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rock on sooner
11/29/2015, 06:47 PM
Dint want to put this is SO and certainly not Football so Obamafest wins...

During my second cup of coffee this morning, I found in the Des Moines
Register the definitive "generational" descriptions..i.e. silent generation,
baby boomers, gen Xer's, millennials etc. Welp, by dayum, after all this
time thinkin' that I'm a boomer, come to find out that I am a member of
the SILENT GENERATION (born in '45 or earlier)..Boomers started in '46.
So-o-o-o-o, given that description....be still beating hearts (TF, Okie52,
TDTW [yeah, you!], CB, maybe even Vet..any others I fergot [you know,
senior moments] and yew all know who you are...ima goin' ta be SILENT,
lurk, be snarky on peems, reps and such. Since I'm having so much difficulty
with the Elephant type clown car, it's inherent circular firing squad and the
mystics surrounding outsider acceptance among the Pubs, it only seems fair
that this "right leaning group (?)" have unfettered access to the keyboard.

Iowa caucus is Feb.1, NH a week later and SC after that, maybe something
will surface. My few fellow left-of centers, good on ya!

11/30/2015, 03:34 PM
So you're one of those silent generation bastages that is making hay in the Social Security Ponzi scheme while us stupid baby boomer (and younger) generations foot the bill. It makes me cry to think about all the money I've poured in FICA over the years and I'll be lucky to get a few pennies on the dollar back while you older farts get a 100x return. That's money I could have lost in the last couple of market crashes! Or at least money I could have used to buy sh.it I don't need or enjoy a lap dance or 2 with it. May your walker run away with you down a steep incline!

(I keed, I keed)