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rock on sooner
11/19/2015, 02:49 PM
According to James Woolsey, fmr CIA Director, the bad guys have learned
new ways to circumvent security efforts from the info Snowden released
to WikiLeaks...."dark" apps, encrypted apps, etc...even human traffickers
in Mexico learned how the U.S. & Mexico were tracking them. Do the Snowden
supporters still think he did the right thing? Woolsey said that the leaks
rose to treason and Snowden should be prosecuted for it.

I know many on here thought that Snowden was right to expose the NSA.
Is anyone concerned that what the bad guys are doing overseas might/will
come to the U.S.? Discuss.....

hawaii 5-0
11/19/2015, 02:59 PM
He was sworn to secrecy and didn't obey. Giving secrets to our 'competitors' is treason and he should be prosecuted.


11/19/2015, 03:00 PM
Woolsey is a dangerous buffoon and statist chomping at the bit to curtail civil liberties to expand the already out of control police state. I wouldn't believe a damned thing that ******* says. Do I still think Snowden did the right thing? ****, yes I do. He's an American hero.

11/19/2015, 03:24 PM
Woolsey is a dangerous buffoon and statist chomping at the bit to curtail civil liberties to expand the already out of control police state. I wouldn't believe a damned thing that ******* says. Do I still think Snowden did the right thing? ****, yes I do. He's an American hero.

I mostly agree with this - maybe not quite as enthusiastically. That Snowden alerted the country to what was going on in secrecy was a great service to us (the people). But now Woolsey and ilk have a builtin scape goat to blame for every security issue that comes up going forward and who can call him on the facts when everything is a f*cking secret? I suspect everything gained in the form of vigilance from the whole Snowden thing will soon be lost due to the terrorist. Big brother level of control probably is the only realistic thing we can do to keep terrorist completely at bay and at some point, people will decide to choose security over liberty.

11/19/2015, 06:37 PM
Hmmm, the terrorists and other bad guys had no idea that the US and other countries were actively trying to intercept their communications or otherwise track them until Snowden came around and raised the curtain on what the CIA was doing.

Now that's some funny stuff.

11/19/2015, 08:58 PM
What Snowden Revealed has all ready been Hidden
He is a Traitor Not a hero
Limp dicks call folks like him heros . Plus Cooks that sat in the dessert!

rock on sooner
11/19/2015, 09:26 PM
Okay, someone says he's a hero. Question begs that how many heroes run to
hide in Russia and seek asylum? How many heroes say they want to expose
secrets that interfere with individual rights versus keeping ALL citizens safe?
Now, keep in mind that keeping all citizens safe requires some looking into
phone calls, store visits, shopping habits, travel plans, reading habits, even
letters home to mom. All these things have been going on since, at least,
the mid 60's. I know this because I did this, as a member of the cursed
military oversight. I have NO regrets because the vast majority of the folks
to whom we paid attention were good folks and had nothing about which
to be concerned. Picking up the few who were trouble was worth it.

Having said all this, thanks are in order to all those who helped you all be
safe and advance your own beliefs. Some who squawk never served, IMHO,
you have every right to express your opinion but haven't earned any stripes
to prove your worth to express said opinion.

It is my firm belief that Snowden violated the oath that he signed (actually
the same one I affirmed and signed) and should be tried and, if found guilty,
punished to the maximum. But, this hero wants to hide, be granted safe
passage or whatever. Ain't no way.....jus sayin'...

11/20/2015, 10:01 AM
He was sworn to secrecy and didn't obey. Giving secrets to our 'competitors' is treason and he should be prosecuted.

I would tend to agree with you if not for the fact that the NSA is building a gazillion square foot storage facility in Utah that is designed primarily to collect and store data on everybody including private American citizens.