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View Full Version : Are you a Cracker? I am

8/11/2015, 03:20 PM
https://scontent-lax1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11828821_1680552858841040_5767420470344724794_n.jp g?oh=280bdec9334d6697b9b982724fe5888a&oe=564F6834

8/11/2015, 03:23 PM
I'm so honky, that my peener is a honky and has it's own honky elbow.

Curly Bill
8/11/2015, 03:23 PM
I am, but I feel really really guilty about it! ;)

8/11/2015, 03:26 PM
I am, but I feel really really guilty about it! ;)

I feel guilty about NOT feeling guilty!

8/11/2015, 03:27 PM
I got my Ancestry DNA results back and it say's I'm 95% honky and 5% Engine.

Curly Bill
8/11/2015, 03:35 PM
I feel guilty about NOT feeling guilty!

I know! As a privileged white male I feel like I should feel unworthy of having it soooo much better than everyone else. But yet I don't feel particularly bad about it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

8/11/2015, 05:02 PM
I'm a gender-fluid and racial-fluid vegan gluten-free otherkin.

8/12/2015, 08:16 AM
You know, in context of how the word is used here, I grew up in Mississippi and I still don't know what a "cracker" is, why you would call someone that and why I should be offended. Same for "honky"... I don't get it. BTW, my ancestors fought with the a Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment in the War between the States.

8/12/2015, 09:20 AM
You know, in context of how the word is used here, I grew up in Mississippi and I still don't know what a "cracker" is, why you would call someone that and why I should be offended. Same for "honky"... I don't get it. BTW, my ancestors fought with the a Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment in the War between the States.

A "cracker", was a honky, that back in the day, "cracked" the whip.

8/12/2015, 10:09 AM
A "cracker", was a honky, that back in the day, "cracked" the whip.

Edit to add: Not all crackers were honkies. Some were black that owned slaves.

8/13/2015, 11:13 AM
I knew that a cracker was to connote some aspect of slavery, but what of a honky. Since I am 1st gen Southern, none of those terms have meaning to me nor would be descriptive of me. Should I be offended?