View Full Version : Hillary Urges Caution on Judging Islam, Haste on Assailing Second Amendment

12/4/2015, 12:47 AM
Well of course she does Bitch


Tear Down This Wall
12/4/2015, 11:40 AM
That she, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump are serious candidates - and, the leading candidates - show how desperately far the political process has fallen.

It doesn't matter who is elected in 2016, we a f*cked one way or the other. Because of demographic changes made in the country over the last three decades, we've lost the country.

Fortunately, I'm near 50, so I won't have to live the majority of my life with the new generations of idiots. My kids, though, will take the brunt of it.

I'm thankful that my grandparents have died so they didn't have to see the kind of place America has become - politicians urging caution about judging foreign murderers on America soil. Awful. Our resolve is gone.

Tear Down This Wall
12/4/2015, 11:43 AM
And, let me go ahead and add the obvious, Hillary is exactly the type of person the terrorist would stone to death first if they were ever in power here: a woman who dares show her fat ankles, wrists, and poor hair style.

12/4/2015, 12:17 PM
Outside of Trump and maybe Sanders, I am secure in the knowledge that people like Clinton and many other libs/progressives will be gone in the first wave after the coming apocalypse.

12/4/2015, 02:43 PM
Bernie Sanders would have been the town drunk in Burlington, Vermont had he not subsisted off the government tit as a politician his whole life.

Serenity Now
12/4/2015, 03:28 PM
Outside of Trump and maybe Sanders, I am secure in the knowledge that people like Clinton and many other libs/progressives will be gone in the first wave after the coming apocalypse.

zombie or grid?

12/4/2015, 03:58 PM
either... I am no prepper, but I can see some sort of meltdown on the horizon. I never thought that would happen, even during the cold war, but, I don't think the Mormons or the prepper's are so kooky any more.