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View Full Version : You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?

8/19/2015, 09:40 PM
What could possibly be wrong with it :disturbed: The Critical areas we gonna let em Inspect it themselves, We can trust em for sure!

AP Exclusive: UN to let Iran inspect alleged nuke work site


Serenity Now
8/19/2015, 10:14 PM
I'll defer to the prophet on the details. I read that known sites are under immediate inspection. Suspected sites will have a waiting period that will not go long enough to remove the radiation.


340 Rabbis support it.
Retired Israeli brass support it.
Retired US Military brass support it.
American Jews support it.

The people that don't support it are listening to Bibi. He started saying that Iran was 6 months away from having a bomb about 23 years ago. He was saying that BEFORE I was saying that Brandon Daniels was going to bring back the wishbone on the national stage.

8/19/2015, 10:21 PM
Oh for f*cks sake. A few days ago the chicken littles were squawking over alleged attempts to scrub Parchin ahead of inspectors, now no inspectors. I wish these dipsh*ts would get the facts straight. Hell, we might just be dumb enough to follow them towards another military adventure.

8/19/2015, 10:27 PM
I'll defer to the prophet on the details. I read that known sites are under immediate inspection. Suspected sites will have a waiting period that will not go long enough to remove the radiation.


340 Rabbis support it.
Retired Israeli brass support it.
Retired US Military brass support it.
American Jews support it.

The people that don't support it are listening to Bibi. He started saying that Iran was 6 months away from having a bomb about 23 years ago. He was saying that BEFORE I was saying that Brandon Daniels was going to bring back the wishbone on the national stage.

Yer really sompun aint ya?
where ya find that deal? and Please tell me what percentage of the Total that 340 is.

Serenity Now
8/19/2015, 10:30 PM
Yer really sompun aint ya?
where ya find that deal? and Please tell me what percentage of the Total that 340 is.

That's not the point. The point is that not only did 340 rabbis write to Congress, American jews support it as well. And, retired American military personnel. I think they would know more than you or me or Tom Cotton.

8/19/2015, 10:33 PM
That's not the point. The point is that not only did 340 rabbis write to Congress, American jews support it as well. And, retired American military personnel. I think they would know more than you or me or Tom Cotton.

I see, You would rather take some off beat rag reporters stats and believe them, than Think for yourself. Gotcha!

8/19/2015, 10:34 PM
My point ya waffle brained idiot is They are going to Let IRAN inspect itself, Do you not see anything wrong with that idea?

8/19/2015, 11:07 PM
Iran is no threat to us just like Iraq was no threat to us in '03. I understand why Israel wants nothing but to keep a boot on Iran's neck no matter what. I also believe Israel has enough shock and awe power (thanks to us) to take care of business if sh*t gets real. With spy planes and satellites combined with the Israeli intel network, inspections will just be confirmation of what is already known anyway.

8/19/2015, 11:11 PM
Iran is no threat to us just like Iraq was no threat to us in '03. I understand why Israel wants nothing but to keep a boot on Iran's neck no matter what. I also believe Israel has enough shock and awe power (thanks to us) to take care of business if sh*t gets real. With spy planes and satellites combined with the Israeli intel network, inspections will just be confirmation of what is already known anyway.

I agree to an extent that Iran is no threat to us, But more than you think, Right now they dont have what it takes to mount an all out war or attack on US, They do however control and fund a shat load of Terrorist camps that can and will attack us from any and all sides. While they cant defeat us they can hurt us.

8/19/2015, 11:35 PM
I agree to an extent that Iran is no threat to us, But more than you think, Right now they dont have what it takes to mount an all out war or attack on US, They do however control and fund a shat load of Terrorist camps that can and will attack us from any and all sides. While they cant defeat us they can hurt us.

Our biggest threat from the middle east in general is recruited domestic terrorists. Yes, Iran could add a drop to that bucket, but their focus is more in their area - and thus the Israeli concern. We will live with radicalized domestic terrorist for as long as we have a conspicuous military presence over there - which means forever from what I can tell.

I don't see this "deal" as much a real deal as it is a change in policy. It was eventually going to happen because Iran would just go more and more to China/Russia for trade. It is typical of what 2nd term presidents do since domestic policy influence is near gone after the mid-terms. It is a swing for the fences type of deal which could pay off. And if it fails, there is not much downside - the whole nuclear thing is way overblown by all sides (administration, Iran, Israel and Republicans). But if there is anything positive that came out of that whole Shah clusterf*ck is that we found the Iranian people are very open to western culture. Much more than the Saudis or other conservative Sunni friends. If their society opens up and the people demand a better standard of living, there is no way they could go back. And that is the potential upside of this deal. The other thing it could do is align Iran more with western Europe instead of forcing them to lean more on Russia and especially, China in the long run.

8/19/2015, 11:50 PM
All that is beside the point. Point is we drew a Line in Their sand and placed sanctions on them,because we thot they were developing a Nuclear war capability. Now we are withdrawing those same sanctions and going to trust THEM to self police. Its ****ing Idiocy at the highest levels

Like Ive said Lets just give Israel every thing they need and Pack up our **** and come home!

8/20/2015, 01:06 PM
All that is beside the point. Point is we drew a Line in Their sand and placed sanctions on them,because we thot they were developing a Nuclear war capability. Now we are withdrawing those same sanctions and going to trust THEM to self police. Its ****ing Idiocy at the highest levels

Like Ive said Lets just give Israel every thing they need and Pack up our **** and come home!

Drawing lines in the sand is general dumb in the first place. But policies do and should change over time. We know for a FACT they have been developing nuclear capability under the sanctions, so that line in the sand obviously hasn't worked. What I'd like to see is policy that removes the political crap and looks at least a decade down the road of how things are heading. It would also be nice to see us look back a few decades and learn from what worked and what didn't for a change. What I see is that our real inevitable threat is China because their economy will grow to exceed ours and it really has been our economy that has maintained our influence over world affairs. I don't want to see Iran become pocket allies of China because of short sighted sanctions. But that is exactly what will happen as China needs oil and Iran needs a place to sell it. Also, with our increased domestic oil production, it is inevitable that our relationship with the Saudis will become strained. And their people (Sunnis) hate our guts and unlike Iranian people, totally reject western culture. Having at least an arms length relationship with Iran as well as keep one with the Saudis if possible will be a stablizing situation for us. I'm not optimistic it will happen, but it is worth a shot. This "deal" is dipping our toe in the water to see if we can change policy. My guess is that the hardliners in Iran will sabotage the deal because they want to keep power and don't want an uppity citizen base to ruin that.

Serenity Now
8/20/2015, 01:26 PM
So it's a race to see which group of hardliners poops in the bed first - there's, ours or Israel's? I will sleep better now. :|

8/20/2015, 01:40 PM

Then things got weird: A couple of hours after first publishing, the AP added in a bunch of quotes from Republicans furiously condemning the revelations, but at the same time, the AP removed most of the actual revelations. The information in the article was substantially altered, with some of the most damning details scrubbed entirely. No explanation for this was given.

The new version of the story said nothing about environmental sampling. It said that Iran will provide photos and videos of the site, as well as mechanisms by which the IAEA can verify that these are authentic. But information about how the IAEA would verify this, which was in the original story, had also been removed.

8/20/2015, 03:23 PM
I'll defer to the prophet on the details. I read that known sites are under immediate inspection. Suspected sites will have a waiting period that will not go long enough to remove the radiation.


340 Rabbis support it.
Retired Israeli brass support it.
Retired US Military brass support it.
American Jews support it.

The people that don't support it are listening to Bibi. He started saying that Iran was 6 months away from having a bomb about 23 years ago. He was saying that BEFORE I was saying that Brandon Daniels was going to bring back the wishbone on the national stage.

Serenity what in God's green earth would have you believe that we can trust the Iranians? My gosh would you please accept their stated goals of the total destruction of Israel and the United States as being sincere? So we sit at the bargaining table with the Mullahs trying to hash out an agreement, all the while Iranian backed terrorists are busy murdering people all over the world as chants of "Death to America" go on outside?

You feel we can trust them with upholding their end of the Agreement, but then not trust them in their promise to annihilate Israel and the US? Does this make any sense? If so, please explain it to us.

My gosh, just a little common sense please!!!

8/20/2015, 04:01 PM
My gosh, just a little common sense please!!!

Never met a lib that had any...

Serenity Now
8/20/2015, 04:24 PM
Boulder seems to have some reasoned views.

9/6/2015, 03:10 PM
Colin Powell supports it.


Curly Bill
9/6/2015, 03:20 PM
Colin Powell supports it.


Is this where we're supposed to say: Oh, well if Colin Powell supports it....!

9/6/2015, 03:24 PM
Iran is a sovereign nation that has not attacked the United States. Their domestic affairs are not our concern; furthermore, interference in their domestic politics over the last 60ish years has contributed greatly to that country's radicalization.

Iran shouldn't have to sign an agreement with us or anyone else -- what happens within their borders is under and within their sovereign purview. If they attack the United States then that becomes an entirely different matter, but I do not nor have I ever believed they would be that bold.

9/6/2015, 04:27 PM
I'll defer to the prophet on the details. I read that known sites are under immediate inspection. Suspected sites will have a waiting period that will not go long enough to remove the radiation.


340 Rabbis support it.
Retired Israeli brass support it.
Retired US Military brass support it.
American Jews support it.

The people that don't support it are listening to Bibi. He started saying that Iran was 6 months away from having a bomb about 23 years ago. He was saying that BEFORE I was saying that Brandon Daniels was going to bring back the wishbone on the national stage.----Maybe we should all eat ****----10 Trillion flies can't be wrong

9/6/2015, 06:19 PM
Dick Cheney came out against this deal in his new book using his usual hyperbole. I was a little dubious of of the deal, but no longer. Dick Cheney has a rock solid background in all things middle east. No other person of influence has been more consistently wrong on the subject during the last 3-4 decades. If only we had played the opposite game using Cheney advice all the way back to the original Iraq dealings with Sadam in the '80s the world would be a better place.

9/6/2015, 09:38 PM
----Maybe we should all eat ****----10 Trillion flies can't be wrong

We ate sh!t the last these flies buzzed. It was a Charlie Foxtrot, think I'll pass on the whole fearmongering scam they are trying to work now.

9/6/2015, 10:01 PM
We ate sh!t the last these flies buzzed. It was a Charlie Foxtrot, think I'll pass on the whole fearmongering scam they are trying to work now.

How is Keeping the sanctions on causing fear mongering cluster ****?
My Point was and Is , If we going to do it, keep the pressure on, dont let up just because they say OK we will play nice and we will even inspect ourselves to make sure of it. Thats ****ing moronic!

Curly Bill
9/6/2015, 10:40 PM
How is Keeping the sanctions on causing fear mongering cluster ****?
My Point was and Is , If we going to do it, keep the pressure on, dont let up just because they say OK we will play nice and we will even inspect ourselves to make sure of it. Thats ****ing moronic!

He's a lib. You know those pansy a** beta males live in fear of everything!

9/6/2015, 10:45 PM
He's a lib. You know those pansy a** beta males live in fear of everything!


9/7/2015, 06:59 AM
He's a lib. You know those pansy a** beta males live in fear of everything!

Yeah, cause the liberal crowd are the ones clamoring about nuclear war and marching Israelis off to death camps. Seems to me the "tough talkin" GOP alpha males are the ones scared of the big ol mean Persian.

9/7/2015, 08:45 AM
Yeah, cause the liberal crowd are the ones clamoring about nuclear war and marching Israelis off to death camps. Seems to me the "tough talkin" GOP alpha males are the ones scared of the big ol mean Persian.

This is about as idiotic a statement as Ive ever seen you make here.

9/7/2015, 08:56 AM
This is about as idiotic a statement as Ive ever seen you make here.

How so? We've had a GOP candidates make absurd claims about Iranian nuclear weapons. The flat threat inflation and fearmongering from the usual suspects is galling. Cheney was owned yesterday on Fox News Sunday shenanigans regarding his role arms proliferation. It's a joke, these clowns don't know squat about international affairs and the last time they were given the keys to the military they drove it into a ditch. How's that for idiotic.

9/7/2015, 09:06 AM
How so? We've had a GOP candidates make absurd claims about Iranian nuclear weapons. The flat threat inflation and fearmongering from the usual suspects is galling. Cheney was owned yesterday on Fox News Sunday shenanigans regarding his role arms proliferation. It's a joke, these clowns don't know squat about international affairs and the last time they were given the keys to the military they drove it into a ditch. How's that for idiotic.

So you watch Fox news? Hell i dont watch any of that crap and Cheney is irrelevant to todays climate in MHO.

Subject here is WHY undo all the sanctions on Iran just on trusting them to self report? Why even place sanctions on them in the 1st place?

9/7/2015, 09:26 AM
the point is that sanctions aren't working, and we are pushing them into working with China and Russia more, which would allow less Western influence in the country

i've yet to see what we are actually losing in this deal. we aren't inspecting anything at all right now are we?

9/7/2015, 09:37 AM
the point is that sanctions aren't working, and we are pushing them into working with China and Russia more, which would allow less Western influence in the country

i've yet to see what we are actually losing in this deal. we aren't inspecting anything at all right now are we?

That might be YOUR point, Mine was and IS , WE didnt TRUST them to not develop a Nuclear war head, So we placed the sanctions (stupid or not is a different discussion)Then we Take em OFF and say Ok we trust you to Self inspect and report to us any infractions you may do.

9/7/2015, 09:55 AM
that's only one specific site though, not all of them unless i'm not understanding it

even so, if something we are doing isn't working, why keep doing it? it obviously didn't stop them from having a nuclear program

doesn't it make sense to try something else? pretending the country doesn't exist only turns their population against us. it sounds like their demographics are better for us than the Kingdom's and we love those guys for some reason.

9/7/2015, 10:13 AM
that's only one specific site though, not all of them unless i'm not understanding it

even so, if something we are doing isn't working, why keep doing it? it obviously didn't stop them from having a nuclear program

doesn't it make sense to try something else? pretending the country doesn't exist only turns their population against us. it sounds like their demographics are better for us than the Kingdom's and we love those guys for some reason.

Never said I agreed with it, Just said its ****in stupid to start something then say OK now we trust you, Go ahead.

Curly Bill
9/7/2015, 11:08 AM
I like how prophet has so readily, and without argument taken to the beta male label. He wears it like he's proud to be a half-male!

9/7/2015, 11:17 AM
Never said I agreed with it, Just said its ****in stupid to start something then say OK now we trust you, Go ahead.

Then what is your point? What do you think we should do?

Serenity Now
9/7/2015, 11:24 AM
I like how prophet has so readily, and without argument taken to the beta male label. He wears it like he's proud to be a half-male!
Too bad he doesn't have a tough looking avatar to validate to the world that he's a big swinging dick. LOL

9/7/2015, 11:27 AM
Then what is your point? What do you think we should do?

Ive stated my POINT 3 times.

Curly Bill
9/7/2015, 11:29 AM
Too bad he doesn't have a tough looking avatar to validate to the world that he's a big swinging dick. LOL

Too bad you can relate so well to that beta male label and it makes you envious of actual men!

9/7/2015, 11:46 AM
Ive stated my POINT 3 times.

that we should just keep doing what hasn't been working?

Serenity Now
9/7/2015, 11:53 AM
Too bad you can relate so well to that beta male label and it makes you envious of actual men!
Yeah, that's it.

Serenity Now
9/7/2015, 11:58 AM
YOU guys are fun.

Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
How'd your pops react when he found out he didn't have a son afterall?
9/7/2015 11:17 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: How screwed up is America?
What's up you ferret-faced handwringing loser?!
9/6/2015 03:26 PM
Curly Bill
Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
When did you realize you weren't a complete man?
9/6/2015 03:26 PM
Curly Bill
Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
How about a brain? Ever wonder what it'd be like to have one?
9/6/2015 03:24 PM
Curly Bill
Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
Do you ever wish you had been born with functioning testicles?
9/6/2015 03:24 PM
Curly Bill
Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
What's up loser?
8/28/2015 09:56 PM
Thread: Does Anybody Support Trump?
8/28/2015 09:55 PM
Thread: Does Anybody Support Trump?

Curly Bill
9/7/2015, 12:15 PM
YOU guys are fun.

Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
How'd your pops react when he found out he didn't have a son afterall?
9/7/2015 11:17 AM
Curly Bill
Thread: How screwed up is America?
What's up you ferret-faced handwringing loser?!
9/6/2015 03:26 PM
Curly Bill
Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
When did you realize you weren't a complete man?
9/6/2015 03:26 PM
Curly Bill
Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
How about a brain? Ever wonder what it'd be like to have one?
9/6/2015 03:24 PM
Curly Bill
Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
Do you ever wish you had been born with functioning testicles?
9/6/2015 03:24 PM
Curly Bill
Thread: You Libs still back Obammy's an Kerrys Iran deal?
What's up loser?
8/28/2015 09:56 PM
Thread: Does Anybody Support Trump?
8/28/2015 09:55 PM
Thread: Does Anybody Support Trump?

You wear that with pride! I tried to write stuff that you could identify with. Guess I nailed it?!?!

9/7/2015, 12:49 PM
that we should just keep doing what hasn't been working?

Yea, Thats it, Jeese louise!

9/7/2015, 01:09 PM
So what then? Boots on the ground?

hawaii 5-0
9/7/2015, 01:19 PM
Looks like a coupla Wee Willie Winkies got exposed for the rest of the Board to see.

Laff O' tha Day !!!!

Vet, I'm afraid you don't have a very clear idea of what the inspection process of Iran's nuclear facilities includes. Most people don't so they make stuff up.


9/7/2015, 01:26 PM
Looks like a coupla Wee Willie Winkies got exposed for the rest of the Board to see.

Laff O' tha Day !!!!

Vet, I'm afraid you don't have a very clear idea of what the inspection process of Iran's nuclear facilities includes. Most people don't so they make stuff up.


50 I dont really much give a shat, Can you nut understand that? I simply said Why start something because you dont trust some one then Back off and so OK we trust you now, Crarry on. Oh by the way if you see you doning somethin wrong you will tell us right? Never said it was the whole deal. Yer a Moran

Curly Bill
9/7/2015, 01:44 PM
Looks like a coupla Wee Willie Winkies got exposed for the rest of the Board to see.

Laff O' tha Day !!!!

Vet, I'm afraid you don't have a very clear idea of what the inspection process of Iran's nuclear facilities includes. Most people don't so they make stuff up.


I bet you've been amused more than once in your life by a wee willie winkie. ;)

hawaii 5-0
9/8/2015, 01:29 AM
I bet you've been amused more than once in your life by a wee willie winkie. ;)

Only a bonafide Beta Male would snipe at a fellow Sooner behind some reputation feedback system.

Kinda like the little yappy dog barkin' so loudly behind the safety of the screen door.

Guess the alas haven't dropped yet.


hawaii 5-0
9/8/2015, 01:35 AM
50 I dont really much give a shat, Can you nut understand that? I simply said Why start something because you dont trust some one then Back off and so OK we trust you now, Crarry on. Oh by the way if you see you doning somethin wrong you will tell us right? Never said it was the whole deal. Yer a Moran

Vet, I'm not accusing you of makin' stuff up. At least not this time. Just sayin' that a lot of the critics of the Iran Deal haven't taken the time to read what it entails. I think most of those who have are agreeable to its passage.
Of course, as far as Congress is concerned the support on either side falls on the party lines.

Personally I see it as just another lame attempt to stymie anything Obama tries to accomplish, as stated by McConnell when Obama took office 7 years ago. Nothing new here.


Serenity Now
9/8/2015, 08:28 AM
Only a bonafide Beta Male would snipe at a fellow Sooner behind some reputation feedback system.

Kinda like the little yappy dog barkin' so loudly behind the safety of the screen door.

Guess the alas haven't dropped yet.


Agree. You'd think that the self-described Alpha males would look down on the sniping through reputation as a "p ussy" way to go. The irony is that they have the toughest avatars around.

9/8/2015, 08:50 AM
Vet, I'm not accusing you of makin' stuff up. At least not this time. Just sayin' that a lot of the critics of the Iran Deal haven't taken the time to read what it entails. I think most of those who have are agreeable to its passage.
Of course, as far as Congress is concerned the support on either side falls on the party lines.

Personally I see it as just another lame attempt to stymie anything Obama tries to accomplish, as stated by McConnell when Obama took office 7 years ago. Nothing new here.


You could believe the pubs are just playing politics in opposing the deal but how do you explain why Schumer and some other dems are against the deal?

Serenity Now
9/8/2015, 08:59 AM
I don't think it's necessarily politics as much as it's different philosophies. I'm sure politics plays a role for some. I think more in the area of some guy/gal from a red state who's ambivalent about what he thinks about it but he goes with what his constituency would support. The problem is that the polls show interesting things. Obama and Trump can propose the same thing and the opinion of the base varies widely. Another great example: More Republicans think that Obama was born in Kenya than think Cruz was born in Canada. So, when John Doe goes to Washington to represent his people he needs to use his own brain some.

9/8/2015, 09:08 AM
Chuck Schumer is Jewish and he has a large percentage of Jewish voters in his state who listen to Bibi.

9/8/2015, 09:46 AM
Chuck Schumer is Jewish and he has a large percentage of Jewish voters in his state who listen to Bibi.

Another strange phenomenon. Pubs historically are much more ardent about their support of Israel than dems yet Jews overwhelmingly vote liberal/dem.

Serenity Now
9/8/2015, 10:14 AM
Another strange phenomenon. Pubs historically are much more ardent about their support of Israel than dems yet Jews overwhelmingly vote liberal/dem.

It's due to their status as the "chosen people". Something to do with the apocolypse, Revelation, etc.

9/8/2015, 10:30 AM
It's due to their status as the "chosen people". Something to do with the apocolypse, Revelation, etc.

Ironically the chosen people don't believe in the book of revelations.

9/8/2015, 10:31 AM
Another strange phenomenon. Pubs historically are much more ardent about their support of Israel than dems yet Jews overwhelmingly vote liberal/dem.

I think this shows that from an external observer point of view, Dem and Pub policies are not that different. Regardless of administration, we will always support Israel and we will supply them with enough $$ and weapons tech to level Iran if they feel that desperate. I understand why Israel feels the way they do about Iran, but our policies don't always align. They are very dependent on us, so we will kiss and make up no matter how this deal turns out.

9/8/2015, 10:47 AM
Another strange phenomenon. Pubs historically are much more ardent about their support of Israel than dems yet Jews overwhelmingly vote liberal/dem.

I think this is overstated. Hell, Eisenhower had the French, Brits, and Israelis all pack up and gtfo of Suez in 56. Reagan and Bush I had problems regarding sale of AWACS to Saudis and Shamirs threats to attack Iraq in middle of first Gulf War. Tend the think the dispensationalist and various apocalypse nuts of the GOP pull the card so much many tend to repeat the lie.

hawaii 5-0
9/8/2015, 01:28 PM
I think the Jews would be happy if we attacked Israel immediately.

How many nukes does Israel have ?

How many does Iran have ?

Why worry ?

Israel has shown over and over they can take care of their own business and then some, thank you.


9/8/2015, 02:02 PM
The neocons, statists, and military industrial complex have sure whipped a lot of you people up into an absolute frenzy over Iran. Even if those people build the bomb, they'd still need a way of delivering it to the United States (which they don't have) plus a willingness to allow the entire country to be turned into a glass parking lot. The leadership of Iran are not dumb low-IQ jihadists they get to strap a bomb to themselves and blow up a shopping mall. They're preservationists -- they want to live. They aren't going to endure the wrath of the full weight (up to and including our nuclear arsenal) of our military to accomplish what, exactly? What is Iran after? What would their end goals be?

Iran and North Korea are all bluster. Their sabre rattling is for the consumption of their internal population.

9/8/2015, 02:05 PM
Vet, I'm not accusing you of makin' stuff up. At least not this time. Just sayin' that a lot of the critics of the Iran Deal haven't taken the time to read what it entails. I think most of those who have are agreeable to its passage.
Of course, as far as Congress is concerned the support on either side falls on the party lines.

Personally I see it as just another lame attempt to stymie anything Obama tries to accomplish, as stated by McConnell when Obama took office 7 years ago. Nothing new here.


The TPP is far more dangerous to the United States than the Iran deal. By an order of magnitutde.Anger and fear are entirely misdirected as is usually the case.

9/8/2015, 02:10 PM
I think this is overstated. Hell, Eisenhower had the French, Brits, and Israelis all pack up and gtfo of Suez in 56. Reagan and Bush I had problems regarding sale of AWACS to Saudis and Shamirs threats to attack Iraq in middle of first Gulf War. Tend the think the dispensationalist and various apocalypse nuts of the GOP pull the card so much many tend to repeat the lie.

I don't think it's overstating it IMO that the pubs are usually closer to the stances preferred by Israel than are the dems. I certainly never took Shamir's threats to attack Saddam after Israel was being bombed by scuds as a problem with Daddy Bush. The fact that Israel stayed out of the fight showed pretty good restraint on Shamir's part along with good cooperation with Bush and the other allies.

Being closer in line with Israel's desired stances is not necessarily a good thing about the pubs. What's best for Israel and what's best for the US are not always the same thing. The dems have done a better job of at least pushing for Israel to make concessions on the West Bank, Gaza, etc... I just haven't seen a strong push by the pubs for the same thing.

But the pubs support for Israel has never translated into votes from the Jews in the US.

9/8/2015, 03:08 PM
The neocons, statists, and military industrial complex have sure whipped a lot of you people up into an absolute frenzy over Iran. Even if those people build the bomb, they'd still need a way of delivering it to the United States (which they don't have) plus a willingness to allow the entire country to be turned into a glass parking lot. The leadership of Iran are not dumb low-IQ jihadists they get to strap a bomb to themselves and blow up a shopping mall. They're preservationists -- they want to live. They aren't going to endure the wrath of the full weight (up to and including our nuclear arsenal) of our military to accomplish what, exactly? What is Iran after? What would their end goals be?

Iran and North Korea are all bluster. Their sabre rattling is for the consumption of their internal population.

Stop making me agree with you - I have a reputation at stake.