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View Full Version : Will A Hot Water Power Washer Clean a Plasma Screen?

Judge Smails
9/26/2015, 06:44 PM
After watching the fantastically craptacular ugliness that was the Whorns/Pokies (game?) earlier today, I've decided I need to give my video system a complete cleaning, including the dish, the cables and the television itself.

I've already power washed the dish and am wondering what to use on the plasma screen?

I think I'll loop the 2014 Sugar Bowl continuously for a least a week to flush out all of the cables and components.

Any ideas for my eyes??

9/26/2015, 06:46 PM
Acid bath

Judge Smails
9/26/2015, 06:53 PM
I just realized that crap was beamed down from satellite and covered almost every square inch of the earth.

This could be how Armageddon begins.

I think my grass is already starting to turn brown.....

9/26/2015, 07:10 PM
Fear the walking dead

9/27/2015, 05:43 PM
.....Japanese porn

.....that is all


9/28/2015, 02:11 PM