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View Full Version : Big 12 officials...

10/7/2015, 09:00 AM
great thread on Blatant Homerism about officials...

and how bad they are...missed a blatant 4th down call in the osu/ksu game that led to a TD for osu...and a great picture of the blatant targeting or lack there of call in our game.


10/7/2015, 09:07 AM
XII and P12 football officials are, collectively, the biggest pile of crap officiating anywhere. In any sport. It's actually a disadvantage to us that we take them with us to away OOC games, except with the P12, where it makes absolutely no difference whether they were there or not.

10/7/2015, 10:28 AM
I put a lot of blame on the KSU coaching staff on that blown 4th down conversion. They should have been jumping up and down and even used their challenge if needed. The players on the field also had to know the line to gain and alerted the coaches. I didn't see the game or watch the whole replay of the sequence, so it could be that the KSU coaches tried to point it out. And maybe they were out of TOs and thus powerless to stop play.

10/7/2015, 11:49 AM
I'm GENERALLY supportive...it's a tough job...especially the speed of the game. If the booth can buzz down for something then they should have done the same thing with the 4th down. I didn't see it either. Hard to believe snyder didn't catch it.

10/7/2015, 11:53 AM
Here's a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuPWo_DLVXA that shows KSU had all 3 of their time outs remaining. Can't listen to the audio at work. Someone else will have to listen to see if the announcers picked up on it. Does not seem to be anyone upset on the KSU side.

10/7/2015, 12:04 PM
Here's a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuPWo_DLVXA that shows KSU had all 3 of their time outs remaining. Can't listen to the audio at work. Someone else will have to listen to see if the announcers picked up on it. Does not seem to be anyone upset on the KSU side.

I listened and the announcers missed it. I hear in the background "bad defense there, they gave up 24 when they needed 23". But the graphic on the screen shows 4th down, so someone had it right.

I'm sure the pokes would have gone for it on 4th and 4 and the way they were gashing KSU at the time, probably converted. But it took away 1 of KSU's chances to stop them on that drive. They still had more chances to stop them and failed, so it's incorrect to say the refs gave them a TD. If I'm a KSU fan, I'm upset at the refs and the team.