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View Full Version : Shooter intent on Killing "Christians". Obama focus on gun control.

10/2/2015, 10:21 AM
So reports are that the mass murderer in Oregon, Chris harper Mercer asked his victims if they were Christians. Any affirmative response was met with a bullet to the head. Those responding negatively to the question were shot in the leg.
As usual our wonderful President seizes upon the opportunity to politicize the horrific event by promoting more gun laws as the way to deal with the gun violence in America today. Mr. Obama says that we have to many guns, and too few laws. Well Mr. President, more firearms have been purchased during your administration, than in the last 50 years combined. Why? Because they didn't trust you to uphold the 2nd Amendment.

Does anyone out there think for a moment that if the gunman's questions were directed to Muslims or Gays, what the President's focus would have been? Can you deny that his focus would have been instead about the attack on Muslims?

An attack on Christians? No big deal, right Mr. President? We're probably just being paid back for the Crusades 1,000 years ago right?

10/2/2015, 12:36 PM
it's like you'd expect something different?

obama can't miss a mass shooting to keep his gun hate going. Yes, I'm sure if it was gays or muslims...blacks...anything but Christians he'd be all over that angle as well.

The guy was obviously mentally off...but again, not one word about the real issue..mental disorders/health.

10/2/2015, 12:41 PM
For those that think it would be impossible to achieve greater gun control, remember that the last major shooting took the Confederate Flag down in South Carolina.

If our partisan, divided legislature is to achieve what President Obama is calling for, he's going to have to give something in return: Strengthen the Second Amendment. Control gun ownership, but guarantee gun ownership to all law abiding citizens who choose to possess a gun.

That might not be what either side wants, but that's what give and take is.

10/2/2015, 12:45 PM
For those that think it would be impossible to achieve greater gun control, remember that the last major shooting took the Confederate Flag down in South Carolina.

If our partisan, divided legislature is to achieve what President Obama is calling for, he's going to have to give something in return: Strengthen the Second Amendment. Control gun ownership, but guarantee gun ownership to all law abiding citizens who choose to possess a gun.

That might not be what either side wants, but that's what give and take is.

we already have that. There needs to better enforcement of the laws. ANY gun control freak wants ALL guns destroyed (if there is a gun there is a chance something bad will happen). I honestly believe obama, clinton...mom's against guns (whatever their name is) wants NO GUNS...for anyone. I don't think it will ever happen but I do think they would try if they could.

10/2/2015, 12:56 PM
it's like you'd expect something different?

obama can't miss a mass shooting to keep his gun hate going. Yes, I'm sure if it was gays or muslims...blacks...anything but Christians he'd be all over that angle as well.

The guy was obviously mentally off...but again, not one word about the real issue..mental disorders/health.

Of course not. Obama is a model of consistency. I bring attention to this for those that are persuadable, not for those rigid ideologues that frequent this site. I have faith that there exists some degree of the populous that has an open mind about Obama and the left that he represents. Maybe, just maybe the light bulb will go on for them, that they can see what a failed path they are leading us on.
Mental Health? Used to institutionalize those that had certain pathological traits that made them more likely to hurt themselves or someone else. Griffin Hospital in Norman used to be teeming with activity. It looked like a college campus with all of the buildings and the campus like setting. Now? Hardly see anyone over there. At some point in time, it seems like Professionals in the Mental Health industry felt that these folks needed to be "assimilated" with others in society, therefore the need for institutions became deemphasized. Obvious now that that was a bad decision. We need to divert State funds back towards Mental Health. Maybe find different solutions for non-violent criminals that would keep them out of prison, and then those monies could be diverted to Mental Health?

10/2/2015, 01:02 PM
we already have that
It's under threat, so I think reaffirming the right would go far in this drive for more gun control: Assurances that if you like your gun, you can keep your gun

Ok, maybe don't use those words though

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/2/2015, 01:21 PM
Right on, Champions77!

10/2/2015, 01:23 PM
It's under threat, so I think reaffirming the right would go far in this drive for more gun control: Assurances that if you like your gun, you can keep your gun

Ok, maybe don't use those words though

Assurances that if you like your gun, keep your gun will never be promised by the left, at least honestly promised by the left. That is contrary to their ultimate goal, and that is absolute outlaw of private gun ownership. The left does things incrementally, knowing that they could never get their ideas passed by the majority through honest means. Obamacare will get them single payer. More gun laws will eventually get them to the point where they have total control of gun ownership. Only then could the gun deaths seen today be eliminated they feel. Never mind that criminals would never register their firearms, or that it would be huge gift to organized crime in black market gun running.
Control, all about control. The socialist state cannot function, at least to the desired degree they strive for, without it. To them the more..the better. And some cannot see how this additional control is a loss of personal liberties.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/2/2015, 02:19 PM
Assurances that if you like your gun, keep your gun will never be promised by the left, at least honestly promised by the left. That is contrary to their ultimate goal, and that is absolute outlaw of private gun ownership. The left does things incrementally, knowing that they could never get their ideas passed by the majority through honest means. Obamacare will get them single payer. More gun laws will eventually get them to the point where they have total control of gun ownership. Only then could the gun deaths seen today be eliminated they feel. Never mind that criminals would never register their firearms, or that it would be huge gift to organized crime in black market gun running.
Control, all about control. The socialist state cannot function, at least to the desired degree they strive for, without it. To them the more..the better. And some cannot see how this additional control is a loss of personal liberties.Sad as he*l the Left has the Media on its side...and the schools, for the most part.

10/2/2015, 02:54 PM
Sad as he*l the Left has the Media on its side...and the schools, for the most part.

Sad that today we have a culture of amoebas that are influenced by the Entertainment Industry and the Media, unable or unwilling to process information and arrive at conclusions on their own. Adds credence for the theory that the left and their education cronies are actively pursuing the "dumbing down" of America.

It allows for smooth talking, hip politicians, that are without any substantive accomplishments in their life, void of ideas that will promote and unite this Country to bigger and better things, but instead creates a divisive culture of victims..... to hoodwink an entire nation into voting for him, perpetuated by the Main stream media as willing accomplices in this grand bamboozlement of the American citizenry.

10/2/2015, 02:56 PM
Of course not. Obama is a model of consistency. I bring attention to this for those that are persuadable, not for those rigid ideologues that frequent this site. I have faith that there exists some degree of the populous that has an open mind about Obama and the left that he represents. Maybe, just maybe the light bulb will go on for them, that they can see what a failed path they are leading us on.
Mental Health? Used to institutionalize those that had certain pathological traits that made them more likely to hurt themselves or someone else. Griffin Hospital in Norman used to be teeming with activity. It looked like a college campus with all of the buildings and the campus like setting. Now? Hardly see anyone over there. At some point in time, it seems like Professionals in the Mental Health industry felt that these folks needed to be "assimilated" with others in society, therefore the need for institutions became deemphasized. Obvious now that that was a bad decision. We need to divert State funds back towards Mental Health. Maybe find different solutions for non-violent criminals that would keep them out of prison, and then those monies could be diverted to Mental Health?

lol...yes I know you know...I was being sarcastic. I'm on your side! lol

obama himself sited GB and Australia as "successful" countries....hmmm, yes they confiscated guns.

10/2/2015, 04:11 PM
lol...yes I know you know...I was being sarcastic. I'm on your side! lol

obama himself sited GB and Australia as "successful" countries....hmmm, yes they confiscated guns.

I know you are. The lies that come out of BHO's mouth never ceases to amaze me. He stated yesterday that the cities with the most stringent gun laws have the lowest numbers of gun violence.

10/2/2015, 11:09 PM
his home town chicago is the worse from what I've seen...need to double check that.

10/3/2015, 08:01 AM
Yep, zippy's idea of win. total gun confiscation. Then he and like minded political elites can take over and tell us all how to think and act for our own good as well as steal all our money to redistribute wealth...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/3/2015, 09:19 AM
Yep, zippy's idea of win. total gun confiscation. Then he and like minded political elites can take over and tell us all how to think and act for our own good as well as steal all our money to redistribute wealth...heh! Zippy.
Hard to believe/forget...We voted his sorry a*s in, and for a reelection in '12...sad, ain't it!!!

10/5/2015, 10:04 AM
Yep, zippy's idea of win. total gun confiscation. Then he and like minded political elites can take over and tell us all how to think and act for our own good as well as steal all our money to redistribute wealth...

We have the highest rate of private gun ownership on the planet, yet the crony capitalists are busily redistributing our wealth . . . upward.

10/5/2015, 10:20 AM
You mean the government is redistributing wealth? Keeping everyone down, just like in the UK.

Oh, and what is with CNN making the Oregon killer look white? By Obama's definition, he is black. His mom is black. So the serial mass murderer is black and were any of the Oregon victims non white? Uhmmm....?

10/5/2015, 04:28 PM
If Obama had an ounce of honesty he would come out with his grand plan of confiscating every firearm in this country. Everyone knows that is what he really wants. You know that would be his way to fight the gun deaths in this country. But he is too much of a coward to come out with his plan. Afraid it would drive off those few 2nd Amendment folks that still vote Democratic. And who would he enlist to confiscate all of these firearms? Well none other than the " Civilian National Security Force" that BHO advocated in 2008. It would be better funded than all of the military, combined he told us. They would do the dastardly deed of going house to house gathering firearms.

Are you hard headed leftists out there beginning to see where personal freedoms take a hit under a socialist regime? Collectivism can't allow "individuals" to own a firearm. The gun owners may have a problem with all of the sharing of their hard earned assets....for the greater good of course. Wait until the feds go belly up and they help themselves to your personal retirement accounts. If you don't think that could happen, you are more naïve than I thought. But you go along, lock step to the drum beat of a socialist utopia. Damn I wonder how much of this it will take to for you to wake the hell up?

10/5/2015, 05:03 PM
If Obama had an ounce of honesty he would come out with his grand plan of confiscating every firearm in this country. Everyone knows that is what he really wants. You know that would be his way to fight the gun deaths in this country. But he is too much of a coward to come out with his plan. Afraid it would drive off those few 2nd Amendment folks that still vote Democratic. And who would he enlist to confiscate all of these firearms? Well none other than the " Civilian National Security Force" that BHO advocated in 2008. It would be better funded than all of the military, combined he told us. They would do the dastardly deed of going house to house gathering firearms.

I think it's a little late for Obama to get his Civilian National Security Force (which I agree would be terrible if it were real). Obviously it's a non-starter in Congress, which would be the outfit that would "fund it better than it does the military."

Thank God Obama doesn't get everything he wants. I hope he has the same bad luck getting the TPP through Congress.

Are you hard headed leftists out there beginning to see where personal freedoms take a hit under a socialist regime? Collectivism can't allow "individuals" to own a firearm. The gun owners may have a problem with all of the sharing of their hard earned assets....for the greater good of course. Wait until the feds go belly up and they help themselves to your personal retirement accounts. If you don't think that could happen, you are more naïve than I thought. But you go along, lock step to the drum beat of a socialist utopia. Damn I wonder how much of this it will take to for you to wake the hell up?

Since we still have our guns, we must not be too collectivist just yet. :)

Serenity Now
10/5/2015, 08:15 PM
I want a realistic interpretation of the 2nd amendment. That said, I would have no desire to confiscate guns. Just some logic on who can purchase them and some personal responsibility/liability for when your gun is used for something like this.

10/5/2015, 08:33 PM
Why do we not work on making it easier to put nuts away involuntarily?---Oh we can't----Thanks ACLU

10/5/2015, 08:51 PM

10/5/2015, 08:53 PM
Why do we not work on making it easier to put nuts away involuntarily?---Oh we can't----Thanks ACLU

Dint you read?After the shooting the AntiGunNuts were screaming "ITS NOT A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE" ?
My question is if its not related to mental health ? why are folks with Mental issues denied GUNS!?

Serenity Now
10/5/2015, 08:54 PM
Of course not. Obama is a model of consistency. I bring attention to this for those that are persuadable, not for those rigid ideologues that frequent this site. I have faith that there exists some degree of the populous that has an open mind about Obama and the left that he represents. Maybe, just maybe the light bulb will go on for them, that they can see what a failed path they are leading us on.
Mental Health? Used to institutionalize those that had certain pathological traits that made them more likely to hurt themselves or someone else. Griffin Hospital in Norman used to be teeming with activity. It looked like a college campus with all of the buildings and the campus like setting. Now? Hardly see anyone over there. At some point in time, it seems like Professionals in the Mental Health industry felt that these folks needed to be "assimilated" with others in society, therefore the need for institutions became deemphasized. Obvious now that that was a bad decision. We need to divert State funds back towards Mental Health. Maybe find different solutions for non-violent criminals that would keep them out of prison, and then those monies could be diverted to Mental Health?
You remind me of that guy whe predicted 34 things that would happen between 2008 and 2012 if evil man got elected. 33.5 were wrong. DADT made one half of one prediction right.

10/5/2015, 08:58 PM
Why do we not work on making it easier to put nuts away involuntarily?---Oh we can't----Thanks ACLU

Good point. They demanded that the mentally ill have rights too, and should assimilated into mainstream society. Brilliant.
So we take God out of the schools, and now we have school shootings and no one understands why? I don't think it's a stretch that there is a connection. These killers All have something in common, they all have reached a point where they've devalued human life.
Lastly, for the ones out there that think they would have been Been spared if they couldn't have obtained a gun, take naivety to a new low. Stabbings, bombs, cars plowing into crowds, These maniacs insatiable desire to become infamous would necessitate they find a way to accomplish that. No question.

10/5/2015, 09:33 PM
You remind me of that guy whe predicted 34 things that would happen between 2008 and 2012 if evil man got elected. 33.5 were wrong. DADT made one half of one prediction right.

So after making an Assclown of yerself with the Good guys with Guns Thread and then running and hidin . You return to Open yer Vagina lips for More abuse! Good jorb ya ****in Moran!

10/6/2015, 08:33 AM
You remind me of that guy whe predicted 34 things that would happen between 2008 and 2012 if evil man got elected. 33.5 were wrong. DADT made one half of one prediction right.

Oh really, only one half of the predictions came to fruition? Let's see, welfare state increases in scope both in numbers dependent and cost, our adversaries do not fear us anymore, the National Debt will increase tremendously, taxes will go up, regulations will increase, Obamacare premiums increased substantially, not decrease $2,500 per family as promised, the Department of Defense budget will be decreased, and BHO will prove that he is not qualified to be POTUS. I guess I could go on......

Serenity Now
10/6/2015, 10:06 AM
Oh really, only one half of the predictions came to fruition? Let's see, welfare state increases in scope both in numbers dependent and cost, our adversaries do not fear us anymore, the National Debt will increase tremendously, taxes will go up, regulations will increase, Obamacare premiums increased substantially, not decrease $2,500 per family as promised, the Department of Defense budget will be decreased, and BHO will prove that he is not qualified to be POTUS. I guess I could go on......

http://www.wnd.com/files/Focusletter.pdf For some reason I couldn't copy/paste from my device.

One half of one. So .5 of 34 (1.4% correct). It was the repeal of DADT.

10/6/2015, 12:28 PM
So, no one speaking to CNN falsification of facts to promote their and MSM agenda?

Loser black dude, whining for no girlfriend, shoots up a bunch of white Christian students. I see hate crime all over this. Hey Zippy, would he look like your son now?

Serenity Now
10/6/2015, 01:16 PM
So, no one speaking to CNN falsification of facts to promote their and MSM agenda?

Loser black dude, whining for no girlfriend, shoots up a bunch of white Christian students. I see hate crime all over this. Hey Zippy, would he look like your son now?

Are you referring to this debunked falsehood? http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/10/cnn-alters-photo-of-umpqua-killer-chris-harper-mercer-to-make-him-look-white/

10/6/2015, 02:11 PM
Are you referring to this debunked falsehood? http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/10/cnn-alters-photo-of-umpqua-killer-chris-harper-mercer-to-make-him-look-white/

Gee, Just cause CNN denied doing it dont make it "Debunked"

Serenity Now
10/6/2015, 02:36 PM
Gee, Just cause CNN denied doing it dont make it "Debunked"

According to CNN they've actually not put a picture of him on their network. Of any kind. This is a typical far right move to cling to a story that fits a narrative and take it viral - just like they accuse the other side of doing. Oh sweet irony.

10/6/2015, 04:35 PM
So, no one speaking to CNN falsification of facts to promote their and MSM agenda?

Loser black dude, whining for no girlfriend, shoots up a bunch of white Christian students. I see hate crime all over this. Hey Zippy, would he look like your son now?

Are you referring to this debunked falsehood? http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/10/cnn-alters-photo-of-umpqua-killer-chris-harper-mercer-to-make-him-look-white/
If GWP retracts, I willretract. Anyone cantweet.

10/6/2015, 06:34 PM
According to CNN they've actually not put a picture of him on their network. Of any kind. This is a typical far right move to cling to a story that fits a narrative and take it viral - just like they accuse the other side of doing. Oh sweet irony.---Why is it that Liberals spin everything?----The kid was half black----Could he be Barack's son?

10/6/2015, 07:25 PM
According to CNN they've actually not put a picture of him on their network. Of any kind. This is a typical far right move to cling to a story that fits a narrative and take it viral - just like they accuse the other side of doing. Oh sweet irony.

My point being, YOU Believe CNN in their denial while ridiculing others for believing THEIR news source, Now thats IRONY

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/6/2015, 07:47 PM
---Why is it that Liberals spin everything?----The kid was half black----Could he be Barack's son?black and wanted to kill white Christians...move right along. Nothing to see here.

Ban guns.

10/6/2015, 08:07 PM
black and wanted to kill white Christians...move right along. Nothing to see here.

Ban guns.---Does that make him a Black Supremacist?

rock on sooner
10/6/2015, 08:25 PM
I gotta question...how come nobody got excited over a 26 year old that
had THIRTEEN guns (plus a trade in)? Seems to me that anyone who
has that kind of firepower orta be on someone's radar...clearly, there should
be flags in the system, after,oh, I dunno, 3 or 4...somebody help me out here..!

Curly Bill
10/6/2015, 08:28 PM
I gotta question...how come nobody got excited over a 26 year old that
had THIRTEEN guns (plus a trade in)? Seems to me that anyone who
has that kind of firepower orta be on someone's radar...clearly, there should
be flags in the system, after,oh, I dunno, 3 or 4...somebody help me out here..!

Thirteen? Some of us call that a starter set.

...and ain't a damn one of mine ever took a notion to going out and killing anyone!

...and what are the limits to your Bill of Rights? Do we ration those out or what? You help me out here...!

rock on sooner
10/6/2015, 08:45 PM
Okay, CB, the thought is that someone who acquires 13 weapons over a 2 or 3
year period of time ought to be looked at by someone, just out of curiosity. Hell,
his mom probably had more than that...2-3 mags for her Glock, multiple mags for
her AR and AK's....

This kid (I'm 70 so I can say that) sent out all kinds of signals that he was damaged.
Nobody did a dayum thing about it. I believe that there should be some way to get
a handle on these folks that have issues. Seems to me that some who want to have
an arsenal should be, at least, checked out. Now, certainly, upstanding folks such as
yourself would be just fine. But, c'mon, this kid, the one in Mass, the one in AZ, at
Va Tech, etc. were issues...surely you can agree to that! I don't want to take any one's
guns away but, fer cryin' out loud there MUST be oversight/checks & balances!

10/6/2015, 08:45 PM
big debate on FB with friends...some who are very liberal socially and have supported dufus in the office.

One lady actually said..in general..."we need to quit making guns, take and destroy the ones we have then in 20 years there won't be any guns so my kids won't get shot at school".

Love her as a friend..but #1 ain't going to happen, #2 her kids will all be well out of school by then.

I post this because this is the exact attitude that is prevailing with these suburban moms...and it's spreading.

Curly Bill
10/6/2015, 08:51 PM
Okay, CB, the thought is that someone who acquires 13 weapons over a 2 or 3
year period of time ought to be looked at by someone, just out of curiosity. Hell,
his mom probably had more than that...2-3 mags for her Glock, multiple mags for
her AR and AK's....

This kid (I'm 70 so I can say that) sent out all kinds of signals that he was damaged.
Nobody did a dayum thing about it. I believe that there should be some way to get
a handle on these folks that have issues. Seems to me that some who want to have
an arsenal should be, at least, checked out. Now, certainly, upstanding folks such as
yourself would be just fine. But, c'mon, this kid, the one in Mass, the one in AZ, at
Va Tech, etc. were issues...surely you can agree to that! I don't want to take any one's
guns away but, fer cryin' out loud there MUST be oversight/checks & balances!

If you're talking about mental health, that's a separate issue than you shouldn't have over X amount of guns.

But back to rationing rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights - should we at least check out someone who maybe exercises their 1st Amendment rights too often, or to too great an extent?

Curly Bill
10/6/2015, 08:53 PM
big debate on FB with friends...some who are very liberal socially and have supported dufus in the office.

One lady actually said..in general..."we need to quit making guns, take and destroy the ones we have then in 20 years there won't be any guns so my kids won't get shot at school".

Love her as a friend..but #1 ain't going to happen, #2 her kids will all be well out of school by then.

I post this because this is the exact attitude that is prevailing with these suburban moms...and it's spreading.

Sounds like you need to sh*tcan some friends!

rock on sooner
10/6/2015, 08:59 PM
If you're talking about mental health, that's a separate issue than you shouldn't have over X amount of guns.

But back to rationing rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights - should we at least check out someone who maybe exercises their 1st Amendment rights too often, or to too great an extent?

Well, those who exercise their right with the 1st Amendment are normally
right out front for everyone to see/hear.

Mental health and an excessive gun "collection" are at the very root of this crap
and, I'm sure, you know it. Closing some loopholes (gun shows) and some sort
increased reporting/awareness might catch some folks who otherwise "slip through
the cracks" (as Trump so famously asserted).

Curly Bill
10/6/2015, 09:04 PM
Well, those who exercise their right with the 1st Amendment are normally
right out front for everyone to see/hear.

Mental health and an excessive gun "collection" are at the very root of this crap
and, I'm sure, you know it. Closing some loopholes (gun shows) and some sort
increased reporting/awareness might catch some folks who otherwise "slip through
the cracks" (as Trump so famously asserted).

Explain how your proposed solutions would have stopped any of these mass shootings. The anti-gun astronaut with the big ears couldn't do it. The liberal chick on Morning Joe couldn't do it, but maybe you have the answer? And please, provide details beyond: "we have to do something!"

Curly Bill
10/6/2015, 09:05 PM
Well, those who exercise their right with the 1st Amendment are normally
right out front for everyone to see/hear.

Mental health and an excessive gun "collection" are at the very root of this crap
and, I'm sure, you know it. Closing some loopholes (gun shows) and some sort
increased reporting/awareness might catch some folks who otherwise "slip through
the cracks" (as Trump so famously asserted).

...and I missed that part in the Bill of Rights where we have to be "up front" about exercising our rights? If you could, point out where I can find that - I'd like to take a look at it.

rock on sooner
10/6/2015, 09:13 PM
...and I missed that part in the Bill of Rights where we have to be "up front" about exercising our rights? If you could, point out where I can find that - I'd like to take a look at it.

I surrender, you are locked in....sorry....

10/6/2015, 09:14 PM
Well, those who exercise their right with the 1st Amendment are normally
right out front for everyone to see/hear.

Mental health and an excessive gun "collection" are at the very root of this crap
and, I'm sure, you know it. Closing some loopholes (gun shows) and some sort
increased reporting/awareness might catch some folks who otherwise "slip through
the cracks" (as Trump so famously asserted).

Rock Explane this Gun show LOOPHOLE you and the rest of the Libs spout off about!
Excessive Gun collections? By who's standard are they excessive?
At one time I had Mine insured for 80K and that was back in the early 80s
Who is going to do the reporting and to whom are they going to report?

I'll post this again in case you missed it

Curly Bill
10/6/2015, 09:18 PM
I value my 2nd Amendment rights as much or more than any of the others. From a historical perspective I know what happens to a people when they are left defenseless.

It just resonates with me that when people want us to forfeit some or all of our 2nd Amendment rights, how much of the other ones are they also willing to give up, or take away?

rock on sooner
10/6/2015, 09:18 PM
Vet, see post #47....

10/6/2015, 09:27 PM
Vet, see post #47....

Thats my Point bro. Those in favor of MORE gun control dont want to debate the issue and Those against More control dont either.
My issue is that Gun shows dont offer any more opportunity for Crazy folk to buy guns than say Craigs list or even FB
Very few sellers at Gunshows are individuals wanting to sell 1 or maybe 2 weapons the rest are FFL holders who are required to do the checks. So regurgitating the Gun show Loop hole Mantra just tells me folks aint got a clue.
There are MORE than enough laws on the Books to stop this Crazy shat, Most are not enforced to the extent they need to be ,IMHO

10/7/2015, 03:11 PM
I gotta question...how come nobody got excited over a 26 year old that
had THIRTEEN guns (plus a trade in)? Seems to me that anyone who
has that kind of firepower orta be on someone's radar...clearly, there should
be flags in the system, after,oh, I dunno, 3 or 4...somebody help me out here..!
Nope... Nothing wrong with that, as long as he is legal...

10/7/2015, 03:14 PM
Okay, CB, the thought is that someone who acquires 13 weapons over a 2 or 3
year period of time ought to be looked at by someone, just out of curiosity. Hell,
his mom probably had more than that...2-3 mags for her Glock, multiple mags for
her AR and AK's....

This kid (I'm 70 so I can say that) sent out all kinds of signals that he was damaged.
Nobody did a dayum thing about it. I believe that there should be some way to get
a handle on these folks that have issues. Seems to me that some who want to have
an arsenal should be, at least, checked out. Now, certainly, upstanding folks such as
yourself would be just fine. But, c'mon, this kid, the one in Mass, the one in AZ, at
Va Tech, etc. were issues...surely you can agree to that! I don't want to take any one's
guns away but, fer cryin' out loud there MUST be oversight/checks & balances!

TO your first paragraph, not a darn thing wrong. May be a new collector, hobbyist, gun range enthusiast... Not a bit wrong here.

To you second paragraph, ding, ding, ding... somewhere along the line there should have been a check. But as he may not have been committed or done a crime, he was not on a "list" fine line here between public right to know and HIPAA reporting.

10/7/2015, 03:16 PM
I surrender, you are locked in....sorry....

I will never surrender my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, granted to me by my FOUNDING FATHERS.

see #47, gotcha.... I pity this country and the slaves left when no one can defend their rights or enforce the constitution as it stands today...

10/7/2015, 04:06 PM
I have heard the only potential one that could have been stopped was South Carolina (at least until he found another gun). He had been arrested and had drugs in his possession which is an automatic disqualification.

As for me, I own 3 guns at the present and will be getting more (some competition level stuff). I have 5 mags for each gun simply because I don't like to reload the mags in between as much and I can usually shoot enough with those plus 2 more at a sitting. It is difficult to set something up definitive for denial of weapons. My son has some of the same disorders the Oregon shooter did, but he is unlikely to ever go off like that. It is about knowing who your son is (but I keep my guns locked up anyway just because there is always a chance he could hurt himself). Mental illness maybe should be a disqualification (but what kind since each diagnosis is not equal to the person), but there is really no centralized way of putting this out there. I would like to know it is unlikely I will get shot somewhere, but there is just no way to close this hole. I carry both because of that and also because I will become a target as I get older.

Serenity Now
10/7/2015, 04:19 PM
Rock Explane this Gun show LOOPHOLE you and the rest of the Libs spout off about!
Excessive Gun collections? By who's standard are they excessive?
At one time I had Mine insured for 80K and that was back in the early 80s
Who is going to do the reporting and to whom are they going to report?

I'll post this again in case you missed it

The loophole means that Lee Harvey can go to buy a gun at a reputable dealer. That dealer has a duty to perform a proper background check to verify that Lee Harvey is eligible to purchase a gun. Maybe Lee Harvey is denied due to the fact that he was a patsy who's got a presidential assassination on his record. However, if Lee Harvey goes to a "gun show" there is no duty by that dealer to perform a background check. The same can be said about private gun sales. Personally, I think if John Doe sells a gun to Lee Harvey and Lee Harvey goes all "Lee Harvey" and Mr. Doe didn't perform his due diligence, I think Mr. Doe is liable for any damage performed by Lee Harvey.

10/7/2015, 05:34 PM
The loophole means that Lee Harvey can go to buy a gun at a reputable dealer. That dealer has a duty to perform a proper background check to verify that Lee Harvey is eligible to purchase a gun. Maybe Lee Harvey is denied due to the fact that he was a patsy who's got a presidential assassination on his record.
However, if Lee Harvey goes to a "gun show" there is no duty by that dealer to perform a background check. The same can be said about private gun sales. Personally, I think if John Doe sells a gun to Lee Harvey and Lee Harvey goes all "Lee Harvey" and Mr. Doe didn't perform his due diligence, I think Mr. Doe is liable for any damage performed by Lee Harvey.

And again we have a Moran spouting off about things he has not a CLUE about.
A Dealer is Bound by the Background checks where ever he sells a weapon be it at a Gun show or his living room. Learn some FACTs Snyphilis Nose!

I recently bot a 22 revolver with a Mag cylinder from an individual who needed some money they came to my Shack at night. Are you trying to say I should have waited until Day time and went to the PoPos before I bot?
Again yer a ****in Moran.

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 06:11 PM
Some people are such handwringing p*ssies they'd be okay with having to ask Obama for permission to take a p*ss!

10/7/2015, 06:15 PM
Some people are such handwringing p*ssies they'd be okay with having to ask Obama for permission to take a p*ss!

Yup and they eating so much **** from the Gun control crowed they spewing the same **** with out knowing WTF they talkin about.

10/7/2015, 07:00 PM
What check do you have to buy a gun out of the trunk of a car?----or to steal one

rock on sooner
10/7/2015, 08:24 PM
What check do you have to buy a gun out of the trunk of a car?----or to steal one

This is the issue! The bad guys will get the gun they want, It don't matter the law!
My issue here is enforce the books, kick *** on who doesn't, whatever will be will
absolutely BE!..but, dayum, it would catch a few....the folks who sell at gun shows
will either be "good" or not. This isn't going to change overnight but if it is applied
evenly and constantly the issue can be cut down. Realistically, you righties, tell me
why assault weapons need to be protected? Why shouldn't they be at least registered?
By SN, by buyer/owner? Why not? Are you afraid because someone knows you have
firepower to take out a SWAT team? Why do you need the assault weapons? I'm ALL
for the 2nd Amendment, no doubt, just don't know why so much firepower....? Ya know,
with a Winchester model 74 (7 shot capacity) lever action in a defensive position and
reasonable marksmenship I could stop most any threat...certainly...that same weapon
takes down a deer, a bear even, just doesn't need to be able to fire 30 rounds in 30
seconds. I believe(fervently) anti gun folks are concerned with high capacity firearms.
You progun folks could say, okay, let's not have 30 round capacity, lets not even think
about 100 round mags, let's keep it in small numbers. (You know the argument, when
the shooter stops to reload then Carson (or whoever) can charge him).

It ain't rocket science...high capacity handguns, high capacity assault rifles, aren't needed.
Compromise here, the NRA has its head up its a$$ and is unwilling to back away and most
Pubs quake in their boots, if they pi$$ them off.

Ya know, buying out of a trunk will never stop...bad guys will get the weapon, but, in the
long run, it'll get tougher for them and better for the innocents...JMHO...good night all...

10/7/2015, 09:58 PM
And again it aint about "NEED" Its about Rights!
I havnt in a long time, But I used to go out back and just rip off 10 or 15 30 rd Mags from my Ak, and Mini 14s just for thr shear fun of it, Murdered the hell out of my hill.
Why? Cause I could,

10/7/2015, 10:08 PM

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 10:12 PM
This is the issue! The bad guys will get the gun they want, It don't matter the law!
My issue here is enforce the books, kick *** on who doesn't, whatever will be will
absolutely BE!..but, dayum, it would catch a few....the folks who sell at gun shows
will either be "good" or not. This isn't going to change overnight but if it is applied
evenly and constantly the issue can be cut down. Realistically, you righties, tell me
why assault weapons need to be protected? Why shouldn't they be at least registered?
By SN, by buyer/owner? Why not? Are you afraid because someone knows you have
firepower to take out a SWAT team? Why do you need the assault weapons? I'm ALL
for the 2nd Amendment, no doubt, just don't know why so much firepower....? Ya know,
with a Winchester model 74 (7 shot capacity) lever action in a defensive position and
reasonable marksmenship I could stop most any threat...certainly...that same weapon
takes down a deer, a bear even, just doesn't need to be able to fire 30 rounds in 30
seconds. I believe(fervently) anti gun folks are concerned with high capacity firearms.
You progun folks could say, okay, let's not have 30 round capacity, lets not even think
about 100 round mags, let's keep it in small numbers. (You know the argument, when
the shooter stops to reload then Carson (or whoever) can charge him).

It ain't rocket science...high capacity handguns, high capacity assault rifles, aren't needed.
Compromise here, the NRA has its head up its a$$ and is unwilling to back away and most
Pubs quake in their boots, if they pi$$ them off.

Ya know, buying out of a trunk will never stop...bad guys will get the weapon, but, in the
long run, it'll get tougher for them and better for the innocents...JMHO...good night all...

Really? From reading the rest of that blather that doesn't seem to be the case at all.

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 10:16 PM
This is the issue! The bad guys will get the gun they want, It don't matter the law!
My issue here is enforce the books, kick *** on who doesn't, whatever will be will
absolutely BE!..but, dayum, it would catch a few....the folks who sell at gun shows
will either be "good" or not. This isn't going to change overnight but if it is applied
evenly and constantly the issue can be cut down. Realistically, you righties, tell me
why assault weapons need to be protected? Why shouldn't they be at least registered?
By SN, by buyer/owner? Why not? Are you afraid because someone knows you have
firepower to take out a SWAT team? Why do you need the assault weapons? I'm ALL
for the 2nd Amendment, no doubt, just don't know why so much firepower....? Ya know,
with a Winchester model 74 (7 shot capacity) lever action in a defensive position and
reasonable marksmenship I could stop most any threat...certainly...that same weapon
takes down a deer, a bear even, just doesn't need to be able to fire 30 rounds in 30
seconds. I believe(fervently) anti gun folks are concerned with high capacity firearms.
You progun folks could say, okay, let's not have 30 round capacity, lets not even think
about 100 round mags, let's keep it in small numbers. (You know the argument, when
the shooter stops to reload then Carson (or whoever) can charge him).

It ain't rocket science...high capacity handguns, high capacity assault rifles, aren't needed.
Compromise here, the NRA has its head up its a$$ and is unwilling to back away and most
Pubs quake in their boots, if they pi$$ them off.

Ya know, buying out of a trunk will never stop...bad guys will get the weapon, but, in the
long run, it'll get tougher for them and better for the innocents...JMHO...good night all...

Great idea though - lets base what we're able to do in this country on only what we need to do. For example: You didn't really need to write all this crap - therefore I find that you have no right to be able to do that in the future. Let's compromise right? In the future you only write what you have a need to write, and I'm gonna choose an arbitrary number and say you're only allowed 100 words per post. There - see how that works?!?!

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 10:18 PM
The "need" argument is absolutely at the top of the stupid list that the liberals break out, and shows a complete lack of knowledge about what the 2nd Amendment is about.

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 10:26 PM

No sh*t! She coulda set at the back of the bus and still got where she was going. Why does anyone "need" to do a lot of damn things?! The total stupidity of the "need" concept pisses me off to no end!!!

10/7/2015, 10:30 PM
No sh*t! She coulda set at the back of the bus and still got where she was going. Why does anyone "need" to do a lot of damn things?! The total stupidity of the "need" concept pisses me off to no end!!!

Yup. Its not about Need, Its about the Second amendment, Wonder why all these folk that are against the 2nd are so in favor of the FIRST?
What they need all those "WORDS" for?

Serenity Now
10/7/2015, 10:31 PM
No sh*t! She coulda set at the back of the bus and still got where she was going. Why does anyone "need" to do a lot of damn things?! The total stupidity of the "need" concept pisses me off to no end!!!

Everything pisses off assclowns like you.

10/7/2015, 10:33 PM
Everything pisses off assclowns like you.

The only thing that Pisses ME off is asshats like YOU.

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 10:34 PM
Everything pisses off assclowns like you.

You got anything better than that you low information handwringing beta male p*ssy?

I dare say nothing pisses you off because it would require that your testicles have dropped.

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 10:37 PM
You got anything better than that you low information handwringing beta male p*ssy?

I dare say nothing pisses you off because it would require that your testicles have dropped.

Awww hell, I take that back! That was wrong of me...

...for em to have dropped you'd have to have them!

Serenity Now
10/7/2015, 10:41 PM
You arseholes are so tough. Typical Internet toughies. Those avatars!!! Oooooo Scared.

10/7/2015, 10:42 PM
Hey Curly Lets take SN Bowling ok?

https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12118910_1664598830421412_8849292764998451048_n.jp g?oh=88b8b6c7f24869c2746a26349d974de9&oe=5693B1CC

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 10:45 PM
You arseholes are so tough. Typical Internet toughies. Those avatars!!! Oooooo Scared.

Says the pansy *ss loser that all his life has been run over like the beta male he is, but now can hide behind his computer and pretend that he's not been a coward and a pushover his entire life.

And who the f*ck obsesses about an avatar? How manly is that? But hey, post some more of those love notes I've sent ya - you know: "out me" as you called it. That was beyond manly of you!!

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 10:50 PM
You know SN has been treated like sh*t by any real males his entire life. He finds solace in the presence of other beta males, and the anonymity of the innerwebs. He gets to come here and pretend to be a fully functioning male - take out some of his anger and resentment. He's pathetic really, and if I cared at all for pathetic losers I'd suggest we be kinder and more understanding towards him.

Now...I await his overly forced manly reply.

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 10:55 PM
Vet, you've been around here for a while - how far is SN from being the gheyest poster ever on the site? We've had some doozies, but SN seems to be getting gheyer the longer he stays around.

Curly Bill
10/7/2015, 11:08 PM
So much for a reply from the newest resident loser. Maybe when he's had a good several hours to think it over he can come up with what for him is a good comeback?!?!

10/7/2015, 11:09 PM
Vet, you've been around here for a while - how far is SN from being the gheyest poster ever on the site? We've had some doozies, but SN seems to be getting gheyer the longer he stays around.

he;s just the latest Bro. remember Marfa? there have been so many i cant count em. LOL

Serenity Now
10/7/2015, 11:28 PM
Pfffft. Going to bed.

10/8/2015, 12:00 PM
The loophole means that Lee Harvey can go to buy a gun at a reputable dealer. That dealer has a duty to perform a proper background check to verify that Lee Harvey is eligible to purchase a gun. Maybe Lee Harvey is denied due to the fact that he was a patsy who's got a presidential assassination on his record. However, if Lee Harvey goes to a "gun show" there is no duty by that dealer to perform a background check. The same can be said about private gun sales. Personally, I think if John Doe sells a gun to Lee Harvey and Lee Harvey goes all "Lee Harvey" and Mr. Doe didn't perform his due diligence, I think Mr. Doe is liable for any damage performed by Lee Harvey.

OK, then you should have a duty to be reviewed for a driver's license, that is a deadly weapon... How about a government review to get married or have babies? Having babies could be a drain on the government and other peoples standard of living... Why not require a background check for anyone buying a knife, those are certainly a deadly weapon. Do we need a mental health review to buy a steak knife? More people have probably been killed by a steak knife than by a gun in this country (and that is a hyperbole as I have no stats).

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/8/2015, 01:33 PM
he;s just the latest Bro. remember Marfa? there have been so many i cant count em. LOLThe marfac owboy is on display over at another OU message board these days, and hasn't changed/improved.

Serenity Now
10/8/2015, 01:36 PM
OK, then you should have a duty to be reviewed for a driver's license, that is a deadly weapon... How about a government review to get married or have babies? Having babies could be a drain on the government and other peoples standard of living... Why not require a background check for anyone buying a knife, those are certainly a deadly weapon. Do we need a mental health review to buy a steak knife? More people have probably been killed by a steak knife than by a gun in this country (and that is a hyperbole as I have no stats).

Good point! We are required to have and maintain a driver's license. If you drive without one you go to jail. If you've had too many DUI's you can't get one.

The rest is hyperbole, which I respect.


Repeated polls have shown that over 90% of the American public supports laws requiring background checks on all gun purchasers, regardless of whether they buy weapons from licensed dealers or private sellers. A survey conducted for the New England Journal of Medicine in January 2013 found that 84% of gun owners and 74% of NRA members also support requiring a universal background check system for all gun sales.

It seems as if we're all singing from the same sheet of music but the gun lobby doesn't want it.


10/8/2015, 02:00 PM
Good point! We are required to have and maintain a driver's license. If you drive without one you go to jail. If you've had too many DUI's you can't get one.

The rest is hyperbole, which I respect.


It seems as if we're all singing from the same sheet of music but the gun lobby doesn't want it.


I aint singing in yer dayum choir, Enforce the laws on the books, adding new ones wont do a thing.

IF you believe every pole ever published then yer dumber than i thot.

10/8/2015, 02:01 PM
The marfac owboy is on display over at another OU message board these days, and hasn't changed/improved.

Still the Richest, toughest, Smartest MoFo around huh?

Serenity Now
10/8/2015, 02:08 PM
I aint singing in yer dayum choir, Enforce the laws on the books, adding new ones wont do a thing.

IF you believe every pole ever published then yer dumber than i thot.

This POLL would have to have a +/- of 26% to make it not significant.

10/8/2015, 02:47 PM
This POLL would have to have a +/- of 26% to make it not significant.

A Pole is only as significant as the Polester makes it.