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View Full Version : Carly Fiorina takes on Chris Matthews. Poor Chris.

8/7/2015, 01:51 PM
Conservatives finally have that great communicator that we've been lacking since Reagan.

Liberals, Socialists and Communists beware.


8/7/2015, 02:10 PM
Fiorina is, arguably, the best communicator of the bunch. I've really enjoyed watching her campaign, and I've been impressed she's marshaled the support she has. She isn't my top choice. She isn't even in my top 3. But, she is my #1 pick for the VP slot. Whomever the eventual nominee is would be stupid not to pick Fiornia as a running mate.

8/7/2015, 02:52 PM
Fiorina is, arguably, the best communicator of the bunch. I've really enjoyed watching her campaign, and I've been impressed she's marshaled the support she has. She isn't my top choice. She isn't even in my top 3. But, she is my #1 pick for the VP slot. Whomever the eventual nominee is would be stupid not to pick Fiornia as a running mate.

Are you still with Ron Paul after last night? I thought his little shouting match with Chris Christy was over the top. Then as Christy was describing hugging the 9/11 victims families, Paul was rolling his eyes and making faces. Didn't appear very Presidential to me. I liked Cruz and Rubio and then maybe Huckabee third as to delivery. But a stage full of mostly moderates trying desperately to remake themselves into conservatives gets tiresome.
Carly has to be on the ticket somewhere. She is obviously very, very talented. I dream of her debating the Wicked Witch Hillary.

8/7/2015, 02:59 PM
Carly Fiorina Supports DREAM Act, but Says She's Against "Amnesty"


During an interview on “The Laura Ingraham Show” Tuesday morning, Fiorina blasted the former Florida governor, calling him “dead wrong” on immigration reform and common core.
The former Hewlett-Packard CEO also referred to Bush as “a big government Republican,” specifically over Common Core, while telling Ingraham she isn’t sure if Bush believes that “government is too powerful.”

“Jeb Bush is dead wrong on a couple issues,” Fiorina said flatly. “He’s dead wrong on comprehensive immigration reform. He’s dead wrong on Common Core. He’s dead wrong about government being too powerful. “I think government is too powerful, I’m not sure he believes that.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/04/14/dead-wrong-fiorina-slams-jeb-over-amnesty-common-core-audio/#ixzz3i9yw1kDA
I've been overlooking Carly....maybe I shouldn't. Although her support of dreamers is troubling.

8/7/2015, 03:39 PM
I've been overlooking Carly....maybe I shouldn't. Although her support of dreamers is troubling.

Yes for the Dreamers but against Amnesty is a concern. Again, us Republicans are the worst about expecting that perfect candidate. There isn't one. But I am excited about a candidate for the first time in a long time. I think 52 she has "it". I would feel comfortable with her in a debate against anyone. She sure didn't let Chris Matthews get to her, and there a lot of people out there that can't say that. Can't wait for the next round of debates.

8/7/2015, 03:47 PM
Are you still with Ron Paul after last night? I thought his little shouting match with Chris Christy was over the top.
Over the top? I hate listening to that fat sack of **** -- I wanted to cram a donut down his ****ing fat face just so he'd shut the hell up. In any case, I'm not fickle. I don't change candidates based off of a few lines said in a debate even if Paul said something wrong -- which he didn't. He was right on message.

Then as Christy was describing hugging the 9/11 victims families, Paul was rolling his eyes and making faces. Didn't appear very Presidential to me.
Oh what a load of absolute bull****. Rand rolled his eyes because Christy was pandering and making a nonsensical emotional argument to justify the blanket warrantless surveillance of every American in the country in the name of fighting terror, and he was exploiting the memory and death of 9/11 victims to do it. It was shameless and disgusting. Furthermore, PLENTY of Presidential candidates have rolled their eyes, checked their watch, become snippy, etc. Where were you to bash Graham for rolling his eyes at Paul on the Senate floor when Paul was talking about the intent of the Founding Fathers and the Bill of Rights?

I liked Cruz and Rubio and then maybe Huckabee third as to delivery. But a stage full of mostly moderates trying desperately to remake themselves into conservatives gets tiresome.
Carly has to be on the ticket somewhere. She is obviously very, very talented. I dream of her debating the Wicked Witch Hillary.

Rubio and Huckabee are moderates. They are both pro-government statists -- especially Huckabee. You seem to be all over the place ideologically; although, you're at least correct about Cruz.

8/7/2015, 04:47 PM
Like Him or Don't like him Rand Paul was not very good last night

8/7/2015, 04:47 PM
Over the top? I hate listening to that fat sack of **** -- I wanted to cram a donut down his ****ing fat face just so he'd shut the hell up. In any case, I'm not fickle. I don't change candidates based off of a few lines said in a debate even if Paul said something wrong -- which he didn't. He was right on message.

Oh what a load of absolute bull****. Rand rolled his eyes because Christy was pandering and making a nonsensical emotional argument to justify the blanket warrantless surveillance of every American in the country in the name of fighting terror, and he was exploiting the memory and death of 9/11 victims to do it. It was shameless and disgusting. Furthermore, PLENTY of Presidential candidates have rolled their eyes, checked their watch, become snippy, etc. Where were you to bash Graham for rolling his eyes at Paul on the Senate floor when Paul was talking about the intent of the Founding Fathers and the Bill of Rights?

Rubio and Huckabee are moderates. They are both pro-government statists -- especially Huckabee. You seem to be all over the place ideologically; although, you're at least correct about Cruz.

I'm all over the place? I stated I liked Rubio, Cruz and Huckabee as to DELIVERY. If you think that Paul came across well, then that's fine. I thought he came across as rude, unpolished and childish. Man take a chill pill...and read.

Serenity Now
8/7/2015, 04:56 PM
Are you still with Ron Paul after last night? I thought his little shouting match with Chris Christy was over the top. Then as Christy was describing hugging the 9/11 victims families, Paul was rolling his eyes and making faces. Didn't appear very Presidential to me. I liked Cruz and Rubio and then maybe Huckabee third as to delivery. But a stage full of mostly moderates trying desperately to remake themselves into conservatives gets tiresome.
Carly has to be on the ticket somewhere. She is obviously very, very talented. I dream of her debating the Wicked Witch Hillary.

Not to diminish Carly at all. But, don't you think she might be better used as Sec State or Treasury? Something that can get crap done? VP? Hell, Biden did that OK.

8/7/2015, 05:01 PM
I'm all over the place? I stated I liked Rubio, Cruz and Huckabee as to delivery. If you think that Paul came across well, then that's fine. I thought he came across as rude, unpolished and childish. Man take a chill pill...and read.

lol, Christie was on stage slobbering over himself pre-blaming the next terrorist attack on a sitting United States Senator for wanting to protect the Constitutional rights of Americans and, essentially, accusing him of having blood on his hands while not caring about 9/11 victims but you say Paul was rude for an eyeroll? Please.

Christie is a dangerous sack of ****. He'll never be the nominee, but if he were then the only thing I would want to see out of this election is the absolute destruction and death of the Republican Party. Christie is not the only one I feel that way toward. You can add Huck, Jeb, and Graham to that list. Graham especially is the real anti-Christ in this ****show of political midgets.

Also, I never commented on how Paul did during the debate. I said he didn't say anything wrong.

8/7/2015, 05:03 PM
Not to diminish Carly at all. But, don't you think she might be better used as Sec State or Treasury? Something that can get crap done? VP? Hell, Biden did that OK.

It depends entirely on who the nominee is. If you have a Paul, Cruz, or Trump as the nominee then you really need Fiornia to calm the establishment/Chamber wing of the party. If you have a JEB Bush as the nominee, god Forbid, then yes she'd be better in a cabinet level position.

Curly Bill
8/7/2015, 05:04 PM
Christie is indeed a fat sack of crap! Jeb is only marginally better than that, and Graham may be between the two of them. Huckabee to me is pretty inoffensive, though he does remind me of a Republican Jimmuh Carter, with his overly folksy country preacher persona, though I don't put him in the same category of patently stupid as ol Jimmuh.

8/7/2015, 05:05 PM
Not to diminish Carly at all. But, don't you think she might be better used as Sec State or Treasury? Something that can get crap done? VP? Hell, Biden did that OK.

Assuming she runs as VP on a winning ticket, that positions her well for a run for the Presidency, right? Biden might still run. Heck if anyone would start looking into Hillary in an objective, non bias way, no telling how much dirt they would find.

Serenity Now
8/7/2015, 05:06 PM
I think Rubio is the most electable out of that bunch.

8/7/2015, 05:06 PM
Christie is indeed a fat sack of crap! Jeb is only marginally better than that, and Graham may be between the two of them. Huckabee to me is pretty inoffensive, though he does remind me of a Republican Jimmuh Carter, with his overly folksy country preacher persona, though I don't put him in the same category of patently stupid as ol Jimmuh.

Huck is a good man, but he's a statist. Huckabee is the type that is perfectly willing, even enthusiastic, about using the size and scope of government to further his own ends even when it's the Federal government. He has supported the increase of taxes on fatty/unhealthy food in order to force Americans to eat healthier exposing his belief in using public policy for social engineering.

When he was governor he drastically increased Arkansas state spending while increasing taxes. He's also a big fan of increasing spending on social programs especially when they are, ostensibly, pro-family social issues. There's also his dismal record on civil liberties.

Serenity Now
8/7/2015, 05:07 PM
I think Secretary of State is such a more important position than VP.

Curly Bill
8/7/2015, 05:08 PM
Huck is a good man, but he's a statist. Huckabee is the type that is perfectly willing, even enthusiastic, about using the size and scope of government to further his own ends even when it's the Federal government. He has supported the increase of taxes on fatty/unhealthy food in order to force Americans to eat healthier exposing his belief in using public policy for social engineering.

OK, that's more than I knew about him. He sucks!

8/7/2015, 05:12 PM
OK, that's more than I knew about him. He sucks!

Yep...and there's also the tax increases, the increasing the size of Arkansas government, his statements on civil liberties/rights, etc. Huck is no bueno.

8/7/2015, 05:14 PM
I think Secretary of State is such a more important position than VP.

It is, but I'm talking in terms of winning the election. Paul, Cruz, and Trump need Fiornia on that ticket.

8/7/2015, 05:14 PM
Yes for the Dreamers but against Amnesty is a concern. Again, us Republicans are the worst about expecting that perfect candidate. There isn't one. But I am excited about a candidate for the first time in a long time. I think 52 she has "it". I would feel comfortable with her in a debate against anyone. She sure didn't let Chris Matthews get to her, and there a lot of people out there that can't say that. Can't wait for the next round of debates.

I wouldn't say Republicans are bad about holding out for a 'perfect candidate'. I just think within the Republican party there are just more factions with varying priorities. Dems on the other hand are largely anything goes as long as I get mine.

8/7/2015, 05:21 PM
I wouldn't say Republicans are bad about holding out for a 'perfect candidate'. I just think within the Republican party there are just more factions with varying priorities. Dems on the other hand are largely anything goes as long as I get mine.

Which comes from the fact that progressive ideology is post-nationalist and more universal. Conservatism, on the other hand, is non-monolithic and fractured.

Conservatism (including what some choose to call conservatism which isn't conservatism at all) is sort of like the 'War of the Five Kings' right now. Each faction and niche of conservatism has its standard-bearer(s) within the mix right now.

The liberty/tea party wing has Paul and Cruz.
The tea party/establishment wing has Rubio.
The Wall-Street/moderate-liberal wing has Jeb.
The national security/military industrial complex has Graham.

Everyone has their banner flapping in the wind which is why it's so hard to gauge this primary. This is a pretty unusual situation, and it makes it very difficult to predict who will come out on top.

hawaii 5-0
8/8/2015, 02:08 PM
John Kasich will be the VP nominee.

The Pubs need Ohio in their pocket to win. Kasich might give it to them.

Fiorino talks nice but her failure as a CEO will kill her chances.


8/8/2015, 02:54 PM
John Kasich will be the VP nominee.

The Pubs need Ohio in their pocket to win. Kasich might give it to them.

Fiorino talks nice but her failure as a CEO will kill her chances.


The Republican Party always needs Ohio. But it doesn't always make sense to make the geographic-play when choosing a running mate. There are plenty of other factors, and if geography were the ballgame then the GOP would simply find someone from Ohio or Florida every year. I'm increasingly of the opinion that geography means less and less, in and of itself, unless the individual in question is incredibly popular in a state the party needs to win while being otherwise unlikely to do so. I'm not sure that's the case this election.

There are other ways to skin a cat. If Fiornia helps with women enough that their numbers with women tick up a few points then that may be of more benefit both in and out of Ohio than Kasich would be. She would be able to attack Hillary in ways a male contender simply couldn't. Kasich adds little to the ticket aside from where he happens to be governor, and I'm not sure that's enough.

You're right that Fiorina isn't without her own issues, but I think she does a fairly decent job (no pun intended) of addressing the HP question.