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View Full Version : Why do Libs Condem Christians, and Support Mooslums?

9/24/2015, 09:01 AM
Dont really have a dog in this but it is curious to me.

Serenity Now
9/24/2015, 09:03 AM
I'm not a fan of extremists of any stripe. Before you blame the left you might look at how the right has reacted to The Pope's visit.

9/24/2015, 09:11 AM
I'm not a fan of extremists of any stripe. Before you blame the left you might look at how the right has reacted to The Pope's visit.

LMFAO, Typical Lib response, Twist, Spin and deflect!

I couldnt give 2 ****s about the head altar molester,
Havnt read Nor watched moren 2 minutes of his crap.
Now back to the Original question, Why?

9/24/2015, 09:42 AM
I'm not a fan of extremists of any stripe. Before you blame the left you might look at how the right has reacted to The Pope's visit.---How did the Libs act when Netanyahu showed up?

9/24/2015, 09:43 AM
---How did the Libs act when Netanyahu showed up?

Why with the utmost decorum of course.. (NOT)

Serenity Now
9/24/2015, 10:00 AM
---How did the Libs act when Netanyahu showed up?

You comparing The Pope with Bibi? That said, I think Bibi was treated better by the "liberal media" than The Pope was treated by the right wing media.

9/24/2015, 10:02 AM
Dont really have a dog in this but it is curious to me.

I think it is rather hard to think of either religious group as a monolithic bloc. Just like saying all Catholics bugger little boys. Of course we like the narratives that fit our world view, so that is how we interpret it. Nutters on either said who want to force their convictions on me bum me out.

Serenity Now
9/24/2015, 10:02 AM
LMFAO, Typical Lib response, Twist, Spin and deflect!

I couldnt give 2 ****s about the head altar molester,
Havnt read Nor watched moren 2 minutes of his crap.
Now back to the Original question, Why?

I don't think the "left" demonizes Christianity as you imply. We'd like the Kim Davis' of the world to do their job. But, to imply that Christians are somehow treated poorly is inaccurate. I'm a left Christian in the Bible Belt and I giggle at those on the facebook talking about how Christians are mistreated. There is a fringe in all parties that don't represent the whole well.

9/24/2015, 10:04 AM
You comparing The Pope with Bibi? That said, I think Bibi was treated better by the "liberal media" than The Pope was treated by the right wing media.---Thanks for you "opinion"

9/24/2015, 10:05 AM
---How did the Libs act when Netanyahu showed up?

Bibi is a pos, and if the shoe was on the other foot the GOP would have been screaming bloody murder about a foreign leaders attempt to derail a policy initiative by the executive. The claims of treason would have been long and loud, and rightfully so.

9/24/2015, 10:06 AM
I don't think the "left" demonizes Christianity as you imply. We'd like the Kim Davis' of the world to do their job. But, to imply that Christians are somehow treated poorly is inaccurate. I'm a left Christian in the Bible Belt and I giggle at those on the facebook talking about how Christians are mistreated. There is a fringe in all parties that don't represent the whole well.

One of Yalls very own Libs on this board goes out of his way to Laugh at and Criticize Christianity Sayin they want to Force their Belifes on others, My Point is Mooslums are even MORE adamant about forcing their beliefs , Yet they are Supported strongly by the Libs

Serenity Now
9/24/2015, 10:11 AM
One of Yalls very own Libs on this board goes out of his way to Laugh at and Criticize Christianity Sayin they want to Force their Belifes on others, My Point is Mooslums are even MORE adamant about forcing their beliefs , Yet they are Supported strongly by the Libs

Which lib? I think the "libs" think all should be treated fairly under the Constitution. We also see that there are X billion Muslims in the world and the fanatics are a small percentage. We also see that the "shock and awe" helped build up the fanatics. The actions of the 9/11 terrorists accomplished EXACTLY what they wanted to accomplish - to draw the US into a ground war so that the civilian casualties would lead to more jahadists. 14 years later and we're still there. It's like we were Rommel and the evil guy was Patton on the hill with the binoculars. "I read your book you sonofabitch!"

9/24/2015, 11:45 AM
LMFAO, Typical Lib response, Twist, Spin and deflect!

Now back to the Original question, Why?

Because Libs are self loathing and need to find fault with themselves and make others pay...

9/24/2015, 11:50 AM
My Point is Mooslums are even MORE adamant about forcing their beliefs

The Koran requires that they force their belief on others, by conquering or by proselytizing... The world is to be under one God, Allah per requirement. Those that do not believe that or see that are deluding themselves.

9/24/2015, 12:10 PM
So conservatives are being called out for criticizing the Pope? The same Pope that has been the target of leftists for decades due to the Catholic Church's stance on abortion, gay marriage, divorce? Just a tad hypocritical to call out conservatives when the left has vilified the Pope incessantly for ever. As another poster on here stated, the only religion that has escaped the wrath of the secular progressives in this country has been Islam. Which based on their positions regarding women's rights, gay rights, equal rights for non-Muslims, makes that even more perplexing.

Funny to see the left now all in for the Pope. The same Pope that has shown a egregious misunderstanding of some very important issues. His concern for the poor rings hollow when analyzing his devotion to the climate change debate. Does he not understand the elimination of coal will cause electric costs to skyrocket, affecting the poor more than anyone? Obama would love $5.00 a gallon gasoline prices, but what would that do to the poor, many to drive long distances to get to work?

The Pope is for unfettered immigration. So he obviously does not understand that the demands on social services would jeopardize social programs for everyone, as debt would rise to very dangerous levels.

9/24/2015, 05:27 PM
Bibi is a pos
You wouldn't make a pimple on his ***.

Serenity Now
9/24/2015, 06:18 PM
You wouldn't make a pimple on his ***.

Says the turd. Bibi was saying Iran was a year away from the bomb before bake mayfield was born. And Kate upton, I think. He's a warmonger. The right loves him.

9/24/2015, 06:46 PM
I'm fairly sure anything I said about Muslims could be applied to Christians and vice versa most of the time.

Anyone is free to play pretend, just leave me out of it.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/24/2015, 07:10 PM
You comparing The Pope with Bibi? That said, I think Bibi was treated better by the "liberal media" than The Pope was treated by the right wing media.You're so full of crap, how did you ever learn to be that way?

Serenity Now
9/24/2015, 08:58 PM
You're so full of crap, how did you ever learn to be that way?
So are the pope and a warmongering Israeli PM comparable?

9/24/2015, 10:55 PM
I saw a CBS reporter wide-eyed and gushing about the "Holy Father" yesterday on the national news. I hadn't seen that sort of media fanhood since the early days of BHO. It made me tired when they had some Mexican child earnestly talking about making contact with the pope regarding immigration reform. Great. We see a Mexican kid and an old man from Rome doing their best to influence US immigration policy. The libs just love that sort of Christianity.

I turned off the TV with the comment that he needs to go back to Rome and quit helping ruin our country. Lib college daughter huffed off to her bedroom.

The ironic twist is: I had turned on the news wondering about the horrific stampede in Mecca, wondering what had caused it, that safeguards had been put in place, etc. CBS didn't lead with that story.

9/24/2015, 11:04 PM
I saw a post actually explaining the 5 fallacies of the comments of the Pope taken out of context and the translation...was kind of "made to fit the agenda".

The 5 were gay marriage, capitalism, abortion, priest marrying and annulments. What the liberal mainstream media DIDN'T report was that the Catholic Church AND the Pope are still against gay marriage, that the Pope said basically capitalism ALONE won't help the poor...the rest are not as hot a topic.

Anyway...for me, it's a wait and see...He's not as bad as some say. MOST priest are fairly non-verbal judgmental...it's their nature.

9/24/2015, 11:30 PM
A few yrs ago Newsweek ran a cover story that was truly shocking (pretty sure it was Newsweek). The cover featured a beautiful young lady...that had had her nose cut off. Seems like the title said The Face of Radical Islam. I remember reading criticism of the magazine for using that photo because it supposedly fed into the west's Islamophobia.

Btw, Soonerjeepman, how's your school year going so far? I'm enjoying another good one. Gonna miss it in a few years when I retire.

9/25/2015, 09:17 AM
Hey wasp,
Good...getting ready for class now. I've got 3 more. If my current assignment changes (might due to budget) I'm going to finish up at middle school...hopefully social studies. Then I get back into coaching basketball.

Glad to hear your year is going well.

9/25/2015, 03:11 PM
Dont really have a dog in this but it is curious to me.

It's simple. The left is against Judeo-Christian values, the Muslims are against Jews (and by association Christians). The enemy of my enemy is my friend, of course.

9/27/2015, 09:54 AM
Dont really have a dog in this but it is curious to me.

I support nerdy kids with science projects. I don't support 20-somethings that think they're going to bring on the end of the world by killing innocent people.

I support all the good works Christians do. I don't support murdering abortion doctors.

In both (in all) religions there are a great number of people in between the extremes. None of us know what's in all of their hearts.